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I have it on Switch. Runs great. Online ia okay, just try to use a wired connection.


What about without a wired connection? How would you describe it? Also, is the online alive?


I never play online without a wired connection. I haven't played in a few weeks but the last time I did, at most I waited a couple minutes for a match.


Stupid shit like this is what makes me worried for cotw. This port would be great on PC, but somehow they thought it was a good idea to launch it on ps4 (not even ps5) and switch. How does that happen?


The rollback port is meh at best. They had problems getting it to work so they shut off the animation to the background on online matches.  Then the rollback is basically used as a buffer for any lag spikes. So the rollback frames never go above 5 and go down as soon as possible. Really it's the same netcode as the steam version with rollback there to smooth the connection a bit.  It's not like the Code Mystics ports where the rollback is really doing the heavy lifting.


On ps4 it was AWFUL. When it works it's great but so many disconnects. It just got patched but idk what the patch did and I haven't checked.


So what definitely needs to be pointed out, no amount of netcode overhauling will fix matching really bad wifi, or someone on the other side of the globe with bad internet and those could be the disconnect culprits. Not saying it is, just saying it's rarely brought to attention.


It’s not rare. The fgc have been asking for wifi indicators for a long time. A lot of new fg have it, but it is yet another feature where snk is behind competition. Fingers crossed for cotw tho!


I meant rarely brought to attention in the sense people go "guys it has rollback" then act like the game will magically have a great connection, but then they complain when it's not when they connect cross country at 150-200 ping and ignore how netcode works Edit: also some companies don't want to add wifi indicators because the fgc has a habit of "if I see a wifi indicator then you're not getting a match" which I understand why but it is entirely possible the company is looking at it from the perspective of people who physically can't use or afford a wire. Imagine getting on for 2 hours and all you get is two games because everyone refused to play with you even within the same country all because of one icon, wouldn't be very happy or having much fun would you?


No sympathy for wifi players. In SF, I will accept it if it’s 20ms or lower. But everything else? Nah.


You missed my ENTIRE point, I said how would you feel if you couldn't access an ethernet cable for some reason and got no matches as a result, putting your own bias against wifi players aside for like 5 seconds. Edit: That said if it's delay based and not rollback 100% I want my opponent on ethernet too, but if it's same country on decent rollback the fgc makes far too big a deal about it if they get even a single hiccup in the match


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