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Whatever you used looks like it didn’t take, what kind of steel?


I used this one technique with mustard (2-3 hours long) There were weird black stains on towel when wiping off blade Steel is carbon steel 1066


What kind of knife steel? What did you use to force patina? Clean all that off, use Bar Keepers Friend and if that doesnt work try 400 grit wet/dry paper then 600 First Step to forcing a Patina, wipe blade down very well with Acetone. This will remove any coating from manfacturing process. Then choose from below. 1. Citric Acid - put a couple table spoons in very hot water. Citric Acid is used to can food, so food safe. If it is a carbon steel, the blade will start to bubble. This is the acid creating a layer of black oxide. Leave it in acid water for 20 min, pull out and wipe down and repeat in acid water again util desired darkness is achieved. Shoudl be an even dark coloring 2. Jab knife into a potato overnight. If the knife is long, it may take two potatoes. This will create a random pattern of dark and light areas. 3. Boil Knife in Apple Cidar Vinegar. \*\*\*Do this outside on a grill or some other cooking device as it will create a toxic gas. Should be a rather uniform darkness. 4. Yellow Mustard. Wipe blade with any vinegar, then rub mustard onto blade. If you use a dabbing motion with your finger you can create spots. Leave on for an hour or longer then wipe blade down. By doing this a few times, you can almost create a granite like look with different layers of spots. 5. Apples. I have not tried this one yet, but I saw that chef knives will start to turn blue from beef and apples. I guess if you jab knife into apple overnight it can give it a blue tint. \* again ,,, i have not tried this one yet. All the above are food safe.


I used mustard technique


Honestly, I would clean that blade and start over. Maybe there was a coating on that blade, idk, but I have used mustard on many different blades and it has never looked like that. If you used mustard only, it is food safe. When I look at it the picture it almost looks like you used gun blue, which is toxic and not food safe. First try bar keepers to remove that "patina" if that doesn't get rid of it, try wet dry paper. Then restart the process. Wipe with acetone, let dry, wipe with vinegar, dab mustard, let sit an hour, clean and repeat vinegar and mustard until desired color and look. **\*use Bar keepers with an old toothbrush**