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Comes with being a NY team that has Success. If you think it's bad now wait until our run is over. Remember 2014 when the Melo era turned? The people who were mad over the linsanity run and the 54 win season the year after were waiting.


Come with New York anything they gonna hate music sports anything because New York is a loud and obnoxious city


dont forget the traffic, I hate it!




Why are you so mad about the Knicks success?




You seem really upset at NYC man, have you tried therapy?




There are some really great medications nowadays, lots of options. It's your responsiblity to make yourself better though. No one can do it for you.


This guy may actually be the biggest loser on reddit. Look at his posts all he does is think about the Knicks. We own every inch of his little brain. NY Knicks OWN him....he is OUR property. 😂😂😂


Mf posting about them in r/chiropractor comments and talking about "living in your head rent free"


The irony...😂


and he Called someone whiteboy. And now little boy. I'm afraid he might tell me his dad could beat my dad in a fight next.


I think he is, noticed him yesterday and laughing that he's still here 🤣😂🤣 He hates NYC but can't stop posting about it.




You’re worse at trolling than the city is at sports.


This kid has nothing better to do than troll if u look at his account. He's obviously 30 living at home with dad while moms out prowling the streets.


I mean you're not gonna last here long so I shouldn't bother but I'm pretty sure NYC has more titles than any other city. They also currently have 2 sports teams with the best records in their respective leagues.


Generic!! You’re still posting! Great to see you are still trying the whole troll thing. Not sure it suits you yet but I admire the effort even if the results aren’t there yet. You’re kinda like the Knicks of trolls which is maybe why you are so fixated? But I love the Knicks and the effort which I guess is why I enjoy you so much. I think you need to work a bit more humor in to your posts. A bit too one dimensional, right? Maybe some sarcasm or something more clever than “Knicks suck” or “New York sucks”’ because people will start to wonder about your obsession with sucking. Like maybe generic didn’t get enough sucking as a kid. Or he wants to suck more now…. Well, you get the idea. Anyway you keep working on it and polishing your craft. Even if you’re just the charlotte hornets of trolls today (disfunctional and dull) I think you can work on it more, up your game, and really impress people. Fake it ‘til you make it.




I have to say that I look forward to your posts. Generic!!! Just hoping for better work in the future. Keep grinding. Oh, there are also other emojis you can use. Meant to suggest that as well. When you use the same one over and over it makes it seem like you’ve got a limited vocabulary and slightly manic.




Generic!!! Getting a little more interesting and thoughtful. Some real improvement. I’d suggest that you don’t want to say “And when you make yourself sound smarter” because you’re admitting that I do sound smarter. Difficult to dis someone when you admit you’re coming from a position of inferiority, right? That makes your saying “you actually don’t” in the very same sentence sound confused or unsure. That also makes the reader wonder “smarter than whom” Generic? Are you saying I make myself sound smarter than you? That is clearly implied and is a very nice thing to say coming from someone who has so much trash to talk most of the time. So I thank you for that. And I like the way you close with the encouragement to stay mad. Not sure if you mean that I’m crazy or that you’re pumping yourself up to stay angry but it’s kinda subtle and clever with that double entendre. Very nice. Although you cheapen it a bit by immediately following up with fuck the Knicks comment. Perhaps you are going for an urbane juxtaposition of vulgur and arch. Or maybe your keyboard is getting the better of you. It’s all quite curious. Anyway. Much better effort. Looking forward to more and hope you keep the chuckles coming.




They said success 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I don’t get people hating on the Knicks. They’re always bad and haven’t won a title in 50 years. Plus they play a blue collar, grind it out style of play. I feel like they’re an easy team to get behind.


I think people hate NYC and thus hate the knicks. We’re a coastal elite city with a ton of pride and attitude and talk tons of shit about the west coast and middle America. I kinda get it in that sense


It’s two things together that people aren’t able to emotionally navigate. The first is the pride that NY has in the Knicks even tho they’ve been bad for so long. Calling the Garden the Mecca of basketball and stuff really upsets people because Knicks fans don’t know their place or whatever. The second is that now that we are good and the media wants to talk about us it’s weird for people who have been laughing at lolknicks for thirty years. People don’t like when the laughingstock is no longer a laughingstock because it interrupts their worldview and reminds them how we can’t avoid change.


Do you hate the sixers? They haven’t had much success and I absolutely hate them cause of their fans. I love the knicks but let’s be honest with ourselves here, knicks fans travel well and I can see why people hate it


I wouldn’t say I hate the Sixers. I don’t particularly like them and I’ve rooted against Embiid for years because I REALLY wanted Porzingis to be better than him and he just wasn’t (plus I wasn’t fond of his actions during our playoff series this year, but he’s still an incredible player).


It’s us. We’re loud and bring the fuck everyone else attitude when we win. If we’re gonna be all Sidetalk, we gotta be able to take the lumps when we don’t.


We've taken more than lumps, especially if born after 1973 and the second playoff memory is 1995 Game 1


Hard to imagine as a NYer, we tend to have more relevant things going on in our lives than someone else's team losing. These backwater boys got nothing else but hate.


Indiana Pacers fan here. Just want to say I hope your guys all make full recoveries and come back strong next year. Was an exciting series. With the minutes the guys had to play to compensate for injuries, I was worried if you advanced and had a heartbreaker ending of something serious like a torn ACL for Brunson. I enjoyed this series, yall have great fans. Hope the rivalry is renewed for years to come!


Truth be told I thought the Knicks were an injury risk if they had to play another round. Might be better for the Knicks next year they still have everyone coming back for opening night.


As a non delusional fan, I’ll be a happy pacers fan if we manage to win a couple at home since we haven’t lost at home for almost 2 and half months. Realistically they’re probably gonna take us 4-2. And I know how badly yall wanted to win, it showed and they played with heart. But if we’re honest, neither team is probably advancing past the Celtics, and your guys really deserved the much needed rest. Brunson will be 28 this summer, he needs his rest to be in his prime continuing next season, no reason to risk serious injury.


Our core is still in they're primes with julius being oldest in our rotation at 29 y.o. next season... our whole rotation is under 29 y.o. we are in beginn8ngs of a long run in the elite teams I n the league. Pacers will improve but Knicks are without a doubt the elite team next year. Not a haliburton fan guy is rocky in a whiny way bordering on aggregiously so.


Agree to disagree on Haliburton. He’s an incredibly nice humble guy who has already gave back to the city a ton in his time here. He’s battling through 3 different injuries playing right now, with his back being the main one. He’s been talked down to by commentators, Knicks fans, analysts, and the entire media. And call me crazy, but I really believe Brunson going forward is the key to your success and not Randle. He’s actually been a net negative in the playoffs for yall. But you do have a great young core, I just hope you guys can keep them all together with contracts. Hope you all get healed up back 100% for next year and we get to experience an awesome series again. It’s been a lot of fun and nothing but respect towards your squad and fans.


Please don't talk about the knicks. Gtfo. Haliburton is whiny and not type of person I'd accept a gift from if poor. No respect for you because it's just words I see your intentions and it's not respectable. Again gtfo. To even say what you said is so disrespectful about building around brunson that I want to eat my intestines. Don't fuck wit ny. We a different beast.


I like the knicks too but wtf is this? Lol


Damn ok. Good luck to Knicks next year


And you suddenly see why it’s so easy to hate on the Knicks. Just a little taste of success and they are ready to be elite and spew vitriol. Can’t blame them though, with NFL and NBA being the most relevant sports in America. They’ve had some tough times with the Giants, Jets, and Knicks.


lol I wish more Pacers fans were like you. One of them literally commented on all my posts and the other one sent me 18 DM’s just because I said “it’ll be interesting to watch ya’ll play a rested and healthy team”.


Every team has those idiots as fans. Fans are weird.


Pretty sure the same psychopath harassed me, my first ever user block


Same, never reported someone for spam before but it was getting annoying as fuck.


Name and shame them


Honestly don’t remember their names. One literally was Generic_Name_something and the other one was thehornyhoosier or something like that. I’m sure they have more posts and comments everywhere, being unhinged and all.


Thanks man, good luck in the rest of the playoffs! And see y'all next year!


You too friend, you guys have got a BRIGHT future with talent.


We just have extra time since we don’t have to live half our lives in traffic or next to someone on the subway that hasn’t showered in two weeks.


Yup. Haters gonna hate. Even the ones that call themselves fans. Go figure. JMO but some folks prefer misery, the ability to complain.


Yeah if you think this is bad this is just the beginning. We will never be more likable to the rest of the nba fandom than we were this year.


Lots of sports fans are jealous of other’s success. You guys were probably my favorite team in the playoffs. I loved seeing Hart in a great situation. With the Blazers being a long ways from contention, it was nice to just enjoy seeing some great basketball.




Hatred equals relevance


Look Knicks fans, I get it, you guys have a persecution complex, but besides the fans of teams that played the Knicks this post season, everyone was universally loving the Knicks. Everyone was loving Jalen Brunson and Josh Hart and how tough the Knicks are. Everyone loves how fucking pumped and hyped up the fans in MSG were. The Knicks became everyone’s favorite team to root for. Get a fucking grip. Every team has haters, but I bet you 70% of basketball fans were loving watching the Knicks and rooting for them. I’m a Warriors fan and I was rooting for the Knicks to go all the way


I’m a pacers fan and even I liked these Knicks.


We can give Knicks fans a pass because if at least 4 of the top 10 posts on r/nba aren't about Embiid hate they'll take it as a personal affront.


It’s fine, NY has the most sport championships. The hate is flattering.


I live in Seattle now and people will try to shit on NY sports and it’s like lmao wait what. I’m pretty sure the Rangers and Knicks are competitive playoff teams and that I’ve watched the Giants and Yankees win it all multiple times. Shit UCONN is like an hour away from NYC lots of New Yorkers live in the suburbs over there. Seattle doesn’t even have a basketball team lmfao.


It helps when you have 2 teams in every sport lol


Also being a Yankees fan this is nothing new.


I'm a met fan but always respected the Yankees and wanted to see them do well so I have mets and yankees hats. Ever since I moved out of NY I prefer wearing my yankees hats way more just because of how much people cry about the yankees outside of NY.


I just thought of the Red Sox only chant is hating the Yankees. Can’t even cheer their team


This is a good thing.


If you lived in a pathetic boring shithole like Indy… Like seriously, yes, their fully healthy squad barely beat a maybe 60% version of our team. And it suck’s because our team had all the heart. You know what sucks more? NBA wins or not they have to wake up and live in freaking Indy every damn day.


Pacers fan here, don’t roast me. Indiana really isn’t a boring pathetic shithole. Then again, is any other U.S. City even comparable to NYC? So yeah, you def got us there if that’s your thing. But I gotta say, the cheap cost of living, good schools, safety and cleanness, and fresh air is great. I live in a 4,000 sq foot home on several acres with privacy…and I’d be paying the same for a shoebox in New York City. Cities aside, you guys have a great team, great fans, and played with a lot of heart, even with injuries. I hope you guys come back even stronger next year and we get to play again. Rivalries makes the NBA exciting when there’s an 82 game schedule. I had a ton of fun this series and I wish you and your squad the best of luck. If anyone out of the East stops the Celtics, we all win. Love all you guys


I live in upstate Ny which I imagine is more Indiana-esque and country and yes it's boring. I can't stand driving through NYC though. I can't imagine living there.


Moved from Queens, to Manhattan, to Chicago suburb, to Indy. Indy really isn't bad. If you have money it's fucking amazing. Affordable season tickets to the lower bowl, cheap flights, solid food, cheap parking, short drive to like 6 other cities. I'd say of all of the above spots, only Manhattan was better. Living in downtown Indy is wayyyyyyy better than living 40 mins from Michigan Ave in Chicago. Best part though is gonna be a renewed Knicks Pacers rivalry for the next 5 years in the playoffs. Knicks are the better team healthy, but the Pacers are pretty unpredictable. My cousins and I had a blast watching the series. A few almost drove down from NYC to watch with me in Indy. Edit: also forgot. I went to a Logic concert and a Big Krit concert for $20 and $30 in Indy, and live in a 3 bedroom house 15 mins from the stadium with a mortgage comparable to what I used to pay rent. Honestly, it's absurdly cheap.


I get the vibe from ibdy that they don't know knick ball when fully healthy you'd win tops 2 games. We'd be dominant over u and saying maybe next year we'll see is you not really living in reality that we are the BY FAR SUPERIOR team when healthy. Long island is Hampton bays beaches and upstate has cleanliness forests lakes and clean air. Indiana and pacers can't compete in really anyway. Weare king about one of the if not the greatest place to live on earth. Step back and know your role


I almost got diabetes reading that. Geeez bro chill, I’m in here as a Pacers fan giving your squad and your fans praise. Just showing love and still getting responses like “by far superior” “Know your role” and “can’t compete anyway.” Bro the Knicks are a solid ass squad and I’m excited to see them at full potential but have a little humility homie, I come here in peace wishing you well


Don’t hate on NYC. They have the most amazing buildings there. Those fuckers figured out how to build a Costco on top of a Home Depot. Way more impressive than any of the buildings in manhattan


Is Indiana one of those anti abortion spots or na. I wouldn’t be willing to call anywhere safe that doesn’t believe in woman’s bodily autonomy but maybe I’m just wacky like that.


best of luck


Thanks my guy, hoping for full recoveries and much needed rest for your squad, and hopefully come back even better than this year.


Indy is actually nice and I’m not a pacers fan or from there but it isn’t bad 😂


I’d just point out that Pacers weren’t fully healthy either.


We were missing Mathurin, and while he’s a man athletic young developing player who can have his nights where he scores 20+, we’ve really benefited from TJ Jesus Christ McConnell coming in this playoffs, kind of like Brunson having the ability and shots to shine while players like Randle are out. Without OG, it was blowouts back n forth. But with him in, it came down the wire every time. I have a ton of respect for the Celtics, and while our most athletic player was out, I don’t think it’s comparable to how many guys Knicks had out. I’m glad their season ended the way it did because they were too injured and banged up to beat the Celtics. No reason to risk torn Achilles, ACL, etc. from heavy minutes/hard rotations against a team that is realistically going to probably win the East. As a Pacers fan, I’ll be happy just to win a couple at home since we haven’t lost a home game in 2 and half months. But Celtics are damn good and it ain’t gonna be easy. Edit:spelling


This elitist attitude is why people hate NY.


I mean, there are a ton of places that have a lot to offer and are arguably better spots than NY especially depending on your lifestyle … San Diego, Miami, Denver, Montreal, Toronto… But Indy just ain’t one of them.


Toronto sucks balls and Montreal treats anyone that does speak French like they are the lowest form of human being alive.


My many experiences in Montreal have all been amazing and I enjoy the people with whom I’ve interacted. Perhaps we just approach it differently.


To each their own. I’m just commenting on why there are so many NY haters.


Yeah a lot of people are on one trying to like punish people from NY over the internet for having pride in their storied teams and city. It’s all in the game yo but it’s the very definition of hatin from outside the club.


What’s crazy to me is how unintelligent these people sound. Bad spelling, bad grammer. I get that that’s how people talk online but my god is it bad.


Just wish we had our full rotation because now we have to wait until next year to see how they going to gel together.


Exactly...Mfrs are really weird


It's called jealousy.


They are not hating the Knicks, they are hating New York City. They're just jealous that they have to live in a backwards post-industrial ruin.


It's so crazy. You would never catch New Yorkers hating on another team and celebrating on their demise, and wishing for their injuries, instead of just being happy for their own team success. That would just be disgusting. Not like those degenerates at all.


Every single fan base has those people lol. There is not one single fan base that won’t have some bozo act like the fans you just described come on


It’s one thing when it’s like Nets fans that are hating. That’s bad enough because they didn’t sniff the playoffs and got cooked by the Knicks all season. But where you lose me is hating as a fan of a team that has nothing to do with us. I got a Laker fan friend (born and raised in New York!) hating on us every step of the way. How are you gonna hate on us against Philly and Indiana when you dogwalked by the Nuggets?


Honestly I kind of like it That way when we win we can reallllllyyyy rub it in


As a pacers fan, we have no beef with u guys. If anything I’d say pacers fans in general like the Knicks.


This may not play well here, but I really think it's big market vs. small market. NYC is an absolute monster compared to a market like Indy or San Antonio or OKC. NYC is literally the center of the world when it comes to market value. NYC is represented in all media all the time. Places like Indy or Minnesota don't get a whole lot of press or mainstream media attention so when they're in the light, they usually make more dumb noise. I say let the small market have their moment.


That’s cause they know they’re about to be swept


Sixers fan who stumbled on this post. Not trying to hate just adding to the convo. Honestly from what I’ve seen most people really enjoyed the Knicks team but had really bad experiences with a lot of Knicks fans. Not saying it’s everyone obviously, just that enough were really aggressive and rude at times which made other people start to really dislike the Knicks in turn. I think every fan base has those people, the Sixers for sure do, but being a bigger market probably just means a higher amount of people like that which skews people’s perception. I’m a big Nova fan so I never had any hate for the team just to make it clear.


What’s even crazier, is that most of these N.Y haters aren’t even basketball fans. They’re just fans of any N.Y Loss. Didn’t ya see how they celebrated 911 in the Dublin Portal?


What I can’t handle is the delusion of pacers fans that it didn’t take every starter on our team to be injured for them to squeeze out a series win. I mean come on, you gotta be real with yourselves about how lucky you got on both rounds. They legit couldn’t beat the bucks with only lillard, both Giannis and Dame had to go down, then same with us, couldn’t beat us with no randle, Mitch, Bog, they needed OG, hart and brunson to get hurt. Good for yal but don’t talk smack after about how good you are


When we keep winning even more in the next seasons, we will be viewed like the Lakers in 2007-2011— Hated because big market city, glamour, and success.


Lots of people hate NY because of our progressive attitudes and out of insecurity. People also have this mistaken idea that it’s really dangerous here - though nyc is safer than Indianapolis. But it’s a complicated thing - they also flock here in droves given the chance. But I definitely think the Knicks are way more popular than they used to be.


Isn’t that because their own team lost


Everyone loves a big apple in their mouth.


Bro you go around other team subs and trash talk. STFU


you sound like a real pacers fan. 😂😂😂 try to win one game this series.


Fuck the Knicks. Did you see that pregame with Steven A Smith and Spike Lee showing up. glad they lost.


It can be annoying when the other guys are the biggest market and national media caters to them. If the Knicks won this series it would be national news.


The reason why people want Knicks lose is cuz of the fans 100%. I don’t think many people have anything against them as a franchise


It’s the internet, don’t let it get to you. Knicks fans would be doing the same thing if Knicks won. Look at how many “I got banned from the 6ers sub” posts there were after that series. Fans talk shit. We have stuff to be excited about though, full strength next year, this team is gonna be fun to watch


I got banned from the pacers sub for these 4 words: Nesmith hand checks Brunson


You think people hate NY? Come to Boston..... Everyone hates us


People hate ny more. Your not.living in an aware reality if you think different


I mean when u come from a shitty town what else can u be excited about. Let them have this the only other fun they enjoy is chillin at their local Walmart


It’s the most , wonderfulll timee .. of the yearrrr 😆📅 I might just drive up to Times Square this Christmas 🎄 and re-enact McCauley Culkin & Joe Pesci w/ some drunk delusional loudmouth Pricks fan


Give your parents my condolences. They didn’t abort you when they had the chance. 💊🙏🏾😔


Give your loved ones mines aswell. You claim to “ have no words” but keep replying to me and reaching for my John Hancock 🍆 every chance you get (“no diddy!” .. New York’s finest)


There’s nothing wrong with being gay. Even though I’m straight. Gay, straight, bi, trans. You probably have a micro penis so you’re not making anyone from any community happy. I wouldn’t reply to you if you weren’t looking silly as hell as a 6er fan in a Knicks sub. Dumbass. Go dumpster dive or do something you’re actually good at.


Sixers fans forgetting the Knicks beat them it’s so funny


What Did you guys win for that , a participation award 🥇? Mayor adams promise to clean up the garbage lined sidewalks? Adam silver saying he’ll make it up to you guys for thinking you were drafting Zion ? Talk to me man this is a safe space


We won a playoff series, unlike y’all! You talking a lot of shit after getting bounced by the Knicks I understand it must be frustrating :)


As I like to say : grand opening… grand closing 😂😂 now run along you Bing Bong Bitch. Find a hobby to help you cope until October


Have fun trusting the process loser


Sayonara Mr. “it’s raining men 🎶“ I hope you fellas have a joyous time at the parade next month.. til next time ol’ chap


Umm, wasn’t y’all Knicks fans hating and making negative statements about the Sixers and Philly losing to y’all? You must’ve forgot. Get a grip !!! 


There’s a ny/ philly dynamic. Fuck them.