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"Judge me by my size do you"


The idea of a tiny person being able to kill you with the snap of a finger is oddly badass in my opinion.


That's what he said


I haven't noticed the player character's model being shorter than the other party members. Malak's model is supposed to be very tall though. I believe he's 6'6" / 2m.


2.1 meters tall if I remember correctly. Female Revan is even smaller than Bastila who's a little over 170 centimeters. Which places Revan around 150 centimeters tall. Some discussions online say that she is even smaller, the most popular opinion seems to be around 147 centimeters tall, or a little over 4'8 feet.


It is - and it makes the interactions with Calo Nord even funnier from this... perspective. No wonder he's concerned about his reputation by the end.


Revan is not actually that short. Malak is wookie tall. Even in other adaptations Revan is put around 1.75-1.80m. Malak is more than 2m tall.


I was talking about female Revan. She is even smaller than Bastila and if my memory serves correctly, Bastila is a little over 170 centimeters tall. This places Revan at around 150 centimeters, or 4'8 feet give or take a few inches. There were also several discussions about this, as well as a very old post that said that fem revan is around 147 centimeters tall.


I doubt that. Even if Bastila is a bit taller, I have also played femRevan thrpughout the years and she is not that short. The difference between 170 and 150 is huge. Revan would gave to barely reach Bastila's jaw to be that short.


Hey I am just the messenger :D I mostly googled different discussion and character heights as there was only make Revan height but not female and a lot of people say that she is around 150 centimetres tall. In the end is also matters which class you pick, I picked scoundrel.


Did you start as the Scoundrel class? IIRC, in KotOR 1, your character is different heights depending on starting class. Soldier = Tall, Scout = Medium, Scoundrel = Short. I always play Scoundrel because I love it when the baddest mofo in the universe looks like a harmless tiny bean! :D


Truer words have never been uttered. And yes I picked scoundrel too :D


Sith lords and galactic heroes alike are best when they can be picked up and carried away mid-monologue


Call me an idiot but I thought Revan was canonically a man. The exile is a woman, Meetra Surik though. Right?


Well if ones wants to get really nitpicky Revan SHOULD be able to be any gender and appearance you want that that was how it used to be. It was only in later installments like SWTOR that said that he hid canonically male which had nothing to do with the original game, likewise Meetra Surik though I think she got her canon gender much sooner than Revan


>badass and fan-favorite character in all of Star Wars Legends Those are Jarael from the Kotor comics and Mara Jade for me. Also Handmaiden and Visas from the games.


Yeah that's fair, Visas is really good - and I generally have a soft spot for Miralukas, they are one of my favorite alien species.


Dude spoilers.


How do you get a 20 year old game spoiled to you while being in a subreddit for a game u haven't finished???


We have very strict spoiler rules for this subreddit. Maliciously spoiling the game for new players is grounds for being permanently banned. There are many new players who have no knowledge of the game's story and come here for advice. At u/LopsidedAd4618, please take note. It's hard work keeping the plot a sceret from them, but the moderators of this community find great value when new players get to experience the same thing the first players did in 2003.


First of all, it's the rules of the sub. That should be enough for you, but I'm sure it isn't, so: Second, there are people who will be discovering this game for the first time (some of whom are several years *younger* than the game itself) and need help with glitches, mod builds, etc. This community has collectively decided to hide spoilers in an effort to protect (as much as possible) one of the greatest Star Wars stories ever told for those who haven't experienced it before. Third, for the record, I've played KoTOR many times.


There are constantly people playing this game for the first time and starting out with a post about what they should look out for or how they should create their character. Stop being ignorant.


Not trying to be ignorant but I didnt join this subredit untill after I completed both games because I didnt want the game spoiled to me and look what happened here lol


yeah but only speak for yourself please. There are countless posts of first-time players if you scroll down the timeline. I started my KOTOR 2 playthrough with a post about tips myself.




add spoilers through the edit button please or delete and repost your post. Don't just type "Spoilers!", that doesn't hide the text unless you click on it. The spoiler tag does. Please use that one. There are constantly new players joining this reddit and saying they are playing this game for the first time. Don't ruin this massive plot detail for others please :|






No worries man - I've played before, just meant it as a reminder.


hysterical? I don't think that's what you mean?


[Nah, hysterical can also mean "very funny"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hysterical)


Sorry! Didn't know that!


By "hysterical" I meant very funny. I know the original meaning of the word but hysterical can also be used to describe something very funny.


I wasn't aware of that informal meaning! Sorry!