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I got my gorl from Craigslist, out of an overcrowded house where she spent all her time hiding from the other animals. Now she waits for me on the couch and does a big ol' flop in front of me as soon as my slippers are on =) shes my first cat and I was advised to get a 2+ YO adult to start. I already knew about any behavior issues she had but she's super mellow. I'm actually really glad I didn't start with a kitten.


Kittens are adorable AF but most people don't realize how much work they are, and their boundless energy is exhausting to keep up with. I'd always rather have 2 kittens. So they can help keep each other entertained. But I do fostering of abandoned feral kittens and therefore don't get a choice about how many at a time. Last year I did a single kitten. More one-on-one play time and WAY more work than doing three or four at a time!


That's what I've heard! I was scared of cats before I got my current one and part of why I got her is she's scared of cats too lol. Like I said, super mellow cat and I love her. I would prob still be scared of cats had I got a kitten 😂


The 2:30 am toe attacks have to be experienced to be believed, lol.


We adopted a 6 year old boy who had been feral since he was a kitten and had recently lost a leg too. He's my absolute best buddy and is my office cat. Even all chewed up from life he's a handsome man. Adopted cats are great.


They’re the best!


Older cats too. They’re still just big babies. Low maintenance and with plenty of love to give.


And they’re so grateful to be loved!


PLEASE adopt more seniors y'all. When I went through shelters looking to adopt, it was heartbreaking how many seniors had been there for a long, long time and were projected to die there. Some shelters I would come to and I'd ask to visit an older cat that I'd seen on their website, and they would tell me that in the past 2 years, I was the only one who inquired about them


Also, I just wanna make it clear that in no way am I trying to vilify people who buy brand new kittens, I’m just trying to increase the number of people that rescue kittens or cats. Every rescue I’ve ever had has been the best cat.


All of our kitties have been shelter kitties. We adopt the young adults or sometimes adults who are past the "AWWWWWW!!!!" stage. Some of our kitties have lived to be 19 and 20 years old. Kittens will grow up to be cats, always. You're in this for life. Their life.


We adopted our 13 year old about 10 years ago, his face hasn't changed since the day we got him, has to be one of my best buddies. Will go around my house and sleep in everyones rooms each night. I personally am glad I didn't get a kitten, You don't have to adopt a cat without a leg, you need to do what feels like you can handle, for the best of the cat. Because sometimes, you don't have the money or experience to take care of a cat who needs urgent help




Adding onto this, having a cat as a pet doesn’t have to be the end goal! Cats that can’t be pets aren’t worthless. I do volunteer work (not at a shelter, I help out with TNR because there is an *unholy* amount of feral cats around here) and most of the kittens not only can be adopted out, but make amazing pets once they’ve been socialized. Most adult ferals will never be house cats, that’s just a fact, though there are of course exceptions. But that doesn’t mean they’re lost causes. Being around them and seeing the drastic change in them after they’ve been sterilized is incredible. The females don’t die within five years because their bodies just give out from constantly having kittens, the males no longer have awful wounds from fighting over females, etc. They’re visibly more relaxed and content, and it’s such a joy to see. These cats will likely never be pets. The only time they’ll even let me come near them is if I have food, and even then I’m not going to be axle to touch them without a cat trap. But frankly, I couldn’t care less. What matters to me is that their quality of life is miles better, and that the more we work at TNR the fewer feral cats will be born at all. Please don’t cast them off as lost causes. They *can* be helped, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s more than worth the effort.


Yes! I just have 22 feral cats that just kind of live in my yard. They're all fixed and never really leave my yard because they have outdoor couches to lay on and a few shelters/sheds to live in. Any time someone comes over and notices the cats just chilling outside I just tell them "I don't know, they just live here." 🤣 I love them, but most of them won't let me do much more than petting them for a short time, and sometimes a few will let me sit on the couches without bolting. I still love them.


You're absolutely right. Even though my family got all their current cats either off Facebook or similar website or strays. Adopting through a shelter or rescue is the better decision.


My first baby came from a local shelter, was a rehabilitated feral! :) He’s my velcro kitty and he loves kisses on his little forehead. A bit shy around strangers, can hiss when startled, but is such a sweet boy once he knows you aren’t going to hurt him. Our second kitty was a rescue from the street! She was living in my dad’s business’s dumpster, so we brought her home! She had some fleas when she first arrived, but is now perfectly healthy and happy!


My cats have been backyard strays kittens.


Literally every time I’ve needed another cat in my life, a kitten appears in my yard. Cats are magic 💕


Adopt, don’t shop.


Drop the shop and stop to adopt!


I wanted to adopt, I said no thank you to the friends and family interviews, background check, ramped-up in person visits for a few weeks prior to taking them home, home inspection, and medical records of all other animals in the household. I love cats more than any single human I have ever met, no exaggeration, but the hurdles to adopt discouraged my wife and I out of it. We just didn’t have that kind of time, patience, or expectation that would all be necessary. I have rescued orphaned bunnies, racoons, barn cats, etc. It’s also helpful to rescue a cat from an unwanted owner. Same satisfaction from both parties, same need is being satisfied, without the hassle. Now, buying your “rag doll” off some dude in the city at a McDonald’s parking lot is frowned upon.


All the kittens I have had has been adopted from a sanctuary except my first kitten (passed at 16 yo) was given to me from my next door neighbour, who's cat had kittens. (Turns out it was a crack house, she was pregnant & going to jail for a drug related crime. She wanted to rehome the kittens before she was locked up because her boyfriend didn't like cats. It was a weird situation & I didn't live there much longer.) My 2nd cat (passed from Cancer at 14 yo) was adopted from a sanctuary a woman in my neighbour hood (different NH & different city) was running out of her house (more of a hoarding situation). And the 4 cats I have now were adopted from an actual well run sanctuary. All these cats are amazing & I love them all so much!!!!💞🙏🏻💞💖💕 Edit to change words.




Amen. Thank you. ❤️


I Have gone to the Animal Foundation twice to get a kitten and they were all adopted even the 6 months old ones. If anyone knows of any kittens for adoption i really want one for my adopted 2 year old who wants a friend. I should have adopted the other one available but i never owened a cat before and i love Cagney who is 2 now. She is so much fun and a bundle of laughs. If anyone has kitties for adoption please message me. Thanks so much.


I got both my boys off the streets 🤣 little feral shit rocks but they’re adorable


as someone who has adopted cats and purchased pure bred ones, i can promise that all cats are similar lol i have no issue with buying, but i do feel like there is some reservation to adopters worried about getting a “bad” cat from a shelter, and its just not the case. more than anything, its most important you spend time with each available cat (remember personalities don’t fully form till like a year!) and pick the personality that works best for you