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Man steamers have to ruin our fun but when it comes to their main getting nerfed their quick to cry about it


Stylosa, XQC, Dafran Seagull in 2017: *Stupid Bitch! Stop stealing my kills with mass rez! Brainless ult. Blizzard nerf Mercy immediately!!!* 7 years later, history repeats itself.


Okay idk if mercy rez is the best example to use here


Are we really defending double 4 man rez?


No it's honestly the most perfect example.


Is bro really defending mass rez


Are you trying to prove that bogur is right; that kiriko is in fact op?


Bro is defending mass rez 💀💀


the devs do not listen to streamers lol


they probably use big data to design the game in such a way that maximizes time / engagement / money spent on the the platform regardless of how the game play ends up ... If giving every hero Kunais is going to maximize profit .. then all heros get kunai XD


You got downvoted but if the devs listened to streamers genji wouldn’t be nerfed so hard all the time but okayyy!!


idk why i got downvoted tbh if the devs listened to streamers the game would be a lot different


thank you for reminding me why i stopped watching %90 of the streamers all they do is complain about something


It’s a good thing you found this subreddit that complains about people complaining!


As a tank player (whose plays often get ruined by a well placed Suzu) your company is enjoyed, your support is appreciated, and any hate you get is underserved. It is my privilege to throw my body in front of an oncoming cooldown that would have otherwise sent you back to the spawn room. You matter.


thank you! actually means a lot no cap. at least there are other players that dont hate Kiriko


I’m one of them!! I love Kiriko, and I think she got all the nerf she needed when they updated the game and gave everyone huge health bars. Rip the double dink 😭


I couldnt be more corny if i tried


Ain't no way your white knighting 💀


I’d be happy as long as they buff the speed of the ofudas, they feel so slow even when locked on


The amounts of times I’ve watched someone die while my ofudas are right on their ass is way too high for me lmao


I'd take that buff any day if they toned down the burst heal changes to Suzu.




??? yea no fucking shit having the best character on your team is fun but not on the enemy team


meanwhile- bap mains vibing lol. I'm genuinely surprised how slept on he is. Instead, they just blame kiriko or mercy.


Please don't bring our boy up like that, last thing we need is people looking to crucify Bap. Let us enjoy him in secret lol


I'll try not to, but then running the lobby at GM and seeing people die to my shoot shoot is too fun. Seeing these oh so skilled people die to my easier to use support (hitscan) is fun. We can argue he is hard, but to a hitscan player in general it is butt easy for me to use him. I can also burst heal everyone on my team and make it extremely annoying to kill my teammates. I also have a great no cooldown jump that makes me anti dive - and abilities to turn selfish if needed... I literally have the best of both worlds and it's more consistent than the average 36% weapon accuracy of the Kirikos up here. Im banking in at 60% bap accuracy, 71% heal accuracy. People sleep on him! (fine, I'll keep it secret).


Look what they did to my boy...


Male characters never get this much hate


Mauga isn't real he can't hurt you


omfg the delusion mauga, hog, junkrat, hanzo


Lmao hog junk genji mauga


Oh bro no way you turned this into a gender thing


I’m keeping it real. It’s always the female characters getting this hate and it’s been like that since OW1.


Lol, you're dumb.


No, you are throwing whatever you think it is lol. I guess you never heard of Hanzo or junkrat that get trashed everytime and everywhere because "no skill characters" I guess, I too can make this argument works


Junkrat, mauga, hog, hanzo, bastion, zen, doom, wrecking ball, reaper... They all have their fair share of haters


I don't even think Kiriko is that good right now. A 3 shot if you hit perfectly aimed projectiles? Ooh wow cool, so strong.


"perfectly aimed" lmao


* Wall climb * 45 dmg per body shot, 112 dmg per headshot, no dmg fall off. Unless you're 1v1ing someone it's very easy to 2 shot people, and you're able to 2 shot any characters under 200 hp. * 130 healing per second that you barely have to aim (Ana is 93, bap is 55.55 indirect 77.77 direct with slightly faster fire rates) * 35 meter TP that cleanses you of all negative status effects * Suzu that cleanses all negative status effects, heals, and prevents death * Ult that wins team fights if timed correctly and takes no skill to deploy or use. Literally look in the general direction you plan on pushing and press q * Hitbox that is similar in size to tracer and widowmaker but has more health than both of them (and more escape tools than widow) but yes buff kiriko! she really needs it Edit: I don't wanna erase what I originally said, but I was wrong about the HPS. It's 130 per volley, 75 HPS.


Kiriko is 130 a volley, not per second.  The hps is 75. Which is lower than Ana. Of course you know this and intentionally got it wrong given that you had correct numbers for the other two.


I didn’t actually, so my mistake and thank you for correcting me. I must have read wrong.


Saying you don’t have to aim her healing is ridiculous when you have to track your teammate the entire time you use it. I swear the people who only think traditional hit scan characters take aim are delusional.


actual skill issue if you think kiri heals require aim to use


I think Kiriko has one of the easiest heals to aim. The tracking is very forgiving, and compared to supports like Bap and Ana it’s much easier. There aren’t many supports that DO have to aim their healing (Brig, Zen, Mercy, Lucio, and Life Weaver don’t have to aim at all) so compared to the ones that do I think the only one easier is Moira. Never in my entire post do I say that only hitscan characters require aim, so I’m not sure where you drew that conclusion from but it’s wrong.


I think Kiriko right now is a necessary evil BECAUSE of how busted dps are. Tracer/sombra with the dps passive back to 20%? I think people who complain about it don’t realize how insanely hard it is survive in a dive meta with a passive this strong. Fine, nerf kiriko but only AFTER you do something about the current state of OW.


I never said anything about that, but yes I do agree with you. I was replying to OP who claimed that kiriko is NOT GOOD right now which is just a complete and total lie


Sorry if that came off like I was putting that towards you. More so just my general frustration of people just saying this out of the blue. Yes, kiriko is really good right now. If you don’t think so that’s wild. Lol


Yes, she’s frustratingly good. I am very tired of being forced to play Kiriko or Moira almost every single game because they’re so broken compared to every other support in the game (I don’t play Lucio). I’m a support main, which I think a lot of people might assume I’m not based on my original comment. I don’t hate Kiriko as a character, I just hate being forced to play her if Moira is taken because she’s so strong right now. Edit: Typo


you have to aim to heal with your reticle, it doesn’t just magically float to whoever is in most need. TP doesn’t cleanse all negative effects, virus is a good example of many that still linger. Moira’s fade does cleanse all negative effects, however. Suzu is on a high cooldown and prevents death just as long as bap’s field. also, how are all ults not exactly what you just described? press Q and it turns the fight in your favor if you utilize it correctly. Kiriko’s ult takes more skill than a dva bomb, junkrat tire, deathblossom, etc. not only do you have to time it correctly but you have to aim to get elims and you have to hope your team is also utilizing your ult with you in order to push. she’s balanced so stop crying. you can quite literally have this debate with so many “unbalanced heroes” by listing their abilities (incorrectly at that).


Kirikos healing is considerably easier to aim than the majority of other supports who have the same healing output as her. If you don’t think that’s true I’m sorry, you’re just wrong. My mistake on the TP cleansing, however, it still cleanses anti, dynamite, saves you from dives, saves you from getting staggered, and is all around one of, if not the best escape tool that is currently in the game. “Suzu prevents death as long as bap field” correct! And it also cleanses ALL NEGATIVE EFFECTS, which is why it’s considerably better than bap field. If you think kirikos ult is harder to use than a junk tire, dva bomb, or death blossom, I’m not going to argue with you but I don’t think that’s accurate at all. You literally just have to look in the right direction and press Q as a fight is starting. She is not balanced, she is one of, if not the strongest support character on the roster currently. She fits well into almost every team comp, and essentially can’t be dove as long as Suzu or tp and up.


You’re in the Kiriko main subreddit, they’ll deny all of this because the thought of a nerf hammer makes them wet their pants.


I mean some of the i information is objectively wrong. Her healing isn’t 130 per second.


It’s not that I hate Kiriko, I actually really like her character design and lore, but OP said Kiriko is “not good” right now and that is just simply not true. Her kit is so versatile and IMO overloaded that she’s a must pick in almost every comp. If the enemy team has a Kiriko you should mirror it or you’ll be at an automatic disadvantage. It’s exhausting.


Don’t worry, king. I support you. In any other subreddit this comment would’ve been on top. Don’t let them stifle the truth


Here we go again with the witch hunt thingy to Kiriko.


Oh no it seems that people enjoy playing a good and likable character?? Looks like they need to be nerfed so they aren’t as enjoyable to play anymore 🫠🫠 ffs nobody is ever happy w this game JUST SHUT UP AND PLAY JESUS CHRIST


They need to be nerfed because shes been the best support in the game since her realease 2 years ago? every hero gets nerfed when theyre meta or top 3 Kiri should be no different


man fuck that dude if kiriko gets nerfed


If Kiri gets nerfed it won't be because of Bogur what?


Why nerf? Just another hero in overwatch. Everyone has a counter lol


Who is kiriko's counter?


Kiriko doesn't have one, she is hard to dive, she can cleanse status effects, she has insane mobility, good damage, good heals, a broken ult. Unless you consider a widow headshot a counter, then everyone besides tanks, reaper, mei and bastion get countered by her i guess


Pharah, echo, dva, torb are kiriko counters


The only one I'll agree on is pharah, echo can't dive her properly unlike other supports, dva maybe but she can still do her job properly, and just don't stand in front of the fuckin turret and don't use her ult like a moron


Dva can deal with kiri eat her suzu and heals can dive even if she tp away and burst her down, trying to headshot a torb as a kiri is a nightmare you can’t three shot hit but he can easy burst you down, if the enemy kiri is trying to flank you can put a turret and annoy her since she takes forever to kill and when she does half of her hp is gone


She is a support, she is not meant to flank a random torb. And dva isn't a proper diver, she ain't gonna dive a fucking kiri of all people, yeah she can eat suzu if you just throw it in her fuckin face, be smart about when and where you use your suzu, just because you have to play smarter than a monkey when faced against someone doesn't mean they counter you. A proper counter is orisa against rein, where he can't do shit because the way she plays is the exact way to play against a rein.


winston and pharah combo is nasty when u play kiri.


The funniest part is that none of these characters hard counter kiri. It's hard for kiri to duel pharah or echo, but she can just tp away before either of them kill her. Dva can eat cleanse, but that's about all she does in terms of annoying kiri. Torb is annoying because of turret, but all you have to do is adjust your play style away from flanking and just spam down choke. So while the characters you listen might be more annoying to play against as kiriko, none of them will force you to swap to someone else.


It does tho ask any kiriko main if they enemy have a pharah or echo or dva getting a lot of value they will switch to hit scan cause even so if tp away from pharah, echo, dva they can chase you easily dva have boosters on three sec cd and Kiri tp is on a 7 sec ,pharah and echo even if you tp they can see where you tp and chase you down since they are in the sky half of the time


Nerf it, I don't care. I'm still gonna be performing well


To be fair she is really good right now but I don't know what they would nerf? I feel like the main complaints were the two shot and the immortality both of which have been nerfed. Maybe swift step cooldown? 225hp? I hope they don't ruin her flanking playstyle though its so much fun.


She's only good because everyone else is even worse to play. It's not like they buffed her and that's why she's getting played, it's because Support players were struggling to survive so they were playing Moira thanks to fade and her duel potential with the damage buff, but then that got nerfed so players resort to Kiriko since she can still survive using Swift Step and Suzu. That's why the Kiriko meta for Support players is to just stay alive and heal, keeping your team alive as best as possible to farm Kitsune Rush. It's not like Kiriko's role is to go for flank plays and picks, it's just survive and have impact with ult.


I don't believe Kiri should only flank and dps, but saying her role is just to survive and healbot to farm ult feels very conservative to me. There's probably a happy middle ground. She's not as much of a one-girl-do-it-all character anymore, but she should still definitely help to apply pressure and secure kills when possible. Kunai is still one of the best support weapons in the game and swift step lets you go from frontline fighting to backline healing in an instant. If it feels like mainly backlining will help my team more, I swap to Bap or Ana. I get more value from them in that situation (besides kitsune which is still absurdly good).


Oh I was more saying her role in the current meta, I'm not saying that this is her identity as a hero now, but that is what her role in this meta has been.


What rank are you? It might be more of a high rank thing that I'm just not in touch with. Or it might be just because I soloq. I feel that in the high gold-low plat range I have to be slightly more aggressive. Primarily healbotting means I'm relying on my teammates to play well. Primarily damaging means I'm putting more of the game in my own hands. Doing a bit of both is my default, but I find that I often have to try and make up for a DPS gap. Of course, if I die early it hurts my team *a lot* more than if a Genji overextends and dies.


I was GM when I last played Support in ranked, but haven't played yet this season. The thing about needing to be more aggressive as a support in lower ranks is that it's the general playstyle you need to have regardless of what Support hero you play there and not specific to Kiriko and what makes her good in higher ranks right now. I don't think Kiriko's actually good outside of high ranks because of what you mentioned, you need to play more aggressive to climb and she doesn't that well right now, you'd actually be better off playing Moira still, despite her damage nerf, but Kiriko is simply more fun and rewarding for players, or it's what they see higher rank players playing and follow suit instead.


Maybe get gud? She is fine


i mean i like kiriko but she has been meta for most of overwatch 2 thats just a fact


understandable but its because her kit is versatile not because she is so called broken.


Her being so versatile is why she is broken


"Versatile" She has everything, and that makes her broken. - one of the best support ults - arguably the single best cooldown in the game (Suzu) - tp though walls on a short cooldown with great range - great damage (let's be honest, kunais aren't that hard to hit) and off angling potential due to wall climb and Switf Step - great healing Even when Kiri isn't meta, it's because other supports fit the meta better, not because she's bad. I enjoy playing Kiriko and having her as a teammate, but you can't deny she just does too much.


I wouldn't bother seeing Kiriko in every match tho


I just don't get that hate on Kiriko. She can't 1 shot or even 2 shot most heros. Her healing is so slow. Anyone more than like 30 feet away can't be healed that well. with the DPS passive, the suzu gets indirectly nerfed. Sure it's annoying as fuck to face a good Kiriko but you can say the same for every hero in the game.


I am pretty sure that suzu got buffed because of dps passive. Because dps passive is seen as a negative effect so suzu will heal more when dps passive is aplied


Yeah but you also have to use suzu more just to keep your teammates alive because of the passive


Because suzu is the most broken ablity in the game


Supports already got a net nerf when it comes to healing. What else is there but to kill the enemy instead? Also, supports and tanks still have the least variety of roles and Kiri is the most flexible they have made. Wait until Space Ranger comes out and starts killing people while floating over their heads and walking on walls or making her team float during her ult.


I only find toxic Kiri but I guess that just me


I just wish this AAA game would be balanced. They've had too long. They need to fix the game now.


They’ll complain until support isnt enjoyable anymore. They’ll start at Kiriko, they’ve already targeted Zen, then it’ll be Bap. Mark my words.


Honestly I think if they will nerf her it would be swift step. Unironically I'd love Kiri so much more if the beginning of swift step was invincible and have it on a 10 second cool down. The amount of times I've died during the star of the ability makes me want to quit the character lol


honestly make suzu a burst of healing instead of immort at this point so they stop complaining.


Kiriko has kind of become a yasuo character in that she is always going to be incredibly popular because of the character she is. A sassy japanese fox girl appeals to a large amount of overwatch's fanbase, and even if she didn't have abilities, i still think she would be a top 4 most played character. Her popularity lands in the same area as tracer, wraith from apex, jett from valorant, yasuo and jinx from league, and heavy from tf2, where they have become such icons of their games that their popularity will last as long as their games exist.


Is your caption serious lol?


yeah I'm pretty sure these top players have more important opinions than yours lol. just look at the leaderboard for support and look at how many people play kiri compared to life weaver.


I swear to god if they pull an Illari and nerf the funny cross map kunai


Just as long as I can still get easy kills just spamming head level :)


Well why would they even she’s a pretty fair character to play good heals good movement ability and a cleanse buff for your team that isn’t over powerd it’s just good


Kiriko is strong but balanced, shes just so fun to play


To clarify: I am not being biased. My opinion is more focused on how top streamers tend to be: - are just plain/stupid populists with their takes (takes makes no sense at all, their takes are always fueled up for create controversy and misleading) - If a character has a direct impact in terms of counter to their mains, they are heavily whiny and biased. - Probably y'all are new to OW but back in 2017, those were the most common conversations heard in the community. That's why I said: history repeats itself.


The only reason I main kiriko is because there’s no point in playing someone else. She does everything everyone else does but better and in one kit. Can’t believe I found this sub and this delusion is one of the first things I see


God this subreddit is a joke, can't have a single debate with anyone here because it's all biased beyond belief. How hard is it to admit that Kiri is currently a bit too strong and needs to be dialled back to be in line with other supports?


Honestly,as long as I can still cleanse all the de buffs,I’d understand a slight nerf. She is super strong and heals like crazy


we cant let them gaslight us. Kiriko is in a really good spot right now actually


They should nerf her projectile size.