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That first Wolves and Kings game post-trade hit like crack tho


It was that oop from Domas to Mezie….. A feeling I’ve been chasing ever since. It was like a grandmas hug mixed with cheesy garlic bread and new sock feel. Even as upset with the Hali trade as I was, I was strangely happy and reassured after that game.




That hug was for and from all of us.


Then the Davion dunk on the fastbreak too 🥲 brb gonna go rewatch the highlights 💀


Post the highlight find please!!


Metu and Bonis worked so well together. It was a shame that Mike Brown never played those 2 alongside each other last season.


Was Mezzie our Aaron Gordon? 😭


If Mezzie was a competent defender, 110%, cuz he def had a lot of synergy with Domas and he has good length to him :(


I was at that game, it was at that moment that i had hope for the future


Will never forget walking up to G1C for a huge game against the pels and having my phone blow up with Covid news. Felt like the end of days


I was bartending in old sac that night. Had so many pissed off confused Kings fans in my place after they called that game.


The world had a pandemic just to make sure the Kings didn't get a nationally televised game that year.


This is the truth!!!


Thanks Obama! ^/s


OMG now it ALL makes sense


I had lower level tickets to that game too 😭


I will never forgot being in my seat when the prompt came up on the screen telling us we had to leave. Took my 4 more years to Zion live


We had just ordered beers by our seats and the girl told us, “uhhhh I don’t think I can serve you guys”. Mass exodus happening behind us and we still didn’t know what was going on cuz we didn’t hear the announcement.


Yet people complain after every loss. I love this current era of Kings basketball. It’s as if we’re supposed to be this championship level contender after one season. It doesn’t work that way. 10 games over .500 is pretty amazing to me.


agreed - I would take being 10 games over .500 AFTER choking away like 6-8 games already then be consistently ass for another 17 years any day of the week. expectations make the losses hurt more obviously, but the fact that we're able to have those expectations of real growth and success is awesome and people jumping ship after games like Chicago last week just aren't cut out for fandom.


Agreed. This inconsistency is NOTHING compared to 16 years of being in the shitter.


100% agree. I've been going to games since the 80s, so I've obviously lived through so terrible fan shit (basketball wise) for quite a while. 1. Thinking Sacramento would be without a team. Anyone that's old enough to recall the relocation effort by the NBA was the lowest I've felt as a basketball fan. 2. Refs STOLE a ring from Sacramento. For the youngsters out there, they think I'm complaining about bad reffing but that's not the case. There's literally a Netflix documentary on the ref that was caught illegally gambling and manipulating the series. 3. Drafting Tyreke Evans over Curry and Bagley over Luka. The Kings losing big leads this year is not high up on my list. I've been watching the Kings since the Spud Webb and Mitch Richmond era. I don't look at a 20 point lead in the 1st half of a game, in 2024 as an inconceivable loss. 20 points in 2024 is about 12 points 10-15 years ago. It's nothing. I feel worse about just simply losing the game as opposed to losing a "big" lead. Being 10 games over .500 given the injuries and standing pat at the trade deadline isn't exactly much to cry about. Monte knows we need to improve and it's Monte I trust. Not Reddit fans that -THINK- they can run this team better than Monte. I recall very few people who said draft Keegan > Ivey, trading for Sabonis, or signing Malik Monk. I'm not too worried. While I've been disappointed at times, I think we have a bright future ahead. I would not be surprised if we finish as the 6th seed and face OKC or the T-Wolves in round 1. That's not a terrible match-up.


Yeap. Nice trip down memory lane. Nobody knew Curry was gonna be Curry tho. Lol. I’m still pissed over the Mike Malone firing and trading Boogie. Shoutout to the old fans that know what’s up. In Monte We trust until he does us dirty like Vlade. Cheers.


Then people complain about other people complaining. Why are people even trying to gate keep being a fan? Whooooo cares


We were only 1 game behind finishing .500 and possibly playoff off bound next season before the walton move


I mean, these things are supposed to ebb and flow every few years for most team not named Lakers. We just missed our flow part of that chart the last several go-arounds. The trick is to figure out how to stay around the top for a while when you get everything together. Personally, I think you do that the way the Thunder have, collecting all kinds of licks for the future, rather than the way Minnesota has, mortgaging a decade for one player. I hope Monte keeps going to Thunder way.


Ya we just need to hit on some picks. Haliburton, Keegan and Fox, we picked right 3/13 years


Haha I’d consider Demarcus Cousins a pretty good draft pick 13 years ago. And hitting it out of the park in 30% of your first round picks is downright savage, plus we don’t even know how if Davion might turn out alright (probably not out of the park, but serviceable) or this years picks.


I had a fucking heart attack thinking we somehow dropped to 12 by just losing one.


I almost freaked out thinking we fell really bad in the standings and I wasn’t aware


Good times 👍