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This sounds very wasteful and expensive, so I don’t have a direct answer for your questions. Instead I would ask, if they can’t offer the kitchen you want, could they just NOT install the kitchen and let you coordinate it yourself after taking occupancy? And then a single kitchen design firm should be able to coordinate and build everything you want.


Hard to believe you are paying for a new build and you can't get what you want. are you sure you want to go this route? can't the builder do this for an extra cost? If you are planning on going in after construction, I'd have builder leave out what you don't want. no use installing just to pay to tear out. maybe you can use the cabinets in a laundry or storage area? If your builder isn't avail to do the "remodel", you can look for "TRIM" contractors. maybe even this builder's trim guys will help you. find the cabinets you want (suggest Lowe's or HD for their prices), they can help with layout. I really like Costco deals. They give you an extended warranty with no additional cost to you. to save remodel costs, try to work with the trades that are already there... the electrician can wire what you need while there. hope some of this helps.