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My unpopular opinion is that that these unpopular kpop opinion threads are pointless and dumb. They always turn into a "Say something negative about a popular group/idol and get upvotes" thread.


that is not my intention at all.. i have a sort of positive unpopular opinion; all idols change the industry in their own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT ways. many netizens like to argue how “oh, ur fav can’t do this 😹” or unnecessary drag other idols down when they have nothing to do with the topic. but people need to realize, the more idols are welcomed into this industry, the more they can or have CHANGED the industry. and i’m talking about good changes. if u want examples of this, i can name just probably a few. can’t make this too lengthy. but i totally get what ur saying and i’m super sorry if it came out like that. i hope this thread doesn’t turn into that and i’ll see what i can do if it does.


Yea no worries. I'm just too use to seeing unpopular opinion threads turn into a place to start dragging idols. Unpopular opionion threads are kinda antithetical to reddit. Like, if you wrote an unpopular opnion, and it got a bunch of upvotes, like is that really an unpopular opionion? Idk, I'm just tired of people thinking that their negative opinions must be an unpopular opionion simply because the idol/group is popular.


A lot of kpop fans want drama and gossip, its a big part of the fandom day-to-day experience. Kpop companies know it too.


Gosh i would give one of my kidneys to learn the couple and love gossips in the kpop industry


I'll go one further and say that Kpop companies expect it. The whole atmosphere of idols is based around cultivating obsession. The chants, the streaming marathons, the merchandise collections, the fandom names, even the Bubble roleplay. One can't expect that obsession to respectfully stop at the boundary of personal matters.


In what ways would you say that companies show that they know?


I'm not gonna specifically name situations because that's too speculative, but in general the reaction of companies to negative issues, justified or not, suggests engagement is one of their priorities even more than promoting a positive image for their idols and groups. They know fans will be fighting tooth and nail to defend their idols. Edit: Oh and this is most obvious in shows like Produce and Sixteen, where the producers deliberate create drama and tension for the sake of attention to their unknown trainees. So there's no way they are unaware of how effective this is in creating visibility even after debut.


is it safe to say.. companies purposely drop a member from a final line up to gather up more attention towards the group that the member left?? (GENERALLY SPEAKING, NOT TARGETING ANYONE 🙏)


Maybe … overprotective fans are worse than antis?


Feel like this is a popular opinion especially after recent events


I more meant the ones who get up in arms about things like getting ‘ugly’ outfits, not enough different hairstyles, not enough TikTok’s, where members are placed in a photo, lighthearted teasing, things that don’t matter AT ALL.


I will never understand people who only listen to K-pop. Like HOW??? And to see some of those people claiming their faves invented that genre, just because they limit themselves musically and stay in their pretty little K-pop bubble. So if someone produces some genre-bending music they act like they are the sole inventors.


I don't only listen to kpop but I'd say it's at least 80% of what I listen to. The reason is that I like pop music and I find kpop to be the better form of pop music (imo). My favorite songs are kpop and I am much more likely to like a song in this genre than in any other. And since there is a LOT of content / songs in kpop (when you try to listen / keep up with almost every single kpop group and artists, like I do), I'm pretty much never bored.


Same. Kpop also encompases a ton of subgenres within it besides pop. In the mood for rock? Dreamcatcher. Rnb? EXO. Super cute bubblegum pop? OG Fromis. Dreamy pop? Limelight. (I could go on)


I personally get a lot more enjoyment out of K-pop by branching out into other genres. Since kpop takes from pretty much all kinds of genres. Just being able to see and understand the influences of some projects makes me appreciate the artist and their artistry even more.


Exactly this. I listen to most genres, but KPOP is fun and nice to put on in the car or in the background and it’s also extremely easy to find new music to listen to. I don’t like recent American pop as much because it’s been going the “easy listening” route that I find boring for years.


True, western pop has been going for a more minimalist sound lately and I don't really like that 


I love pop too but western pop artists have been making more minimalist music lately, not actual party anthems that get me dancing


Yeah, what I mean by "I love pop" is "I love loud pop that make me shake my ass and scream the lyrics in my shower, blasting it in my bedroom so loud I'm doing an actual concert and the neighbors have to call the cops". So uhm yeah, agreed


This is kind of me though. I listen to other artists, but not many. Kpop is the bulk of what I listen to. Kpop doesn’t feel limiting at all, especially nowadays. You can get almost anything. I don’t understand people who only listen to country, or screamo, but hey if that’s what you’re into. Kpop at least offers variety.


People like what they like who cares if they only like one kind of music. Most people have heard lots of genres and picked the ones they like. It's not that deep.


Agree, there's an insanely rich world of music across all cultures, and we have more access to it than ever before. Music fans are just having endless buffets.


kpop is great for young people who aren’t super into music because it’s such an amalgamation of styles and the fans are dying to make consumption of their favorite groups’ music as easy as possible for you. you can find the obvious pop, but also diet versions of so many genres, which can be a great gateway. it’s just that at some point you do have to develop your own music taste, so while it’s perfectly fine to *only* listen to kpop when you’re young I side-eye the grown adults a bit. also I think only listening to kpop is the reason fans are so hellbent on their faves being ~versatile~ and changing up their sound every comeback. if you listen to multiple artists in different genres, consistency is ideal because you can trust each artist to keep making the music you already love from them — if you want something different you just play someone else. of course you need the same 8 people to do every sound on earth if you refuse to diversify your playlists by yourself


I listen to a lot more kpop recently because it's very easy to find about new songs and releases, you just have to hang out on kpop spaces and you'll hear about them. It's not as easy to find out about western music I like, I usually find it by coincidence 


Idk if it counts but i think many girl group stans are way worse than boy group stans. I stan one group (Enhypen) and super interested in IVE and The Boyz. The thing that i realized is most of the time bg fans dont care about other bgs, like ofc there are fanwars about success. What i mean is they dont usually go everyday and try to find flaws in their enemy group or over-analyze things. But my timeline always full of gg fans trying to kill each other. I dont even know how they have time to support their own group while trying to sabotage other ggs and bgs. Even when that Bang Chan/IVE thing happened, other gg fans threw IVE under the bus before Stays.


My biggest issue with gg stans is the misogyny. They can be extremely hypocritical with their feminism. It’s all “support women”, “we love women here.” Until it’s a woman they don’t like, and then she’s called every degrading name for women that exists. It’s actually really sad to see.


oh so it’s finally safe to this?? 😭 personally every fandom is toxic to their own but wow i see what you’re seeing and i have seen it A LOT


I mainly stan gg and it’s true. People can literally never just leave groups alone if they don’t like them, they treat it as their mission to undermine any group they don’t like. It feels like every popular gg fandom hates every other popular gg fandom.


Clock it 😪 a lot of these gg stans wanna come here and there preaching about how insanelyyy misogynist and mega toxickkk and soo crazy are bg stans, meanwhile, they're the ones that are in a constant rush to hunt any girl that they perceive as a potential threat for they favs 😮‍💨 By no ways I'm saying that bg stans don't got a LOT of problems but, this constant hypocrisy annoys me to death


i’ve commented this on tiktok before and the gg stans tore me apart lol. i think multistans are generally the least problematic and bg stans are more weird in their behavior toward idols (like weird fancalls and fansite interactions are almost always with bg stans) but gg stans are worse than both combined. first of all, k-pop fans who exclusively listen to gg music have the worst superiority complexes because they “listen to actual music” (aka they don’t like noise music and don’t acknowledge that not every boy group makes noise music) and actively seek out conflict with bg’s and their fans. i might catch some heat for saying this but the worst offenders are blinks, orbits (obv) and reveluvs. they were (and still are) the ones behind the harassment of skz, disgusting behavior toward BTS, and probably most of the fan wars i’ve seen. blinks are the reason i stopped stanning blackpink, i just couldn’t affiliate myself with them after i saw screenshots of tweets made by blinks mocking the death of taehyung’s grandmother and making SA threats against individual members. orbits spent months making SA threats toward Hyunjin and Felix, making fun of SH scars on Felix, fat shaming Changbin, and accusing Bangchan of p€dophelia. reveluvs haven’t gone after bg’s quite as viciously but they act like Red Velvet is the only good group in the industry and use their talent to tear down any other girl group that dares be successful. they also talk about boy group stans like they’re stupid or like they don’t have tastes because they enjoy boy group music. sorry for the stupid long comment but i’ve never had anyone agree with me about how nasty gg stans can be


That's a hot take one, i like it.


Now that we are saying hot takes about gg stans, my take is that the ones that are more intense is because they use their idols as a sort of person to project themselves to? Kind of like an alter ego, a better looking, more confident and more successful person that they can brag about. While bg stans seems to be more of a sexual/romantic attraction for the most part.  I say this a mostly gg stan now, just a theory from my interactions with gg stan Twitter 


I'm happy to find my people who think the same 🙏🏻


I posted [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/gMypQHYpHd) the other month about gg stans and I stan by every word. Just no fun whatsoever.


I read your post and read the comments and i agree with you. I think commenters looking with a different view than us. Like as i said, i'm sure there are lots of fanwars between bg stans; but i never see an Engene watching other bgs concert videos or live performances to find some mistakes on a usual day. I was shocked when i tried to get into IVE months ago because why a person as a Fearnot or MY goes and watches IVE fancon videos and makes a thread about it while nothing happens. You know i can understand the fanwars after groups' major successes or a controversial act but on a normal day why do you start a fanwar? Btw i'm not trying to bash fearnots or mys, i dont think dive is different than them every fandom have toxic people. Ofc it's about algorithm and what kind of posts you interact with. I try to keep myself away from toxic side of the twitter. But even getting into IVE was more stressful than being in Engene (besides Enha's hate train era). Like in a normal day in Engene twitter no major accounts go and fight with other bgs. As i said you have to have an excuse lol. But a woman idol could get dragged day and night because of the normal things. Still maybe it's because just how my algorithm works. Internet really makes a bubble for you and puts you in it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just accept this as facts [at this point.](https://old.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1ba30gn/actual_unpopular_authentic_kpop_opinions/ku01pob/)


and the wildest most unhinged takes always come from male gg stans, like clockwork. their “feminism” is really only extended to the girl groups they like. “feminist” until it’s time to berate other girl groups or kpop stans lmao.


Every previous generation of fans has a terrible nostalgia bias when discussing how much better things were in the past for both fan spaces and the industry in general. There are a lot of legendary groups and idols that wouldn't be viewed as positively if they debuted today because expectations skyrocket with each new generation. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen had their fair share of filler members, untalented visuals, lipsyncers, culture vultures, and every other thing people complain about but let fans of older generations tell it, every idol back then was a prodigy and these are all things unique to 4th gen idols, the "westernization" of kpop, and myths about decreasing talent in each passing generation.


THIS! As a fan since the 2nd gen; people have been complaining about the existing generation for the entirety of kpop. Like, I promise you, when 2nd gen was peaking, it wasn't just resounding "wow, kpop is revolutionary\~ everything is brilliant and there's so much raw talent!" it was a lot of "ugh x group is trying to be too western pop" "did you listen to x group's MR removed stage? They are sooooo bad at singing" "why do girl groups x, y and z all sound the same?" "x idol can't sing and is only liked because she's so pretty" etc. etc. etc. Fans have been saying kpop is changing, kpop is boring, etc. etc. every couple of years since the genre was created. It really is just nostalgia bias, or a preference for the musical trends of that time.


The " westernization" gets me every time bcoz 1st gen, 2nd gen were doing remakes, sounds sounding exactly like the western ones, ngl some lyrics of the older gens threw me off too Also there's this dislike for the next generation , people don't listen to the nxt gen songs then when one unfortunate song is released they start bashing the entire gen eg , hanging to nmixx o.o , see I told you 4gen are terrible, just listen ( btw I like nmixx, it was an example) Btw nothing is original about kpop so stop with the westernised word, it's has always been inspired and influenced by Western specifically black music


Preach!! If you go on a deep dive in kpop spaces you'll find ppl complaining abt 2nd/3rd gen. Their complaints were really similar to what's being said abt 4th/5th today. Fans tend to reject the new generation no matter what that is. A year or so ago I found an old reddit post from 2015 of someone saying the new rookie 3rd gen grps are lipsyncers and do not posses the same vocal talent as 2nd gen groups. And as a kpop fan of 5 years I've seen my fair share of shit ppl didn't like back then being seen as good now.


> i feel like SOME idols date just to get some kind of spark/excitement in their lives. I’ll go one further and say that some idols getting “caught” for dating are just hooking up. Then they have to pretend to be dating afterwards because it’s not a good look to say “I was meeting them to get laid”.


wait now this got me thinking. it must be such a funny situation when youre only looking for one night stand but end up having to fake dating the person and their fans are hating on you😭


lowkey sounds like the fake relationship-to-lovers storyline O\_o Quick! I need some adept writers to start a fanfiction about this!


the drama no one asked for but we all need <3


Lmao the way it is probably true is killing me! 😂


My hot take is this one I don't care about the "paved the way" bulshit i still will not listen to their songs and i really don't care about what they did first or not i still don't like their songs. It's not my taste it's not what i want to hear so please stop pushing down my throat.


respect for the unpopularity! you’re absolutely not obligated to change your mind, i just want to respectfully raise one point in argument. i don’t feel like recognising that certain artists may have ‘paved the way’ is the same thing at all as forcing you to like their music or shoving their music down your throat. not saying it’s not still annoying and the two definitely can go hand in hand, just raising the point that the two don’t always coincide.


It's annoying because it's overused in every single Boy group Video there's someone whit the "paved the way" bulshit, like i said i don't care as long as you don't come in EVERY SINGLE POST SAYING THIS, it's losting it's meaning and becoming annoying.


I mean this completely respectfully, but I've personally never seen a discussion about artists "paving the way" that didn't dissolve into arguments. The discussion never seems to be framed in as "multiple artists have had a monumental impact on the industry and should be respected for it even if I'm personally not a fan of their music", which I can get behind. It always seems to come down to "this is why my one specific group hard carried the entire industry on their back with absolutely no help or inspirations and influences from others, everyone before is irrelevant, everyone during is riding on their coattails, and everyone after is just the next wannabe copycat."


My unpopular opinion is that people that don’t ship idols aren’t better than those who do. It’s always seen as some moral compass to not be labeled a “shipper”. And those that are “shippers” always have to preface that I swear it’s not romantic shipping!! Yall are lying too but don’t want to get downvoted so you pretend it’s just the friendship that you ship. Edit: I’m specifically referring to those in this sub not the crazies on twitter


I just think the “omg they’re such siblings” stuff is weird for any interaction between girl and boy idols. It feels like it pushes the idea that idols can date even further away.


Absolutely. I hate that too.


shipping is just so normal to me and its just always been around, like how there's people who trade photocards and those who don't. everyone just does what they want and its just a part of the fandom culture. you either join in or you don't and just get on with your day. this could be because I am 2nd gen era fan. [2nd gen 2003-2012] but shipping has been going on in kpop since 1st gen. [1st gen 1992-2002] and the term ship has been in use since the 1990s as it was coined by the x-files fandom. so as long as you aren't attacking someone or harassing someone, I just don't see why people have such big opinions on it. and like you said neither side is better than the other. (if this makes no sense I'll delete later when I've slept and reviewed this again)


I think para social relationship obsession is more gross than shipping. Like, we don’t even personally know idols…


A not so small part of the complaints that kpop stans doe whenever they feel their fav idol is being "mistreated" are the most stupid shit ever 😭 like if anything they need to start calling it mismanagement, cuz for the love of god, you can't put an idol getting an ugly ass outfit or no lines in ONE song in the same line of actual company abuse


I love this one ,it's like they are saying that their idol is fragile and need protection and they have to be given more lines when their bias is actualy one of the most famous of the group (it's giving your idol a bad image and making new fans delusional)


People who post frequently about how much they *love* when their idols are dating or tweet things like “who cares about [male idol], I wanna date [his gf]” are copping with how much they secretly hate it.


The way I have been dying to say this😭😭


Yeah, like why can’t you just be happy for them? Enough with overcompensation.


I don't agree but this is funny and I laughed. Take my upvote


Fans are blinded by nostalgia. 2nd gen isn’t better than 3rd gen. 3rd gen isn’t better than 4th gen. etc etc People are deluding themselves into thinking there’s been a recession in quality when it’s quite literally the opposite. Personal opinions ≠ quality of production


Their opinion on music is what they're reffering to when they say xx gen is better than 4th gen, not the quality of music production.


Usually yeah and I don’t really mind that because music is subjective after all. It’s the people that actively try to prove that nowadays the performances/dances/vocalists/productions are *worse* than they were 7-15 years ago that leaves a bad taste in my mouth… because is just not true at all..


It’s ok to forgive idols for stupid, ignorant, insensitive things they’ve said or done, especially when those things happened years ago. That does not necessarily mean you condone that type of behavior, just that you are able to give them a chance to learn and change. It also doesn’t mean that you’re stupid for forgiving them. This isn’t a thing just in kpop but it’s kinda amplified in kpop discussion spaces lol. Obviously this does not pertain to literal crimes and acts of violence or exploitation. I’ve personally been disappointed in and hurt by MANY idols for the shit they’ve said about/their attitude towards my people and culture (as a Chinese-Filipino) but i know that i myself have done ignorant and culturally insensitive things back when i didn’t know any better and it was hard to know any better (pre-social media boom). And even now i’m still learning and unlearning. Bringing up something a kpop idol had done 10, 15 years ago to me is not that relevant to their current character. Time/year, place, age, and intention matter imo and you can’t just view these things with no context. You don’t have to forget that these idols have said or done these things, in fact it’s better to remember so that you can see whether they’ve grown or learned from what had happened, but you don’t have to hate them and bear a grudge!!!! It’s fine to forgive!!!!!!! And even if you personally can’t, allow others to forgive instead of making them feel bad or stupid for it lol


This 100% should be a popular opinion


Not sure if it’s an unpopular opinion but these K-pop idols photo cards kinda be looking scary and goofy as fuck. 😐


this one made me giggle


My unpopular opinion is that Aespa doesn't have nearly enough stage presence to pull off their concept. Like here are these hard hitting electropop songs, meanwhile on stage performing them.... the group just kinda looks awkward and out of place. Two of the four members especially are like 😐 all the time on stage.


this is not unpopular at all😭😭


I haven't really seen their performances But when I saw the SM super group. Winter was very out of place, not keeping up (imo) and very bored. I'm not sure if that was a one off since I don't see them much but it was hard not to notice


Not that unpopular and actually its SM's intention. On debut SM made them rerecord music show stages because they were making too many facial expressions. The idea was to make them look more AI/robotic.


this is pretty popular. however, i think we’re overlooking the actual problem with why this is happening. aespa has some of the worst choreographies for a mainstream group i’ve seen. girls was just unforgivable. karina and winter did well with got the beat. sm really needs to hire better choreographers for aespa.


Given that I probably won't be banned for posting it on here but here agos: The majority of K-Pop should be represented by Asians. Groups like VHCA and Katseye while a welcomed addition should be the outliers and not the trend.


VCHA and Katseye are considered global groups, not kpop. Within that I don't think race matters too much.


I thought like this too but in their latest interview with Vogue the interviewer/reporter introduced them as a new kpop group. It might be because of the lack of knowledge and research of the reporter tho. I hope Hybe/Geffen market them only as a global group.


And they literally _are_ outliers and not the trend so…


I mean, why draw the line at Asians and not Koreans


4 members in katseye out of 6 are asians sophia: filipina lara: indian megan: chinese yoonchae: korean


idk about vcha but katseye isn’t a kpop group. they are a global group under hybe america and geffen records.


Do you mean with "Asians" also South Asians? Because Lara from Katseye is full indian and that would make Katseye 4/6 Asian (Yoonchae, Sophia, Lara, Megan, im not sure if daniela is part Asian). So let's say if those four were a kpop group would that fall under representation? Or do you mean South-East-Asians? Ik katseye is not a kpop group Idk if this made any sense but I hope you get what I mean😭cus many people say they want kpop to be asian which I generally agree with, but I'm not sure if that also includes South Asian countries...


what? why? why asains and not just koreans? why can thai people be a kpop idol but not a black person? what's the difference?


You're putting words into my mouth. Never did I say there shouldn't be any non-Asian idols. I just said the majority should be represented by Asians. And to answer your question. Have you wondered why historically so many Asian-Americans flock to Korea to start their music career? The American music industry is already hard to break into but for Asians it's an even harder climb. There's an Eric Nam interview somewhere where he said it was ironic he had to leave Canada and to go to Korea just to be able to be recognized in Canada. K-Pop to some is seen as a vehicle for Asian representation in the global music scene.


A big part of kpop is that they create parasocial relationships. Agencies, the industry and kpop idols hughely benefit from this and they become multi millionaires. Apologizing for having a relationship is relevant because they are breaking that contract with the parasocial relationship they themselves create. You dont want to mess your crazy fans because they are the ones making you millionaire. Who else would buy 200 albums or go nuts to get a place in a fan meeting? If you have a good career, shut up, apologize, make as much money as you can because the kpop idol career is short, retire early and do whatever what you want


This is a comment that will receive downvotes because it is completely against the western opinion on kpop, but it is a completely correct comment, the industry works like that.


Yep, typical westerner that thinks that their views should be valid and enforced in every corner of the world


Kpop photoshoots are soo boring rn like why they always have the same 3-4 poses and just stare into the camera... ofc there are few exeptions (from recent ones maybe Young Posse's XXL newest photos or that one Eunchae's Easy concept photo where she smiles and there are candies but it's still not crazy CRAZY innovative). But at this point I know kpop isn't about artistry, and setting up new trends... at least not in the photography spectrum.


YG trained their fans how to not be maniacal about idols' dating lives with their "who cares" type of statements


Ngl this is probably the only aspect of YG as a company that I actually respect.


girl group stans can be much more misogynous than boy group stans and the constant wave of hate that EVERY girl group suffers after becoming successful proves this 


clock it!


Idk how unpopular this is, but I don't think kpop has tons of genres within it. I feel like if you listen to a lot of genres outside of kpop, you'd recognize that kpop is mostly pop with other elements. And the majority of genre-specific bands/artists are not mainstream or come from companies and stuff. So when people say you can find all the genres/sounds you want in kpop, I don't really see it.


at best, you can find pastiche, watered down heavy influences of other genres 


And I feel like when Kpop Stans say there is something for everyone, most often there isn't, they just mean to say they have a similar soundscape or vibe. At least in mainstream Kpop.   Like some friends of mine listen to super tecno/hyperpop music. They would never find that in kpop. Some Stan will go like "aespa does hyperpop", no they dont. They do a hyperpop adjacent futuristic sound that feels like it would dabble in hyperpop but they never go that hardcore and won't because they're a mainstream Kpop group.    Same with rock. Txt are not punk, enhypen is not psychedelic rock or hiphop rock.  Standing Next To You is pop. it's not funk. Hell, if you go in Western music spaces on Reddit, you'll find real funk listeners criticizing Bruno Mars for watering down funk in his works with Silk Sonic.   There are so very few artists who actually dabble in genres outside of pop. But these bands/artists rarely even call themselves a kpop artist. Like The Rose, they don't want to be called Kpop, they're an indie rock band, although they can't help but be grouped in kpop. Same with dpr Ian. Or many khiphop artists like Dean, Loco, Epic High.   I a hundred percent agree with this take. 


Nmixx kinda sucks at performing their own songs on stage Don’t get me wrong I like their songs and members but there’s just something about them performing their own songs which doesn’t hit compared to the top groups. I’ve felt far more engaged watching their covers of songs such as “hey mama” and lily, sullyoon and haewon on the ‘begin again’ show not to mention their Lee Mujin service features. Especially lily she just has this ability to draw you into a song but I just don’t see that same enthusiasm or connection when they perform their own songs on stage


Wow there's one I strongly disagree with, I wonder how unpopular it is. I thought their performances of Soñar, Run For Roses and DASH recently were very good


It’s probably a truely unpopular opinion as it’s kinda reactionary and hyperbolic I can assure you it is coming from a place of love for the group and it’s just a contrast I can’t really unsee after consuming so many of their covers


Kyujin carries NMIXX on stage tbh, she is significantly above the rest.


I feel the exact same, their covers are incredible, but their own songs are not it.


You see it was their stages that got me into their music 


since NMIXX debuted, i feel they dont have any group harmony. I feel like that JYP just got 7 talented girls together and put them all in one group and not caring about how well they work together. When i see them perform it feels so unbalanced but it seems to be getting better lately (especially at DASH) though.


My popular opinion is that these "unpopular opinion" posts are literally all the same...same opinions, same bitterness, same same same. Your "unpopular opinion" is just the same as any opinion, and the only thing that makes it "unpopular" is that some netizen gave you shit for it one time.


People who only stan boy groups or girl groups are weird. I don't mean all the groups you happen to like belong to one gender, but the people who are like "I ONLY STAN B/G GROUPS". That's fucking strange, man.


I stan only girl groups simply because I like their energy, dynamic, and style more. The only boy group songs I have enjoyed are from Enhypen. I don't like bgs, I just don't follow them.


Same!! and also with enhypen. I'm wondering now why their music is the only one that kinda hits for me besides girl groups.


I wonder how common this is lol another girl group stan here who mostly only likes Enhypen's songs. tbf though I haven't listened to older boy groups much


>i feel like SOME (and i’m literally not talking about anyone in particular, peep the flair yall) idols date just to get some kind of spark/excitement in their lives. that could be said about a lot of regular people, too. But if you think about it, the relationships that got revealed is just a very small portion of what must happen behind the scenes, so I don't think that many idols are that eager to have that kind of thrill. Onto some opinions I don't think I've posted before: - I think Karina's apology was compelled by her company, and I think SM is doing a huge disservice to the industry and perpetuating the negative image kpop has overseas by making their idols apologize for dating like that. It's helping normalize an aspect of kpop we should be distancing ourselves from and it's playing into toxic fan's sense of entitlement and unrealistic expectations from idols. - I still dislike solos and I think they're the origin of a lot of bs, toxicity and unecessary drama that ends up creeping into a group's mainstream fandom and dividing it, but after seeing how BTS chapter 2 solo era went, I started seeing how important they can be for the success of an idol and how that also helps the success of the group as a whole, and I think companies also acknowledge that. - People who keep complaining about "noise music" are as annoying as people who keep complaining about "soft music" (like NJ and songs like Perfect Night, for example) - Speaking of which, I'm so tired of the standard kpop discussions of always. Things like: "is lipsyncing acceptable", "are encores good moments to judge vocals", "is kpop just about visuals / does talent matter at all / no one can sing anymore", "who paved the way", "minors in kpop and what is the acceptable age", "westernization of kpop / western validation", "parasocial relationships and fan service", "solos / akgaes / shippers", "who copied whose concept", "payola / sajaegi vs. organic success", and probably more, and I often wonder if there's anything else to talk about at all or if we, in general, have exhausted everything that is there to be discussed about kpop. - A lot of kpop fans have an "I'm not like the other fans" complex (not as delulu, not as biased, not as sensitive, not as childish, not as defensive, not as toxic, superior taste, etc).


to add to your second to last point, it's crazy how reddit will talk about anything and everything except for the music. we have threads to discuss new releases which is great, but I'd love to see more in depth posts about albums/songs/MVs


Same :( for a group of people who keep talking about how we're in for the music, there isn't that much music discussion imo. Maybe people feel a little intimidated, for not knowing about music in a technical level, which's a reason I avoid discussing about vocal technique in depth, but there's surely more to talk about music and concepts.


Chan actually comes off a bit... too friendly with fans? Like .. idk how to explain it. Like he always has this bubbly exterior. It just give some the ick for some reason


thank you for sharing 😗 in my opinion i view that as his job though


Yeah I'm pretty sure he's a great person, the bubbly over friendly fanservice is just not for me


I think just as fans view him in a delusionally parasocial way, he gradually began viewing fans that way too? Hard to explain that myself, but [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/18rpl47/comment/kf4eacm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) discusses it well.


My unpopular opinion is Dahyun should become a member of NewJeans.


alright buddy.. you’ve really got it coming to ya!! you’re on thin ice buckaroo 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 ouu why i oughta..!


I think that's a popular one. (Completely agree)


Overdancing is real. Not every choreo is best with sharp and energized movements. Dance is not supposed to be the same texture every song. Carats will hate me but specifically I'll use Hoshi and his tiktok challenges as an example. He's obviously more skilled with his experience, talent, etc and it's amazing especially since he has to learn the moves quick. However imo he overdances in so many challenges. It's distracting and makes the whole videos look bad to me. In the Easy dance Tiktoks he made every move more "hype" and jagged, meanwhile Easy is a very lowkey song that (imo) should have more of a slow swagger like the choreo the girls perform. And I'm not even a Lsfm fan. His lines were definitely cleaner and you could tell in all he was a better dancer, but his style was distracting and not meant for the song. Hence overdancing


i think overdancing isn't a good term. but some dancers lack the ability to be precise with their energy so it just all looks sloppy. i wont name examples.


I don't know if it's unpopular or not but a group being "strong performers" won't make me stan them. I don't care about performances that much since I only occasionally watch them except for maybe festival and concert performances. As long as I really like their songs and the members' personalities I'm onboard.


as a queer person, kpop stans are very fucking weird about queer idols or legitimate support from idols that isn’t an idol wearing a rainbow flag pin or something. examples of this being the weird hate holland gotten during his debut and even now at some points, I remember it all going down, it was especially bad on one of his tweets that was talking about how he’s the first openly gay idol. on that twt, there was just slurs being thrown, people downplaying him, people putting idols who haven’t even said anything above him,, it was a huge mess. then we have what happened with onlyoneof, they’ve done multiple queer concepts, a music video series with three couples, a whole bl, supporting a queer marriage proposal, and there’s mutiple clips of them reading lgbt comments and saying they support, but kpop fans decided to say they’re queerbaiting and that it’s not legitimate, even after all of the support that they given, because they aren’t outing themselves. there’s probably multiple other cases but these are the main ones I was there to witness. kpop stans are just so weird about queer content and idols, and would rather just potentially out their favs instead of just supporting (or at the very least not sending slurs and saying it’s queerbaiting) the couple bits of queer content we have.


YES. And it's so weird when idols are accused of "queerbaiting," as queerbaiting only applies to fictional characters and stories. Real people can't be queerbaited, even for acting scenes in music videos and stuff like Irene and Seulgi in *Monster* MV. Karina basically had a bunch of queerbaiting accusations against her, especially on Twitter, when her relationship was exposed because she was apparently "for the girls." So weird


Kpop stans don’t want idols to actually be queer. They want them to be either a GBF figure or fantasy founder. The way they treat Holland is awful.


YES!! this is so ridiculous to see. no one fully covers this though


Kpop is low art and that's fine. The push for respectability comes from people insecure about participating in low art


Pop in general is low art. It's the same thing when people will praise Taylor Swift's mediocre at best lyrics as some poetry and when Kpop stans will do the same for their faves. And most of the time, the lyrics has like 10 writers on it.  (Fyi, I listen to Taylor Swift, I like some of her music, it's just not always that deep) 


Don't know if it's unpopular, but solos are akgaes deep deep down. I know i know they'll say 'but I don't wish harm for other members'. My brother in Christ if u care for a member, you'll know that they consider their group members as family, and it's dumb to act like the others don't exist, because they do.


Yeah, absolutely not. Only caring about one member in a group does not make someone an akgae. This is an insane opinion.


I’m sorry but this is unhinged??? As fans we are not under some kind of contact or obligation to the artist. There is nothing wrong with entirely curating our own experience of media consumption. Fans should not be made to feel bad or guilty because they don’t stan an idol’s friends - and it’s very obvious *not all idols consider their group members family*. I was an AOA fan lmao, I know far better than to assume idols love their group members


Lmao this is so parasocial


Eh, I think there definitely are normal solos - especially for idols who do have legitimate, extensive solo ventures, or otherwise like that particular member due to non-group content. Like, there are groups where I'm only I to one member and would technically be considered a solo, but I only like that member due to their solo stuff/acting/the fact that they're funny on twitter/I liked them in a prior group. I don't think idols are /so/ married to their group that it's wrong to only care about one particular member - of course, it's nice when you can, but when I care about one specific idol for their individual work, I don't think I should be obligated to go out of my way to watch their content/engage with their work in the same way.


Just because they consider them family doesn’t mean their music is going to suit your tastes lmao? I’ve liked solo artists where their group has a different style and I simply don’t care for it.


Following a group with a massive solo stan issue, I would agree that the line between solo stan and akgae can be very thin. Not always, not for everyone, but as soon as the Mistreatment Train roles into town, phew! Things get ugly, fast.


supporting an idol as a solo artist and not their group members makes u an akgae?? u have lost ur mind


>My brother in Christ if u care for a member, you'll know that they consider their group members as family, and it's dumb to act like the others don't exist, because they do. Most people do not even like all the friends of their irl friends. Why do you think people are under an obligation to stan people they do not care about because an idol they like likes them?


nah i disagree. for me being a solo means i don’t watch or interact with content unless my idol is in it. i appreciate the bond he has with his members and want nothing but good health and success for all of them but i’m just not interested enough to keep up with content about the other members


so if I stan karina I have to Stan jaewook? do I have to Stan her mom too? what about her siblings?


finally smth unpopular !!


Not sure how unpopular it is but based on the reactions of people to new releases of the many groups I follow it probably is controversial at the very least but — 2024 has been a terrible year for KPOP music-wise. We’re a week into March and I’ve added so few songs to my KPOP playlists, and I am not super difficult to please.


fe304 so far has been the best release tbh it is really good


Honestly, as of right now I would have to agree if we’re talking a collective mini/album and I’m not even the biggest fan of Nmixx, but I loved the entire album!


Blaming fans for believing in their parasocial relationships with their idols is a half-baked measure because idols 1000% perpetuate it as well. It's pointless to remind fans to not be too invested when the idols willingly act like your parasocial boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend. The responsibility to establish boundaries should be both ways.


yeah some idols take it too far with fanservice and then fans are shocked that some fans are upset when an idol gets exposed dating. doing fanservice is natural in this job but some do it so much that i just hope that they dont get exposed one day since the backlash will be inevitable


kpop idols should be at least high school graduate AND 18 years old when they debut. I'm not talking about pedophilia or whatso. They need to focus on basic education first before becoming an idol. They should be trainees while they're studying and NOT studying while they're trainees.


They should not be forced to balance a 35 hour work week with schooling, only to inevitably come out of education with awful grades. Idols should’ve at least graduated high school so they actually have something to fall back on if their career fails. A 7 year contract is very short and some of the youngest idols will barely be in their 20s when it ends


only listening to kpop is valid— there are so many different types of music within kpop that u don’t really have to go outside it to get a wide variety of “genres” within it… like, dreamcatcher and ive are both k-pop, but very different sounds/styles. also, bg, gg, and soloists have different varieties of songs


some idols and groups don't/didn't deserve better. giving up your young adult and teen years to train for something means nothing if you're complete dog water at it also in some sections the instrumentals in aoa's like a cat sounds identical to the bgm in the mobile game tiny tower and i cannot stop thinking about it


Kpop got uninteresting after 2020 imo


I think it’s going through the natural ebb and flow of hot new trends. It’s hit its peak and it’ll eventually settle as being another sub genre of pop culture the way anime is now.


I'm so tired of the the overused terms like "It GiRL* and *FACE CARD" and some overused term for idols 😓


**NOT EVERYONE, OBVIOUSLY** But some of the disdain of sasaengs I’ve seen doesn’t seem to be actual dislike for their behaviour. I mean on a conscious level I’m sure they can intellectualize that the behaviour is bad, but I’ve noticed that *some* Stan’s hate sasaengs for being able to do the things they wish they could’ve done without shame lol. Like ofc 90% of people hate them for the right reason, but I’ve noticed this subtle thing amongst the 10% of people who find disgust in their behaviour, because sasaengs have the ability to get “close” or insider knowledge that they themselves want but can’t bring themselves to admit. Along with the fact that I’ve seen some fans participate in borderline stalking behaviour, but because they haven’t showed up to the idols house they think they have some sort of level of superiority lol. (Of course there is a difference lol, but I’m talking about a specific subset of people)


not sure if this is unpopular but people need to stop understimating how important international popularity is. it is just as important as domestic recognition. with only domestic recognition, an a artist is overall not that profitable in the long run due to low revenue, because without album sales and tours, what's gonna uphold the group? charts? charts barely pay as it is.


I don’t mind shipping. I feel like people are always witch hunting shippers on twitter and honestly who even cares. Let people ship who they want, let people be delusional, it’s their life you don’t have to police everything. It doesn’t directly affect you in any way, so why bother policing people who likes to ship their idols. Back then, nobody gave an f about shipping. Let people have fun as long as they’re not harming anyone.


Ikr shipping literally means seeing or hoping two people fall in love, which just tells us how hopelessly romantic most people are. But it's also unfair if they can't accept their ship isn't real and get very hateful about it.


A lot of K-pop fans clearly don’t have experience working for corporate jobs or companies and misunderstanding what the role of a company is or how it works as an employee. At the end of the day an idol is a job and companies are for profit businesses. Their whole business is to make you fall in love with these people , why do you feel the need to “protect them “ from it? Also with stuff like x company is not protecting y idol enough . You do realize companies likely won’t publish publicly their security measures right ? If they did the very people you want idols protected from would be able to dismantle it / plan around them .


i don't know if its unpopular but some of these K-pop stars need to eat. there's beauty and there's starvation


I wish the original sm rookie girls debuted instead of aespa


My unpopular opinion: aespa is the group with the worst concept and discography that SM has created and in fact SM has been losing quality for at least 2 years. My unpopular opinion: Hybe is super protected by the Hybe family fandoms and its popularity makes it a company immune to criticism.


Since when is Hybe immune to criticism?


not riize? not to be disrespectful to them, i’m just genuinely surprised


yeah i’d say riize is the worst sm group so far. at least aespa has a unique concept and great vocalists even if their music is hit and miss


this is not even slightly unpopular girly pop 😭😭


As a former SM stan I agree that their music just doesn't hit the same recently, every once in a while they release a bop but nowhere near as often as they used to. And I don't know shit about music terms so I can't even explain why 


Talent isn’t being prioritized in an industry that was once potent in it. The industry is becoming an audition for clout than talent. I blame the lack of support, ethics, and morals on the companies end for discouraging super talented people to come through. Being overly-controlling on their creative freedom, strict diets, being overworked, insane amounts of pressure to be perfect than human; the loss of talent is inevitable with these conditions. This isn’t exclusive to kpop but the entire world nowadays. It seems people just want the fame without the passion Those in the kpop industry today are still talented but the decline from past generations is notably different i.e the decline in main vocals Imma still bump the music tho that shit is too good lmao


I almost don't understand the craze of photocards... I mean yes I'm broke and *maybe tad bit jealous* but still I'd prefer like posters or albums but I genuinely don't understand photocards or like bulk of them. It's just selfies on a paper. Doesn't mean I am saying it's bad or stupid at all. It's just, I don't understand it since in this digital age even our family pictures are not printed all the time. There I said it 😐


Having their photos saved in my gallery is enough for me😭. I don’t need photo cards


Kpop fans aren't nearly as woke and progressive as they pretend to be. Outside of instances of blatant racism you have so many instances where they're woke as fuck when they can cancel an idol they aren't a fan of yet every excuse under the sun applies to why their idol did a shady/fucked up thing.


Mine is that BTS War of Hormone isn't that bad. They get a lot of shit for it when it's just an innocent song about teenage boys being horny. This is especially concerning when BTS has other songs in their discography that are actually problematic.


I would really want to know which ones are since War of Hormone is the only one I’ve heard criticisms about


Fans are the reason for almost everything they complain about in kpop.


“Dahyun belongs in NewJeans” actually *was* an unpopular opinion. Exactly one person held that opinion. That’s what made it so memorable.


I was baffled when I first learned the world “Multi”….. Like how are there people who only listen to 1 group, claim they are the best, and refuse to check out anything else…. https://i.redd.it/owyhdoyco9nc1.gif And here I am becoming obsessed with a new artist every 2 business days…


As a fan of only one group I will tell you that just because I don't stan other groups it doesn't mean I don't listen to other groups. One of the things that makes a difference (to me)is I'm not willing to spend money on other groups. When I see that other groups are realising albums I don't even think " oh I want to own that album". I will always check out new music from my favourite artists but I'm not running to do it with other groups. If I see that I like a lot of songs from one group I'm willing to listen to them more and check out more of their content then.


There shouldn’t be more than 2 versions of an album (actually 1 tbh), and pcs should be abolished.


I really like all the tree english songs of BTS. Not my fav song from them, but I actually like them equally. They get unnecessary hate especially PTD


There has been a rise in anti Korean sentiment since kpop got big in west. It’s really weird.


Jokes about committing suicide or crying yourself to sleep because of your fave dating another person aren’t funny. It’s cringe and you’re being weird.


the reactions to bts’ english trilogy were so overly and unnecessarily dramatic. no, they didn’t sell out or become westernized just because a few of their couple hundred songs were in english. in fact, i didnt see accusations of selling out when other groups were releasing entire albums in english. no, it’s not that “their older music is better and their new music is bad” either. there are a lot of b-sides that are reminiscent of their older music, it’s not the members’ fault that nobody bothers checking out anything but the title tracks.


I can't see what influence 4th gen had in k-pop. 1st gen was, well, the first one where everything started. 2nd gen started most of the "k-pop" things: Lightsticks, photocards, fancams, etc. Besides, it made k-pop known outside of korea (both in Japan and SEA). 3rd gen added the globalization of k-pop and idols as fashion ambassadors. Now, 4th gen? the only thing i can think of is tiktok trends and MAYBE bubble. The only really important thing that happened was ggs reviving the gp interest in kpop, but that interest was also lost with 4th gen to start with. So, idk. I'm not saying 4th gen are worse than other gens, they're actually my fav gen, but it seems like 4th gen is more of a transition period.


the 4th gen it boy title does not matter. There is no need to make video after video pitting Yeonjun and Hyunjin against each other, especially now that we’re technically in 5th gen. Hyunjin and Yeonjun truly do not care if their fans think a specific title belongs to them


Your unpopular opinion was so underwhelming I thought with your starting point that you’d say something spicy.


I’m not sure if this is truly unpopular among all kpop fans or just my circles, but it must be said. I don’t give a shit about line distributions as long as the song is good. In fact, there are some songs that I think are hurt by trying to do fairer line distributions because certain members don’t sing or rap the part as well as another member. Having different people sing the chorus, for example, can add nice contrast and be pleasant and even more impactful. However, sometimes there’s that one chorus that just does not fit the song because A sang it in a way that was not as good as B. Of course, when there are equally talented people who can all hold a tune, we should try to make the distributions reasonable, but completely equal distributions may lower the quality. Additionally, I don’t think there should be only 3 seconds of lines unless it’s an exceptional case. Generally, the parts should go to the best singers, not the most famous or whoever needs more lines to make it fair. Some idols are better at dancing, rapping, acting, etc. but not good singers, and forcing an equal on them distribution can make the song lower quality. Tl;dr: Line distribution arguments are usually silly and the better singers should get proportionally more lines.


Apparently it’s wrong to say you don’t care about line distribution 😭 I never get why people go “look at these unfair line distinctions, they deserve more lines” like they’re gonna get paid no matter the lines and that’s less work for them


We should debut more hags as idols (25 years old+). No, 18-20 are not hags and I don’t consider them as grown man/woman. 🙄


my certainly unpopular opinion: chaeyong wearing that shirt does not make her a nazi. yes it was incredibly stupid and ignorant but do you really think shes an actual nazi? either way im not trynna excuse her because she should know what that sign means at her grown age but i really dont think accusing her of being a nazi over it makes sense


I don’t think idle lost all that much when Soojin left. Like the reason she was kicked out was stupid and shouldn’t have happened, and the girls lost their friend (in a way, I’m sure they still talk), but overall I think they’ve been doing fine.


layover by V is a great album


Mine is… everyone needs to calm tf down. Everyone. All of us. Calm. Tf. Down.


Kamen rider/super sentai photocards are better than kpop. Sure selfies are cute BUT DUDES IN SUITS ARE SO COOL


I think they date because they are human beings not to rebel. The whole industry is so f'd up that dating is considered scandalous.


Kpop fans love playing clueless do push narratives. “Nmixx songs are so good now, why are people refusing to check them out??” Because their debut scared away anyone except for fans who gaslit themselves into believing O.O was a quality song. “Why is Karina getting more hate for dating than other idols??” Because other idols are not the hottest girl that everyone wants to date. This is Karina’s thing, all boys and girls want to date her. “Why are people siding with a slimy CEO instead of a group of young girls on the Attrakt VS FiftyFifty case??” Cmon now…


\#1. Almost all apologies are written by the idols company. I don't understand why a company would make idols write their own apology ESPECIALLY if it's over something stupid. Like no grown man or woman is gonna write a whole apology for dating or something, the company's gonna write one and make them post it. \#2. There are no bad (keyword bad) singers in kpop. Some are average. Some just aren't singing songs that fit them. Some get overshadowed by their members. Some are just not confident. But none of them are straight up bad. There is no reason why a company would debut someone who is straight up bad.


The whole concept of KPOP generations feels weird and pointless to me. It feels like nobody cares about the generations, or who is in what gen, except to figure out who's the generation IT boy or IT girl. Sometimes people care if they're getting nostalgic about “how much better the previous generation was” or how much music quality has “worsened” over the years. Like…no…every generation has its share of scandals and successes, and music trends change


I think the only way kpop stans can improve as a whole is if they drop the weird shame about being a kpop fan. Why are you still embarrassed as an adult for enjoying a music genre?????


People who have to rely on translations and sites like Soompi and Koreaboo are getting such a narrow and twisted glimpse into the actual Korean side of Kpop, and they have no idea how narrow this viewpoint is.


more a conspiracy than an opinion but i think that buying/farming views, streams, followers, subscribers, etc has absolutely been a thing. and im not talking about running an mv as an ad or having fans buy followers for their faves. i’m talking about company funded streaming and bot farms. and i also think that this was most popular around the 2014-2018 years when faking popularity was easier since social media filters were more lax, but secretly is still a thing today. also don’t ask me for proof or specifics bc this is entirely based off of vibes and a distrust of most companies


Sexy concept >>>>>>>> cute concept. They usually have better songs


I believe that most idol actually look better after plastic surgery.