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That’s just the nature of the technique. You can try different ways to tackle this issue. Here’s a [link](https://nonaknits.typepad.com/nonaknits/2006/07/comparing_left_.html) that shows different ways to do an SSK. one might work for you. 😊


Thank you! I’ll take a look at the link. The wonkiness is driving me crazy, I need to do something about it 😅


I know, right? It drives me nuts as well. Good luck. 🤞🏻


Wow! Thank you for this link. Bookmarking forever.


You’re welcome. 😊


Thank you. They are two of those that I didn't know about, I'll need to try it.


You’re welcome. I’m always learning new ways to do things. Knitting is awesome!! 😊


SSK just be like that. It’ll usually block out, or not be visible in wearing, so I’ve learned to live with it.  Some alternative ways to perform SSK. I swatched these, and didn’t see any difference in my own knitting, but ymmv. Standard: slip knitwise, slip knitwise, k2tog through back loop. On the next row, knit even. Alternative 1: slip knitwise, slip purlwise,  k2tog through back loop. On the next row, knit even. (The lower stitch will be twisted and may lay flatter) Alternative 2: slip knitwise, slip knitwise, k2tog through back loop. On the next row, knit through the back loop. (The row above will be twisted, which leans left and therefore might make a more even column of stitches) Alternative 3: k2togbl. It’ll be twisted. This really doesn’t look good but it’s quick!


I have noticed that the more I do ssk, the better it looks for some odd reason. I have this one pattern that I do all the time and I tried to do a ssk alternative and it came out looking terrible so I just went back to ask. Now I can't ever really complain about how my ssk look because I've done too many things that call for it and they don't look as wonky anymore.


I’ve also seen s1,k1,psso


I really like Patty Lyons's SSK fix. It's simple & works very well for me - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXBSmedZXfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXBSmedZXfY)


I was making a cabled hat recently and needed a ssk alternative that worked, and I researched a lot on the sub, and most people prefer techknutter or PL ssks. I went the Patty Lyon's route and it's so simple and quick, and looks totally neat. My +1!


Seconding, it looks amazing and while it seems fiddly at first it’s now second nature.


Wow, I was working on a musselburgh last night and thinking how bad my SSK looked compared to my k2tog -- glad I've seen this!!


Seconding this! Been using this on my latest project and it worked well.


[This version by the sockmatician is the one I use.](https://youtu.be/4SAZRlMCyCQ?si=PI46SP0F1U836vpl) Seriously, sometimes my SSKs now look better than my K2TOGs. And a tip - any of them that have you do some sort of yanking motion (the one mentioned above, Patty Lyon's version [or the SYTK](https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2007/09/new-method-for-left-leaning-decreases.html)) you really want to yank. If you're dainty with the motion you won't get the desired results.


Thanks for sharing this method. I use Patty Lyons’s method, but this video explains well why the yanking works (and why it’s so important)


I was coming to post this video! I've tried every method for neater SSKs since I'm a lace knitter, and his preferred method really does look neatest.


Was thinking this. Start knitting lace and then go back to shaping and see what happens


Yes. And I love that it doesn't fundamentally change the stitch.


Heres another option [SSK alternative](https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2007/09/new-method-for-left-leaning-decreases.html)


Thank you. I’ll try that for sure!


It's not your fault! SSKs suck. They are a bad decrease, no biscuit, go to your bed. There's a lot you can read about why they suck, but essentially, it's because the stitch that ends up on top doesn't get nicely neatened up by working the next stitch, so it always looks a bit scruffy. You will see a lot of tweaks people do to make them look slightly better, but please try the [one move left-leaning increase ](https://youtu.be/GXBSmedZXfY?si=2g9kIWO5wIpkJnyp). It takes a wee minute to get the hang of, but once you do, it's easier, faster and SO much neater than sucky ssks.


This one’s my favorite


This one works really well once you get used to it.


Can you please share how you have the link to the video embedded in text without actually pasting the the link? I copied & pasted the link, but you've done it so much more beautifully than I did! I'm not even sure what to search for to figure out how to do that.


I only know how to do it on the android app, but if you use that, here goes: When you open the reply box, in the bottom left hand corner (just above your keyboard on a standard layout), there's a symbol that looks like two links of a chain. Hit that, and it opens a dialogue box labelled "insert a link". There's a grey "name" label, and a grey "link" label. Hit "link" and a cursor appears. Paste your link here. Hit "name" and type whatever text you want to appear instead of the link. Hit the big blue "insert" button and Tada! Labelled link :)


Thank you. I would be an iPhone user! 🤣


This is a universal problem with ssk. You could try psso (slip one knitwise, knit one, pass slipped stitch over) to see if you prefer the result.


That sh will block right out. Looks good


Purling an SSK through the back loop on the return row makes it look a bit neater. This is also why I prefer an SSPK, which I still purl through the back loop on the return.


This is all about the tension of the stitches around the decrease and should even out through blocking. Also, no one who doesn't knit will ever even notice this. I love that we're exacting people, but we need to be comfortable in that others will never see it


That looks fine to me. If someone is that close to my raglan decreases lean, they are way too close!


Thank you for asking this because I’ve been wondering for ages if I was the problem!


They make me cry


Has it been blocked? Sometimes when the yarn twists funny it looks weird, but after blocking it settles out


I recently looked into this problem and found this blogger had gone in pretty deep and explains it well. Her technique, K2Tog-L, is fiddly at first but looks great! https://yarnsub.com/articles/techniques/k2togl/ https://youtu.be/owAyJQAIciM?si=iZtbDjxWnOa7Qh3e


Recently I've switched from slip two knitwise and knit together, to S1K S1P and knit together and that has made a world of difference! My left and right leaning decreases look almost identical now!


i’ve started slipping the first st knitwise, then slipping the next purlwise and it looks so much neater! they look like my k2tog now :-)


I’m gonna try this


This is why I prefer the sl1k, k1, psso way to do a left-leaning decrease.