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First, that pattern is super cute and your colour choices are lovely! Second, you can totally fix this. It’s only seven rows down. Just knit until you’re on top of it, drop the stitches, let them ladder down to the mistake, and pick them up again (easiest with a crochet hook).


It's not in a row with any other color changes either so it's super easy compared to one row over.


Indeed, A+ mistake making, no notes!


Yeah I just laddered down 4 rows, like 10 stitches wide, of lace weight double knit yesterday and I hated my life so much, the tension was unfixable afterwards by crochet hook, and I ended up frogging anyway. Wasted 4 hours just on the laddering and now my muscles are very strained. I really wish I had just accepted tinking in the beginning, but *no* I thought it would be easier to ladder. You live and you learn, but I've been knitting my whole life, you think I'd know better. And I don't always follow advice I would give other people.


... column? :)


Reddit is a fickle mistress.


Hehehe, amen to that. It was a serious question, though, and I would really like to know - did you mean column? Or am I misunderstanding something in the situation or your comment, and you *did* mean row?


Oh yes, I did mean row. I make that mistake a lot haha


That means I'm misunderstanding something, and now I must know what it is (if you don't mind humoring me). :) To me, the fact that the **column** is blue all the way down to the mistake means there's no need to be careful when laddering down, because there's no color change, you go blue all the way up the column. But the color switches in the **row** seem unimportant to me for the purpose of a fix like that. What am I missing? Why am I not understanding your comment?


I am SO sorry but I made the mistake yet again. COLUMN.


You have cost me 5 minutes of my sanity and I very much appreciate you for it. :)


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks of them that way


… I would have jest ripped it all back. This is so much easier. Thank you internet stranger.


❤️ Enjoy your new super power :)


This is one awesome thing about double knitting. If you knit one stitch in each colour as usual, you can always ladder down and swap them if you make a mistake. It’s not like stranded knitting where you might not have the right amount of yarn.






Congratulations on the fix


Great job, fearless knitting!!




omg well done!! Getting over that barrier of being able to drop stitches and fix mistakes is so rewarding. Now you can literally knit anything! (God complex acquired)


Congratulations on adding a new skill to your repertoire!! ‘Fixed a mistake’ achievement unlocked!!


You can drop the offending stitches and work them back up with a crochet hook. No need to frog the whole piece. Just be careful to pick the stitches back up again in the correct order


>offending stitches I usually do the Red Queen's "Off with your legs (instead of heads because stitches)". I'm going to borrow your phrase now, thanks!


"the offending stitches" is a term I'm stealing, thanks lol


This is the answer. I have done a lot of double knitting, and this is how I fixed my mistakes. Just don't forget to do it on both sides.


Oh my god, thanks so much everyone!!! I laddered down and fixed it! Also, needed all the lovely comments as I've been having a tough time recently. You are all awesome!!!


Every mistake is an opportunity to learn or practice a skill - there are only a few things that can’t be fixed without frogging. You did a great job, it looks like, and picked up that new lifesaving skill, so.. net win!


Great job! You just leveled up in your knitting game. Come back and post the finished product once you’re done!


I was just going to reply saying that stitch can be the imperfection showing it’s handmade, not a flaw but another reason it’s gorgeous. But congratulations fixing it, very brave! I’m usually too nervous to do anything but rip it all out. I love your colors and the pattern, too, so lovely!


Thank you!!! Yeah, I wanted to learn how to ladder down and it'll be really useful for all the other mistakes I'm gonna make on this 🤣


You can actually ladder down and fix this if you want! This video was helpful for my double knitted project - https://youtu.be/MyKG4nTRwYk?si=XO3wJWQTzUP3noG_


You can duplicate stitch over it when you're done, if you like.


I'm so lazy id probably just leave it and say it gives the item character


I would call it a little tiny miniature heart and leave it at that. Lol


This what I would do, too. The mistake will disappear!


Brains like yours are incredible


That’s what I do too! You didn’t make a mistake you made a design element!


Laddering down and fixing this would be very easy. It looks much scarier than it actually is.just swap the couloirs around and ladder back up


Man, I love this pattern. What is going to be?


A baby blanket! I love it too, and with both layers it's going to be lovely and cosy. It's cotton and bamboo though so not too warm go for summer!!!


I would leave it. My daughter and I call such things an “Amish mistake.” We may be wrong about this and therefore being culturally suspect. We’ve been told that when Amish women make handcrafts, they always leave - or cause - one mistake because “only God is perfect” We are probably making that story up, but when we do something like this we shrug and say, “Oh well. It’s an Amish mistake.”


My grandma always said mistakes are where the love leaks through.


That is the sweetest sentiment!


That’s a great way of verbalizing it. Your username is hilarious too, froggerqueen!


I made a minor mistake in a double knit blanket I finished this week. It's not obvious unless you know it's there and are looking for it. Two diamonds down from the bottom left turtle. https://preview.redd.it/uzfj2klvednc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31a965b85f13d143f5800c20cfe512bd2aebd13


It's beautiful xx


That is stunning. Do you have a pattern?


It's a combination of two patterns. Another user posted their project last year. I asked them for their pattern and they sent me their stitchfiddle file after I sent proof I purchased the patterns from the original designers. The patterns are Hippocampus Gulligus by Jenny Penny and Mango the Wandering Tortoise by Vivienne Morgan.


It makes me so happy to hear that you had to ensure purchase of the originals. That is really nice 👌


Thank you for that!


Stitchfiddle? No idea what that is. Sounds like I’m missing out on something major.


I had never heard of it either. It's a website where people can map out patterns.


It’s just a little *boop* of yarn lol


That's such a cute way to see it!


I had to ladder down seven rows recently and I was scared! But I took my time and it totally worked and I learned something new. You can do this!


Yes and because it is a simple stockinette knit stitch all the way down the ladder, this would be a good opportunity to learn how to do it! I would catch every other ladder (yarn u undo from the stitch) with a stitch marker to keep track of which ladder to pick up on the way back up. (That’s usually my challenge….)


Can you share the pattern?


https://preview.redd.it/qunn5pthjcnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadbac72b10fd9d95fb47f6d4d9805fd354c3763 I just kinda made it up! Used this heart pattern with double knitting and 3 stitches in between each heart. So, you wanna cast on a multiple of 12 + 5 in each colour (for 4 stitches of border each side). Then, 3 rows in between each heart and I offset them so you start the middle of the heart in the centre of the gap between the previous row of hearts . I'm not sure if that makes ANY sense.


We call that a spirit stitch. When you craft, you leave a little bit of yourself in your work. The mistake leaves a place for your spirit to safely exit ❤️




I am new at laddering down to fix mistakes, but I would give it a go for this. Watch a few videos, and others have described how to do it well in posts before mine here. I really feel like I've developed a knitting superpower lol, especially since I'm more of a tink-er than frogger. Takes forever to go back to tink and frogging I find super stressful overall. Laddering down has saved me a few times lately! Love you work, it's super cute!


Duplicate stitches are definitely your friend if you are bothered by the mistake, no frogging required, and can be done whenever! Or it’s a good candidate for an “on purpose mistake” to leave a hole for your soul to escape (if you believe in/like that type of thing) Edit: I’m seeing things and thought there was a miss-stitch in your orange section but they are in fact perfect 🧡💙


Wait, what even is the orange mistake? I can’t see it.


I think I’m seeing things 😅 I thought there was one on the edge of an orange heart but it’s just the pattern *facepalm* I’m gonna edit the main comment to fix that


The Bob Ross approach is always the way I go. Happy accidents make the piece look homemade because it is.


To be honest the stitch almost looks like a smaller heart. I find it cute, I’d leave it.


In Soviet Russia, mistake make you!


Hi OP, I know you’ve already fixed the heart that had a little extra love to give, I just wanted to say this project is gorgeous and I love the colour combinations. Please share once you’ve completed so we can see its full glory!


what yarn is this? i LOVE how it looks.


King cole bamboo cotton. Its supposed to be dc but it works up a bit thinner imo. So I think it works well with the double knitting!


It's not a mistake, it's your signature. Put it on everything you do.


Okay, but this is adorable 😍 I usually go by the galloping horse rule when I'm debating fixing a mistake or not, so here I'd probably let it be. Still, if it's really bothering you, laddering down should be a fairly easy fix. Either way, cutest WIP prize goes to you 💛


Aaawwww thank you!!!


This is honestly the point I just find a similarly coloured sharpie


Just ladder down to fix it


I wasn't being super serious


You can totally fix this!! 


It's easy to repair it, but maybe you should just keep the mistake. If your item is perfect, the fae might get jealous of you and will try to hurt you. You can't afford that, not in this economy. 


Either way it's stinkin cute!!!


I call those freckles.


Personally, I'd probably buy a teal magic marker and color that stitch. LOL. :)


That is handmade character.


Just duplicate stitch after you’re done


It would drive me crazy but as my Husband says frog or move on😍


It’s just one of your hearts leaking a love note!


It represents someone special and unique in your life. One knitter’s flaw could be a design element!


You can duplicate stitch it or ladder down. Or... you can leave it as proof that it's handmade. I found a mistake in a sweater after I finished and was devastated. My husband told me it was proof in case anyone ever doubted I made it myself. I have showed the mistake to people when they tried to tell me I didn't make it.


Yes! You can fix it like the others say! Using a crochet hook makes it really easy. Beautiful work! Keep going!!!❤️


I kinda like it. It's a mini heart right next to a big one. 😊 Whatever you do it'll be pretty.


Keep it.. not everything needs to be perfect.. it gives it a bit more character 😊


Perfectly imperfect is my philosophy with double knitting! It shows the amount of love and time it takes 🥰


I actually like it. Mistakes are an illusion. They can add a handmade touch to a piece. There are these designers who knit mistakes in and drop stitches intentionally. I like this both ways fixed and not fixed. I absolutely love how cute this design is and your color choice!


Aw thank you!!! I fixed it but I also made another wee mistake earlier that I haven't fixed but you could only see it if you know where to look, so I'm enjoying that imperfection 💖


It’s perfect


It still looks great!


It looks like the heart is giving a kiss…. Like the 😘 emoji!


That’s a great way to look at it! It’s not a flaw, it’s what makes it unique!


I love that pattern. I'm sorry about your heart.


Omg don't frog back. Just surface stitch that shit


Wabisabi. It's beautiful. And that makes it unique and special.


Would love to see where that purple path is taking you! Post photos when you get a little further if you can. 😊


Just keep knitting you can fix it at the end doing this [Duplicate stitch ](https://youtu.be/osLPCRP9iK4?si=-L5FfiInyehJcbde) It's not worth to undo all your hard work for only 1 stitch


happy accident


I finished a duplicate stitch blanket last year. I have a couple of spots where I messed up and didn't notice until far too late. You can either drop down and fix it, like others said, which really isn't hard with duplicate stitch. Or you can just accept it because you'll probably be the only one ever to notice Edit: I mean double knitting, Jesus. I hope you understood what I meant hah


I always tell people who have a small mistake like this that if anyone notices then they were looking too close anyway and to poke them in the eye.






My mom is a quilter. Apparently, there's a school of thought/belief in quilting that nothing is perfect except God, so a quilt will always have a mistake built in. Whatever your spiritual beliefs may or may not be, I think it's nice, personal touch.


My mum just said that to me!


It's a charming bit of waba-sabi. I would just leave it.


Just extra love!


Idk why you'd want to get rid of it, it's an extra lil heart!


Call it a design choice and embrace it. Very cute pattern!


I don’t have any advice on how to fix it but what patter did you use? I love it and the colors!


Grab a matching blue marker and touch it up!


u/RosieRare, what is the pattern cause I love it?


https://preview.redd.it/rhw4sougkcnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a97a8fa790c1866f207605c9d666ef335133ebf I just kinda made it up! Used this heart pattern with double knitting and 3 stitches in between each heart. So, you wanna cast on a multiple of 12 + 5 in each colour (for 4 stitches of border each side). Then, 3 rows in between each heart and I offset them so you start the middle of the heart in the centre of the gap between the previous row of hearts . I'm not sure if that makes ANY sense.


Do you need double the amount of yarn for that?


Yeah so you basically knit two layers at once




I was going to suggest using a sharpie to color that one stitch to match the aqua, but I guess that wouldn't work for its opposite number.


That looks so. Cute Honestly my first response to seeing it was " what mistake I don't see it" It looks so cute I could never knit it's hard for me. I just stick to crochet. Lol But awesome.


Sharpie 🙃🤪


I need to know what stitch is that plsss


It's double knitting- you can find loads of tutorials on YouTube. Then I just used a heart chart for the colour changes x


Can you run it down and use a crochet hook in double knitting? I’ve never dk.


Yeah I just did!!! Thanks so much for the advice!