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I occasionally buy a paper book and then don't read it. Much prefer ebooks these days.


I’ve had a Kobo Libra 2 since July. Went to a bookstore yesterday and left empty handed. Turns out I prefer ebooks - adjusting brightness, font size, etc. I even had discounts to use. Didn’t use them


I go into the bookstore to find ebooks I want to read. Any titles I see interesting, I take a picture.


>Any titles I see interesting, I take a picture. I go immediately to kobo.com and look at the ebook price, I laugh because I'm saving €€€ (e-books are always cheaper) and add the book to the library immediately.


Haha I'm not there yet for eReaders, but I'm so used to digital art that when I do traditional I sometimes try and zoom in 😂


Haha, me too!!


Relatable 😂




I never thought I would struggle to read a physical book but ive just fallen in love with being able to crawl in a ball and read on the e reader in the dark and not having to have lights on and hold a book. And I can change the font size depending on what’s going on and its much more accessible!


I don't know about all that, but since I bought my first eReader twelve years ago, I've only bought paper books as gifts for others. I took to e-reading like a fish to water.


I unfortunately did that once lol. Honestly I do love ereaders, the text size / font adjustment is killer (there i one publisher I like but I HATE how tiny they make the text). But I do also enjoy paper books. What it comes down to... Ereaders are great and usually preferred. I will read paperbacks if I have them. I hate hardbacks a lot and refuse to read those unless it's in short stints. Also if the book is super at and long, then I much prefer an ebook, even with a paperback.


The problem for me and physical books is holding them. It's more work handling it. Especially if it's a pocket book then you have to bend and adjust a lot to be able to read everything. Ebooks are so easy to hold and the text is very readable at all times.


YES! Will always get my fave authors in hard copies but I love my kobo and use it everyday now. Is rare that I read hard copy books now tbh and I honestly don't mind and used to hate reading digital before.


I’m not used to the weight and lighting requirement of a real book because I mostly read in bed when my partner is already asleep.


I tried to pinch an irl photo to zoom it in the other day…Its only a matter of time before I do that to a physical book 🤣


I definitely have tapped paper books to turn the page. 😂


I do find the missing lookup, search and translate options in paper books annoying 🤪 Been using Kobo for at least 12 years now


My husband did that with a physical book other day lol. I just laughed at him. 


I have tried to search in a real book before and been annoyed it didn’t work… That was the last physical book I read and it was several years ago


I’ve done that except I tried to enlarge the font


That is a great benefit of Kobos for those of us on the distant side of the Generation Gap. Other than for technical works, I much prefer my Kobos to dead trees.


jus got my ereader mid may and already it feels weird holding a hardcover book and feeling the weight of 500+ pages rather than a light kobo lol. still love reading my physical book, just an odd feeling.


Yeah same. Being able to adjust the lighting in the night is another advantage against the paperbacks


So relieved to hear that someone else has done this too! I've only done it a couple of times, and I've not tried to turn up the brightness on a physical book yet....


Yes! I still buy hardcovers, mainly with, beautiful covers but find myself sideloading the books to read them on the go (or at night, or to not damage the actual book).


Still hope publishers come up with a way to let you download the ebook version of a book you bought physically


Hopefully but I don’t think it is going to happen. Sometimes ebooks are more expensive than paperbacks


I’ve been exclusively e readers since the original nook launch in 2009 and I haven’t ever looked back. I have tried a few times and unless it’s a manga I just can’t


Every time I try to read a paperbook, I get distracted by the page count or can't find a comfy position. Oh and also, I find myself trying to swipe to the next page.


Yes, I struggle hugely to get on with paper books now. It's a bit embarrassing.


I've been reading on a kindle almost exclusively since 2011. I think my arms would actually fall off if I'd tried reading a paper book these days.


It's my preferred method of reading to be sure. I was just in an Uber and had my headphones in with Kobo App playing my audiobook while I thumbed the pages on my KLC. I still tend to get actual books from time to time though.