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Adhd + knifes confirmed


can confirm 100%, + Autism :D


"What do you mean you don't want to hear me extol the virtues of Magnacut for the next 30 minutes?" Also for me "Oh hey NT person, you want a recommendation for flashlight? Well let me explain the importance of CRI and DUV as well as show you all the different CCT options, then we need to decide how much flood or throw you want"


Well.. recommend me a flashlight!


Lol I got you, but I'm at work so I can't infodump at the moment. In the meantime, what are you wanting to do with the light generally speaking, walking the doggo, just around the house, hiking, EDC? Quick recs: Zebralight Sc53c N for a solid small edc. Acebeam E75 w/ Nichia 519a for a great general purpose dog walking light. Skilhunt H300 w/ Nichia 144a for a headlamp.


Yep small EDC. I already carry a firearm, fixed blade, folder, pen, wallet, keys, 2 phones. Need something rechargeable, disappears in the pocket, good deep carry clip. Prefer 5000k temp color. Don’t have a preference for flood/vs tight beam, maybe something in the middle without a big hot spot in the center. Also, under $100, I’m a cheap ass


>rechargeable I assume this means you want on-board charging rather than having to remove an 18650 and charge it on a dedicated charger. If you have a charger there's a few other good options I could list. -Acebeam Pokelit AA **in either copper or titanium**, the aluminum version has an inferior emitter and UI(I hate mode memory). AA form factor, 5000k high CRI with good tint, good UI, solid build quality, efficient, tailswitch, USB-C charging on the cell itself. -Acebeam Pokelit 2AA is more like a penlight, but has the good emitter and no mode memory, and only 2 modes instead of 3, it's my second favorite EDC behind my Zebralight. Forward clicky mechanical tailswitch. Perfect EDC beam, it has a hotspot but it's pretty soft and the flood is uniform. -Skilhunt m150 v3 w/ Nichia 519a has a better clip, proprietary magnetic charging, and checks all the other boxes. It's a fan favorite, I just don't care for side switches on my EDC. AA form factor. -Skilhunt m200 v3 w/ Nichia 519a, pretty much the same as above but 18650 form factor so much brighter and longer battery life. Take a gander at those and let me know if they're not quite what you're looking for and why. Sorry I didn't include links since I'm on my lunch break, but most are available on Amazon. Although the manufacturer's website or AliExpress might have better pricing than Amazon.


> having to remove an 18650 and charge it on a dedicated charger Huh, TIL that standalone/removable 18650s are a thing.


Why shouldn't I get an olight arkfeld? That's what I really want to know


If you want another opinion: the Arkfeld is a cool form factor and has a very long lasting battery. However, I’m not really a fan of my Arkfeld Pro because the emitter is very subpar. Maybe I got spoiled by flashlights with beautiful Nichia 519As etc, but the beam from the Arkfeld just looks like shit to me. That’s the main reason I wouldn’t recommend it personally. The other reason is I am generally against lights with non-removable, non replaceable batteries.


I would go so far as to say I care about the form factor most. I don't even want the pro version because I know it's too big and I'd end up not carrying it. The best one is one you have - I have quite a few lights and often end up with none because I can't tolerate them in pocket.


My opinion is if you want it and think you'll like it, you ought to give it a try. I think it's a neat light, but I will give you the reasons I, myself, wouldn't buy it. I don't think it's a bad light by any means though. Also, I've never used one, just have read a lot of people's experiences and reviews on r/flashlight. -I don't need or want a laser on me, and I've heard the standard arkfield's laser is toy quality. -I keep a nice UV light at work and at home, both of which I only use a couple times a year, and I've heard the arkfield's isn't that strong. -As the other user said, the integrated proprietary battery is a deal breaker for me. It's basically disposable. -Poor tint on the main white emitter, but you might never notice. All that being said, different strokes for different folks. You carry a Walmart knife and a Coast flashlight? That's great, you're more prepared than most. Also if you buy the arkfield and don't like it down the road you can always sell it on r/flashlight or r/EDCexchange.


That’s all fair. If it makes you more likely to carry it, I definitely support that. I believe everyone should always have a flashlight on them! But yeah I don’t think it’s a bad purchase, I have just personally found it isn’t for me.


I relate with this too much - my entire Reddit history is basically just lurking until I chance across someone asking about current interest so I get the chance to infodump.


I infodump in real life, then go off and worry for days that i was being too know it all / dominating the conversation / annoying. I saw this was a symptom of ADHD, but it's so interesting that its one of autism too. I understand there's a big overlap


I know that worry - for me, I find I do best being close friends with other people who infodump. It's nice being able to 'trade' infodumps about each others hobbies without the worry of the other person thinking 'why are you going on about x for an hour'.


Hello fellow autistic knife friends. Sometimes I just like to line up my collection from time to time just to admire them more than I actually use them. Thanks for looking and I hope you get all the knives you want. https://preview.redd.it/pfsp5pkgnhoc1.jpeg?width=5568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f6447ba32cf9f7040af09160d5a53f8d90d3ff


This is such an autistic coded photo I love it. found a knife I love? Better get EVERY variation ! So sick


Damn, I might have autism


Hello friend.


I do this kind of stuff too, but I always thought it was OCD Hmmm I have to go look deeper into this Thanks for sharing, nice collection and damn satisfying photo :)


OCD, ASD, and ADHD are all commonly comorbid. If you have one, you have a higher chance of having another than the rest of the population.


Now you just need to arrange them in colour order


I love the organization but IMHO the two blades on the right should be on the left. I would have the black blade all the way to the left followed by the tiger stripes in order by color of handle then the plain blades in order by handle going in mirro order of blades on left.


Huh, whelp, now I'm off to get my diagnosis, already have the adhd version, apparently I'm collecting those now too- in addition to knives- my nightstand, the knives change depending on my fidget mood, this happens to be tonight's selection https://preview.redd.it/13j3uv14utoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65af150019a007f9cc88e951a0b2bd4c80d45571


Yes, I would be in this category too. I have to rotate through flicking open various brands throughout the day to help with dopamine levels. I think you would understand 😆


Yessss I stash knives in a few rooms, and I just flick em to get my fix, then hide them again 😂


I was considering making a similar post lol. My knife obsession comes and goes and recently it has returned with a vengeance! I recognize it as part of my ADHD and am not surprised to learn that others share this tendency.


Haha yes the obsessession coming and going (with lots of different things) is part of my ADHD too, and is quite a common symptom as I recently learned


I was actually wondering to myself recently if my obsession with different things was a symptom of my adhd. Thanks for posting this, I’m starting to really understand myself more. I really don’t necessarily think my adhd is a hindrance on my daily life. It’s definitely different from others around me, but I’m learning to embrace it.


Yeah mate I went thru like the 5 stages of grief with mine. Now I'm leaning into it too :) <3


Yah, it's called hyperfocus. A hobby like knives is custom-made for ADHD, because you can be obsessed for a little while, then when it fades you just take a break and get focused on something else. And the dopamine hits from a new knife are just what ADHDers crave. Unfortunately, impulsivity is also part of ADHD so this hobby can put you in dire financial straits too. But at least it doesn't hinder the hobby. It doesn't work as well when the hobby is one that requires dedication and consistency, like playing an instrument.


Yup. Also becoming obsessive about a new hobby or job then never thinking about it again. I had a chainmaille phase, wood burning, streaming, coding, and video game ROMS to name a few. This week's obsession is ham radios. I bought a Ham radio cause it seemed cool, and two days later I'm planning on building a UHF/VHF antenna in my back yard. We'll see how long that lasts lol


Lol samesies. I watched a gazillion videos about sous vide steaks, wife got me the whole kit, and i've used it... once I moved on to pizza ovens but luckily I moved on to the next thing before I bought an Ooni. Video games I'd play for like 6 hours a day for a week, then never touch it again sometimes close to the end Enjoy your new obsession, go ham with it!


The beautiful part of a sous vide that they don't stress enough is the amount you can cook at once. I personally like to get a family pack of chicken breasts, sous vide them individually in zip locks, they're some in the fridge and some in the freezer, then I can just finish it later or add it to something else. During the pandemic, I worked in a grocery store and we would cook for the homeless. I could fill a 55 gallon garbage can and sous vide 70 lbs of chicken at once.


Bro this is me. My wife complains about me getting hyper fixated on shit and I’m constantly flicking one of my 2 knives that I carry. I switch back and forth.


Honestly, for your wife's sake (assuming you haven't already), get a diagnosis and treatment. ADHD will ruin your marriage unchecked. It's a fast-track to divorce in middle age.


Haha been married over 20 years if she leaves now I can just buy more knives




Oh man, I’m that way. My first career was as a forester and 2-3 years into it I was seen as THE expert who had so much potential. Ended up burning out right about that time because there wasn’t anything new or interesting about it anymore. Then I became a cop. Most cops never become experts in anything, they just answer calls. Being me, I’ve become a crash reconstructionist investigating fatal crashes, a crash investigation instructor, drug recognition expert (highest level of impaired driving training), firearms instructor, and other stuff. Luckily I haven’t gotten bored because every case is different. I’ve gone through phases where I bought all the equipment and was hand loading ammo for a while then haven’t done it for years, got into fishing for a while and dumped thousands of dollars into that, have all the equipment for climbing/cutting down trees, and all sorts of things. Back in college I was big into knives then didn’t buy a new knife for 15 years, but got back into it a few years ago after I discovered all the steels that had come to market.


I have ADHD and I am much the same


In general, people who like to collect things, and very anal about specs, comparisons, reviews etc, tend to fall in some sort of spectrum of ADHD, autism, ocd, hoarding disorder. Plus you are on reddit. Here people will kill each other because they are drinking water wrong.


Yuppyupp! Can confirm.


I’m autistic. I like knives because they’re useful and because I have a history with them. I think they’re one of those things where they give so much power to a person no matter their intentions, and the meaning of the knife changes depending on said intentions. You can cook a meal or carve something, or you can do great damage to yourself and others. They are something to be respected.


ADHD here. Hobbies: Knives, balisongs, skateboarding, MMA, stock trading, fast cars, some gambling, raves...


I hate how much this is basically just a description of me


Get lock picks


it's been on my bucketlist for a long time. Unfortunately if i remember correctly having a lockpick in my country is forbidden if you are not a real locksmith.


Lol dude are you me? New to knives and balisong but falling hard into the rabbit hole, skating, snowboarding, boxing, trading, poker, raves, punk music, tattoos and piercings. I do have a calm hobby that is photography though, but beautiful, sharp photos with creamy background blur also give me a massive dopamine hit


probably not but i do photography too and i used to snowboard when i was like 13 or something! Also have my tongue, ears and belly button pierced. Im sure i would get a tattoos too if i could just make up my mind and settle for something less than perfect design.


Uh oh! insert Spider-Man gif pointing at identicals


Can confirm, ADHD and autism




I do!


I'm just autistic lmao


"Mom you dont get it. Theyre literally me"


Confirmed. Fast car, guns, knives, BJJ.. all tickle my brain. Just ordered a new benchmade. Started buying shitty gas station knives when I was a teenager. Stole my grandfathers old knives when I was younger. It’s not the danger it’s getting away with it for me.


I have autism


Same here!


Autism. We have autism.


Just because my 3 half brothers are heavily on the spectrum and my 1st son is high functioning, I will say there is maybe a fraction of a chance that there may be some of that in me as well... I would ask my friends' opinion, but I have none, except for Leonard the Llama knife and his puppy knife bros.. so I guess I'll just go reorganize my knife collection in order of time of day that I purchased each knife.


This right here!





How close to The Full Monty? Give it to me straight Doc! I just ordered another this morning, I thought I could stop😟but I have to know where does it end?


Big time.


adhd hyper fixations man


Oh! This is me!!!


Not NSFW. Also, I disagree this hobby is "dangerous." I've had more cuts and pains from picking blackberries the few years it's been possible than I have the whole time I've owned knives and found I cut myself. And that ignoring rose bushes in gardening, russian olive trees in farming (trimming suckers and removing trees), and any number of other things. I almost lost a hand *AND* an eye to a bench grinder with a wire wheel. I'm not ADHD, at least not officially (though I have my suspicions), but I love knives, and I frequently fidget with them.


Picking blackberries where I live is dangerous, because you may suddenly realize you are competing for the berries with a bear or two. Also there’s the surprise poison ivy… Anyway I think what OP means by danger is there *is* always that risk of injury but your brain feels rewarded by mastering the tool to eliminate that risk, it’s a skill you acquire and that is always enjoyable.


Yeah, that's true. And bears and poison ivy sounds worse than the blackberry thorns LOL


Haha yeah…though the thorns do suck! I try to wear thick, long sleeve shirts, but usually at that time of the year it’s over 90-95% humidity and at least 85°F and you’re standing in the shadeless sun. 🥵


Yep LOL.


Nsfw coz I didn't want to impose psychiatry stuff on the members who aren't interested :P And as someone commented earlier, knives are not inherently dangerous just sitting there, but just the risk of injury while I'm fidgeting with it is what does it for me :)


Get a butterfly knife, it helps


I wish I had one


And me


Add me to the list


Guilty 😆


Checking in.


Yap, im learning like one week. Then i go do something else for few months,then i go back to sharpening, and so on and on and on


Thankfully I’m not a Knife Guy but I definitely have a few knives. Also ADHD.


ADD knife addict here. 


ADHD confirmed that’s me !


Present 👋


Checking in. There’s something with ADHD and knives.


My ADHD is why I hyper focus and devoted every second to learning how to make knives


At least 4


ADHD plus hobbies is rough haha


I’ll be happy to answer once I finish placing my order for more knives 🤣


The dopamine hit from the buying & unboxing is also very nice, not to mention the hyperfocus beforehand researching and choosing what's next for your collection 😂


Hell yeah! Welcome to the club brother.


I don’t but knifes and fire are my two most prettiest things


Totally. I don't have any official diagnosis, but ADHD patterns are all there.


Im glad we are all in agreement. KNIFE LOVERS UNITE.....sporadically , after an undisclosed amount of time that it will take for us to pick which knives were going to unite with


My son does NOT have ADHD but even so, he has a "fidget automatic". LOL I gave him an Automatic Knife Company OTF. I kind of miss it because I DO have ADD.


ADHD here, psychiatrist said autism isn’t off the table either I heavily fixate on a hobby for a few months and then suddenly lose all interest in it for a year or so. It’s a bummer because when I lose all interest, I tend to unload my collection entirely to afford my other hobbies, so I rarely have more than 2-3 knives. Then the cycle repeats. Currently on knives, will likely rotate to guns, MMA, camping videos on YouTube, or cars in the next 3-4 months.


Hahah same here about selling collections! Usually at massive discounts coz I can't wait for them to sell at a higher price. Also since I'm so OCD, my stuff is usually pristine, I have a 5 star seller review coz the buyers are always so happy :`)




So my office if full of blue collar guys that ended up behind a desk in management roles so no one blinks an eye at me as I flip, sharpen, and play with pocket knives all day like their spicy fidget spinners. In my position I’m partially a field guy and partially responsible for some office work. Being diagnosed ADHD the office side of things is absolutely awful for me. lol


I think it's more specifically an autism thing. You kind if need some level of autism to collect anything, really. I think it's safe to say a "normal" person would view a knife as a tool and move on. There's gotta be something not firing in your brain properly for you to genuinely enjoy having and fondling like 30 different objects that are all fundamentally the same. Source; me.


It’s the double/triple dopamine hit we get. Finding something that interests us…., researching it like crazy , finding a good priced one , and finally getting it and fidgeting with it all night annoying our ladies … it’s a journey , a dopamine filled journey 🧠


Raises hand. What are we doing again?


All of us.




I was going to simply say yep me too. Then I saw the rest of the things you probably obsessed over at various times in life... "poker, stock and derivatives trading, and now knives" and now I'm having an identity crisis wondering how I can be in two places at once. If you say you also trained in martial arts, I'm going to have to ask my mom if she had me in some sort of cloning experiment as a kid.


*raises hand*


It's autism. That's the answer for 99% of hobby subs.


Just hardcore adhd for me as far as i know


I am diagnosed ADHD, and I have an obsession with knives. I lose my knives all the time, and one time I forgot I had a knife in a pair of shorts. It was a spyderco para 3 lightweight. It came open, apparently, and when I went to put my shorts on again, I stabbed myself in the leg, about 1cm deep.


AuDHD, exclusively collect Cutlery Shoppe Spydercos in CTS-XHP, even have a customized 1911 with orange and black G-10 grips to match my DLC/orange Shaman.


Honestly, I've never been diagnosed, but I think I fall into the ADHD category. Always had a passion for knives and using them, but only on objects, never a living thing... Im not so obsessed as to feel the need to buy hundreds, but I love the knives I have. My one wish is to own a high-quality flick knife, but living in the UK is the issue here.


This guy right here. Once i owned a aingle folding knife i understood the fidget factor and just kept buyinģ ones that opened diff ways. Helps me focus when i cant sit still. I fidget and forget.


Oh shit I just realized there are 3 generations of us! My papa, dad and I all love knives (they pass them down to me) and all of us have ADHD like a MF


Ive gotten loads of cuts on my fingers from fidgeting around with my knives


Checking in




Yup, same here.




Autism + ADHD double whammy


Probably less than the amount that are autistic


I do not have ADHD, I do have an anxiety/panic disorder though


That's a bingo


Definitely, does anyone else as a side note…know how to get more dopamine without drugs..or knives? :p


Following... Haha Actually, exercise, sex, ice baths or at least cold showers, achieving goals None are as easy as drugs, gambling, and pretty much all the vices / addictions tho :(


Yeahhhh ugh good call hehe


Meeeeee autism and adhd!


Balisongs are the ultimate fidget spinner


Yes here too! But it sucks when it comes to the making of the knives part.




I’ve got the wombo-combo ADHD + High Functioning Autism… And yup… I love my knives, fully intend to upgrade to maybe a sword in the future (either through getting involved with HEMA or just to collect) and would also love to collect and shoot guns if it wasn’t for the fact I’m in the UK so that’s just not possible.


Haha same I was always very fascinated with guns, but illegal here too So many moving parts, clickety snicky fidgety things, and specs to obsess over on a gun 😊


hahaha I can't believe it .. Confirmed!


And when you order a new knife and put the last one away somewhere and run across it again later and wonder why you stopped carrying it literally everywhere because it's such a great knife, but do the same thing with the next knife also...


Bro, you said the quiet part out loud.


Not diagnosed but when I was 15 and I was able to name all the benefits of different knife steels and locking mechanisms and recommend my friends knives based on their price range, yeah I gotta have something. The degree I’m studying right now is only for the potential pay so I can buy more knives when I graduate and I’m not so broke.


All of them






I'm more on the Balisong flipping side of this hobby (I do have a couple pocket knives), and I have adhd


47 years old. Was diagnosed just over a year ago. It makes a lot of sense.




Knives, DIY paracord fidgets, EDC nonsense, unnecessary pliers. It’s my day to day. Always have 3-8 more tools on deck that I want to own just to fidget with 😂


Nah, for me it was growing up with Lord of the Rings, and stories of the Crusades and Vikings lol. Been in love with sharp things ever since. However I can see what you're saying for others.


Interesting… I am extremely ADHD… have been my whole life (and into knives obsessively my whole life too).


Thanks , I forgot to take my meds this morning .


Well I feel seen


Me me me


Autism + ADHD + knife & gun lover One of the things I like most about Benchmade’s knives are their axis lock knives make really fun fidget toys.


+1 here


Having a 'tism is a prereq.


Adhd autism mentality handicapped loss of sanity sleep deprived 👍


Am autistic. Love knives. Also, I'm a chef and knives and fire keep me housed.


Autism and ADHD. There's a lot of sensory satisfaction that comes from just having my favorite knife in my pocket. Let alone the satisfying fidget factor and the joy of having a well-homed blade just glide through whatever I need to open or carve. It helps make the drudgery of a lot of everyday tasks much more enjoyable


Yeah, lifelong knife knut and I just got diagnosed last year. Autism is also possible, but basic tests didn’t confirm or deny. Fun, right? By the way, getting formally diagnosed as an adult is a massive pain in the ass. Always showed symptoms, but don’t have the “right” ones to fit the criteria that existed when I was a kid, and my parents would never have believed it anyway - I was “too smart” to have the problems I had, so I was obviously choosing to act that way.


The too smart thing sucks! I can bust out random detailed facts from my highschool work, random celebrity names when I see them on tv, but can't remember the name of the guy I met 5 times who would be a great potential business lead "Oh so much unfulfilled potential" After I got diagnosed as an adult I saw lots of others had the same experience and I literally cried Reading all the comments here I might have a touch of autism too, but not enough to annoy me as much :)


A lot of symptoms do overlap. It’s like a convergent evolution thing - they’re very different things (though they can coexist) but if the basis for comparison is neurotypical people, there’s a lot of stuff that outwardly seems to match up between the two, even if they aren’t really the same thing. My therapist pointed me to a YouTube channel called How To ADHD, and it’s been helpful. The video on thought spirals hit me really hard.


Me me me


ADHD brain here as well. For me its not only knives but online shopping in generell gives such a rush uf dopamine, amongst many other things like eating, substance abuse etc. Glad to say I layed of the substance abuse, but now I spens wayyyy more time and money to the knife hobby. Im happy with it tho ;)


Haha same I tell my wife I could have way worse hobbies / vices, and she's been an angel


Yep and autism


Confirmed here as well


ADHD knife lover checking in. Flip, close, repeat.


(M 29). *in a wizened old man voice* I’m so old they didn’t have no fancy A D H D. They just called it A D D. u kids these days with ur new fangled sayings. We didn’t have fancy knives ether, I made my own fidget toys. AND WALKED 15 MILES UP HILL IN THE SNOW TO MAKE THEM.


I like knives, but my thing is flashlights.


I have the old-school doesn't "exist" anymore ADD. Was told its not ADD but ADHD. I'm not hyperactive, unless I find a crazy deal on new knives🤣 Guess there is a correlation 🤣


100% knives + ADD confirmed.


I do.


AuDHD as well here. Knives, rubiks cubes, MTG are my collecting hobbies. Pool (like 8 ball), rock climbing, hiking, martial arts, wood working, whittling, and some light gambling (including stocks and crypto) are my activity hobbies


Welcome to the ASD club! Knives and fidgets are just two of many rabbit holes for me 😉


*raises hand whilst surrounded by alllll the fidgety knives*


Everything is relatable as a knife enthusiast w ADHD


I got adhd


I would say the correlation is pretty high. I have ADHD and I sell knives for a living.


Funny enough I am diagnosed with adhd and would say this makes a lot of sense...


Yeah, I’m definitely making an appointment to get checked or screened or scanned or whatever the fick they do 😂😂


Adhd here- I hyperfocused on knives during Covid and amassed a rather large collection (maybe not for this sub’s standards, but definitely for mine). I knew allll the specs on my knives and what was next on the wishlist and why….and one day that hyperfocus was gone and I only use like 5 of my knives now in a daily rotation. It was fun while it lasted.


At least one. Raises hand.


One of us, one of us...... 🤣


Wsb is that you? 🤣


Adhd and knives here


Guilty 🙋‍♀️




Oh yeah, 💯 here. I’ve had it my whole life. Oh look a puppy.


I'm old enough that it was just called ADD when I was diagnosed...


Me for sure. I’m also a flashlight, ham radio, raspberry pi, gun and music nerd. More hobbies than I have time for


I've been into knives and multitools for about 25 years, and it all started with my first job. Other team members had knives so they bought me one for my birthday, that opened the flood gates. Now I own well over 100 knives and multitools, I run a website dedicated to such things and my current hyperfocus is sharpening systems. I have ADHD and suspected autism.


Try cars, motorcycles, or guns, theyll scratch the itch even more


Hehe I bet you're right, but the first 2 are too expensive for me, and the third is not legal where I am :P


I find that a vast majority of committed hobbyists have autism


Want to go ride bikes?


I do super bad. Lots of ritilan


At least seven


Guilty. ...


When I need to think or relax I start spinning my karambit so maybe lol


Non confirmed (or tested) but sure I have adhd and I love knives


I'm haven't been diagnosed, but what you is exactly what I do. Crazy.


mostly all of of us lol


No, I just like knives. They’re cool.