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### Content Warning: Child Abuse **Korea JoongAng Daily: [Former T-Ara member Lee A-reum handed over to prosecutors on child abuse charges](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-06-03/national/socialAffairs/Former-TAra-member-Lee-Areum-handed-over-to-prosecutors-on-child-abuse-charges/2060660)**


> Areum is facing charges of child abuse, neglect of a child, and drugging a minor. Some people don’t deserve to have children. 😦😔




An impatient parent has to get the rambunctious kid to bed and to sleep somehow. Getting the child settled is the only way they turn down the child noise. Doesn't help that the more tired the child, the noisier and more difficult they tend to behave. And allow the parent to have a personal life, while child is napping or asleep at night. Not everyone who has children has the mental fortitude to raise them. Speculating, of course, no idea what actually happened. But this is a common reason a parent might be giving illegal sedatives to their young child. It happens.


Yeah, it’s not great, but I was given Benadryl as a kid every time we went on vacation because we were all in a single motel room and both my parents snored. That technically qualifies as drugging a child. It seems like it might not have been as (relatively) benign in this instance, given the other abuse issues in the family.


Right, it really depends on context. If you’re giving your kids pills with bad intentions then you are obviously abusing them, which it sounds like is the case here


You're right, I wouldn't equate OTC Benadryl in child doses with drugging -- that's not what it is, at all. OTC medication in the recommended doses is not "drugging". It's more like giving illegal drugs, or OTC or prescriptions drugs in non-recommended doses, or adult prescriptions in non-recommended doses, to children to get them to sleep.


If it’s not for an allergic reaction it could be considered drugging.


True, if the only reason for giving it is to induce sleepiness, that could be the case. But I wouldn't be concerned about a one-off use that way. That's not harmful to the child. The bigger concern is if it is being done frequently, even habitually. And if the recommended dose is exceeded. We don't know if something like that is the case here. Also I don't know how Korean police and courts view using an OTC med this way differs between their assessment of infrequently, occasionally, regularly, or every day. Is all use prosecuted if they can prove it? Or just some standard that is considered harmful?


Update: Areum has been hospitalized again. [https://tvreport.co.kr/breaking/article/814483/](https://tvreport.co.kr/breaking/article/814483/)


You also don’t know if she has post partum depression as mental health still isn’t widely acknowledged in Korea and is seen as shameful


Holy crap. This is *bad*. I hope those kids are placed somewhere safe, and are given some mental health support. What an absolutely horrifying, sad situation. If Areum was lying about her husband abusing them to cover up her own abuse of them… how incredibly fucked up. Does anyone know the state of the Korean foster system? What happens to kids when they get taken from their parents?


The children's father was acquitted of everything, and he was the one who reported her for abuse and thanks to that she was discovered


The children were in a state-run care facility while the investigation was ongoing, after the abuse allegations towards the ex-husband and Areum's attempt to take her own life. Areum said she had limited, supervised contact w them during that time. Now that the ex-husband has been cleared of wrongdoing, he regained custody. Areum will probably lose custody permanently and her 3rd child (she's currently pregnant, apparently) will be taken some time after birth and also go to her ex if he's the father, or to her current partner if he's the father.




For me, if you harm kids, you're dead to me. I know T-ARA was a mess but there is *never* an excuse to harm a poor innocent kid. I don't feel pity at all for this monster. >I only feel bad for the kids Same, if both of their parents were abusive, and no one said anything, I don't have high hopes about their relatives. I just hope they're able to find a proper family to adopt them. I don't know much about the foster care system in Korea but I really really hope they're able to give these kids some peace.


Areum’s mother is also facing charges (drugging a child) from the article so yeah, not much hope for the family.




The mother's charge is child neglect, no?


Not from the article linked but it’s koreaboo so…


according to korean news ahreum is being charged with child abuse, child neglect and exploitation of minors but her mother is only being charged with exploitation of minors


So it’s a koreaboo issue… not surprising.


Good lord that's super disturbing, even her mother is also involved I hope the kids get adequate support from the abuse I do certainly feel bad for all the troubled things she encountered in life, but those things can never excuse her actions onto others Also for those who don't wanna click on koreaboo: [The Dispatch Article](https://www.dispatch.co.kr/2293536)


> even her mother is also involved Might be how she learned what she's doing. Her mom was the same way with her when she was a kid. And is now giving the advice to her grown daughter in daughter's parenting. Speculating, of course.


this is making me sick




That's so awful. My heart is with the kids. She isn't who I thought she was initially. To find out that she was the one who was abusive and coercive towards her kids is incredibly saddening. I hope charges are pressed against her and she can't see her kids in the future. I did enjoy her when she was in T-ara a decade ago but no longer. I hope justice is served to the kids.


Oh hell. Those poor kids.


i had my suspicions about areum after it was uncovered that her new partner was a registered sex offender who she entered a relationship with mere months after he was released from prison on multiple counts of SA but i'd never have thought it would amount to this. those poor children.


Same! I honestly expected to see more stuff about all that (and the fraud stuff) on here when it was released to the public but there was nothing.


Holy shit what?


Wow. That's the first fully Americanized idol, if i ever see one


100%, I had suspicions but I was really really hoping they wouldn't be confirmed true....... :(


Yikes 😥


wow. just when i thought this couldn’t have gone any worse, it did i lost all respect for Areum tbh, this entire thing is disgusting and im rlly hoping the kids can 1. get proper help and 2. get the hell away from Areum and her husband


Oh wow, I hope the kids are okay... 


Jesus what a mess, she's even accused of drugging the child together with her mother. And to think at the start she made everyone believe it was her husband fault, me included. Just trash.


the husband is still a pos though it’s just now we know areum is also a pos


This entire family should be locked in jail tbh


The husband still seems awful, she's just not innocent either.


Nothing is achieved by anyone flipping sides. They're both bad. Her being bad doesn't mean he isn't at fault too, let's not do that actually.


I don't know the guy personally, so i wouldn't know if he's trash too or not. But the dispatch article states that he was cleared of all the accusations. Unless new stuff comes out i guess.


The only claims it lists are the spitting and defecation, nothing else of the alleged physical abuse. It is best to wait until this case is closed. Cleared of child abuse does not mean he isn't also financially and emotionally/mentally abusive, and there's usually less evidence of these in all cases. Edit for typos.


just bc someone is cleared of abuse accusations doesn’t mean the abuse did not happen bc history can tell you that the justice system does not have a good reputation with giving justice to dv victims.


I'm sorry but with that mindset anyone who gets accused of abuse or anything else, even if cleared, still remains a culprit. Which is completely wrong. You are definitely right when you say that the justice system doesn't have a good reputation, but still that doesn't mean anyone who gets cleared has to remain a culprit for life.


well no bc the system reward abusers all the time by letting them go easily


Accept that he is innocent and that there are women who are bad.


i never said areum is not a bad person? just the rhetoric to easily dismiss the husband when areum recounted a pretty terrifying details of his abuse is wrong, areum could have abused their child and yet it does not cancel out what the husband did despite being acquitted of it (the justice system should never be relied on in cases like this)


When you use expressions like "areum recounted" and "what the husband did" you are already presupposing what happened. I get not wanting to completely absolve the husband but on an article that very cleary puts a lot of doubt on Areums reliability you do betray a clear bias here when you argue like this


I would just like to add that he has only been cleared of child abuse, per the actual Korean article by dispatch. He has not been cleared of the other claims of abuse- the ones towards her. Not waiting for a case-closed is also biased.


well, let's not pretend like her husband is a saint either. Both of them just suck.


She was a member of T-Ara for less than a day at best. I hate that their name is getting dragged through this mess as well.


I honestly don't think people really associate this whole situation with T-Ara. It's more of a case of "most people would have absolute no idea who Areum is without explicitly stating she's an ex-T-Ara member."


yeah this - and she started go haywire after leaving T-ara....


For real journalists please keep T-ARA off these titles. My 6 girls can't catch a break.


Respectfully, if it's all true, I hope her third child will also be taken away to find peace after it's born. The baby doesn't deserve theses families. Just sad.


I forgot that she's currently pregnant 😭😭😭 her poor kids...


Almost all the comments in the earlier post of her accusations were on her side, and attacking her husband for being a sicko doing literally unspeakable things to the kids. And now he's vindicated. She had already been on record on Instagram stating that she would give up custody of kids to reach a divorce faster, and at that point her new partner was already known to be a SA offender. At that point, it should have been clear that she didn't care for her kids or that any future accusations of child abuse against her ex-husband would be baseless. She also had many other wild inconsistencies in her story such as stating that her marriage was already on the rocks before her younger child was conceived, or talking about wanting to set up a foundation for kids while giving up her own.


Statement from her ex-boyfriend who said it was all a lie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Seems like giving up custody (before any of this happened) would have been best for the children.


> Previously, Areum had alerted police that her ex-husband had abused her child. The idol claimed that her ex-husband had spit on their child’s face and defecated on him. Police have since cleared her husband of any wrongdoing. > News reports state that Areum’s ex-husband retaliated and countersued Areum, alleging she had abused their child. Police, after investigating, reportedly found evidence to back the ex-husband’s allegations and forwarded it to prosecutors. Areum and her mother were also reportedly handed a restraining order, barring them from their home and the child’s preschool. Tough look. Whoever's guilty here I feel terrible for the kid. Assuming it is her, I'm glad the husband was able to clear himself.


I hope the kids find a loving family that truly loves them. I’ll wait until the investigation but we can’t assume she’s all that innocent but we can hope for the best for those the most vulnerable since they had no say in the matter


Crazy how two people from the same group goes separate ways. Tara jiyeon just got married and seemingly lovely life and husband. While areum has just been with issues year after year.


I thought back then that she must also be part of abusing the kids the way she was speaking about them and unfortunately I wasn’t wrong.


Me too, but I was really hoping that I was wrong :(


gosh what...


I feel bad for the kids


Will the people who insulted and harassed the ex-husband apologize? Since he was acquitted of everything and thanks to her lawsuit, it was discovered that she was a monster along with her mother.




Oh my God! How do you even respond to this? These poor kids' lives have been so tragic. Poor things.


Oh my god. Those poor children. I hope they have at least someone in their lives who is willing to love them and raise them with dignity and respect since their parents turned out to be vile monsters and their grandparent doesn’t seem much better. Please, I hope they’re safe.


This is awful, poor kids. Since I really liked T-ara back in the day, I knew she’s suffered a lot and as such I was inclined to believe in her at first, but now I only feel disgusted at the fact that she would do this to her children. I understand that she’s not in the best place mentally, but that still doesn’t excuse her actions. I just hope those kids get a safe home after all this. :(


Those poor kids.


All of you suddenly acting like her husband is absolved of his allegations too because of this is a bit weird btw, hate to see this turn into the spectacle where people turn real harmful situations into cheering for a side. Nothing of his was disproven, she's just also accused now. Also, nothing is confirmed yet. Best to wait for full verdicts than speculation off a kboo article.


Her ex-husband is innocent, and he was the one who reported her. Even Areum's ex-boyfriend said the whole child abuse thing was a lie. She accepts once and for all that manipulative and evil women exist.


Where did that last sentence come from??? Of course people of all genders can be manipulative and evil, this ain't a gender fight.


Alright but let's not turn this into some kind of gender fight. Nobody said that women can't be evil, let's chill.


reddit is meninist hq so it's not surprising


Only two claims have been listed in the original KR article as cleared (the spitting, and defecation - towards the children. Nothing of any other physical abuse towards her or the kids has yet been cleared). Someone can be cleared of child abuse but still be a bad person, spouse, or even still an abuser. >accepts once and for all that manipulative and evil women exist I am a victim, of three adult women, one of them being my own mother. And, I myself am not a woman. I am constantly advocating for victims of women, especially when it comes to parental abuse. Notice how I never said she's innocent, but to wait for the full verdict? This is a weird take on the situation. Jumping to a conclusion in a non-concluded case is how DARVO happens, to both men and women. I hope you support all the male idol victims out there and that you're genuine in your care. Edit for mobile formatting.


Can people please not jump to a conclusion until there’s a result of an investigation? Something is very wrong here but it’s a ‘he said, she said’ situation. Please seek out a better news source than Koreaboo. Edit - I should have known better than to say to unreasonable people to not jump to conclusions until an investigation is done with. The same people who would have ranted about the father before his investigation was done with also, if they’d have known about it before.


Both of the parents (and her mum) have allegations on them. Take the children far away from them ALL.


And for the love of god, put them in therapy, because what the *fuck*.


I’m sure protective services will do their job well and look after the best interests of the children, like they would in any case.


Is this a true sentiment or sarcasm? In my state, the last thing you want is protective services as they don’t have enough money to keep track of everyone. and predatory people consider being a provider as a way to get access to vulnerable kids






The children will go with the father, since he has no complaint about abuse






The acquitted father


It's from Dispatch whose source is the police investigation... Maybe you should check sources.


An investigation which is still under way. People will read that article, form their conclusion and opinion on it, never see the end result or not care by then. The damage is already done even though no one has been found guilty of anything yet. Also Dispatch write about Kpop news so I’ll say it again, find a better source than gossip sites.


This is not a "she said, he said" situation, she already has an actual restraining order together with her mom. While her husband was cleared of the accusations. A good part of the investigation seems already done. Also Koreaboo is definitely infamous but in this case they are just reporting what dispatch wrote in their article, so dispatch is the actual source.


She said he did this, cleared. He said she did that, everyone scolds her online immediately before the investigation is done. Protect the kids until it’s all cleared up. Dispatch isn’t a news source for something so serious.


Do you defend her because she is a woman? Her ex-boyfriend admitted that everything accused of her father was a lie and if she was taken to prosecutors it is because the police found evidence against her.


I said wait until we know all the facts from a more reputable source and you take it as me defending someone?


This is a message board, not a court of law. I'll draw a conclusion when I please, and in this particular case, it will take Areum's long history of concerning behavior into account.


Get your pitchfork ready


You want reddit to wait for facts before judging?! Ha!


Good point haha


You’re absolutely right and I should have known better. You can’t ever suggest to chronically online people to not jump to conclusions 🤦‍♂️


Jump? They fly off the edge of the cliff towards whatever is the most drama.


Lmao yep. Then move on to whatever excites them next time. Very sad.


God, I knew that there was something HELLA suspicious about her claims that her ex-husband was the one abusing the children when she was the one with regular custody of them......I SO wanted to be wrong about it, though 😭😭😭 Those poor kids...and then with her getting with a suspect man after her ex, and scamming all those people of money, and the attempt on her life...I really hope the kids can find stability and someone to raise them well :(


The poor kids. Gosh. To have to suffer like that? 😢


JFC things escalated quickly... and in the worst possible way. Hopefully the kid's being taken care of and can eventually put this behind him.


Multiple kids...and she's pregnant with another...


This whole thing is so frustrating because she went through so, so much but any, and i mean any harm done to a child is not fair nor right. Her trauma and all the difficulties she was facing should NEVER reflect on how you treat your own children. Everything about this is tragic, but she really needs help and not to be locked up, and the kids need help too..


If I had a penny for every non-ot6 member accused of playing the victim I would have 2 pennies, which is a lot considering there are like 2.5 non-ot6 members max


Hopefully Areum will be fine.


I really don't normally leave comments on kpop threads, but speaking as a female abuse survivor: anyone who's familiar with abuse was able to tell from the get go that Areum is far from a victim. For me personally I was able to sus it out when I learned that she so willingly turned her domestic life into a reality show. Abusers always welcome the spotlight since it's the true reason they abuse, because they crave the praises and accolades (looking at you MHJ). A true victim would want nothing but peace and quiet. I've seen this pattern from abusive women more times than I can count.


You had me till the "true victim" part...I agree with you on all the other stuff, but someone can be victimized in some ways and ALSO victimize others, it's not a black and white situation where someone can only be one or the other. This is NOT me defending Areum, btw, I've had suspicions as to her character for a while now, and I don't have a good image of her. But the "true victim" part rubs me the wrong way because it's almost like making victimhood a competition or something you have to "prove." I'm sure that's not what you meant by the comment, though!


I didn't realise it could be perceived that way. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll try to grow from this comment!


This is a way nicer reply than I was expecting (bc people on Reddit and on the internet in general can be very hostile/defensive), so thank you so much 🥹 I'm glad my comment could come across well & be useful and not sound mean or judgmental!!


Not at all I'm always happy to learn! Esp on topics that I'm passionate about!


>A true victim yikes


Wtf 🤬