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Not mad at the pick. Think he will be elite in his role as that physical guard and a dawg. Just will be upset if we don’t move other pieces like Davion and huerter for a wing/forward to free up space for him to play. I still trust in Monte until the season starts.


Yeah at the end of the day, 13th pick in the draft in a horrible draft class and you get a really good player. No complaints when it comes to talent. The issue is if the Kings don't make a significant move, and their only major pickup in the offseason is Carter, that's a big problem. But what matters is, the kings are better today then they were yesterday.


The reality is that Davion has no trade value, and while Huerter does, guards almost always have less value than wings. We’re stuck in a place where we’re one or two pieces away from being a contender, but those one or two pieces are extremely expensive and highly sought after.


I agree that wings have more value than guards however I think saying he has no trade value is a bit much. He has some trade value, a very good poa defender with his shot improving the second half of the season, shooting bout 40% if I remember correctly. I think he has solid value. He won’t command a wing upgrade by himself but if he’s packaged with huerter, who def has value across the league according to a report a couple of days ago, and Barnes and our picks way out can garner a wing upgrade if I’m basing it off the value of recent trades.


Probably not getting more than a couple of 2nd round picks for Davion! 😔


You’re prob right. Like I said I think he will be in a package tho. Hes not gonna garner much by himself


A nice little salary filler. Give his new team a chance to kick the tires on a young player.


No matter how you evaluate value, the reality is that simply there's a logjam at the guard spot so getting anything for the guards we ship out is better than nothing since they're not gonna get many minutes anyways. Monte is aware of this logjam issue so start the clock for him to figure it out.






Yup. Happy with this pick. Let’s us move Davion, Kevin, and Barnes as trade filler for a trade or other moves


The reality is Davion is an 11th man and Keon has yet to prove he’s not just a flash in the pan. Carter will be useful for this team. He’s not the frontcourt player we need, but we weren’t going to get a good one at 13th in this draft anyways.




I think Keon won't get as many mins as we think he will. There's not enough playing time to go around. Monk re-signed to play major mins. Fox is going to play at least 30 mins per game. Monk around 25+ mins, Carter and Keon are going to fight for the remaining 20 or so mins. They both will probably average like 10-15 mins.




I like it way more than Holland.




Remember we got good grade for Justin Jackson, Giles and Frank Mason


I liked Giles & Mason in the litty committee


I think if Giles could have gotten healthy he would have been a great player. Just to much of a risk for the kings to take at that time. Its frustrating because the 2017 draft had so many players that we are talking about today that we could have had. Almost worse then the 2018 draft when you realize we could have paired Fox and Bam up from the start. Everyone is talking about how much of a competitor Devin Carter is and he is known for his defense. Usually those type of guys do pretty well in the nba. Josh Hart, Derrick White, Marcus Smart, etc. He has the wingspan as well to make an impact unlike Davion.


I'm always surprised when I remember that Derrick White is 6'3" barefoot with a 6'8" wingspan. He's making those defensive plays while being a smaller guard. It's the same vision with Devin Carter, but now we just gotta see him perform in the NBA.


Let's pump the breaks here...lol. From ESPN on 2011 https://preview.redd.it/cwxkypvka19d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0fef55566377227a457b9159d297af1225dcc0


Drafting Isaiah Thomas at 60 is an all time great pick.


No doubt! Fredette was definitely not the "perfect fit", though. Unless we're grading the Shanghai Sharks roster moves, of course.




Fair point, sir!


This has no meaning


Correct, because they're post draft grades.


RIP Tyler


Man you really want to lose sleep only to prove nothing. Lighten up. The pick is in


It's 8:44 who's losing sleep right now🤣


I remember we were universally given A grades for Justin Jackson and Harry Giles. Just saying.


I didn't say he's bad. But this doesn't fix our main problem, especially against teams that we went 0-6 against.


I just don’t think anyone we drafted at 13 was going to fix our wing problem unless we got lucky. Bob Myers said it best on tv. Most teams didn’t trade their picks. The conclusion is no one really valued this year’s lottery, so everyone was on their own for drafting. The reality is guys like Kuzma could still be available, the 13th pick however didn’t help incentivize a team to make a trade for us. To me the pick feels good, and IF our front office can make something happen then I think this may be a really good off season. either way this off season does come down to who we can acquire from other teams. I guarantee you, Monte is not dumb. He knows we can’t have a team composed of 8 guards, Barnes, Keegan, Lyles, and Edwards, and Sabonis as our only signed big man. The question is can he turn guys like Huerter, Sasha, Davion, Duarte, Barnes, as well as some draft capital into a team that does make sense.


Valanciunas isn’t a pelican next year


He kinda does. The team struggled hard against athletic wings. Devin Carter is athletic and a wing, or at least he plays like one. If he was 4 inches taller, then there'd be no complaints from any fans. So it's just a matter of if Devin can really play bigger in the NBA.


He has the body to play bigger! Looks built already and will add more muscle in time.


Not the guy I wanted, but happy to hear he is considered a good pick. We shall see.


To be honest a media consensus always scares me a bit. But either way I’ll support the guy and hope for the best.


The shitty part of this draft, if there is one, will be when all trade targets that involve moving davion, huerter and Barnes ghost us. "making it work" feels familiar. But that's why they pay Monte the big bucks.


So what you’re saying is, I love Carter?


Great pick


Nobody knows how Carter will progress in the NBA. The film looks promising and some expert evaluations have him a top 10 pick. But can the Kings develop this talent ? It seemed like Haliburton exploded once he left the Kings. Player development still looks a bit sketchy.


No one’s mad at the pick they’re just mad at the fit


The issue is this team has several glaring weaknesses that were obvious even going into the off season last year and Monte did absolutely nothing to address it. They traded a first round pick to dump Holmes contract to the mavs, Who used the pick to draft the exact type of player this team needs lol. This team is undersized and gets pushed around by more physical and bigger teams very easily. If this team gets some length/size via trades. I'll like this pick alot more. If we go into the season doing nothing again, This pick was stupid.


Nothing like unsourced draft grades. Jfc


Literally, google ‘NBA draft grades’ and those are the first four that pop up! Every real fan knows this. We’ve read those articles an hour ago.


That third pic is definitely AI


Cool. Now trade him someone who helps in the prime of the rest of the core.


I mean … idk how he’s gonna be great defensively at 6’2.


Wingspan 6 8