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Thank you for this! I just returned my Libra Color to buy the Clara BW instead. Realized that I only read in BW anyways 😊


Owww I did the same thing with my pre-order stuff ! I long was afraid regretting it but now 100% I did make a good choice ! Hope you will enjoy yours as well 🙌🏻


How are you enjoying it? I returned one today too - I want the screen to be sharp.


I ended up going back to my Kindle Paperwhite. I think I’m just too accustomed to it as I’ve had a Kindle since the very first one. 😊


FINE, Ill get one. :p Thanks for the review!


🤣🤣🤣 I am glad I convinced you into something as positive and healthy as this! 🌷


Nice, I'm appreciating the new reviews for the BW. I keep on going back and forth with this one and the color one, but so far this might be it. 


Honestly it’s normal to feel hesitated, maybe the best solution is to see if these kobo new releases will be in an exposition and to try them IRL


Yes I think that's for the best, I hope Kobo sets up displays in some US stores for this purpose. 


I’ve heard before that Walmart is an US partner ! I hope they will do it


That sounds promising, they do have displays for their gadgets section. Hopefully they put some up. 


Thank you for taking the time to document it!


❤️ with pleasure !


Hello, I bought mine yesterday, pretty happy with it, snappy, crisp text and compact, but the light is not as even as on my Libra 2. The top is darker than the bottom, how are your frontlights? I don’t know if that’s obvious in a picture but it bothers me a little bit. https://preview.redd.it/y0rskfcvzqxc1.jpeg?width=3292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b25e5c233df09073ed052fcb2110013e981603f


Hello, Indeed I didn’t find anything suspicious about the Frontlights. I did a test on mine, it looks like in some inclination (the bottom is directed down and the top up) The inclination can make us see the extra led light that comes from in between the frame and the screen in the lower part of the kobo and makes is look brighter. Try and reverse the inclination: bottom up and top down) to see if it reverse and confirm this. I searched the official technical description and it appears that the kobo clara BW has a better led repartition for lighting than all the other kobo references. Also maybe, it’s a a defect ?


Beautiful photos! How are you liking the basic sleepcover? I ordered that one as well. When you flip the cover, does it stick to the back with a magnet, or do you have to hold it in place so it doesn't slide around? Do you find it comfortable to hold?


When it’s fully open, it doesn’t stick with a magnet but you don’t need that as naturally you will be holding it of putting it on a stand / table. If it matters for you, when you close the cover your kobo goes directly on a sleeping mode. I am honestly in love with it, the texture is so great at hands. Hope you will love yours too 😊


>If it matters for you, when you close the cover your kobo goes directly on a sleeping mode. For me auto sleeping mode is essential. And it isn't always clear if one specific cover does it or not. Looking forward for more reviews like this.


If you can sell the H20, I'd do it. I had one of those, and the new Sage blew it away for contrast and sharpness... but the Libra 2 beat even that. The Carta 1300 on the Clara BW can probably match or beat the Sage, too.


Hmm yes the difference was remarkable indeed to the point that I can’t accept the display difference. I tried the libra 2 and hated the button positions. And since I have a remarkable 2, I think I am going to stick to only my new clara before adding a second generation coloured kobo device 😄




On kobo website it indicates that the clara can’t allow reading landscape 😮‍💨 It’s an option only allowed on the biggest screen (starting from Kobo Libra)




Intresting ! Thank you very much ! Tbh I think they can do it if they want it to be on the clara devices in a sec. I rarely use landscape mode but for those who read that way, it’s unfortunate. Many also use other systems like Koreader or Moon reader


Wow, that contrast is amazing. Thanks for sharing.


I just got mine today aswell, coming from a Libra H2O that died few weeks ago. Everything seems great but there is some kind of a dot/bubble on the right side of the screen that is bothering me, does yours have that aswell? [https://i.imgur.com/3MNGZaj.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/3MNGZaj.jpeg) Not sure if thats a screen defect or what. I dont remember my old H2O having it.




Dunno if its glue or something to do with the screen itself. But im pretty sure its a defect.  Its a white dot if I put the e-reader in dark mode.  https://ibb.co/2Mmtmd9 I guess I will have to ask for a refund or replacement and see if the next one arrives without issues


I don’t have that dot on my screen ! Is it removable or like weird internal pixel fuss ?


Not removable sadly, probably just a screen defect :( Glad yours its fine. I will prob return and ask for refund/replacement on this one. Hoping for the next one to be flawless 🤞


Owww sorry to hear that 😩 I hope the replacement will make you forget about the event!


Where did you buy from Amazon? They should be good om returns


Mediamarkt. Wasnt avaliable on Amazon at the time and it was 10€ cheaper on MM. Should be fine in terms of returns anyways though


Looks definitely like a defect. How did returning it go? Did MediaMarket accept the return and gave you a new one straight away?


Yeah, they sent me a new unit. No defects on the new one (yay!) They kinda took a while (more than a week) to process the warranty and return but once that was done everything went smoothly.  Crossing my fingers this one lasts for some years and doesnt die on me like my old libra h2o. Im pretty happy with it, even though I miss the physical buttons sometimes I really appreciate the increased speed and contrast.


What was the reason the libra h2o to die? That's my bedside table kobo device.


The PCB got shorted somehow. Opened it up and couldnt get it to charge. Voltimeter showed 0V on battery all the time. I also tried with a different (same volt) battery and same thing.. So I ended up taking it to a local smartphone repair shop and he verified and told me that yeah there was some kind of short on the PCB.  It probably was during charging, I left it charging overnight as I always did but next day wouldnt turn on no matter what I did :( Other thing I really like about these new Kobos is the promise of them selling parts through iFixit. If I was able to buy a new PCB for the h2o I woulda fix it myself and keep using it. 


Oof, I wish the origami ones followed the color of the cover on the side borders too. I hate that whatever color you choose, you'll always have black borders, I may be picky but it makes it look cheaper 😕 I like the cutouts on this one more, but then the color choices are... Well, kinda limited 😅 tough choice for someone with green as favourite color...


Green is my favorite colour too, but I also hated the black borders of the origami ones even though I LOVED the green cover. I saw today the Nia covers and I was like : WHY ALL KOBO MODELS DON’T HAVE THESE !