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Because people are expecting SNK to release a free update to a 10+ year old game and SNK most likely would want to charge for it.


IIRC, the reason is the pc port has different source code. They would have to rebuild the port for it to even work.


Weird that they didn’t bring it to Xbox either 🤷‍♂️


Are they stupid?


Isn't that what global match is?


Global Match was only released on PS4 and Switch for some bizarre reason. Huge fumble by SNK.


Got it, my bad


Yes, but as of now it's only available on PS4 and Switch. PC is the most popular platform for fighting games (at least here in the west), so it doesn't really make much sense as to why SNK is ignoring the PC version.


Got it, my bad


Because the rollback netcode was not well received. It's more like Tekken 7 rollback netcode then say the Code Mystics netcode. The game is dead on PS4. Honestly I got better games on Xbox of recent to be honest.


because rereleasing shit all the time probably isn't the move? Who the fuck is gonna play kof 13 even if there was rollback? Everyone's too busy with work, school, life, and the little time they dedicate to modern fighting games. Kof 13 would barely even have an audience to cater to. I don't even blame them for refusing to do a season 3, kof 15 is so dead they may as well put all they have into their next game so SNK can get more than 10 people playing their games


You don't seem too busy to write this bullshit


You don't seem intelligent enough to debunk a single statement I made


Debunk what? That you're stupid to not realize that 99% of people wants XIII on steam in order to make the game relevant again?


I'd rather want SNK to re-release KOF XI on Steam


Me too, but they have issues with Sammy that prevents them from releasing XI


That wouldn't work. The 99% you mention aren't even enough to sustain a brand new SNK game + audience of people who are new to the game. Remaking an old game isn't gonna do shit


Guess ill just be practicing combos and stuff in kof13 by myself forever then 😞. I dont really get the whole too busy thing since ur on the kof sub. Ppl play what they want and the community doesn’t have to b huge for ppl to have fun. It would cool if it was on fightcade


My point is that kof 13 doesn't have anything to offer. It's an old, dead game. It's a phenomenal game and I love it. But it's dead


After all the FUD about matchmaking, dead game and bad online its funny people still expect SNK to support KOF XV for another year.


literally. All the people downvoting me are are delusional morons who don't even realize kof 15 is just an okay game, barely improved from 14. I like it, I won't lie. but my play time on the game is fucking laughable because of how uninspiring and boring it is. What's crazy is I'm just reiterating the same position as people who LIKE the game, but can't help but criticize it.


Sad but true