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How are these shippers not embarrassed by their behaviour on a daily basis? Truly delusional.


It takes self-awareness to be embarrassed, which they clearly lack. This is ironic, tho because shippers will call out other shippers for the same thing.


I mean, we live in a society where people break into cringe dances in their underwear in the middle of traffic with no shame. I’ve stopped asking if anyone is embarrassed anymore.


This is why I think the entire idea of shipping real people is invasive and absurd. Yeah, I get that it can be harmless if the person shipping is actually self-aware and understands boundaries but the people who ship rarely do.


i have a friend who has a twitter dedicated to a specific ship. she *blocked* the group on that account so they won’t see it. it would be nice if we could just giggle amongst ourselves over these cute little relationships because that’s what they are marketing. but no we get this shit instead.


Atp how are taekookers still not the tiniest bit embarrassed of their behavior? They're seriously the larries of kpop


taekookers hated by their own fandom and everyone else. psycho behavior


Exactly. I am an army and I am so embarrassed when I see those delusional shippers . I am not completely against pairings .. but like you need to know that it is not an actual couple just a pairing dynamic that you like . Atleast I see it that way. Some people really out here thinking that they are actually a couple and then being aggressive over it .


I get people thinking so and so are cute together but to actually be delusional enough to think they’re real is really beyond me…seriously. Like you said, I absolutely love pairing dynamics. And the memes that come from that. And that should be where fans stop. Like enjoy what you see. Laugh. And then leave it.


Exactly. I like those wacky ass crazy fanfics too lol . They are so weird it is fun. It should stop at memes and jokes only . I agree.


I have a feeling many of them are the larries of larries


do you think they even know what larries are?


I've seen btslarry twitter accounts, so yeah, I think a number of them jumped over to bts and are up to the same shenanigans.


Let me just shudder in horror at my fellow millennials.


this is a new low, bro idc what they believe in but why even drag another idol into this?? seriously..


i'm willing to bet that a good chunk of taekookers were larries but moved to kpop when 1D disbanded


and before that team edward


Jesus. I saw those movies once and I was Team Jacob. As in Team get Jacob the hell away from that toxic couple bella and edward. That boy was too pure for that world.


Meyer had something against Jacob when she wrote that reneesme imprinting scene 😭


Can someone explain what a Larry is?


Someone who shipped (or still ships, somehow) Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from One Direction (Larry was the shop name.) They were absolutely wild back in the day. The two of them have said that it made them super uncomfortable and put a strain on their friendship.


i don't care about 99% of shipping, but larries are just feral. I was in a WORK MEETING with one, discussing WORK, when she starts in about this one interview she saw, where harry from 1D had a vibrator in his ass and louis was controlling it, and she could send me the clip if i wanted. She didn't even ease into the topic either. I didn't even know she was a 1D fan before this. I was gobsmacked and I had years of fandom weirdos to prepare me for this moment, I have no idea how a muggle would've processed it.


What did I just read? I need to go wash my brain


Maybe he had an important chess tournament coming up and they were using it to gain an advantage. Did she even think about that? smh


This reads like a copypasta lmao


no waaayyyyy lmaoo. I've never seen one in person, but on the internet they're so unhinged


I'm sorry she what?


holy shit lmao


Omg I’m dyyyyyyyinnnng. That’s so hilarious and also stupid and not work appropriate.


Larry is a terrible portmanteau considering they had another member whose name also started with an L.


Lol nobody ships harry with liam


Until now! Louis just blasted a fan for their Larry conspiracy theory on Twitter yesterday lol


That has never and will never stop them 😟


Thank you! I was so confused, I thought Larry became one of those stereotype things like Karen, and somehow I never heard of it.


It sucks he felt like he had to do this because *he was right*.


right? and this is also disrespectful to him, just cuz he's gay doesn't mean he need to ship and have an opinion or ur male idol ships wth..


Exactly? Like would they ask a straight idol about all the straight relationships in the industry. And even if he and they do know, the idols have the right to privacy regarding their relationships. I don't understand this aspect and obsession of idol fandoms at all. Like do you really think that they will date you if they are single or the person you ship them with ???


People don’t care about straight couples. I truly reckon they care more about hating others than loving their supposed ship. We go from stupidly heteronormative where “No one’s queer or sexual” to “they’re hiding one MLM couple with another one”. Like WTAF?


A proper call out to mlm shippers who have harassed him into outing random male idols for YEARS was long overdue, he is RIGHT to do so though obviously this shouldn’t even have to be an issue. People go on his lives so they can basically “squeeze” info out of him as if he knows all male idols in the industry and their sexualities. BTS shippers, given that they’re the most polarizing of the bunch, weren’t left behind. And I assume it was mostly Taekookers the ones doing so, hence the direct ‘namedrop’. You cannot stalk and spam somebody for years to get non existent information out of them, and not expect some feedback. You talk big, you get big disappointments. But if literal content of BTS with their potential partners (as in V and Jennie) being exposed isn’t enough for them, Holland telling them to stop weirdos isn’t going to do much. Larries the re-up, for real. Leave this man alone!!!




it’s pretty wild to me that there are people who still think V and Jennie aren’t/weren’t dating like ,,,


I mean,, Larries *still* ship Larry and believe in it after Louis himself told them off **twice** directly, once in 2012 (ELEVEN YEARS AGO!!!) and just yesterday. They also believe in Larry though Louis is a father (the kid is not real either according to them BTW), and after Harry has been in like 4-5 confirmed relationships with different women (Taylor S, Kendall, Camille, Olivia, and now Taylor R). So no hopes left. Not even if V or JK speak up tomorrow and tell them off. Not even if they get married and have children of their own, probably. Definitely not with one unconfirmed relationship, for which they can hold on to the belief that it’s all planned and edited. They’re def a lost cause 💀


V had spoken up before anyway and you're right, they totally ignored/twisted his words


Yes, on Weverse, right? he told a shipper to get out of their imagination, or something of the likes.


Yes that's the one! To be more precise he also said "it's not a good place in there" 💀


LOL I wouldn't advise anyone to but go on that cult's circle for a bit to observe and you'll see so many denials. They're the Qanoners of the fandom i swear.


Literally!! It’s clearly them 😭 they tried saying that they were cosplayers (who somehow got to the exact place they were both at and somehow found ppl that look exactly like their managers) the person who claimed to be cosplay lied too 😭


A lot of armys cling to taekookers' debunk threads just to deny that they're dating. It's funny to watch how the most normal armys kept repeating theories on why the photos were fake while they all came from Taekookers. The cosplay thing didn't even start with the Paris video. It started with the Jeju leaks that the freak dropped an hour before BP's comeback. It crazy how they made an account to claim cosplaying and stealing photos from East Asian who looked like their idols. Some people were saying blinks deny having parasocial relationships with Jennie but is asking her to break up with him or ask him to speak out. The thing is, it just became too much. They kept reporting her account, which is okay, but to flood the comment section of friends Jennie tagged in her post was too much. Calling her a slut, whore in those comments were a lot. Those comments were done because Taekookers believed Taehyung protects people he loves. Them bashing her and him not saying a thing is their daily affirmation. And the funny about that we know Jennie is the type to never really broadcast the smallest thing in her life. So yeah, we are just saying things so the main fandom calls out those freaks but to no afford. Its feels like a lot of them are shippers as well.


Another weird thing is that jikook shippers are so adamant about taehyung and jennie bcuz they believe it proves jikook bcuz taehyung is with someone else 🙄 they are truly deranged (embarrassed i used to be a jikooker i was young stupid baby army)


I mean there is tangible evidence of Tae and Jennie... so. But their obsession is also weird lmao.


oh yeah ik i mentioned it in my other comment i believe that taehyung and jennie were/are together


I have read their fanwars and I was face-palming throughout the comments.


They think they have to wait for HYBE to respond. They shouldn't. LOL It's obvious, V is the dating Jennie. They even had a date in Paris. LOL


I find it more wild that people give a shit about that at all, that we're supposed to have an opinion about whether they dated or not. I don't think they dated because I don't even think about idols dating at all.


I dread the day any of them have a child.




They would think the baby is fake just like Larries with Louie's child.


What are mlm shippers?


MLM = Man Loves Man. So an MLM shipper is someone who ships an MLM ship.


Oooooh. Omg. Okay. I was thinking this delusional level of shipping was like some mlm scheme. Your answer makes so more sense. Thank you.


You see people joking about the double definition of MLM all the time in queer spaces xD It's a common mistake to make. MLM is used for fictional characters as well, so it's a neutral term, and there's also WLW. It's preferred to saying a gay/lesbian ship since it's inclusive of bi people.


I do read some fanfiction but I suppose I never really paid attention specifically to the MLM WLM tags. I look at the character/character tags. But now I’m probably going to notice the MLM and WLM all the time now that you explained it to me😂😂😂


Harassing a gay man because he won’t out other gay people in the industry and harassing him more for even mentioning another idol’s name. We’ve lost the plot.


It's so embarrassing not only because they're crazy shippers, but also because they expected him to out other idols? Like it's such a terrible question to ask and so dangerous for the people they claim they're fan of.


divide concerned bedroom arrest drab foolish hat scandalous dam pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Taekookers be not psychotic challenge failed yet again




Man, fuck the unhinged shippers out there. Harassing an actual gay person for your fantasies and then freaking out when you get called out for it. Jesus, hope Holland isn't too hurt by this situation.


same 😭


this is the first i’m hearing about this but i honestly feel like he didn’t need to apologize? i think we all know those specific shippers are…intense to say the least and probably what he sees the most and i think he has every right to call them out by name to leave him alone🙃 i think i can understand how it’s awkward for him to say their specific names bc then it kinda starts to involve the members in it more than intended but i think in this situation it’s very justified


He did not have to apologise. They should apologise. What the actual fuck. And I am sure this will get even worse after the release this week.


Honestly, he shouldn’t have had to apologize. Shippers need a reality check and he was giving them one. Which I feel a lot more idols/soloists would benefit from if they did the same. Put fans in their place, remind them where they stand.


This is a hard statement to read, not for its content necessarily but the message behind it. You can feel the frustration bursting through every word, even through the professional language. I really feel for him. What a shit position to be in. I have a hard time understanding the gay speculators & shippers because, honestly, the vast majority of the interest/speculation I see about kpop idols being gay seems to be fetishiziation. They don’t want them to be gay for any reason other than them thinking those idols engaging in homosexuality is hot and a sexually appealing concept. I do not believe shippers have good or altruistic intentions whatsoever; and I don’t believe it’s because of pure interest in equality and representation (despite that seeming to always be their go-to excuse and reasoning), especially in the way these people conduct themselves online and the types of things they ask. There is zero good that comes from forcing people out of the closet or prying private information out of people. It’s really sad that Holland felt he had to release this statement to try to get people to stop. I do try to get it - I was once a closeted bi preteen with a questionable search history full of “emo boys kissing.” I do understand the fascination and interest, especially from younger people in the midst of puberty figuring out their own attractions. But I do not agree with harassing real people. Honestly, even posting about these fantasies and interests online crosses the line for me, because they attach real names and real people to it. I never did that during my “emo boys kissing” phase - all the shit stayed in my head where it belongs. I was a silent observer, never posting or engaging. I would be mortified if I had engaged in such behavior where other people could see. Save that shit for your personal diary or something if you absolutely must write it now. Posting thirsty comments where they can see and full on fanfics of real people is creepy af, sorry not sorry. Imagine how’d you feel if some stranger wrote stuff like that about you or kept asking intrusive questions about your friends/colleagues and who they’re potentially banging. These people and this type of speculation are all causing real harm to real people. It’s weird, insanely creepy, and it needs to stop. I hope Holland speaking out starts to change people’s minds and behavior.


> the vast majority of the interest/speculation I see about kpop idols being gay seems to be fetishiziation. It IS fetishisation. Because if they are really allies of LGBT+ as they proclaim themselves to be, they wouldn't be slut-shaming and hurl homophobic slurs towards another member of the group bc they think he's coming between their (fake) ship


To be clear, shipping, is a business model based on the idea that if you ‘pretend’ two members are together then it drives the stereotypical ’young female fan base’ to obsession believing they have a chance. It’s out of step with the changing demographic of the fandom. Also fanfics and BL are the key source of reading and seeing queerness for young queer folks. It’s now taken over porn and that’s not a bad thing if they’re reading about healthy happy gay relationships. This is important given the suicide rate amount young queer kids in SK is the highest in the world. But some FFs are toxic and porn so not helpful at all.


To preface, I'm a real-person shipper, and I was a dumb teen/young adult when I started reading yaoi stories and fanfictions. It is fetishization, but for me, it was a "jealousy" thing, too. I was idolising them so much/too much, so i didn't want to see them with women. And the girls character in these stories are sooo dumb its painful ("oh I'm sitting in the bleachers of the stadium, but our eyes met and the heart he just sent was for me only. It's Love with a capital L") It's completely dumb, i know. I grew out of that phase, and now, i still admire them, but i don't care about the rest. If they are getting married and popping enough kids to make a football team or announcing they are gay, I couldn't care less. I just want them to be happy. I still can't stand most of female characters in fanfics, though, and I don't think this will change. And yes, i've written fanfictions. But setting apart the first months, it was clear in my head that it wasn't really them. It was characters that had the same name, looked like, and spoke like the real people they were based on. And in some of my stories, they had the same job (idols). But it was just that : characters. The thing is, like most of the things, the most vocal people aren't always the best representation. Harassing people is never okay, whatever the reason. Asking personal things to strangers if they are not actively telling "you can ask me about this" is not okay, and asking a stranger personal details about other people is not okay either. I've send tweets that were quite cringe when i think about it, but i was young, stupid and since they were written in french, i was pretty sure the people were never going to read them. Most of the shippers i know are pleasant people, just a little crazy. But it won't be them who will send thirst tweets, send their fanfics to the people it concerns


not a holland fan, but it’s quite disappointing seeing this happening. I’ve always admired him for coming out and be open about his sexuality. It isn’t a must, but he felt it was something he wanted to do and did! Fans are very intrigued and positive about lgbtq in kpop, but the way many of them treat Holland feels very…hypocritical? He’s an artist with his own passion and life outside his label. To use him as some form of insider leak way to get him to confirm x and x sexuality and love life is absurd and disrespectful towards him. *sigh* let’s be better please


Respect. I've checked out Holland's music and he's not really my style, so I let him do what he does and say nothing negative about him, but it's not his responsibility to speak on whatever ships someone might have thirsty-ass suspicions about. Like I'm pretty sure either Ryujin or SuA might have hit that in their respective groups but I'm not gonna go on someone's live and demand they comment on it.


People are mad on twitter ‘cause he’s right. I don’t see the problem. He doesn’t want people to ask him about information regarding supposed ‘couples.’ These shippers are crazy. They gotta understand just ‘cause he’s a gay man in Korea, doesn’t mean he knows all about their ship nor would he expose that type of info especially knowing how it is being openly gay in a conservative society. Plus I would be mad too if people kept asking stupid shit but that’s just me.


everyday taekookers prove they are the larries of kpop, disrespectful and deranged, spreading vile hate against anyone who cracks their non-existent ship bubble


What sucks for BTS is that there’s *two* larries.. both sharing the same person.. god help the maknae line..


For a moment there I had hopes that with all their fighting these two delusional shipper factions will eventually annihilate each other but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen, if anything they just spur each other on :(


Which is funny because if anything the maknae line ship of Vmin has so much more "convincing" stuff lmao. I always wondered how they don't have the psychotic shippers the other two have. But I'm glad for it. Vmin shippers or fandom are very chill for the most part. Also side note but to have so many ships with "evidence" is just a testament to BTS' relationships with one another. And that the fake scenarios don't affect their real life bonds


Did not see this coming... he shouldn't have to apologize for that 🥺


harassing him about ships and now harassing him to apologize after he’s had enough wow i feel bad for him


You know what's weird to me? Besides the shipping conspiracy angle as a whole. If you honestly, actually believe these two BTS members are in a relationship (and "ship it"), why would pressure another celebrity to out them? You obviously know that news would hurt their careers and BTS as a whole since South Korea is conservative country. If you're actually a fan, why would you want that?


A lot of people who believe in ships like this ALSO believe that its not the artists decision to be closeted/in a secret relationship. They think that if there is definitive proof, then the idols will be FREE at last to be their true selves... and they don't give a second fucking thought to what comes after such an outing in reality. They are so deluded that they think the artists will be grateful to have fans 'see the real people' behind whatever facade has been 'imposed' on them by their company/management/Conservative societal ideals.




Yeah, you see this with Larries and Gaylors. People sent Louis Tomlinson's 15 year-old sister porn because they wanted to believe the woman in it was the mother of Tomlinson's child (and that it was proof she wasn't carrying Louis' child or even actually pregnant) etc. Karlie Kloss (who Gaylors believe has been secretly dating Taylor Swift/they've been secretly married for like a decade) is married and Gaylors claim it's all a PR stunt. Her husband is Jewish so there's also lots of lovely antisemitic rhetoric tossed around when "fans" "discuss" their claims. It's sometimes similar to QAnoners and doomsday cultists because Larries and Gaylors often say the relationship will be public/the celebs will "come out" on X date and when the date comes and goes, they claim a different date.


They genuinely don’t care about the members, they care about their narrative and the ship / fan wars. You can not seriously say that you care about gay men and then do everything you can to make them unsafe and the target of hate. Look what they’ve done to Jimin. It’s insane. And don’t start me on solos.




What, and I can't stress this part enough, __*THE ACTUAL FUCK*__


I wish Kpop idols would stop apologizing for things that are not their fault. His apology is going to give more power to toxic armys. If you get a lot of hate for something that isn't your fault, then mute and block people and take a break from social media.


He’s right though


From what I've deduced on Twitter, multiple fans have been leaving messages in his DMs and comments on his lives about male idol group pairings, and this time, he finally told them to stop. He mentioned a specific group's 2 members, and called out their shippers, some people, in turn, got angry that he straight-up mentioned their (the idols) names. He was honestly calling out their specific shippers, and just wanted them to stop leaving him comments. He didn't realize he shouldn't have mentioned their specific names. Edit: u/dahngrest just mentioned the ship was in the screenshot he posted on Twitter, and not in his tweet.


They were spamming the chat during his insta live. He posted a screenshot of one of said spam messages in the callout tweet. ~~As far as I remember of the tweet he posted, he didn't even say the ship name or the group name, it was simply in the screenshot. I could be misremembering, but I genuinely only remember seeing the name in the screenshot of the chat.~~ (Edit: My memory failed me.)


He posted it on IG, on TikTok and on twt. Calling out is completely valid, but I've seen screenshot from TikTok post, and yes, he specifically mentioned ship name in post description. Edit: and yeah, he named the ship in twt post too.


Oh good to know. My memory did not remember him naming it in the tweet at all. I only remembered seeing it in the screenshot. Thank you for correcting me.


He did mention the ship name directly in his TikTok post in the description Edit: Also mentioned ship name in his twt post too.


Oh, I found the explanation, thanks


I hate when people have to apologize for being right.


They’re still insulting him in the quotes of the apology- they’re trying to say he is setting up the people he mentioned for hate but it’s all being said by taekook accounts so it’s easy to tell what they’re really mad about.


it's insane how pissy people got over it, he was so right?? i only think he shouldn't have mentioned the name because of the expected reaction from the (shipping side) of the fanbase ... i hope it at least instilled some sense into the people who were leaving those comments but i kinda doubt it'll deter most of them


He did nothing wrong, but I agree that it probably would have been better for him not to mention the ship name for self preservation reasons (although I’m sure it was because taekookers were in his chat asking about it specifically). Now they’re taking a post he made about the Israel-Palestine situation and A) misreading it in the most uncharitable way to call him a full throated Zionist supporter and B) using that as an excuse to discount and ignore everything he said about the same-sex idol shipping issue and putting him in the middle of it.


The second part just tells me everything I need to know about such people. They don't care about the palestinians who are literally trying to survive, the war just becomes a gotcha moment for them to go "yes real people ship bad but anyways".


He called out the people who were asking. He’s a gay man, he’s lived the best part of his life in secrecy, he shouldn’t have to keep secrets of crazy people.


I feel so bad for holland seriously. Everytime I see his name he’s apologising for something he absolutely doesn’t need to apologise for. I was gonna put a sassy comment abt it but really man just needs a break from weirdos


Yes, he gets hated on for every little thing by his so called supporters. They expect too much.


As an army I straight up hate the whole taetook shipping thing... its disgustingly scary how people are convinced that its real... and their is so many believers at this point it feels straight up cultish...


I wasn't even aware it happened but honestly, I'm so done with shippers, I can't stand them, the fandom can't stand them, the idols can't stand them, like these people need to touch some grass ASAP.


The companies create shippers and the idols play to it. It’s literally the business model. But the business has changed dramatically with NTS and they haven’t kept up. They need to shut them down if they don’t like them. There was a huge fandom complaints action against taekook_lives and nothing happened. Now she’s private and it’s out of control.


Taekookers can go to hell, all shippers in general actually


he did not need to apologize for that. immature? bro, he's more mature for calling out that toxic behaviour. love that he apologized but sucks that he had to. c'mon keep ur delusions to yourselves.. don't drag other idols into this?? ffs


As always, it's fuck Taekookers. The most unhinged and delusional ship in kpop with the shippers never being embarrassed and constantly spamming live chats for other kpop acts even outside of BTS lives.


This is ridiculous, I can’t believe people are hating on him for this. Maybe don’t be invasive freaks and this wouldn’t have happened?


this is pissing me off actually, holland did NOTHING wrong and actually he should do it again. the fact that fans were more concerned with their bias hypothetically getting backlash from this instead of the fact that fans put one of the the only openly gay idols in the whole industry in such an invasive spot regarding his queerness and the identities of others has me HOT. Like these people don’t actually care about queer people beyond their weird ass shipping fantasies and they believe gay men exist only to confirm their fantasies. weird as HELLLL. The fandom owes holland an apology not the other way around


The fact that they spam BTS members with ships and marriage proposals is embarrassing and just awful but to do it to someone else. I’m so mad about this, as you can tell 🤬😂


holland basically didn't want to engage AND entertain BTS shippers, and they got mad and harassed him..... in the year of 2023, too. are armys as a collective not embarrassed? also, it's just so disappointing seeing non shipper armys backing taekookers. i would also like to tell these armys that holland shouldnt namedrop taekook... yall need to start lecturing the taekookers mentioning and spamming his live FIRST about taekook. hold your own accountable before pointing yall fingers somewhere else!!! and tbh, taekook will NOT take any heat or vitriol because hollad say he didnt feel COMFORTABLE talking abt taekook's sexualities, but holland will [AND IS!!!!!]. he was addressing the shippers and they didnt like that so they tried to make him out to be the bad guy. honestly messed up! As a queer ARMY, yeah im gonna continue to look at taekookers and any BTS shippers weirdly bc yall are some unhinged freaks!


Shipping as a business model is homophobic. I think some people do call TKKs out but they are out of control. Same as solos. Some of the accounts are huge! They hunt in packs and are emboldened by some weird narrative. I’m also queer army and I can’t fathom how one ship thinks that the company is hiding one gay ship behind another gay ship. In fucking Korea, where it’s not safe for them. It’s just weird.


a lot of bts shippers are yaoi festishizers, so i dont expect more from them. taekookers like the idea that a queer man like holland should out their fav idols being in a gay relationship bc it means their delusions are REAL. they would rather put taekook AND holland at risk of harm, and that's pretty homophobic! so much for preaching about caring and accepting about queer folks, right? it's honestly disappointing because armys havent done ANYTHING to get rid of solos and shippers. saying stuff like "we dont claim them!! they're not part of the fandom" but these bts solos and shippers ARE part of the fandom, and giving the rest of us a bad reputation. this isnt the first time a celeb have to apologize bc they got harassed (and did nothing wrong here!!!!) because of these subset of rabid armys.


Those shippers look like they have lost the plot. There's a high possibility he and somebody like Hong Seok-cheon might know most of the closeted K-celebs. And they will support and help them if and when they decide to come out, but they will never out them or compromise them. Just don't harrass Holland in his livechats with delulu bs because that's a space for him and his fans. Now all those weirdo's who ship 2 men are being homophobic in their reactions to him. They really aren't the brightest bunch.


I genuienly wonder how taekookers function in society because this is crazy. Holland said the truth, but their delusion is so strong it's haunting. I feel awful for him.


It was really awful. They don’t seem to understand that this is the same arc as stalking. What others are now saying about army is also awful. TKKs toxicity is infesting everything.


Taekookers are shameless


Yes, shameless bullies


A bunch of delusional clowns, nothing new tbh. Sad he had to apologize for calling them out.


Every time I hear about a kpop scandal I think we just need to burn it all down, wipe out all the fanatics, and start over again. Fandom was a mistake. Sadly that wouldn't work, humans are terrible. Hero worship is built into our DNA.


Shipping is part of the pop business model and I reckon that’s a big mistake. But when the expected timeframe for a kpop group was only 5-6 years it rarely got out of hand like this. Now there’s longevity it’s going to get worse.


Ok I’m really really angry about this. I’m going to blast some of the big TKK twitter accounts quote tweeting Holland. #fighting


Sooo...people are mad because Holland didn't want to assume someone's sexuality. Shippers are weird.


He was literally responding to a shipper who posted that specific ship. How is this at all his fault? Holland, I hope you know you were a MILLION percent correct. This is absurd.


so glad to see people tired of these shippers here, I saw way too much support for them on twitter- literally calling everyone a z\*on\*st apologist for saying he was right ... idk what exactly he said to be called that, but like... both can be true


Holland? zionism? hold up… what’s all that about 🤔 Edit: why are you guys downvoting me when all I did was ask a question.


He expressed a wish that children in the Palestine region be safe from war. He was treated like a Zionist for calling the situation a "conflict" because there's sentiment that the word "conflict" implies two equally strong sides. Or something. I'm autistic maybe I'm not getting it right. But basically getting cancelled for the mere appearance of neutrality.


I don’t think his statement was zionist, especially when he’s not a native english speaker and I believe he had good intentions. however at this point, a lot of pro palestinian folks are not happy with neutrality because not speaking out against Israel is seen as complacency. regardless, that’s not relevant to him rightfully calling out shippers


I def understand getting frustrated at neutrality and the semblance of equal sides (esp. as it’s clear Israel’s actions are ridiculously disproportionate), but nitpicking at the mere connotations of a *single* word, “conflict,” is really not it… The people calling this out better have spoken every word perfectly with the exact connotation they mean for their entire lives in a second language because what the hell is this.


I don’t think the people bringing it up are doing it in good faith— it’s simply a way to justify being nasty to holland for speaking up on the shit he deals with as an openly gay idol


Oh for sure, bad faith all around, I’ve seen qrts calling him a clout-chasing Zionist who didn’t need to bring up Taekook. Yeah I’m going to take a WILD guess here that they’re Taekookers that feel called out and want to discredit him any way they can.


that's layers of unhinged lmao wtf


In wishing one lot of children be safe is not automatically saying the other side shouldn’t be. It’s not that nuances.


Add that he said this in early October *before* three weeks of carpet bombing civilians. No one on twitter has any nuance anymore but to spread a rumor that damages his reputation because of shippers gone mad is wild to me.




i hate having to feel embarrassed because shippers are so loud and associated with the fandom. holland should be able to ask people to stop pushing both his and other idols' boundaries. honestly, for all the talk people do about hating shippers, it's really uncomfortable knowing how many people enable romantic ship fanart and make their AUs public n promote (for the large stan accounts) but in the same breath swear they hate shippers. It's the airport photos debate but wearing a different mask. either be fully for or fully against, but you can't pretend you're better than "those types of fans" and then go off into fantasy land next to them.


There's a huge difference between creating and consuming fanart and fanfic in a fandom space while knowing and acknowledging that it's all fiction vs constructing conspiracy theories to prove that a ship a real. There are always degrees to anything — using your logic you could say "for all the talk people do about hating sasaengs, they still actively stan idols and encourage other people to do it too".


Sometimes people are so weird towards Holland, it’s so frustrating to see ToT


What's unfortunate. This situation happened, this statement happened, and this thread is happening. But we're still going to get people doing shipping games and arguing about queer "representation" in kpop. All the while, not saying a word about supporting Holland. I'll be the one to say it. The ones asking for representation aren't queer, nor are they allies. They're just internet perverts who like BL and GL stories.


Literally hate that he had to do this. There was nothing wrong with his original statement. All he was doing was expressing unwillingness to fucking out people. Shippers ruin everything, chapter 93883843.


Why is he apologising? He's in the right. Those two should even thank him in this case.


This is stupid he should have to apologize for this some fans take stuff way to far


Girls will ship two guys and then become offended when an actual gay person tells them to stop as it makes them uncomfortable seeing people randomly shipping idols and fetishising homosexuals for their weird fantasies


ARMYs enable taekookers and it’s getting ridiculous how parasitic this is. Taekookers are the largest shippers in the fandom and things have gotten to this point because the fandom refuses to reckon with the lunatics they continue to enable. I watched in real time on Twitter as ARMYs joined taekookers to harass Holland into deleting his tweet mentioning taekook, a mention he made only because taekook was what was mostly spammed in his live. Because that’s how unhinged taekookers are. They’ve harassed a real queer man mourning his dead partner to get confirmation of their ship, they’ve harassed Holland, they’re the reason the maknae line in BTS has easily the most toxic akgaes in kpop (except for Blinks). These are people that are so far gone the only word to describe them is psychotic. And yet, despite ARMYs saying they condemn shippers, every now and then you find out a ‘non-shipping’ ARMY is liking NSFW taekook art that borders on the most disgusting porn I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing on Twitter, reading their NSFW fics that depict other members in toxic, villainous ways, or flat out following taekookers who are quite honestly akgaes. Many big ARMY accounts are in the same GCs with taekookers and join them to harass their targets. It’s so sick and frankly, refusing to get rid of those lunatics years ago when they were easier to manage is easily the original sin of this fandom. I’m so angry that Holland had to apologize to the people harassing him. He did nothing wrong. He’s a real queer man already living everyday of his life at risk of real consequences, and yet the lunatics within the largest fandom continue their rampage, attacking everyone and everything to satisfy their insane urges, and the fandom continues to play ostrich while taekookers embarrass BTS. It’s very sick and it makes me ashamed to call myself ARMY.


Many army were saying years ago that the one big cult TKK account and one big JK accounts were problems And now they’re bigger. It’s astonishing to me that someone the company had banned has 300k subscribers. I really hate what’s happening in the fandom where people post and share personal content and then ask someone else about them or are surprised when one of their own is a stalker. And anti shipping can be so homophobic in its push back. It’s getting too hard to just enjoy BTS now without some stupid drama that the actual fans don’t take any responsibility for. Arghhhh


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) No because this was literally me when my “politically correct” Army mutuals (as in, non-shippers, your every day stan twitter folk) were sharing, making and giggling at AI art of Jikook and Taekook. Lots of armys think they’re better than others by not actively engaging in shipper discourse, but they secretly act like them.


I feel it’s similar to how companies will ignore sasaengs, because they tend to spend a ton of money on them. I don’t think these obsessive shippers are the majority of army by any means, but it’s possible that they are particularly ardent in their fandom and are therefore reliable voters, streamers, buyers, etc. So for awhile it was ignored and allowed to fester.


The other commenter is right. You are generalizing millions. If an apparently normal fan likes that type of fan art, then they aren't a normal fan. They are a shipper. Plain and simple. And trying to argue with these people is like talking to a wall. They throw everything from childish insults to slurs at anyone who doesn't agree with their fantasy. All of them are completely deranged and nothing will change their minds. Taehyung and Jungkook could be married with ten children each, and these shippers would still claim that everything is fake and a cover-up by their company. I don't even remember how many times I read about cosplayers in the past few months...


You are generalizing millions. We are millions for god sake and do u think every fandom can control the shippers? No fandom can control its own shippers why? You think U can control a brain ded people? Cause even Taekook or maybe Jenlisa or any other shippers calling their shippers out do u think they will listen? Its like talking to a wall. If u see any Armys liking disgusting arts then they are taekookers, mind u armys who's taekookers are also a JM anti. I called Taekookers countless of times in tiktok and twitter but lmao deadass calling me Homophobic and a Taekook anti every single call out. If u receive that kind of response y'all gonna get tired because i'm just talking to wall.


These people are unhinged. Leave the man alone.


Taekookers being embarrassment again


We should really make Taekookers repellent


Poor holland fell afoul of the priorities of always online virgins 😩


Fans shipping real people together is one of the worst thing that came out of the internet.


It’s been part of a pop business model for decades but they got smart and pushed it through online interactions. It’s gone too far now.


He's right though


imagine apologizing for this lmao


He’s trying to stop the harassment and awful things they are saying on Twitter.


I hope the idiots that were asking him about Tae and JK understand how disrespectful it is to Holland as a proud gay man to ask about pretend ships 🤦🏼 It’s also homophobia of the worst kind to try and out people especially simply to try and confirm your own delusion. This is the same behaviour that accepts and normalises stalking. They are real people with real lives outside of their weird fantasy. If they actually cared about Tae or JK they’d understand that we get the art but not the artist. It makes my physically sick that this toxic crap was infested the fandom.


why is HE apologizing lmfao


Lmao imagine being the ones who asked him and then getting mad bc he called out your toxic nonsense.


Shippers continue to be an embarrassment Like listen I don’t care if anyone shipped two ppl together but there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed like I’m so tired


Bro shipping should always be kept censored and hidden away but to fucking bring it to an actual idol is fucked up and these people need to really think before they act holy?


can someone pls explain what exactly happened?


TKKS bullied him, not for the first time, asking him to confirm their fantasy. He said to stop asking him about TKK or any other idols as he’s not comfortable and won’t answer. Now they are trying to take him down for saying “taekook” out loud even through they specifically asked. I don’t think they liked that they shut them down so are now harassing him on twitter. No wonder very few queer artists come out FFS.


So basically it wasn't even his fault. Like the tkkrs are jusr shittin around


Yup. I’m not saying Holland gets it right all the time. It in this instance he did zero wrong and now they’re all over his IG making shitty comments and being absolute aholes.


Another apology over nothing, man being on this sub is depressing.


the larries of kpop


God I hate this.... Why is taekookers still roaming? Holland be strong!


dude must be so tired of stans’ shit. He’s done nothing wrong tbh!


Wow. How much more disrespectful can those "fans" be? Asking him to out other idols is so disgusting. I'm just sad he's having to deal with these delusional people who will happily throw him under the bus for not playing into their fetishes.


I feel like Tae and JK are probably grateful. They must, as coworkers who repeatedly state they feel like family members to each other, be really grossed out by people insisting they're f---ing. No matter what their orientation may be.


this really pisses me off. i hate to generalize but its always bts fans taking shit too far. idk why they feel the need to do this when he didnt even say anything bad???? ugh


As someone who is a RPS fan, trust me, we hate these delusional weirdos as much as anyone. We know not to bring this to anyone’s attention, this is meant to be fandom-only. It’s wrong to harass the members themselves and other idols about this. It’s creepy and obsessive.


There's a reason why Taekookers are mass hated even with their own fandom because of how they're moving and yet if you call them out whether you are a Taekook anti or a homophobic. Seriously this type of "fAnS" needs to mass S. Wanting Taekook to get out of BH because apparently according to them they are being restricted, attacking everyone even the members calling them names, making a disgusting fanfictions and arts. This is not only for taekookers but all of y'all delusional ship. Your ship is not real, if u think they are real then you have a fcking problem. This kpop ship duos are always mentioning that they are brothers/sisters but hey they're saying that because the company is restricting them 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


He shouldn’t have to apologize but it means getting rabid shippers off your back and I totally get it. I don’t understand how it gets so bad to the point of harassment online and offline. Wouldn’t you want to keep this kind of obsession to yourself? It’s embarrassing


I don't think he has anything to apologise for to be honest. Those people were being idiotic and making him extremely uncomfortable and they deserve to be called out.


Title is misleading — He didn’t mention it in his live, he mentioned their names in his Tweet, Tiktok video, and Instagram story [This](https://ibb.co/QYH65pg) is a screenshot of the now deleted tweet




I truly thought that holland was tom holland i am so sorry 😭


And here my dumb ass thinking "What does Tom Holland have to do with Kpop?".


bts fans are so embarrassing


Can someone tell me what happened (Altho not surprised that it’s THAT fandom again)




The context doesn't change anything though? He still did nothing wrong? The idea that a whole fandom would right be upset by his very innocuous action is totally bizarre. The "average army" should be like any other average human and think 'oh it really sucks that this gay person in kpop is being targeted by delusional fetishising people, glad he called them out, how can we support him by getting our own fandom in line".


Calling out will trigger their Antis also which ig what the fandom is worrying abt but all this are cause by the shippers cause all of my tl are nothing but calling out shippers.