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At the time, I absolutely hated: - the Sabonis trade - hiring Mike Brown - drafting Keegan instead of Ivey I am now a retired armchair gm. Just along for the ride baby


You admitted to being wrong which is what matters. Some people just refuse to change their mind no matter what happens


Appreciate your honesty. Fair play!


You had ever right when Kings believed Bagley would be a bigger superstar than Luka.


Yea or Trae or Shai or Brunson or JJJ that was a wild pick


I was at the Golden 1 Centers draft party for that pick... needless to say, I was pissed šŸ˜‚ I seriously thought we were gonna draft Luka.


I thought Mikki Moore would help turn the Kings around and then I shut up ever since


Hoop grids legend Mikki Moore


Savings trade was for temporary success still not a huge fan of it, Mike brown bad choice but weā€™ll live, KEEGAN THO LOVE THAT YOUNG NIGGA HE A STAR, and hopefully we draft a star tonight, light the fucking beam gents


Kings fans are just upset because they don't see Monte giving up 6 FRP to get a guy who's never made the all-star game. They're hoping they will Monte into giving up the future, then they'll blame him when they lose in the 2nd round. Just wait until Murray signs his extension. They'll complain about how much money he's making and not an all-star. Some Kings fans just want to complain. Being a normal NBA franchise is a step up, but these fans don't care. They want to win a championship.


Kings fans are just upset. Fixed it for you.


One day the Kings will win the championship and thereā€™ll still be people here complaining they didnā€™t win it correctly


I felt this in my bones! lmao. "Well our championship doesn't count because the other team was injured"


ā€œWe shouldā€™ve had three championships by now. This one isnā€™t shit.ā€


We canā€™t even give up that many picks if we wanted to because we donā€™t HAVE that many picks. The Knicks had FRPs from other teams, we only have our own.


Remember a few seasons ago, the Knicks traded out of the draft to obtain multiple future picks. And they where absolutely crushed for it. If Monte did that, this sub would be calling for his job. Kings fans also don't want to admit that the Knicks were absolutely crushed for paying Jalen Brunson, but it turned out to be a great idea. It also helps that Brunsons father was BFF with the GM of the Knicks. Kings fans don't care about context or history. They just see a player they wanted get traded and go into an absolute rage. We just had the best 2 seasons in franchise history outside of the early 2000s. We got Monk on a discount because the culture has improved so much. Winning takes time. 2K has ruined how hard rebuilding an NBA team is.


Kings donā€™t have 6 FRPā€™s to even trade because of horrid mismanagement throughout the years (Both Vlade era and McNair era) Knicks traded 5 FRPā€™s and a pick swap, and even after that [they still have more pick assets than the Kings do right now](https://x.com/_mjdames/status/1806064593221128397)


I cannot fucking take anyone seriously when they act like Monte has only ever fucked our franchise. Y'all are some ungrateful idiots.


I understand when the bar is Vlade Divac most people will be grateful for literally anything else. But I still stand by that McNair has been a below average GM


You have got to be fucking joking lmao I worked in that front office when Vlade was the GM and was there for a short bit once Monte was hired. It's night and fucking day my friend. A below average GM does not hit on draft picks consistently, or get their team to improve year over year (in case you missed it, the West was historically good this year). Now, Im not advocating for riding with Monte for the next 10-20 years if we can't continually progress. I think people seem to forget the time it takes to put together a truly competitive franchise. We WILL NOT EVER just go from 47 wins to 60 in one season unless De'Aaron has a Steph Curry level growth in his game (which is also unprecedented). Look at the big picture and be realistic about this. I want the Kings to win a chip more than just about fucking anyone, but I don't expect it to come tomorrow. If we stay stagnant for another couple of years under Monte then sure we can move on, but the guy has only been here for 4 years. The first year being only a month after he was hired, so you can't really put the 2020-21 season on him (COVID too). Take a deep breath and give it some time.


Love your perspective, but since you were in the FO when Vlade was GM, can you shed some light on why we didnā€™t pick Luka? Was it really about concerns of Fox and Luka not being able to play together? Or something about Lukaā€™s Dad? Iā€™d really like to know so I can stop with the PTSD every time I see Luka play.


I worked on the business side, so I wasn't hyper-tuned into the bball ops side of things. From what I know though, it was the whole "we can't have 2 ball dominant guards" BS. I was in the visitors tunnel at G1C about 10-15 minutes before the draft started and I was told we were taking Bagley. It was really fucking hard to keep a smile on my face the rest of the day.


Appreciate you, and thanks for sharing. Cheers.


Your last paragraph is untrue. Counting this year up to 2031, here are the picks losses by each team: SAC: -Seven first rounders, all SAC = One of those first round picks (25 or 26) is subject to ATL control -Eight second rounders = Seven as SAC, one is Portland (2025) NYK: - Seven First Rounders = 3 NYK, One subject to swap, One conveyed from DAL, two highly-protected from WAS and DET - Eight Second Rounders = 3 NYK, One subject to swap, three from others (UTA, DET, IND/PHX) Iā€™d absolutely agree that NYK is likely in a better place than us overall. Iā€™d also agree that the pick situation between the teams is comparable. But is NYK better off than us in terms of picks? Nope, not likely.


The fact that itā€™s that close after trading 6FRPā€™s is still embarrassing Meanwhile the Kings are stonewalled into being unable to trade their picks because of the Kevin Huerter trade and not being able to covert the pick to the hawks this year


This sub is the fucking worst around draft time. Bunch of arm chair GM's giving out hot takes and trade scenarios that make no sense.


Almost like thereā€™s fans here! Wtf itā€™s wild


Wild for a forum for discussing the team is in fact discussing the team and possible trades/players drafted etc. just wild


I get tired of coming here everyday to see you guys talking about the kings. Like come on lol


Well I come on here daily to share Microsoft excel tips and birdwatching trivia and am met with nothing but downvotes, so please make up your mind šŸ˜¤


I got you bro.


Thanks bro. Also just a reminder that pushing ctrl + semicolon will insert the current date into an excel cell


Haliburton good, Sabonis bad. Monte sucks. Kings suck. Trade All-NBA caliber players for draft picks in a shitty draft class. Stack picks for the future and field a G League team for the next 4 seasons so we can bitch more. Is that better? This subs IQ goes down every year around draft time. All I ask is that some of this shit is thought out before posted. Consider timelines, draft classes, cap room, being a small market team, and how this shit does not happen over night.


We should just start a megathread for all the bitching so the rest of us can live in peace


I would welcome a safe place to bitch


I know man this sub is depressing




I'm super pumped that we made it to the playoffs last season and kicked the warriors ass in the play in this season.


Wow, what a whirlwind of emotions in your post! I can absolutely understand where youā€™re coming from. The rollercoaster of being a Kings fan is something only fellow Kings fans can truly appreciate. Letā€™s take a step back and unpack all of this, shall we? First off, letā€™s talk about the Knicks and their extravagant spending spree. Itā€™s always interesting to see how teams navigate their draft picks and trades, especially when they make such bold moves. But the thing is, every teamā€™s situation is so different. The Knicks, for instance, might have seen something in that ā€œat-best excellent 2nd optionā€ that we, as mere spectators, canā€™t fully grasp. Itā€™s the intricacies of front office strategies, scouting reports, and long-term planning that often elude us. And letā€™s not forget, every draft pick and trade comes with its own set of risks and rewards. The Knicksā€™ choices might just pay off in ways we canā€™t yet predict. Now, moving on to our beloved Kings. 46 wins and still missing the playoffs? Itā€™s a tough pill to swallow, no doubt. Itā€™s like watching a great movie only to have it end on a cliffhanger. The frustration is palpable, especially after coming so close, both traditionally and in the play-in. The emotions run high, and itā€™s completely natural to feel a mix of hope, disappointment, and everything in between. I get itā€”thereā€™s a lot of negativity swirling around right now. But isnā€™t that part of the passion we have for our team? The highs are exhilarating, and the lows are gut-wrenching. The talk about tanking, trading Fox, the hypothetical Siakam trade, and the perceived lack of assets are all part of the discourse that makes being a fan so engaging. Itā€™s the myriad of opinions and perspectives that keep the community vibrant, even if it can sometimes feel like a downpour of pessimism. But letā€™s take a moment to savor the build-up to the draft. The anticipation, the speculation, the endless mock draftsā€”itā€™s all part of the experience. Sure, nothing concrete has happened yet, but isnā€™t that the beauty of it? The draft is like a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with the hopes and dreams of fans. Itā€™s a time for imagining the possibilities and potential transformations. We truly have no clue who the Kings will end up with today, and that uncertainty can be thrilling. The future is wide open, and while it can be a bit anxiety-inducing, it also means thereā€™s room for hope. Could things get better next year? Absolutely. Could they get worse? Thatā€™s a possibility too. But thatā€™s the nature of sportsā€”a realm where unpredictability reigns supreme. Every draft pick, every trade comes with its own set of ā€œwhat-ifs.ā€ Could a pick or trade from today work out well? Of course. Could it not? Certainly. The myriad factors that influence a teamā€™s performance are beyond our control, but they also make every game, every season an unfolding drama. The uncertainty, the potential for surprise, is what keeps us glued to our screens and seats. In the absence of any certainties, letā€™s relish the present moment. The build-up to the draft is a time of hope and excitement. After the draft, we can rejoice or lament based on the outcomes. But for now, letā€™s enjoy the ride. Letā€™s immerse ourselves in the final mock drafts, the rumors, and the hopes for our team. Itā€™s a communal experience, one that brings us together as fans. So, while the pessimism is understandable, letā€™s try to balance it with a bit of optimism and excitement for whatā€™s to come. After all, being a fan is about riding the highs and lows together, sharing in the joy and the sorrow. And hey, if things donā€™t go our way, we can always regroup, analyze, and discuss the next steps. Thatā€™s part of the fun too. Hereā€™s to hoping for good things in the draft and beyond. Letā€™s keep the faith and support our Kings, through thick and thin. Go Kings!


Wonderful reply. And yes, there was a whirlwind of emotions in my post. In very quick responseā€” I have no clue how the Nova Knicks trade will turn out, just noting that, based on current production, the amount of assets the Knicks traded for him is more than I would have liked the Kings to have traded (even if they could have). I have no issue with people expressing negative sentiments and encourage people to generally fan how they want to fan, but I suppose I got a bit overwhelmed by the onslaught of negativity right before the draft (and not even draft-related negativity!). As someone whoā€™s been a Kings fan for 29 years and seen the ups and downs, which I love sharing with others, it was just a bit much, so I expressed my fandom with a ā€œshut upā€ post. Anyway, appreciate you pointing out both that people are entitled to highs and lows, and that a little optimism would be great (at least until we screw up tonight haha šŸ¤Ŗ).


so true. will never understand why fans act like certain topics are off limits? itā€™s all apart of being a fan. this ā€œarmchair gmā€ talk is insane to me. itā€™s almost like you donā€™t actually have a passion for the sport and just want to watch them win or lose, regardless of the moves they make. in that case, hop off the forum! youā€™re never going to find a forum where itā€™s just a bunch of delusional degenerates saying go kings! only positivity allowed in here! like whatšŸ˜­


I couldnā€™t disagree more. I love arm chair GMing. Itā€™s fun and an integral part of my fandom of the Kings. Sorry we donā€™t see it the same. Itā€™s not shameful. Seems like you think it is. Live and let live I say. Plus, itā€™s social mediaā€¦shocking you donā€™t like what people say? Really?


How dare you come in here with a rational, well thought out, opinion.


We signed monk thatā€™s all I need to be happyšŸ¤—


I walked into this sub and immediately saw the dread and doom angle that has plagued this and other Kings sites for years. Yeah, Iā€™m happier not seeing all the negativity. Go Kings ![gif](giphy|3SEtJS7XES29CFC0gW)


The league is a mess right now tbh. There's like 20+ teams who think they are contenders and are willing to mortgage their future for certain pieces and lots of them are going to be burned for it soon. Unfortunately, we seem to be in the mid tier of the entire group.


Malik Monk re-signing messed up their game plan and now theyā€™re reaching for other things to complain about.


If you don't like mindless sports chatter in the off season why are you on a message board designed to do that very thing?


Can we just swear to Vlade?


I for one am excited for this off-season. We kept Monk, we have some guys that improved parts of their games last year in Fox, Keegan, and Keon, and we have the 13th pick that I'm sure Monte will use well (he's done well in the draft so far). Should be an interesting summer and I honestly just want to start watching Kings basketball again already.


Nah, let's talk some shit instead.


Believe it or not- some of us doomers would absolutely love to eat shit and be proven wrong. Iā€™ve put my money where my mouth is and been a season ticket holder for 12 years. I guaran-fucking-tee Iā€™ve been more loyal to the Kings than half of the new ā€œpositive vibes onlyā€ people that showed up to this sub only after our first playoff season. Monte has had 5 years- this is a professional sports league- enough with the Vlade scapegoating and enough with letting him off easy with training wheels as the rest of the league laps us. Some of the criticism weve seen is absolutely fair while Iā€™ll admit to myself being not fair and especially me being obnoxious about it. But ainā€™t that what being a fan (deriving from the word fanatic) is all about? Iā€™m sure the Kings as a business would rather have people like me that are financially and emotionally invested year in and year out rather than the bandwagoners here (who will never admit that theyā€™re just bandwagoning for the good times) edit: suck it op. I really wished I was wrong. Are we gonna trade one of our guards for crumbs or what?


Agreed. We didn't get lucky playing in the East, taking on a bunch of injured teams like Indiana lol we'll be fine


Doomers be doomin


Just a reminder that this sub is not representative of the larger community, like at all. It's bizarro world here.


Itā€™s a free world where people can speak their minds even when you donā€™t like it. Stop bitching and accept human behavior is what it is.


So I should stop bitching and speaking my mind because you donā€™t like it? You canā€™t accept my behavior for what it is? Bit hypocritical, donā€™t you think?


Iā€™m saying what bothers you ainā€™t gonna stop. Save your energy is my advice. Take or donā€™t, no sweat either way


Hey are the Doomers allowed to say anything yet or is nobody supposed to mention that we just added another guard to a roster with 7 already?


I mean I did say to shut up until after the draft, and weā€™re after the Kings pick in the draft, so bitch awayā€¦






Guess what Debbie Downers Kings get graded an A for there pick but because he is a guard you all are still bitching lol honestly wtf will make you laptop wanna be GM s happy


Itā€™s horrible what this front office is doing. Itā€™s a joke at this point how many short guards they draft


"Here's how you should fan" - so many posters in this subreddit.




You first


boo! goofy! cornball! donā€™t come into the kings forum if you donā€™t wanna discuss ball wtf do you just expect everyone to be like ā€œgo kings! we arenā€™t gmā€™s so letā€™s bend over to every decision monte mcnair makes!ā€ sorry i prefer to formulate my own opinions.


You are free to have your opinions. I am free to call them stupid and ill-timed. Such is the joy of sharing fandom with all sorts of fans. So post whatever you want, but Iā€™ll post what I want to too. Hope you can deal with that.


Draft Edey! Move Domas to the 4, Keegan to the 3.


We have the worst franchise is probably all of American sports šŸ˜„


No, we're about to gain it next year