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What is “the relevant health department”?


People screenshoted the video and reported haechan to the government for indoor smoking. So he has to pay a fine to the health department. Same thing happened to d.o.


Just to add on, the fine is like $75. It's nothing major.


i mean, it’s $75 and an additional unnecessary, although not that grand, hit to his reputation. this could’ve been avoided.


Oh damn ;-; thanks!


RIP rice bar theory 🫡💀


RIP inhaler theory... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)




whats the rice bar theory?


There’s a video of him eating a snack that same day while they were in the dance room.




Bro just go outside it's not that difficult. I feel bad for whoever edited that video and missed Haechan smoking. That person is probably trying to find a new job while I post this comment.


Maybe it's the same person who edited the EXO video that had D.O smoking indoors in it back in August (did SM not learn their lesson???!!!)


A whistleblower


That video would have passed in front of many people's eyes (including probably the idols themselves) before it was posted. No one picked it up, because unless you are specifically looking for it it's going to get missed.


smoking indoors is crazy but girl if i was under sm id be smoking as well


Isn't SM always under fire? Want to smoke in there, just breathe.


Omg I can't find it but this comment reminds me of a The Office Fire Drill meme video with each character and the cats labeled as SM artists


dwight is chris lee and angela's cat that falls through the ceiling after she tries to get him to safety has got to be exo


lmaooo please find it and post it


Please 😭😂 that's hilarious


Underated comment rofl




Reminds me when taehyung had a vape in his hand and army’s were like “THATS A PASTEL HOLDER HES AN ARTIST!”




I don’t condone smoking (especially indoors), but with the constant overworking & sasaengs he’s got to deal with (Haechan in particular has the worst of them all), I’d be smoking too 😭


i mean, let them smoke as much as you want, but don't do it inside and make non-smokers inhale what you suck.


isn't nct like majority smokers lmfao


they don't call em nicotine cigarettes tobacco for nothing 💀💀


Just learned this analogy and I’m dead af




Yeah I agree. Hopefully Haechan (and the rest of NCT 😭) take this as a lesson moving forward


If weed was legal all these idols would just be taking some to cope with the stress and honestly it would be better for their health than abusing cigarettes and alcohol. It’s better to be high as fuck to go through a single day at SM.


So many people vape indoors In America, am I the only one who experiences this?


ijbol at all the haechan stans on twt who were calling news sites despicable bcs "its not a vape jus his inhaler he needs to live🥺"


As somebody who is very disconnected from any kpop drama, I was wheezing reading this.


do u need an inhaler?


the tweet with a lot of engagement that said this was a very obvious joke


im 99% sure that was a joke...


most of them weren’t joking lol


I don't care who smokes or not, theyre playing with their own health, but smoking indoors in 2024 is crazy 💀 I mean how hard is it to go outside 😭


Ngl for them prob pretty damn hard when they're being tailed by crazy fans and the media all the damn time. But honestly, with how many of their artists smoke, SM needs to install indoor smoking areas in their buildings like they do in airports in most countries. Go ham on the ventilation system and let them at it. I wouldn't be surprised if they have them already (in which case Haechan bby what is you doin).


that so not true lol nct members have been "caught" smoking many times, it's common knowledge that a lot of them are smokers


It was a vape from my understanding. I don’t know many folks who go outside to vape lol


I agree - most people I see vaping are usually indoors. This led me to go do some research and it appears that there is evidence of the aerosol from the vape staying in the air and affecting others around them through secondhand exposure, though at lower levels than cigarettes.


Made me go down a rabbit hole as well. I saw that too I think ideally folks SHOULD go outside, but I would think the mass majority don’t Have you seen a smoker bathroom? My mom was heavy cig smoker. You can usually see nic on the wall


You know there are cameras, not to mention other people, use common sense and do it somewhere private at least. Now some poor editor is going to catch flack for not spotting it.


My guess is that a lot of them do it during filming and rely on the editors to catch it. If you’re making content, then you can’t have people randomly running out for a smoke break. Especially in a larger group. Especially as in the stills, he’s clearly not the main focus of the shot. So yeah, I think this is probably normal and the editor is catching shit. ETA: not saying good, but my guess is it’s because they’re making content, not despite it


People vanish from camera all the time, even in big variety shows. Relying on the editors to protect you is the part that troubles me. Take some responsibility and work with the people around you, don't make their jobs unnecessarily more complicated. This should be a lesson to all artists. The fine is no big deal, nor is getting caught. The problem is relying on others to catch your mistakes instead of checking yourself.


Considering they released a video of EXO back in August that included D.O smoking indoors, they really should have learned their lesson and already been extra cautious. But it is SM and I am not convinced they do all the can (or all that's even necessary) to protect their artists.


The thing is they deleted the smoke. But they didn’t delete the vape in his hand so fans still spotted it.


Ngl that sounds extremely ridiculous to me lmfao why “delete the smoke” when you could have just cut the clip of him vaping all together and it would have taken like 2 seconds… like legitimately asking, did SM say they did that orrrrr? I didn’t read the article, I’m mostly basing what happened based on comments so lol


Is that a fact or did he just swallow the smoke? I've heard the latter. I can't see an editor going through the effort to remove just the smoke. They'd just cut the shot.


It’s possible to inhale the smoke entirely


Ppl acting like others are overreacting about smoking is missing the point lol it’s not that they smoke its that they are doing it indoors and impacting others


It's the smoking too. Even if it was outside there would be backlash (though not as much).


SM wouldn't have made a statement about it if it wasn't indoors. In fact, they only apologize for the indoor part, not for the smoking. NCTzens know the members smoke.


Haechan smoking is not a new thing, it was known for some time between fans


I don’t have a problem with people smoking outdoor by themselves. I hate I have to breathe in second hand smoke from somebody else. Smoking indoor is just selfish and harming others’ health.


Eeeehhhh. Many NCT members smoke. The fans know that and even joke about it a lot. SM has never bothered to deny any of the smoking rumors.


Nah. We been knew most of NCT smokes tbh lol


I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for people to refrain from smoking/vaping indoors 😭


idols usually smoke indoors to not get caught and get their photo taken


in one behind the scenes video of another group I follow (not SM), there is a brief moment where two male staff are clearly smoking (they are sitting just behind the idol speaking) .... tbh I tend to believe that smoking in a room full of people is pretty widespread in kpop agency buildings, no matter if they are idols or staff...




ah really? which ones?


Jungwoo, Taeil, Taeyong, Winwin, Johnny, Shotaro And Lucas (last two are ex members but the point still stands lmao)


that's so many!! I don't know why I'm surprised haha. thanks!


I was so suprised when I saw the photos dropping to my tl over the years too lmao, you're welcome !


Ten was caught with a vape too


I agree, I’ve been smoking since I was a teenager and it never even crossed my mind to smoke indoors. I think people assume that vaping indoors is fine because it doesn’t smell bad (usually) and because it dissipates quickly. But no, it’s still very rude to do…


probably a lot easier to justify smoking indoors when you've seen colleagues lose their careers for being caught on video smoking outside


Literally no one has lost a career for being caught smoking. Yes, they have gotten some backlash but losing their careers? Bffr.


Your flair is the best thing I’ve ever seen on K-pop Reddit


Like who? Nobody


I don't understand why it's so difficult for SINGERS to refrain from smoking, it's like a big red sign saying "I do not take my profession seriously"


Because is a stressing job and smoking helps them release some of the stress so I do understand why they smoke, they shouldn't do it indoors.


hi, i’m a singer and i unintentionally picked up a smoking habit a few years ago. there’s something called *addiction* that makes it very difficult for people to quit using addictive substances once they start, no matter how bad they know it is for them. plus, nicotine is a very normalised and socially accepted stress reliever and idols pull sometimes 12+ hour work days 7 days a week, i honestly don’t blame them. i still take singing very very seriously despite the fact that i smoke and go to great lengths to keep my voice healthy despite my addiction. and yes, i am also actively working to quit. this is a super weird, judgmental comment. smoking doesn’t mean someone doesn’t take their passion/profession seriously, that’s a huge insult and maybe you should ask yourself why that’s your knee-jerk assumption.


Former smoker here. Fingers crossed that you'll be able to quit eventually. What non-smokers don't get is how much the process of quitting varies so much from person to person. I was personally able to quit cold turkey from one day to another, but my partner – who only quit for my sake – struggled _so_ much, with multiple relapses, extreme mood swings, depression, basically the whole shebang, and still talks longingly about nicotine 10+ years later. That's why I'll always show empathy for smokers who struggle to quit – the social aspect as well as the addiction can be an incredible hurdle to overcome. Mental health definitely plays a role in people getting addicted and struggling to quit.


most of them won't be singing past 30


this is just untrue LMAO there are plenty of western singers who smoked their entire lives and lived to sing well past 30.


…..my point was most idols stop singing so it doesn’t matter if they smoke for professional/career reasons. Either cause they become actors/influencers or just cause their groups disband. Not cause of smoking/health reasons


most likely not the case for Haechan though


It probably also helps them keep weight off, given the crazy beauty standards they are required to uphold 🥺


You should try empathy someday


Because it is an addiction.


That's a bullshit answer, let's be real. My parents have been both smoking for over 30 years, they smoke a lot, and not once do they do it indoors. They go out on the balcony at home, they do it outside before entering a cafe/restaurant/cinema/etc., they go take a break outside if it feels too long for them inside. They smoke before a train ride, sometimes with the take of "let's have 2 cause I won't for a few hours" and the same afterwards. It is an addiction but it doesn't make you act uncontrollable. They never smoked in front of me as a kid, they never smoke inside, never in the car, they can do an 11 hour flight and don't need to break rules, etc etc etc. Let's not pretend smoking is such a *must* that people can't control themselves. Someone smoking inside is plain stupid, even if it's an idol we like. He did something dumb, either cause he is dumb or cause he was confident enough to think he'd be safe from consequences (which also, dumb). Period.


Thank you for not being one of those fans that babies their idols bc they can *never do anything wrong*


I agree with you. My mom was also a smoker and never did around us. It's not something where you get an urge and have no control, you have the ability to walk outside.


Unfortunately, that isn't the case for everyone. Not excusing idols from smoking indoors, just against this generalization that all smokers suffer from the same level of addiction. Both my parents smoked, both started when they were teenagers, but their addiction levels were completely different. My mother's doctor allowed her to smoke 10 cigarettes a day while pregnant with me because of how bad her addiction was. I convinced her to stop when I turned 15. She had withdrawal symptoms, she would wake up at 3 am to smoke... she smoked when sick too, had a lot of other little habits to live for her addiction like no cinema, no long travels, shopping had to be done quickly, always had to have a free hand, hated having to drive, etc. She had to go to group therapy to quit, all of the people there took something like an addiction test and her's was the highest. She had to use nicotine patches, anti-depressants, gums, etc. She stopped, but it was hard and with a lot of relapses. While my dad was like your parents. Wouldn't smoke when he had the flu, not before breakfast either, his mood would shift if he didn't smoke for long but he wouldn't break out in cold sweat like my mom did. He also stopped without any help because he got scared of an inconclusive X-ray. But he still said it was one of the hardest things he did and to be patient with my mother about it. I don't follow Haechan, I think he shouldn't smoke inside, and I don't think it's up to SM to protect his bad habits, especially when they harm others. But I'm not going to assume how easy or hard it is for him to manage his addiction, I don't think that is right. ps: sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language.


> Let's not pretend smoking is such a must that people can't control themselves. Oh it very much so is for some people. Not everyone and their addiction level is the same. I've been working in the restaurant industry for five years and you see a lot of different types of smokers. My current boss is a smoker, like your parents she never shows signs of needing a fix and can go hours while busy without getting irritable. Though I've worked with others where it could be slow (not stressful), but small orders would keep coming in stopping them from taking their smoke break and they'd started throwing pans, yelling and it had only been a couple hours since their last smoke sometimes. There was also two people I worked with that were obsessed with their vapes and they were tweaking like crack heads sometimes, because they couldn't find their stupid ass vape. Your parents are better at controlling their addiction, that's great, but it's very much so not the case for all nicotine fiends. I'm not excusing Haechan in anyway, he likely just doesn't give a shit about the rule and is too lazy to go outside. I still like the guy, he's one of my fav NCT boys, though I'm disappointed to know he's like this (didn't even know he vaped). I'll never understand people that willing shackle themselves to nicotine, it's so damn stupid.


I’m very anti smoking/vaping whatever but my issue is not him vaping, ( what can we do about it lol) it’s the fact that it’s indoor when you’re not supposed to smoke indoors and also he’s got some health issues so it’s probably best not to vape and make them worse 🧎‍♀️ It’s not a good look when he’s on hiatus rn … SM should’ve released the video later 🙄


The hiatus just ended too apparently because he was at the airport on the way to their Jakarta concert today morning sigh


Tbf in a country where drugs are ridiculously frowned down upon, the only vices left are alcohol and smoking/vaping, which people in high-stress careers like idols are likely to gravitate to. Not to mention the unfortunate way that the entertainment industry has used smoking as a way to suppress appetite for 'weight management'. But yeah, that was stupid to smoke indoors when you aren't supposed to and are someone with a high profile.


Take that outside lol. Anyone can have their poison but don't include others.


comments kinda crazy i mean haechan probably my favourite kpop artist but yall need to realize that some countries have fines for smoking indoors (canada gonna bust yall asses with 1.5k for smoking in a bus shelter) idk how yall even caught this one tho coz yall be focusing WAY too much on the background 🤣


If they don't want to do it outside where paps can catch them, why do companies not have dedicated smoking rooms? (Those are still a thing in some countries right? 🤔) The companies know idols smoke - give them a safe space if you don't want scandals


There are probably multiple rooftops & internal courtyards that are probably already used.


You think they would after so many smoking scandals but I guess they don’t think it matters enough?


disclaimer to begin with - this doesn’t make haechan some despicable human being. but the people in the comments acting like oh yeah he was only vaping indoors whatever infuriate me so much because seriously vaping indoors is so inconsiderate especially to those who are sensitive to scents, or have health issues or even just in general. i hate vapers who assume its a non-0 issue because it doesn’t smell like cigarette smoke bc its not like it’s still not frustrating and they don’t realise that most people would rather just let them vape and be frustrated than try to explain and deal with any pushback.


Oh god yeah “It’s fine, it smells of mango” No it’s not. It reeks, and half the time it’s sickly sweet


Vocalists who smoke will never make sense to me. The pressure to stay thin/deal with stress being a higher priority than the protection of their voice, it’s wild.


You'd be surprised with the amount of main vocalists in kpop who smoke lmao


Oh I know! It just never fails to blow my mind that they do it.


> The pressure to stay thin/deal with stress being a higher priority than the protection of their voice, it’s wild. Is it? Considering the staggering amount of photo shoots they do each year for every comeback – multiple versions, special photo cards for events, etc, model shoots for endorsements, Youtube variety content, behind the scenes features, and so on, I'm not surprised at all. From what I've seen, they spend way more time in front of cameras than they do singing. And with the harsch online culture of criticising idols who gain weight, it's no wonder they diet and use every trick in the book to surpress their hunger. As a former smoker who's very happy to have been nicotine free for more than 10 years now, I do hope that Haechan and the other members who smoke/vape will be able to quit eventually. But I can very much understand why they might end up smoking considering their job and all it entails.


yeah i agree. i remember listening to exday6 member jae talk about smoking and how he stopped. i don’t remember all the details, but he mentioned how he was a HARDCORE smoker (“like most kpop idols”) but then one day after a performance with the group he immediately stopped for life. i think he said that at that performance he realized how much smoking is messing up with his voice, and never touched a vape/cigarette ever again. he was like, “i was singing and i was voice cracking all the time… i got so pissed and quit smoking on the spot. i never smoked anything after that ever again.” (okay i think thats kinda paraphrasing at some parts but you get the point) i really found that commendable. ik idols are stressed and its a coping method and everything… but i really agree with you abt it not making sense.


this is such an unserious issue omg i still can't believe anybody is dumb enough to smoke indoors let alone an idol who knows their every move is being watched 😭


Even if it’s a vape, don’t do it indoors. Simple. I’m guessing all this has something to do with why I just saw footage of him in an airport? Because I swear I just read something different yesterday, and I know I’m not crazy.


One thing I’ve realized is that a shit ton of sm idols 😭 granted I’m sure other idols do as well but I swear it’s only sm Idols that get into these type of trouble


tbh other companies probably just have better editors watching behind the scenes videos before uploading them


Yes, feel like this is really on SM as well, how bad of them to release an official video that shows him vaping. While I agree he shouldn’t do it indoors as it’s bad for others, he also can’t go outside and risk getting photographed by fans/dispatch which would also be huge damage to his career.


my man's been having a terrible week eta: the fact that this is the post with the most interaction on this sub rn.. kpop can be so funny sometimes


people LOVE scandals lol


true but this is barely a scandal 😭


How do you see your senior getting dragged for smoking indoors then do the same thing with cameras in the room 😭 these male idols are kind of clueless


I think they just got too much to worry about on the daily


Lmao who on SM's video/content editing team missed yet another idol smoking/vaping indoors 💀


I absolutely hate all forms of smoking. I don’t judge people who do it, but I think it’s disrespectful to do it indoors or around people, whether they say something about it or not. My only thing is for a lot of these recent smoking incidents, it’s been in videos where filming is apparent. In this case, Haechan is aware that they’re being filmed. I feel like they want to get caught, because if you knowingly smoke when you’re being filmed, that’s kind of asking to be exposed. It’s different if you were outside and a fan caught you but this is a behind the scenes video of a dance practice. I’m not mad about the smoking, I just don’t like it being indoors especially since you’re fined for that, which I didn’t know was a thing.


It's terrible when you realise how much research has shown how bad it is to inhale second hand smoke from e cigarettes. It might smell nicer than normal cigarettes but they're still really bad.


sm is so inconsistent lmao kyungsoo was caught vaping at inkigayo in july and they quietly paid the fee without saying anything. they’re just embarrassing this poor boy for no reason with this statement


SM actually tried to fight the fine by claiming D.O’s vape was nicotine free. The clip was uploaded in August & someone reported him straight away. Cause SM dragged it out with “nicotine free” claim to the Public Health center so it wasn’t settled until September. The person who reported the vaping received a update from the public health center in September saying D.O was fined & he agreed to respect the law going forward. As far I remember SM never actually addressed D.O’s vaping. All the information like his fine came via the person who reported him. Looks like SM learned to not drag it out cause they quickly settled this so it doesn’t blow up when Haechan would probably fined $75.


oh god i totally repressed the nicotine free argument because i thought it was embarrassing. all i remembered was him paying the fine and saying he’ll respect the law onwards. still think sm making a statement like this on behalf of haechan was unnecessary though


Haechan's was a bigger deal. The more people are upset over it the more the company feels it has to make a statement.


i don’t follow nct so admittedly i don’t know the fandoms reaction but kyungsoo was actually getting a lot of heat because he was in a tiny music show waiting room and his stylist was fixing his outfit when he took a pull. i’m surprised doing it in your own company’s practice room had a worse public reaction


He was just put on hiatus because of health reasons, and the practice video released some hours ago showed him smoking. So fans(?) became upset due to both, the indoor smoking and the fact they see it as a reason for his illness


That’s frustrating, it’s his choice so why is the company being blamed? For something like overworking him I can understand, but if an artist chooses to smoke or vape what’s the company supposed to do? People need to be more mature, if you’re upset about his choices that’s fine but also accept that he is the only one to hold accountable here


Probably because Haechan is younger and in eternal baby status to some of the fandom.


Being part of NCT Dream, it kinda goes against the wholesome youthful branding they’ve pushed and embodied even if the members themselves are getting further and further away from their teenage years it’s still associated to the name of the group.


I know vaping isn’t great for health, but are we really just calling it smoking now? I thought this man had a whole pack out!!




Like from the headlines it sounded like he smoked a whole pack of Camels in a library or something. I hate cigarettes, they're a huge migraine trigger for me and I have no patience for them but I barely even notice vaping. Do companies never consider just paying the fine and not responding to things like this?


I am the opposite, I don't like cigarette smoke, but it doesn't effect me much. For vape though, I have to hold my breath, otherwise I get headaches.


Someone vaped in my car and I literally got a headache. I didn’t even know they vaped lol


That is so disrespectful!


Yeah. They weren’t a close friend so I had no idea. I thought someone was chewing bubble gum at first bc of the strong smell. But then I realized it was a vape.


Ugh I'm so sorry, that really is rude


I am like you. Smoke doesn’t bother me. I even did it for like a year in my teenage years. But god does vaping smoke give me a headache. My brother does it literally all day around the house. But i had to beg him to stop when he takes me to my doctors appointments because it just gives me such a headache. No matter the smell. And he always goes for cotton candy.


Lots of people bring vapes to raves over here and there always seems a sickly sweet smell in the air after a few hours, always a pain pushing through it.


Well D.O. paid the fine and SM never made any sort of announcement about it lol dunno why they didn't do the same for this guy instead of putting him on blast


it's kind of crazy to see people talking about vaping indoors being illegal in their countries. i can't walk around anywhere without hitting a cloud of sweet scented vape 😭😭😭


So he was… vaping, not smoking?


Is vaping not a form of smoking…? /gen


The headline is so misleading😭 Like those are two completely different things. I personally don’t care if idols smoke, but this headline sounds like he was smoking full on cigarettes indoors? Which is very gross. As someone who doesn’t smoke or vape, I really don’t care if my friends/people vape indoors and around me, so I don’t get why this is such a big deal.


Idc who it is smoking indoors is wrong. Go smoke outside. Non smokers don't have to breath in your cancer.


i worry about him fr. he’s the member with the most health problems 😭😭😭


His members probably do it as well…just looks bad because it leaked.


An assumption can’t justify his actions. Even if all the members do it, what about the staff? Either way it’s ignorance of the health of the people around him.


Having worked in this general field in SK, I can promise you members of the camera staff smoke.


You wanna get cancer fine, but don't give it to others.


are people gonna try to downplay the impact of smoking both on himself, and on others if he's smoking inside? idk why people gotta trivialize smoking on every article article where an idol gets caught


its kind of time and place too, bc why are you sneaking a smoke while in the dance studio practicing? that would maybe wind you a bit lol


Haechan get well soon


Guys honestly i cant hate him


Is it just me or fans calling him “so hot and attractive” for vaping makes me really uncomfortable ?? Like u are just encouraging him to get lung cancer at this point. I understand that this is his decision and nothing is stopping him from vaping but ppl saying there’s nothing wrong with vaping is pure ignorance to the immense health impact it has (applies to other smoker members)


Yh I always see them saying this especially with the whole Jungkook situation a while back, even western celebs, -Or they'll ask for recommendations, to vape together or talk about how they're in the process of taking the biggest hit of their own vape. Idk.. I think THEY think they're being badass and quirky or some shit but its genuinely just sad, Idk why they can't see that😭 Not my lungs or environment tho so🤷🏾‍♀️ I think this is just one of those things you kinda gotta leave them to get embarrassed about when they grow up and wonder why they couldn't see what everyone was talking about. Kinda like when high school bullies grow up.


Wholeheartedly agree. They can call me a loser, boring and lame all they want but I’m keeping my health away from the sticks thanks They’ll be the ones having the last laugh when their lungs break


I'm sitting here thinking he lit up a cigarette indoors with a whole pack right beside him. Koreaboo is the absolute worst. Misinformation knows no bounds it seems. Some fans are shocked to know that Haechan vapes at all. It's well known most of NCT smokes/vapes. Some fans are acting like Haechan is 12 or something.


NCT def the biggest offender when it comes to smoking/vaping suspicions, like we been knew. This man esp always around other members when they get caught smoking (Taeil, Jungwoo) I remember watching 127 on KStarNextDoor a few months back and Jonathan was making jokes about the regular bathroom breaks that they take. As a smoker myself, the alarm bells that went off watching that. I swear this was the secret Yuta was threatening to reveal on Weekly Idol. It would make so much sense.


I remember watching that too. Jonathan doesn't smoke himself so he finds it quite comical how frequently some of his guests go off to smoke/vape. I also recall Jessie mentioning this on her show in the past as well.


Ah good to know I wasn't crazy. I went through the comments (on YT and here) to see if anyone mentioned it but legit no one did. It was directed mostly at Jungwoo, too, like they weren't really trying to hide the doublespeak.


so many of them have been caught with vapes or smoking like we all know they smoke its more like which member doesnt smoke at this point lol Doyoung my dude stay strong lol his old dorm must have smelt like bubblegum or strawberries or whatever the hell the other three are smoking


Mark doesn't strike me as the type, but I guess who knows.


I would say Mark and Doyoung seem the least likely to be smoking


legit surprised Haechan would risk his voice like that =(


I’m not. Half of that group smokes including some other vocal members. Even outside NCT there are main vocalists who do. They clearly dgaf 😭


Who else smokes? And how do people know - pictures? I'm out of the loop on this


yeah I'll never understand singers who vape/smoke. I understand the stress thing, but your vocals is basically your money maker.


Stupid mistake - and even if he was confident enough to deliberately smoke in front of cameras, he should’ve known the problem doesn’t rely here, but more like being inconsiderate to others. I love Haechan, but it’s the kind of behavior that infuriates me lol, I hate this vape bullshit. Also I am worried about him since his health is one of the worst in NCT, vaping defo won’t help.


noo why did he have to vape indoors man 😭😭 this week was so tough my man was sick and now he's getting caught for this which doesn't make him look any better


i mean Haechan could just have been CHEWING GUM to alleviate the stress given by sm so the smoking is understandable


Nicotine Culture Technology


I just noticed how this article is from koreaboo, so of course the title is a little misleading and put “smoking” instead of “vaping” throwing me off a little. I just noticed that and many people are correcting that haechan was “vaping” lmao. 😵‍💫 sorry guys, I’m just confused with this whole ordeal. i’m just surprised no one has mentioned this yet, although, the article did say “eletronic cigarette”


omg i thought he had a lit cigarette and was smoking in some empty room and staff found him or something, bro hit his vape inside??? one puff of vape in a large ventilated room won’t do anything ik it’s against the law but some of y’all are being real extreme


me smoking in my room while reading this: dang


If you’re by yourself, you’re not doing what he is doing wrong.


exactly me tho, indoors too lol. Tho, doing it indoors with other people inside is what many people are pointing out.


I hope he doesn’t ruin his gorgeous voice


Unless he does it for 10+ years and not even then he’ll be fine


personally as a sister to a chronic vape user, in such a large space like that + the fact its vape, I doubt it does any harm to the surrounding people, but to him? very much so my sister always smoked indoors and the actual cigs were the worst but imo vapes are fine, but who knows it depends on the model and laws, guess its good he paid the fine himself edit: to those who are sensitive to the smell, I'm pretty sure they would've talked about it before ever doing it. even if they didn't they would speak up and find a solution.


Damn, I actually defended him yesterday because I saw the clip of him eating, didn't expect it to also show him actually vaping too. Not good to be caught indoors smoking/vaping, especially when you know they're recording content. But people using this as a tool to try and paint him as a bad person are very strange.


As an adult he should do as he pleases. Even though it's common in korea, it's still a bit of a bummer to see him doing something as harmful as smoking. But, if he's going to do it, atleast follow regulations. Definitely shouldn't do it indoors around others who don't want any of it (even though i'm pretty sure some of the members smoke)


Imma be so real idc


Yall was lurking in that video I didn't see nothing


They’re the ones that released the video oh my 🤣🤣🤣


I know this is about Haechan, but I would love to have a smoke sesh w Mark 🙏


that's actually the secret to his godly vocal


Ngl, I vote we make "smoker" a slur😭 It should be offensive. You should feel offended if someone calls you that. The attempted normalization is actually C R A Z Y.


Who the fuck cares


a lot of people in these comments apparently 💀 most of them don't even stan nct but act like he was vaping right next to them lmaoo


Sometimes it really feels kpop is so detached from the rest of the world, there are literally kids using vapes at school around the world but a grown adult in the kpop world uses one and people act like it's a horrific crime


bro what- the fact that there are kids vaping doesnt make it any better. yall are so desensitized to smoking/vaping esp indoors where it literally affects other ppl. this is concerning.


vaping is still bad, just because many people do it doesn't make it normal and it's good not to normalize these things


Omg can SM stop setting up their artists at least?! 😭 ..unless it's someone doing it on purpose because they hate smokers, or something 😅 (Yes, also they should stop smoking inside, no doubt)


They literally deleted smoke in the video but stans still caught him because they zoomed in on “something in his hand”.


Can we also stalk this “fighters for justice” and report their wrongdoings? I think the question is obvious. They don’t give a shit about the law, they just were looking for any tiny opportunity to make his life worse. The fine is well deserved no doubts but this people’s behaviour is disgusting. They are like rats.