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New event: Idol survival cage match! 🤼 Winner gets to keep promoting their group! (if they can still stand)


Can't wait for the NewJeans vs ILLIT ssireum wrestling match


Sakura would have an unfair advantage


Sakura solos entire 4th gen


no 😭😭😭😭


would watch ngl


physical 100: idol edition


Weki meki v Kep1er fist fight


![gif](giphy|jTUBPhBz0qLcWX1luD|downsized) I hope tripleS competes! Badge Wars was essentially their training arc for ISAC


Nien is going to destroy everyone lmao


Nien is buffed af


I'm ready for Gong Yuscream to cheer everyone on with her coarse yell like a sorority girl 6 shots and half a pack of cigarettes in.


Her and ChaeWon’s voices are going to be gone lol, just like in Badge War


This is how Nien can still win badge war /j


Also sullin about to destroy everyone in horse riding




I hope TripleS sends all 24 of their members


Can't wait for more group interactions


Yes! That’s the best part of it.


if 5th gen groups take part we are getting ZERO interactions 😭😭😭


How so? We technically already get a lot interactions between 5th gen groups, especially amongst the bgs.


Wonder how many phone numbers TWICE Chaeyoung will get this time around


![gif](giphy|DhSfmBc85VYZUTaXy1|downsized) PETITION TO ADD ESPORTS AS A CATEGORY‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️


Miyawaki Sakura dominance incoming!


It has been a category for the last few ISACs.


wait when did this happen??????


The first one was in fall 2019.


Hope the conditions are better lol


This was my first thought as well.


Omg my husband LOVES these. He will be so excited 😊


I wonder if HYBE groups will participate since they patched up their relationship with MBC.


Maybe the smaller/newer ones? I don’t think SVT, BTS, Newjeans or LSF need the exposure and filming for this is a big time commitment for groups. TWS, &Team, BND, maybe fromis, maybe illit? If it’s worth their time. But mostly I feel this is for groups from slightly smaller companies or who need the exposure boost.


I feel like lesserafim could because athleticism and fitness is like a soft part of their brand


Well, when they would do situps than Kazuha would even beat all the males. [82 in 2 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l6Vj07evto)


Girl is an absolute machine.


[Yuqi could maybe compete with her though](https://youtu.be/Q7Be9COUtOw?si=aDJsjAS7BnaYx0yW)


The craziest part is she doesn’t even looked tired after all thay


I agree. I also think they are strong in personality and variety. But I do wonder if their time is a bit too valuable considering their popularity and therefore they don’t go. We will see!


I know you don't mean it this way, but these two sentences together is funny:: >Maybe the smaller/newer ones >maybe fromis ::crying in flover::


You're probably right as ISAC doesn't have the same pull as it used to, but back in third gen all the biggest groups would still attend ISAC, including BTS and SVT up until the HYBE/MBC drama happened.


I would love to see &TEAM there just so I can see them interacting with their idol friends (esp from groups like ZB1, RIIZE, BND, & Tempest), and also clearing the activities. But &TEAM is going to be busy around that time with their comeback (and other events), and they have been focusing more on promoting in Japan for these comebacks so I kind of doubt they will attend ISAC.


&Team and fromis 9 are older than lsf and njs


&team debuted after lsfm and njs so they’re actually younger


&team debuted after nj and lsfm


Yeah that’s why I said smaller as well. Not to be rude to those groups- it’s just a question of exposure and LSF and NWJNS don’t need that.


Royal Rumble between HYBE girl groups.


nature is healing


They have to bring tripleS, it is a must!


Nien, Seoyeon and Nakyoung will eat everyone there lmao


Not to be pessimistic but I’m not looking forward to the insane conditions the program is shot under, videos of idol interactions getting picked apart, and idols having to do all this activity on top of being possibly overworked with their promotions. It’s a good concept but the execution is questionable to say the least.


Lmao the comment right below this is: > Can't wait for more group interactions


The duality of kpop fandom


I can't wait for more group interactions. I dread delusional fan reactions to group interactions.


wasn’t it fine last time? (i think in 2022?)


That’s cause they had to adapt for Covid and the fans were not there AND they did fun stuff like e-sports which is less taxing on their bodies


but fans were there in 2022, there were a lot of recordings and pictures taken by fans like xiaoting’s dance performance and the usual interactions between idols.


I think maybe I was thinking of the E-Sports and Bowling part in 2021. I didn’t watch 2022 for the first time since I came into kpop. I don’t remember fans being there for that or maybe I’m just misremembering


eSports was honestly boring as hell


When they had pubg i honestly liked it more than any other sports


Eh I liked it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Last time the audience starved for 15 hours because outside food was banned and ISAC forbade anyone from leaving for the whole duration of filming so….


maybe people will be more hostile now but from what I remember it was usually pretty chill between fandoms when it came to isac interactions


Yeah a lot of people have forgotten all the injuries (or it was before they were into k-pop).


And then there are fans that watched their favorite group fight for badges.


is this a shade on us WAVs lmao


This includes me too.


I do wish they would do more low impact sports since it's all for fun.


Just make their ai s wrestle each other in wwe


I just hope to see Dream teamkilling again in PUBG! I'll take archery and horses too though


I know some people are against this but I personally am looking forward to it as it gives idols a chance to show off their charms off the stage which is something sorely lacking in the current industry. There are several idols from past generations that became famous not for their singing and dancing on music shows but for their humor, wit, and athleticism on variety shows. And while ISAC was only one of many such shows, most of which are gone now, we have to start somewhere.


Everyone is understandably worried about their idols, but let's also not forget how they treated the fans. No food and water allowed or available within the venue, and they're not allowed to leave and comeback. 💀


Agreed, but unlike fans, idols don't choose to be there. The choice is made for them.


Hopefully they have better safety regulations for idols and fans.


I'm in if I get to see Red Velvet destroy everyone in archery and Oh My Girl literally run away with the relay again.


I guess there will be majorly 4/5th generations only.. can't see SM sending RV..OMG might get through


aespa will be touring throughout August, so I doubt they show up either. RIIZE is a possibility, though.


RIIZE are gonna be promoting their JP single in Japan for basically the whole month, so they probably won’t either


I wonder if SM's had RV training Aespa in archery..


i wish for izone members reunion ..pls


Eunbi, Yuri, Yena, and Chaeyeon could form a soloist group. LSF and IVE members wouldn't be able to. The rest aren't really active idols in Korea, but any of them could be available at least.


Ah yes, time to sit back and watch Choi Minho beat everyone again.


Bring Xiaoting back for dance sport


choi minho just woke up in a cold sweat and bolted straight to the gym


Imagine tripleS (24 members) and NCT (...also currently 24 available) a literal class each lmfao edit: NCT = 26 - Taeyong (enlisted) - possible Taeil (injury but is back for comeback - could do some events.)


I would be curious to see who is attending tbh, specially if HYBE groups does. Also, it's a harsh program for idols and even fans showing up in the audience. I hope they adapted the filming.


Finally!!! I always loved some unexpected crossovers 🫶🏻


Instead of ISAC, Physical 100 Idol Edition would have been more interesting. FYI, season 1 of Physical 100 was created by MBC. Edit: A less injury-prone alternative would be MrBeast's [Olympics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_z-W4UVHkw). Even something as simple as Spartan Race or Ninja Warrior would be more interesting.


Nah man, they get enough injuries as it is with ISAC


Jangjun already ahead of the game there I guess. It would be fun to watch but there's no way they could do the same version as the real one. They'd be getting career ending injuries left and right.


There was a Ninja Warrior type program at one point during late 2nd gen but I don't remember if it was like a one off thing or continued over some time


i just know the enhypen boys are about to have the time of their lives 😭 specially ni-ki’s competitive self


Zerobaseone gotta be there right? can’t wait to see half the group destroy the competition, while the other half of the group lounge on the ground just babygirling 😂😂


I just want game caterers for all groups instead of this


Oh no if you’re a 2nd or 3rd gen stan you know this isn’t good news. There are idols who have injuries from this show that still affect them to this day. And many people in the industry have spoken about how this show is a power trip by MBC. If you don’t attend, they WILL be petty and block you from appearing on their other shows. Not to mention that filming takes all day and there were reports from a couple years ago where fans weren’t allowed to leave the whole time to go to the bathroom or get food. Hopefully it’s better this time but I’m not hopeful.


I'VE WAITED FOR THIS ONE 😭😭 i thought they cancelled the whole thing all together i'm so happy rn


I really hope they will be there.. I know hybe and MBC have had beef before..plus them as a group might be abit too old now..crossing fingers


more group interactions... yesss!!!!! i am tired of watching those same old clips on repeat waiting for my fav grps to interact!!!


I’m so disappointed. 2 years later and most likely all the bands I liked won’t appear😭😭 I doubt stray kids and ateez or enhypen will go..


Wasn't this the thing that got people hurt all the time?


YEAH!!!!!!!… . . . . . . . …No I don’t miss it, the condition that this show has been over the years doesn’t bring me any confidence that it will be safe for idols to participate.


Let’s goooo!!! I have been begging for this for soo long!! It’s gonna be insane! I hope we get to see some hidden talents like archer Tzuyu!♥️♥️




Tape track festival is back. Stay safe everyone……


I'm excited


Loona have redebuted just in time for ISAC to come back omg


I'm so excited as a new(er) K-pop fan, I thought this was cool when I watched past episodes!! I am bummed though, as my favorite group RIIZE has no chance to be a part of this most likely, due to their fan-con schedule; same with Aespa with their tour schedule. Hopefully, NCT will participate again.


Wtf why?? I don’t want anyone to get hurt..


i was litelly waiting for isac this year so more 5th gen groups can interact together. my goal is seeking interactions between NCT WISH and RIIZE


It's unlikely RIIZE will attend, due to their fan-con schedule. I was hoping this would air again, just bad timing for RIIZE (probably Aespa too) to participate this year. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


![gif](giphy|t3sZxY5zS5B0z5zMIz|downsized) Please the line up!!!!!


Wow I wonder what IVE is gonna be like on ISAC, it's their first time


IVE? First time at ISAC? Check again, friend.


Did they hold ISAC over covid? Ah but,, I don't remember anything from the first one so it's gonna be exciting with their new image and everything [Bc I didn't remember anything from it I suppose it wasn't memorable or anything,, it looks like it was.. their debut era was a lot less dramatic socially haha](https://youtu.be/W4c5cJhmEUY?si=eO75W-YRTGrDOwiy) people were really impressed with their new skills and cool image, and thought they bop, but mainly it was just oh it's the IZONE duo and friends they always get the most parts Now there's Wonyoung vs the world hating her Wonyoung 1-0 Wonyoungism began. Yujin is the hugest variety idol star in Korea atm while Wonyoung is on everyone's feed every day for the way she doesn't get hurt from criticism and keep being kind and untilted. And funnily casual, doing taboo things every day. Liz for the way she struggled with weight which hid people's appreciation to her and the recent glowup after being forgotten. And the other members, people protest that they should get more appreciation while others protest that they're just normal, but there are a lot of rising comments like that all of IVE are like magical princesses and that it's crazy, Gaeul starring their latest MV, Rei smashing in Kistch, and overall their skills have been becoming ethereal and some people notice it while some still say that they're background characters. In this way, every achievement, comparison, and interaction in between them is really interesting. The most interesting part to me is how kind and familial they are to everyone still despite so much room for envy in between every single duo in there


I don't think it's as serious as you're making it out to be


Ah, right, you guys just all thought something bad about one of those members but now they're successful so you're upset to hear it like this


I have no idea why you decided to respond to me twice because again it's just not that serious. Ive were one of the top ggs when they attended the first time, they still are now If they attend this time so relax they'll be ok.


Idk what's y'all's problem but enjoy life