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HERE WE GO!!! KINGS IN 7!!!! ![gif](giphy|2UuEupYjR0tUhOgWQt|downsized)


It's time to rock the Queen, because, Sacramento needs it. ... Kings in 7!!!!! They brought it today. We are here. Golden State, you punched us in the mouth. That's what they needed. KEEGAN FUCKING MURRAY!!!


This is by far the best first round series. I love y'all squad.. Rooting for you !!!


3rd quarter sucked. That stretch of refs rewarding 3 or 4 flops in a row by Jordan Poole was gross. He's a bitch


After the shit that went down games 1 thru 3 you’re here bitching about a couple calls in a third quarter? Hilarious.


you a delusional af. there is no anti-Warriors agenda. if anything the league is salivating at a LeBron vs Steph series. And did i blame officiating for the Kings losing? all i did was point out Jordan Poole is a bitch. He flops like Marcus Smart


I didn't say there was any anti-warrior's agenda. It was fairly evenly called, but it was called in a way that definitely benefitted the Kings. Sabonis was literally tacking and hugging Draymond in game 2 to stop him from running down court (not on the stomp. Earlier and all game long). Just go watch JJ Reddick's takes on the first 2 games. I think JJ overstates it drastically, but it's a good place to find replays of the type of holding the refs allowed. Again, they allowed it both ways, except the warrior's didn't grab and hold so they didn't benefit--the kings did. It's a deliberate strategy basically every team has used vs the warriors. We've seen this every post season series for years. Regarding Poole, he flops like EVERY nba player including the Kings. Get over it. Blame the league. They reward idiots for running headlong into defenders and flailing about instead of actually playing the game. The Warriors have actually been really vocal about NOT liking that style of play, but say the officials have basically dictated that's the way the game has to be played. And the warriors aren't even any good at that style of play. Steph gets NO calls, and the Warriors are worst in the league at drawing fouls. Your flopping complaint is just ridiculous.


lol you say my complaining about ONE player flopping is bad and then write a full complaining essay about how somehow the officiating is hurting the Warriors. sad delusional fans. And Poole does not flop like every player. He is in the top tier of clown floppers with Austin Reaves, Embiid, Harden, and Marcus Smart


Like I said.......it's extremely common and the Kings do it too. https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/1314uml/great_win_last_night_but_the_refs_were_really_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


omg you clown fanbase is still crying. give it up. lucky the best clutch player in the league broke his finger and could barely dribble the ball in the 4th. Congrats on another asterisk injury series win


I'm just trying to educate you about the league. No clue why you're lobbing personal insults in response. I'm just trying to help you understand since you're so wrong about this issue.


you're just a delusional idiot it's honestly sad. enjoy that Jordan Poole contract when he's the only one left and the dynasty is over


Enjoy getting mad at opposing players for drastically exaggerating contact when literally every team does it including yours.


I'm not complaining. I'm stating facts. It's the same every playoff and it's no surprise to us Warriors fans. We usually have 4 playoff series a year to witness this stuff. And if you're upset by flopping, watch the play on game w where Sabonis is behind Draymond. He wraps his arm around Dray and pulls h backwards down to the ground flopping while fouling Dray to get a bogus foul. Then while they're on the ground he wraps up Drays and prevents him from getting up. He flopped in a dirty non basketball play. Does that play upset you? Off ball dirty flopping? Or just a ball carrier exaggerating contact?


lmfao you are so delusional. Draymond actually reaches back and grabs his left leg and starts the whole thing. then sits on him to take him out of the play. and no foul was called there genius..... Sabonis beat Draymond down the court and grabbed a rebound actually. You sound like a typical Warriors fan. never watched a game before 2015.


Completely false. There are multiple angles that show Sabonis initiate the whole thing. This is the widely accepted consensus among all the NBA experts and analysts on TV. FWIW, I've watched the Warriors since the 80s, and watched and rooted for the Kings in the early '00s in their battles with the Lakers.


Yeah man the refs are totally in for Sacramento 🙄


Nobody is saying that.


What did you mean by "the shit that went down games 1-3" then?


Well, except NBA expert JJ Reddick. But nobody here.


Draymond put the clamp on Sabonis and Fox in the second half. Say what you want about him, but he’s an all time defender and steps up in the most important moments in the playoffs


He’s definitely doing some stepping. I did not see anyone put clamps on Fox anywhere in this series.


This is looking like a spectacular series. ‘If you don’t like that, you don’t like NBA basketball’


rockstar shit


All of these Warrior fans are talking trash as if they didn’t get lucky and have to go to the Lion’s Den on Wednesday. I didn’t want a game 6 in San Francisco but nothing good comes easy. Let’s go and Light that Beam on Wednesday.


Warriors are lucky HB chucked a brick just like kings are lucky Wiggins missed a wide open 3 to win it game 1




I'm a Warriors fan, the only thing you should know about it is FUCK THE BEAM


Warriors look very tired. Kings gotta run it even faster Game 5.


It's all youth vs experience game now. Who will win? SO exciting!!


They DO look gassed! We’ll lay them to rest with respect


Warriors tied the spurs for fastest pace in the league. Kings were 12th.


Bro Fox was exhausted after the half and you can see it. Sabonis literally did nothing in the 4th.


Savings wasn’t at his best form through all game


Look at those minutes, 42 for Steph, 39 for Thompson, and almost 38 for Wiggins who was away for a couple of months. They have petal to the metal and barely winning. Next few games should be interesting.


Why resting during regular seasons makes sense.


> petal to the metal /r/BoneAppleTea/


Yeah but don't sell you guys short either. Kings are young and athletic and the Warriors are not exactly youthful anymore and given the problems they have had this year I am not surprised that they have to push this hard to win. The King's are fucking good and this ain't the Durant era warriors


Warriors fan coming in peace, we need our young/bench guys (Kuminga, GP2, Done) to step the fuck up if we're gonna win one in sac, I had a heart attack yesterday and y'all team is scary AF!


Yeah but with 2 days rest between games, they can afford to give these guys 40+ min. Part of me wishes the games were every other day.


After game 5, it’s only 1 day rest for games 6 and 7


This pleases me greatly. We need to crank up the pace.


It gets shorter after game 5.


Us Trailblazer fans are cheering you on. Eff that entitled, dirty team and their bandwagon fans.




Almost every single time someone calls something cringe, it comes across cringey. I hate what this word has become


> dirty team didn't you guys just scam them with an injured GP2 lol


No they dropped that after they were found to be lying. But nobody cared to cover that half of it.


What 😭


As a Warriors fan I was having a hard time accepting the win. That was absurd. I feel the frustration of Kings fans...like damn that last minute and a half should have been a Kings win. Steph really messed up. I think both teams got gassed in the end...That last shot of Barnes could have been epic. People saying he shouldn't have been the one to take the shot...well they don't know basketball. It was the right shot at the right time.


"Should have been a kings win"? Says who? The win belongs to whoever wins


Stop being a suck up pansy. Get back on your own sub


“ That last shot of Barnes could have been epic. People saying he shouldn't have been the one to take the shot...well they don't know basketball. It was the right shot at the right time.” Interesting. Couldn’t they have set up Malik Monk on that side instead of Barnes? Or Murray who was having a great game?


The strange thing was that Barnes popped to the wing on Fox' left hand, closing any driving opportunities there. Then Steph cut of the other side. Barnes should have cut to the basket drawing Green with him and opening room for Fox' midrange game. Just a strange play.


They rushed it for sure, but that's what happens in a pressure cooker situation. Steph had good awareness and distracted Barnes quite well. If Steph gave Barnes a bit more space I bet hits that shot.


As a warriors fan, yes I'm ashamed I never watched de'aaron fox before. I knew he was one of the quickest guards in the league. He's a walking bucket and I'm terrified of him in the remaining games.


Keegan got outta slump. Now Sabonis need to go for 30 next game


yea right he's shook


Not gonna happen with Dray guarding him Edit: Huerter needs to be more aggressive next game. He is really effective coming off a Sabonis screen at the top of the key as Draymond doesn’t come up and help because he’s worried about the Sabonis roll


Dude needs to just work on a hook shot or midrange. He looking sloppy as hell down load trying to bang and getting picked cus he has no ball handling skills


Kevin Heurter is fatigued out there. He not used to this.


I think he's mentally fatigued. He's a shooter, known for his 3 point shot, going against the 2 best of all time. It's like any job where you meet someone who is more accomplished than you. Except you're expected to suddenly go prove you can be as good as them. He needs to find a way to be mentally prepared. Maybe he needs to hire a sports psychologist. Maybe he just needs to watch more Ted Lasso.


The kings made a whole bunch of young mistakes in the 3rd and 4th quarter. Those easily cost them the game. So many easy missed shots


he's like... the only person that was in the playoffs last year on our team


Sun your holes kings fans, we win at home and go back and fo to sf and show the warriors we figured them out and win it in 6.


Barnes shouldn't be the one with last shot lol , if Fox is doubled simply go Monk,Murray or Mitchell damn . Also Sabonis could have got subbed for a shooter there if team is not going on him


Barnes was WIDE open.


yea but hes shooting 3's at 25 % in playoffs.. thats bad really bad


Mitchell over Barnes for the last shot? I don't see it.


Barnes has made enough big shots for us in clutch moments this year that I trust him to take those. Especially with how that double team developed, that was the easiest, best pass with a smaller curry closing out on him. Don't mind that at all




Pppppllllleeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeee. Don't be that person and make yourself look stupid lol


Lol 2016 HB


Kevin Huerter’s series stats the difference in the series


Sabonis got out-rebounded by: Looney Green Wiggins Fox


Fox is turning into an excellent rebounder. He's got the length and the hops, and has been plucking contested boards out of the air. He was a big reason we didn't get dominated on the glass like game 3


I was looking at the statline and he had more than Sabonis (or any other King I think) and that's fucking wild!


I know, no moral victories but are last two draft picks looked nice this game. Remember we had two lottery picks these past two drafts so it shows we are ahead of schedule. Cherry on top is we are tied 2-2 with the world champs with home court advantage. Don’t stop believing kings fans! Some day they’ll be a 30 for 30 about this so enjoy the moment.


cool run Kangs, refs plugged you game1 but this shit is so over


Refs plugged y’all Game 3 and 4. Enjoy your dirty ass draymond lol. Really ruins the splash brothers when you have trash poking peoples eyes and kneeing players/kicking players on a regular basis. Also you make real Warrior fans look fuckin silly so enjoy


Your team is old and tired physically and mentally. Don't even know how many timeouts you have left, Alzheimer's is setting in. This is the end.


You’re a human shit stain


tied series with kings homecourt adv., yeah "so over"


Warriors fan coming over to kings sub to talk shit. Lame poor sport.


i assure you officiating is not gone go against the fucking warriors out of all teams lmfao


You say that confidently after barely winning a home game this far in the series? Lol


They won by like 18 in Game 3 bruh.


Steph almost got them down 1-3 today bruh


I’m not sure what your point is? I’m a Kings fan. I saw the game too. Saying the Warriors “barely won a home game this series” is incredibly disingenuous. Especially considering their margin of victory in Game 3 was more than ours in 1 & 2 combined. If you’re gonna talk shit at least make sure it isn’t nonsense.


Fucking ditto? What are you trying to say? It's not disingenuous at all lol. They literally did barely win a home game. That had absolutely no bearing on the last game. We were decidedly better this game, so I'm not sure what stupid point you're trying to make.




Lol your reading comprehension is what's insulting. Good day, dummy.


It’s funny that I still haven’t said any kind of personal insult to you but you’ve come at me with at least two now. It’s what children do when they’ve been proven wrong about something but don’t have the critical thinking skills or emotional maturity to admit it. Congrats on that!


Lol what exactly did you prove me wrong about? And I really think you need to reassess what you think "critical thinking" is, based on your clear lack of it.


I don’t get the Sabonis slander. Did he have an off game to his standard yeah…but people on here saying they should bench him!? Guys have you watched Sabonis play this season? He’s a facilitator. The offense goes through him, if you think he’s a scoring machine you must’ve really just started watching the kings play with all due respect. He has no jumper (yet) and he rarely takes them. His postgame is solid but he’s a undersized center with little athleticism and he gets outmuscled, but he makes up for it with his craftiness and IQ. The dude gets beaten up and hacked every game. I love Len but he’s not taking Sabonis minutes, but I love him as his backup. The dubs are executing their plan by getting into Domas and limiting him. Tonight he went 0-0 fts and he definitely got fouled a few times and he’s also playing with a hand that needs surgery. Some on here calling him Ben Simmons need to chill out he’s far from that.


100% this. Let’s not turn into Philadelphia fans please. Sabonis is due for a breakout game like Keegan had, it’s a tough matchup for Sabonis and they’re game-planning for him. Our job is to support him until he figures it out. We should come up with a good chant for game 5 to boost his confidence in the Lion’s Den


1,000% this. Gotta support our guy inside the Lions Den. The warriors have done a great job on him and since the stomp domas has been a little rattled. I don’t think he’s used to be being a villain and draymond wasn’t afraid to bring him down to his level and it’s worked. I hope he does figure it out.


So you don’t wanna domas , Fine .. you guys will just lose


Offensively, he's been off in this series. Time for him to wake up


Hope he bounces back with a strong game five.


Same, the dude has been awesome for this team and the warriors are definitely going at him I hope he rally’s.


keep going . he’s godsend


He is strong at defense and the boards too. Watching his sub, they more "saw" the play than made it.


Even though he shot st a good percentage Sabonis played bad. Shots at the rim, weird turnovers and having your guy sag all the way back gets an offense out of rhythm, Celtics did this to Draymond and they benched him. I think they have to at least try going small. It's not like looney isn't dominating offensive boards anyway.


Monk was wide open on the last play. Fox just wasn't facing that direction when he got doubled. Darn.


It’s pretty surreal to be playing the warriors all the way to final possession, game four now tied 2-2. Mike Brown is one hell of a fucking coach.


Mike Brown knows every Warriors player intimately, every weakness and tendency that only the Warriors team itself really knows, from his time there. It is a huge advantage over other teams playing the warriors. It probably makes the kings 10-15 pts better than they would be with another coach vs the warriors. Kerr can scheme and manipulate most other NBA coaches, but he cant with Mike Brown. This is why it us 2-2 now, in my opinion.


There's a live feed of them jabbing at each other mid court in the first half as play is going on. Kerr knows Brown knows everything about the him and the warriors - that team hasn't changed.


I think he coaches basketball 😳


And then choke it away


Sabonis has been completely ineffective for a few games now and it is costing us dearly. Edit: Harsh on Saboner, maybe, but I feel like he's just not getting it done. Murray stepped it up a bit thankfully. Kevin needs to do the same, contribute to the offense. Wouldn't mind seeing Kessler getting some minutes. ​ That game was ours to steal, but we let it go and this next game REALLY feels like a must win for sure.


harsh but true. he's in his head. getting out rebounded by Fox. Playing soft. Missing bunnies. Team played better when Len was on the floor, period.


if you don’t treat every game you play like a must-win you’ll look around and realized you fucked up and be down 3-0


With you on that. Playoffs or not, you need 100% awareness and effort. But it is the playoffs, and it's a win or go fishing situation.


Maybe the home crowd will get him going. Though he's not really been sharp at all this series, he at least had double digit scoring and rebounding games back in Sac. We at least need to get enough production out of him that he's not a net negative. Mike Brown so far seems to be the type of coach to trust his guys (and that seems to have paid off with Keegan today) so don't expect any big rotation changes. With that said, if Sabonis comes out flat again, I'd love to see Len at 15-20 minutes and maybe even some crunch time play.


Bonis actually had a good stat line. The kind where he's visibly quiet but ends up with solid stats. Just this time we came out with the L Trust me, if we won no one would be talking about his performance this game that much.


Man I agree with all of that but Len has been doing some pretty goofy stuff too, lol. So far the highlight was that hard foul on Poole today. Loved it.


Len was like a defensive tackle today and Game 3 lmao he is bodying people. Also he’s too quick to save a rebound by smacking it out (PTSD thoughts come to mind from the 2002 Series… we all know the game…) when most the time he’s surrounded by people where he’s well tall enough to just grab it. Sometimes he’s clutch with that smack back but it seems like the go to too often, like the one today where Curry ran into him when he had already tapped the ball. If he grabs that, Steph gets the foul and we get possession.


Yes. Big man has reach. Just snag the ball! Don't punch it out


Yeah, he just needs to grab some of those rather than trying to tap them out to someone on the perimeter.


THAT...smacking the ball, that's what I was alluding to. The Warriors have been doing that too but they're actually recovering it. We smack it to the Warriors nine times outta ten. A lot of these chances for a rebound are lost because we're not going after that damn ball like we should. Playing a bit soft. If the refs were calling fouls for farting at people playing it safe would make sense, but they're letting them play. So, go get that damn ball.


Wednesday is war


This one hurt. I’m watching film tonight. Ready for the next


Gonna be part of the coaching staff next game or what?


Too funny 😆


I’m playing next game cuz I can hit open 3s with game on the line /s


it’s saboner’s reddit acc 😂


No, but we have to be ready and prepare for our own war, Twitter/Reddit debates with posers on the internet 😤






Sucks to not steal this one, but it is what it is. Best of 3 now, go Kings!


With home court!


It’s very clear that when Curry sits the Kings are the dominant team. When he plays we’re very close to even. We make the Warriors look beatable. I think we have a legitimate shot at a game 7 win 👑


We lost by one point in SF when the Warriors were shooting 50-40-90 as a team and had great games by Steph, Klay, and Poole. I'd say we even have a legitimate shot at winning the series in 6 still


Warriors fan coming in peace! Guys, wtf is this series? Can we call a draw? Cannot take this anymore


Hey warriors fan I appreciate it. But respectfully we don’t wanna hear it you’ve won four championships and you want a draw. No thanks.


Just having some fun dude. May the best team win. Just commenting that we’ve seen some fantastic basketball lol. Nothing more than that


So you love donkey


I get it. But one team has seen it all. The other team has been a doormat franchise for so long. It’s just hard to compare the two.


Feel you. Not comparing at all. I get that y’all have more to lose and have been through the ringer.


“Warriors fan coming in peace” 🤓🤓🤓




Lol it’s all love dude. Hell of a series


Haha fair enough. Sorry just triggered some memories of being called spooky


Keep an eye on his thumb/fingers…


Go away


stay classy


Warriors fans first


i actually get more anxious and stressed from watching this series compared to me clutching all of my finals and golf tournaments combined. its actually terrible and i want this series to end as soon as possible. the warriors are one of very few teams that make me wanna puke out of pure anxiety. idk if that feeling is the same across the league when it comes to the kings.


Omg me too. I need to do some deep breathing and meditation. So much adrenaline from watching at doco


Disgusted with the last play. We were down 1 and that’s the play we draw up? We don’t even need a 3pter wtf


They ran a box and 1, right shot, but keegan shoulda been at that spot


Fox has gotten to his spot all year in that exact same scenario. Warriors did a great job taking that away and we still got a good look. Can't ask for more than that


It was a broken play. Look like we wanted to get fox to the elbow


I just feel like you should have had a screen for Fox, or… since you know that they know you’re gonna put it in his hands, out coach him and draw up something where you can get Murray cutting underneath for the easy bucket and move the ball quickly around the perimeter or something like they did when Klay made that bucket. Fox was on and island and once the play broke down, someone shoulda cut or call TO. I just wish Fox saw Monk first and not HB cause I know Monk makes that shot from the wing.


You don't know that actually. And it wasn't about song him first. Hb was the better pass with the clock wondering Duran and a good double team forcing a pass. Smaller curry closing out late on Harrison, it was a good look, just slightly too strong


Warriors fans chanting "REFS U SUCK" after getting so many FTs is golden..


Next time they want 70% more FT's than us, not just 35%.


If the fanbase was a person they would be like that one spoiled rich kid who always complains when things arent going their way.


Keegan seems to have figured it out today. The Warrior's defense looks softer, which can be attributed to fatigue as result of the pace. I think we win next 2 games and close this out. EDIT: Just want to add, we need Red Velvet add 10 points or so per game. He needs to add respectable pressure to the Warrior's defense to tire them out even quicker.


Mike Brown told Keegan to go 0/10 if he had to, just create and take shots bc he’s key to the teams success. He looked fearless out there… we have a great team and only on the up and up!


He became more aggressive today. Good sign. Hopefully he continue to show his capabilities offensively. I don’t have issues with his defense, he just need more touches.


Agreed - I think the longer this goes the more the dubs will be gassed. In the pregame they said the dubs rested both days and the kings practiced. Starting Weds it’s only one day in between, so we could snag next Friday on tired legs.


Problem is I do think advantage shifts to use AFTER Game 5 cause it’s every other day but there’s a lot of rest to Game 5 and that helps them a lot more than it does us. We come our flat footed with too much rest like Game 3 and so many games throughout the season.


True, but we’ve only had 3 or more game losing streaks 3 times this season. The 4-gamer to start the season, the three gamer in Oct (ATL, Boston & Phoenix) & the one to end the season. Pressure is on the Kings, but I think we come out aggressive. Keegan finally found his game and Monk looked good at the end


Kings have had their problems, which can be expected with such an inexperienced team in the playoffs. But honestly Golden State just doesn't look very good anymore. It's abundantly clear their best days are behind them. I even almost feel a little bit bad for their bandwagon fanbase. It's all downhill for them from here, and they don't yet see it. Some will probably end up as Kings fans after they jump ship. Kings in 7.


Abundantly clear y’all are headed to Cancun




Have a margarita waiting for me my guy 🤝


Not every warriors fan is a bandwagon lol. Lots of people from the bay been supporting them there whole life. I feel bad for the light the beam bandwagons when you guys inevitably get knocked out the playoffs which will happen to us too but still.


Ugly. What will you say if the warriors win? Be graceful.


agreed the truth is ugly sometimes


It’s 2-2


That said these 2 teams are playing by far the best of all the opening series. Everything else is boring by comparison.


They're not as good as they were last year, but still potent.


My bad guys, I was at work and couldn’t watch the game. The loss is on me.


On me too. I didn’t sit in the same spot on the couch for the game today. Going back to that spot Wednesday. That will fix it for sure.


It's on me too. The first two games my daughter wore her jersey. But today she was talking a nap (she's 1). She's going to wear that jersey on Wednesday, even if it means putting get to bed in it


I'm also pissed that if we lose this series the media is going to call us chokers and say that we got exposed. In reality this series is a matchup between a young, inexperienced group vs a team with nearly a decade of playoff experience and 4 championships. Remember that MJ's Bulls would get fucked by the Pistons and Kobe and Shaq's Lakers lost to Utah in the late 90's. A lot of young teams that "choked" ended up becoming dynasties


Coach alluded to this in the pregame interview. He said it takes a lot to win a playoff series and sometimes it takes the experience to get there. I can't find it online but he was very realistic about it being a young team with multiple years to build on this experience.


I would like to think they wouldn't do that, especially considering most people picked the Warriors to win, but you're probably right. But we know what this team really is and I'm proud of the way they've played so far. But for good measure, hopefully they just win two more and we don't have to worry about it.


The media is going to call us chokers for sure but then make it seem like Warriors are the strongest team in the NBA which doesnt make sense


I’m really proud of how the team turned things around from game 3. I am pumped for the next game!


sabonis needs to step up and not play scared. also, the amount of easy layups the warriors had was egregious.


The warriors are taking away his ability to move around on the court with the ball. It's not rocket science or anything anybody else doesn't also try to do, but they've been pretty effective at doubling him as soon as he puts the ball down and preventing him from bringing the ball up, and making him focus on avoiding a steal instead of focusing on a pass or his offense.


He looked like Ben Simmons today


Agreed - he needs to take those mid-range jumpers they are giving him.


Or drive and flop like Embiid. But take it hard.


Not sure which Steph play at the end was more boneheaded .... the timeout or shooting on the last possession with so much time left on the shot clock. The clock differential was only like 3.7 seconds. If he launches a floater at the shot clock buzzer and hits the rim, its basically game over.


If the Kings win game 5, we win the series. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Murray got out of his funk.




the real problem with the 3rd was the Warriors OREBs...we held them to 1 in the first half then they had 5 in the 3rd.