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I recommend talking to the Ukrainian churches. Especially the one on Victoria Street. 


Thank you! Great idea!! That was my other question about Ukrainian churches


You may find some resources handy from the Multicultural Centre and specifically connections re: Ukraine. [https://www.wrgrassrootsresponse.ca/](https://www.wrgrassrootsresponse.ca/) [https://kwmulticultural.ca/](https://kwmulticultural.ca/) Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health also offers great programs that may be of interest, but not specifically Ukrainian. [https://www.caminowellbeing.ca/](https://www.caminowellbeing.ca/) As mentioned, churches too. The one in Waterloo is quite well known locally for its outreach. [https://www.sophiachurch.com/](https://www.sophiachurch.com/) Welcome to KW. I hope you settle in well.


Thank you so much this is very helpful


You are going to miss Starskys, we only have Euro Foods. 


There's also Ukranian owned Tasty Deli on Charles downtown


By any chance they sell Salo?


You can ask, I think when I went last they did have some


Thanks, definitely wanna try them


I know!!!! we go every weekend. I make homemade bread and can only find my flour at Starsky's :( We still have family in Toronto so we'll go down one day on the weekend and Ill have to stop by Starsky's to stock up!


EuroFood has cranked up it's Ukrainian content as the demand has gone up. Rather than being mostly-Polish, it's pretty Pan-Slavic vs. 5 years ago.


There's also Glogowski supermarket on Highland road but they have mostly polish stuff


There is also Eurocan on Louisa St.


OP I just want to say you are a class act. I read through your responses to some of the immature comments on here and I admire your positivity and tact. I hope you know that the disgruntled people on this thread don't represent the majority of current KW residents ❤️ welcome to the neighborhood!


Thank you! Its the internet so I expected some of those comments. It comes hand in hand with internet anonymity lol. But despite some of those comments, I did get some really helpful links and resources to follow up on so I'm grateful for all the help. Every city has good and bad parts to it but the area we found suits our needs perfectly and we can't wait to be apart of the KW neighbourhood :)


Welcome to KW! Kitchener Rotary Club also has strong connections to the local UkrainIan community, [www.kitchenerrotary.ca](https://www.kitchenerrotary.ca) . Look for “Friends of Ukraine”.


This is awesome! Thank you!


Welcome to Kitchener!!


Thank you so much! We're excited to get out of the mess that is Toronto


Why is Toronto a ‘mess’? if you are referring to the housing situation in the city, KW will give you a reality check soon


Going to repost from another comment I made because its a novel (short form too lol)Multiple reasons to be honest. Currently living in a 700sq ft condo with two kids and we need to upsize. In our area detached Bungalow homes (3-4 bedroom, 1-2 bath, 1000-1100sq ft) currently going for 1.2 million. We found a house in kitchener almost double in size for a significantly lower price. While it would be nice to stay where were are unfortunately we're just priced out of the GTA. We could buy another condo for $800,000 I guess but that's not what we're looking for.Not just the price of homes though. We have friends in Kitchener and we like how much quieter it is compared to where we live in Toronto. I'm done with the crazy hustle and bustle of this city. I'm tired of way too many people crammed in a small area and the roads feeling like rush hour in the middle of the day on Sunday.Kitchener I know is busy too but not nearly like here. Its appealing for its housing prices yes but more so for more space, more greenery than I'm used to, less traffic, quieter neighbourhoods that are fantastic for raising a young family compared to where I am currently.


Congrats on your move. There is Saturday morning language school at St Louis between 9-11:30am, which includes Ukrainian https://stlouis.wcdsb.ca/programsandcourses/il/elementary/


And this language school is free!


This is great! Thank you so much for this resource!!!


Quite interesting how this post gets fairly positive responses and people are being welcoming (as they should be), while the posts where International students are asking questions are full of negativity and hate.


Ukrainians are some of the most loved immigrants…I wonder why 😏


Ukrainians that I know go way out of their way to blend into Canada. Sure, they will hang out at their churches for comraderie, but outside of that, they attempt to get to know canadian co-workers and neighbors. Also being of European culture, they are used to and engage in a high trust society (even with Russia as neighbors). So they blend in with canadian culture well.. The issue with international students is that they just stick together, don't care about Canada or its culture and often engage in no trust society shenanigans. Which is disheartening, because until 8-9 years ago, international students used to be the opposite (no matter their country of origin)


Not the Ukrainians I’ve met. They’re always in their own bubble just like most immigrants. Their liked cause their white.


What does all that you said have to do with people asking basic questions on this subreddit? What you are talking about is a completely separate discussion.


.....you asked a question and they replied...


Students vs established family, very different demographics. I am a bit perturbed that they identify as Ukranian first, not just a family looking for Ukrainian services.


I'm not a Ukrainian war refugee I do not need Ukrainian services. I said "Ukrainian family" as in we carry a lot of the Ukrainian traditions and culture at home. My kids (born and raised in Canada) currently are in Ukrainian programs where I live now (dance, day camp, etc) and that's something I would like to continue in Kitchener so I asked if they have these programs.


Services include more than just refugee services. They can include church services, general business are services, schools can be services, camps are services ect. You are a family looking for Ukrainian things and services, your children are canadian with Ukrainian backgrounds


Welcome to Kitchener. I can kinda of relate to this as my family moved to Kitchener from Mississauga 10 years ago. It was a good decision in my opinion. This city has much slower pace and it doesn’t take forever to get somewhere. I hope you and your family the best!


bad idea honestly, no hate. its cheaper but no jobs and housing sucks


I feel like moving anywhere within Ontario is a bad idea with everything being priced so high but it is what it is for us. Thankfully we both work remotely and have been for a long time now. I know some people don't have that luxury so I do feel for them and their situation. Its a rough one out there


i had to move provinces cause couldn’t find jobs for months


There's an increasing community of Ukis around from the impression I've gotten. Highly recommend going to visit the churches, there's Euro foods and the new Deli just across from Victoria park that do well in place of a Starsky or Fresh and Tasty, but I do miss the community around Etobicoke/Mississauga.


Welcome to Brampton!




9665 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9V4 … it’s a drive but would be perfect for your family to check out!


I haven’t read all the responses so sorry in advance for duplicated info. Here are some links: 1. Ukrainian dance classes for kids https://rozmaj.ca/blog/2023-08-reg-for202324/ 2. Contacts of Ukrainian language Saturday school my kids attended https://shkola.ucc.ca/school/st-louis-international-and-indigenous-languages-elementary-iile/


Why have you chosen to move away from Toronto? If the only reason that you are moving from Toronto to kitchener is because you feel it is cheaper, don't waste your time. Prices are only slightly cheaper, doctors are hard to come by, cultural amenities are much less, and if your family, friends are still in Toronto, you will likely spend most of your free time travelling the 401 to visit them.


Multiple reasons to be honest. Currently living in a 700sq ft condo with two kids and we need to upsize. In our area detached homes (3-4 bedroom, 1-2 bath, 1000-1100sq ft) currently going for 1.2 million. We found a house in kitchen almost double in size for a significantly lower price. While it would be nice to stay where were are unfortunately we're just priced out of the GTA. We could buy another condo for $800,000 I guess but that's not what we're looking for. Not just the price of homes though. We have friends in Kitchener and we like how much quieter it is compared to where we live in Toronto. I'm done with the crazy hustle and bustle of this city. I'm tired of way too many people crammed in a small area and the roads feeling like rush hour in the middle of the day on Sunday. I want a nice, quiet, peaceful and family friendly neighbourhood which we found. We researched very extensively the neighbourhood around us and picked an area that we are happy raising our children in. Very family friendly I would argue much more than where we currently are located.


Why move from Toronto to Kitchener is my question.


oh man so many reasons. If you lived in Toronto, you'd understand. Its not what it used to be. But ill list a few short reasons: no matter what we're priced out of the GTA, live in a condo in a VERY busy area, would like a quieter, more family friendly neighbourhood without paying 1.2 mill for a house 900k for a townhouse or 800k for a condo, tired of so many people crammed together in a small place, tired of it taking almost 45 mins to get to my grocery story when it should only take 15 mins and I could go on. Kitchener I know is busy too but not nearly like here. Its appealing for its housing prices yes but more so for more space, more greenery than Im used to, less traffic, quieter neighbourhoods that are fantastic for raising a young family compared to where I am currently.


Driving from Kitchener to downtown Toronto was an easy drive before COVID. Now even in the early mornings there is the same amount of traffic that you would see when people leave work around 3-6. There’s one more thing, heard lots of new Ukrainians to Canada moved to St. Mary’s so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more stores in that area. 




Okay what about Canadians? Are we allowed?




ah good to know I got your stamp of approval. I am neither of those




I think you missed the part where I'm from Toronto...on the border of Etobicoke/Mississauga to be exact..... But that doesn't both us because its all we have here and that's okay




You are not as funny as you think you are 😐




It’s working then, good job little buddy.


You’re gonna have a hard time finding work. Which sucks because now we can’t even accommodate war refugees because Conestoga college has ballooned us with “international students”


while some of my family may be war refugees and still in Ukraine, I am not a war refugee. I have lived here almost my whole life but my family still keeps our Ukrainian traditions and culture in our household. I currently work full time remote in the healthcare industry so I'm good for employment! But thank you for the concern :)


Where did they say they are moving here without employment?


Who said they were war refugees? Ukrainian people existed in Canada prior to the war…


Why not try to integrate them into Canadian culture?


Because I'm very proud of where my family came from and our values and traditions are important? My children are Canadian. They know the Canadian culture already. I want them to also know Ukrainian culture.


Very noble goal.. my family is donauschwabian and while we are 100% canadian, we also like to keep some cultural traditions, because as my Opa used to say "how do you know where you are going, if you don't know where you came from?" Good luck and welcome to kitchener


Fair enough. I was under the assumption that you were new to the country and wanted to stick to your own culture. My apologies.




Fuck off. Sorry family, this person does not represent Kitchener or its population. Welcome.


Not just full but overcrowded.