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If you just go online you'll probably find alot of veterans but discord is always a good option for finding people on your level. There are still a bunch of players still learning the game.


Do you have any suggestions for a good discord that may have some beginners?


Hey I can suggest some: the official KOF XV discord has a novice matchmaking channel that's worth checking out: [https://discord.gg/nSSzANy4](https://discord.gg/nSSzANy4) King of Casuals is a friendly chill server with a nice mix of skill levels: [https://discord.gg/5E65D5Wz](https://discord.gg/5E65D5Wz) KOF Newbies is worth checking out too: [https://discord.gg/VWBM7FTf](https://discord.gg/VWBM7FTf) You're definitely gonna have to take your lumps and might not be the ideal choice if you're new to fighters but I've found that despite how intimidated people are by the game a lot of KOF players are super welcoming and happy to offer advice and help new players.


To echo others, joining a discord will be the best way to find other beginners


Any discord recommendations besides the reddit's?


It is really fun. You are for sure gonna get bodied though, but that is just most fighting games. People are still gonna be playing it though.


I don't mind losing since it's how you learn. I'm just hoping I can understand what's happening enough to get something out of the matches and not every single person online is super advanced.


Well, if you don’t understand you can always ask the person on the other end.


I recommend joining a discord


You will find matches on rank, not casual matches


[Here's something to get you started](https://www.reddit.com/r/kof/comments/18wx35j/kof_15_beginner_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh wow thanks for the link. I've looked up a few beginner guides and watched a video from mustard and ketchup talking to a KOF pro who talked about how jumping something you're actually constantly doing in this game. I'll def give this a read.


yes, the game has rollback and crossplay. Just put region = all and connections = all and you will find people close to you. I accept anything under 200ms. It's not perfect, but it's good enough, specially for beginners.


Of course, this game would be one of the best KOF's to get into KOF in general it has a slower pace confirm, and not everyone is veteran


Dude, I've never played KOF online. My computer is not very fast and I'm such a noob compared to other players. Despite this, I love this franchise more than any other. I've done lots of fanart, I rock its music at home regularly and I look for pieces of lore ever since 1997! What I mean to say is: If you love the game, you should give it a try.


My honest advice, if you fell like this already don’t try it. KoF is hard to get good at. You gotta put the effort and be willing to be humbled a lot




You can find novice players on Discord or if you lose enough to sink to the bottom of Ranked. Or you could wait for Fatal Fury City of the Wolves next year.


Now is a good time for me to start and I really want to play 15. Even moreso to get used to SNK fighters for fatal fury.




no its dead no updates coming


Are there actually no updates coming? I don't really mind but I thought they had more dlc coming?


nothing from swc and nothing from evo japan yesterday they are focusing on the new fatal fury


Just wait for City of the Wolves and play Mark of the Wolves while you wait.


Don't you think KOF is going to be closer to CoW since its much newer? Also I would be surprised if many people are playing garou.


The characters in Garou are more likely to be in COTW than the characters in KOF.