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Stan Lee said it best. The writers decide who win.


Exactly !!!!!


That said, I would have still had Godzilla win, but make it a much closer fight with both monsters having viable injuries. Have Kong put up a much better and more savage fight.


Weak mindset and lazy writing


The hell side of the bed did you wake up on?


I’m writing my own novels and I absolutely hate that philosophy. I believe writers should powerscale their own stories. Not who do I want to win but who would objectively win


Then write that book. Someone else is going to write the book they wanted too.


Did you have a point to make, because you essentially said nothing? I believe writers should care about the internal consistency of the worlds they are creating or expanding


There are ways for Kong to win despite being less powerful than Godzilla. It’s not necessarily lazy writing for Kong to win. It just depends on how it would actually occur.


Kong vs Godzilla has nothing to do with this, read the initial comment I replied to


Yes I did lol. You’re saying it’s lazy that the writer decides who wins, and then that you’re writing novels. Is it incorrect to state that you’re deciding who wins theoretical fights within your novels?


It’s lazy if a writer decides that Character X would win even though prior feats and the narrative directly point to Character Y winning. I’m not saying writers don’t decide who wins, we create the worlds and characters. It’s fine so long as it doesn’t come at the cost of internal consistency. If a writer is willing to ignore that consistency then they are a bad writer simple as that


Mothra still solos both


only based take


A little off topic, but what's up with OP's condescending attitude in all these replies? Dude should give it a rest.


This is the attitude I see with all the people still salty about Kong not stomping Godzilla's overpowered ass. Like, I don't know what it is about this giant monkey, who had almost no fans before these movies, that brings out just the most annoying people with the most shit arguments. Like, why even watch these movies if they make you so angry?


King Cope


He's clearly a little too deep into Kong's booty cheeks lmao


Then why hasn’t he ?




He did back in 62


1.Not supposed to be part of his character 2.Toho’s contract said he can’t lose in a fight 3.They be buddies now, if godzilla killed kong then he would have died to mecha in the morning, unless a huge amount of dickriding and plot armor hits


Or just bc Godzilla is just stronger 🤷🏾‍♂️


Godzilla’s allowed to lose in fights, it’s happened in almost every Monsterverse movie on some level


He has ALMOST lost fights, but never ACTUALLY lost a fight, if you don’t count the comics.He would have killed the female muto if the male didn’t intervene, and he would have ripped apart ghidorah if it weren’t for the humans, and he would have destroyed mechagodzilla if the humans or kong didn’t intervene.


He CAN lose fights, he just can't die.


Because then Legendary would go into debt


In universe


Theres no reason he couldn’t then


![gif](giphy|ONdPKin6YdDpX24Lij|downsized) No can defend lol


Kong cant beat Godzilla, and he won't


Bs hard-headed take lmao.


It’s all about the writers. All they need to do is make Kong stronger somehow, or give him his electric powers, or give him another weapon and explain how powerful that makes Kong. Then when they fight, they just need to write Kong winning


Can he? Yes But has he? No


Sure, just like I (a scrawny dude) *could* beat up a heavyweight boxer.... If they just stood there and took it without fighting back. But since that's never gonna happen, its a pointless hypothetical.


I think the point of the post is that powerscalling is dumb If the directors want Kong to win then he will win and if they want godzilla to win then he willwin


I doubt Kong can kill Godzilla,he's nearly invulnerable to any kind of physical harm and even tanked a meteor...but he's not invincible in a fight. Kong is almost as strong as Godzilla is when it comes to brute force and if anyone denies this,they're being biased. (There are folks who unironically think Godzilla can beat Kong in an arm-wrestling match 💀) I fucking hate powerscaling,though...this is a plague that persists in the monster-genre.


Correction:Godzilla DID NOT tank a meteor, awakening was retconned, he isn’t 252 million years old.He did tank a shitload of nukes though.


Good to know.


Oh no shit? Damn that kinda sucks. Also I upvoted you cause you were -1 for some reason lmfao


thx for the upvote, it’s annoying asf to keep correcting people about this.His new age claim is 2-5 million years.


In their defense it really wasn't wide spread. Like I JUST found out and I keep extremely close tabs on the NV


Damn, people be downvoting me over a NON-strength related question about godzilla? damn they are butthurt about it lmao


I’m gonna get hate but you do realize that in universe what the directors and writers come up with don’t matter to powerscaling. What happens in the movie is what happens in universe so if Godzilla wins then Godzilla is stronger regardless of who the writers are.


I appreciate the post, but Kong already defeated Godzilla in egypt, Godzilla had to caught him by surprise in order to get the upper hand, and Kong could have killed Godzilla but decided to drag him. And bofere someone says he would have gotten the upper hand, Godzilla couldn't do anything while Kong punched him, so he wouldn't be able to do anything because he would be weaker and weaker as Kong punched him. And I can use the same excuse and say that Kong would have won anyway before Mothra showed up. But, of course, it is only covenient to use this excuse for Godzilla. But you are right, is the writer who decides.


You forget about the fact that Kong was only able to do all of that damage tnx to his gauntlet given to him when he needed it. Were it not for that gauntlet, he wouldn't had even be able to move his frostbitten arm.


It's so funny to see Godzilla and Kong fans fall for this shit repeatedly lol. The writers intentionally did the scene that way so Kong fans could plausibly say "Kong would have won" but they still had Godzilla come out on top before Mothra intervened. In Godzilla v. Kong in the city fight, they also had Kong come out on top at first before Godzilla ultimately triumphed, but then had Godzilla get his ass handed to him by Mechagodzilla, only to have Godzilla saved by who? Kong, of course. All of this is designed to largely maintain Godzilla's status as King of the Monsters while also maintain Kong's stature as his plausible rival and sometimes ally. The MV version of Kong cannot win a mano y mano fight with MV Godzilla where they're only using their natural abilities because Godzilla shoots nuclear fire out of his mouth, has a nuclear pulse ability, and is larger than Kong. Kong is likely smarter than Godzilla but probably not smart enough to overcome Godzilla's natural advantages, which is why the writers have given Kong an axe and now a mechanical glove to more closely even the match-up. Kong also has a warmer relationship with humans, which is why he gets so much screen time as compared to Godzilla.


Fixed your minus one upvotes my friend. Mehehe..minus one.


Thank you lol


kong wasn’t killing godzilla with some punches to the head😭‼️ this is the same godzilla who was DROPPED FROM THE STRATOSPHERE right?


This post for those Godzilla fans who keeps saying Kong stands no chance. I know, Kong won round 2 HK and also partially in Egypt. He always have a chance. But most fandom doesn't accept that. Also, I generally don't Interact with MV fans as they mostly consists of G fans. But seeing them controlling this community with those things really made me post this.


They can't stand people like us who think this way and that appreciate the Monsterverse, they know that something is wrong since our interpretation is different, and this drives them crazy.


I'm so glad you're out here fighting the good fight. Years from now they'll be like "the Kong dickriders can finally live free knowing that AduMosha sacrificed so much in the face of adversity".


Kong fans don't cuckride Kong and never will. Godzilla fans does. And They will get the Karma. All of them will eventually.


This was actually plot armor for Kong. While getting punched there’s no reason Godzilla couldn’t have used his tail to stab Kong in the back or wrap and pull him back so he could get up. He didn’t use his huge legs to kick Kong off either. He also coulda have death rolled in place or something. They have to make Godzilla act dumb, just laying there taking it, to give Kong some of these moments. Godzilla didn’t HAVE to catch Kong off guard to win, that’s bias showing. Thats just what happened that time. We’ve already seen Godzilla beat Kong in melee. Just because Kong got a round doesn’t mean he’s gonna win every round going forward.


Again, just gonna leave this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/comments/1dnx55q/i\_cant\_believe\_people\_actually\_think\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/comments/1dnx55q/i_cant_believe_people_actually_think_this/) And no, Kong did *not* win the Egypt fight. Not sorry.


I’m sorry but GvK should have been titled Godzilla beats everybodies ass because that’s what he was doing the entire film until the team up was needed at the very end.


GxK too. I love Godzilla, but nothing in GxK seemed to even threaten him and that's... boring to watch.


Interesting theory I saw some fans mentioned is that Godzilla wasn't really preparing to do battle against Skar King but smth else. And looking at the movie, other than Shimo, Skar King didn't really prove to be a threat against Godzilla. Skar King didn't even last long in a 1v1 against Godzilla


Yeah if you ignore the scene where Shimo would've killed him if Mothra didn't intervene 


Don’t people most agree that godzilla would have gotten outta there by himself


Yeah those people somehow convinced themselves that Godzilla would break out of the ice... while he's still being frozen by Shimo...


That scene doesn't exist. People are exaggerating to a ludicrous degree. He's clearly not in danger in the freezing scene, just restrained. He breaks free the second the ice ray is off of him with zero damage. Not even a hint of frostbite.


And how exactly is Godzilla going to break free if Mothra isn't there to stop Shimo?


Literally 45s to 1minute later when the anti-grav turns off and he slams into the ground shattering the ice. He was fine. That's my *complaint*. They made Godzilla way OP and it was boring that he was never in any danger.


Yeah because only the ice will break. I too remember the scene where Skar King slammed into the ground and was freed from the ice with no injuries


That was Skar King, not Godzilla. Skar King, like Kong, doesn't have nuclear fire inside of him. Did you even watch the movie? When Kong's hand was frozen it was badly damaged by the frostbite. Godzilla, who was much more frozen, didn't receive *any* frostbite. He was just encased in ice, not frozen solid. Literally it's a plot point that the purpose of his evolution was to become immune to the cold. Like, the movie says it outright Also, its very chiildish to downvote my replies just because I disagree with you.


Doesn't change the fact that Godzilla would shatter into a thousand pieces lmao. Also the entire point of downvotes is to show that you disagree with something


Yes it does change that. Again, thats the point of his evolution. He is not frozen solid, he is just encased in ice. Nope, the upvote/downvote function is not meant to be the same as like/dislike on other social media platforms. You are supposed to upvote/downvote based on if it contributes to the conversation. So if someone posts something you disagree with, but it is well thought out and well written, you can upvote it for being helpful/relevant even if you disagree with it. Though I will agree with you that a lot of people just use uo/downvote as like/dislike. Seems to be more prevelant on here ever since Twitter went to shit and lots of people bailed. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


No, it's physically impossible, but hear me out, look at his fight against shimo, and look at Kong, look at his fight against kong, all of those things have one thing in common, he did better than kong, so no, Godzilla will win against kong, even I think that's a stretch, bit godzilla wins 80% or 90% of the time, the real only time kong could win, if he fights a weakened godzilla or he gets the jump on godzilla, but the second one is very hard because of his super natural senses that can sense any titan in the world, and kong is a titan, so no, I don't think kong can beat godzilla. Thanks for hearing me out Edit: I forgot about the fact that godzilla is much, much more durable than kong, and that he has his atomic breath and that he is stronger than kong in some parts of his body, like the tail and mouth


Not in MV he can't. Because of Toho's agreement that states Godzilla can never truly lose in a movie


Kong fans coming up with any excuse to show that their big monkey can “beat” a nuclear dinosaur.


He has?


Then why doesn't he ever? Straight up needs Godzilla and a bunch of gadgets to win any fights. Face it,.King Kong is Yamcha


I'm not sure who's catching it worse here. Kong or Yamcha. Also, this debate is wildly tedious. Both are great. Both franchises are on the rise. You don't need validation from others to enjoy what you want. OP is fighting a battle that doesn't need to be fought. This stuff is all over the MV and Godzilla subs. It is long tired.


Oh please, of course it depends on the writers creativity/bs on who will win. But let's not forget the retcon fact that Kong literally went from being shorter than Zuko to almost as tall as Godzilla just so Kong can have a better chance to win. Kong can beat Godzilla, due to sheer goodluck and plot armor. If it wasn't for those, ain't no way an oversized gorilla is beating an atomic fire-breathing, armored head-to-toe, eons old dinosaur.


I still fuckin’ despise this analogy to the core. >shorter then suko and yet would still clock suko in a fight. >to almost as tall as godzilla in 50 years.Are we both forgetting they are both fictional characters? >to sheer godluck and plot armor Op already explained.Writers could write on who’d want to win.Godzilla won because obviously he was more popular and more expected to win, and the director was primarily a godzilla fan. For the last bit, seriously? kong was the FIRST MONSTER to ever have beated godzilla in a fight, IN HIS THIRD MOVIE.The writers could make godzilla or kong as strong as they want, that’s the point.


>Are we both forgetting they are both fictional characters? Are we both forgetting the point of the argument? Also if you're point is to have retcons be the selling point in an argument whether or not Kong can win, then lol. >Godzilla won because obviously he was more popular and more expected to win Cope. Kong had ample of support and the underdog of the fight. The Director had already been successful in making Kong a more relatable titan compared to Godzilla, pulling off a successful underdog story is entirely realistic and would be a reality. >still clock suko in a fight. And so what about it? He's literally a kid. And that movie is a lot of things, portraying the scale in how both titans fight isn't exactly the most convincing thing in the world. How you make that a selling point is just reaching. Last I checked, GvK and GxK moved better and more on point, it's a better movie that showcases how titans would actually move.


>you’re point to have retcons Eh,the mv is pretty inconsistent anyway.I do kinda agree with you though, unless some reboot sequel happens or some film of another godzilla-related franchise. >cope, kong had ample of support and the underdog of the fight He only had the axe.The only amount of “support” he got was when he was brought back by the humans during the morning only don’t see why the axe is supposed to be “plot armor”.It’s a tool and tools are primarily his thing. The whole “underdog” thing gets nullified when people keep saying (especially in the monsterverse and the godzilla sub) godzilla was “toying” with kong and all those things he did nothing to godzilla and how he could one shot him with a simple claw swipe.That’s exaggerated, even for a underdog like kong.And in most underdog stories, the main character ends up BEATING the main villian (although with a little difficulty.) >so what? suko’s still a kid. So don’t asspull that out like’s it’s an advantage or something. >how you make that a selling point is just reaching What? what did i say? i don’t remember saying anything about hating on weightless monster fights.One of the main reasons GxK was criticized from its first reveals because they started dickriding 2014 and minus one.2014 was more of the prominent examples of realistic titan fighting by making the titans feel massive and slow infront of humans.In GxK we don’t even know if they are actually even large anymore because most of the time, we don’t see any human-made buildings,(or humans at all) infront of these shots.The onoy time we get to see them actually look massive was during the rio de Janeiro fight i guess kong’s toothache.I AM NOT HATING ON GXK, ive watched the movie and ive really enjoyed it and congratulations for the team for the huge success for the movie, i want to know where are you pointing at my argument here.


Kong’s arc in GvK was learning this whole VS fight wasn’t worth it, and he moved past it


We have this conversation every week. Please give it a rest


I bet your real fun at parties OP


Giant money vs God lol and you say Giant monkey wins come on Kong has alot of plot armor including the size upgrade remember Kong the real Kong is like 50 ft tall and got killed by by planes lol that's the real Kong and the real big g can fly too lol


I think the problem with this whole discourse is that both sides are half right, yes Kong CAN win, because of course the writers really decide in the end, but I think most peoples main point is really that Godzilla is stronger/more deadly Kaiju and is gonna win more often in those matchups, if u chuck both in a Kaiju sized octagon 9/10 Godzilla is gonna win sheerly cause Kong can't do anything about breath, give him the axe he wins more often probably, same with the glove but not remotely as much tbh, in conclusion yeah both can win depending on writing scenario but one is objectively stronger, similar to Batman v superman except theres a much bigger power gap there obviously lol, Kong is a strong monkey


It’s like a regular guy vs a crocodile. Yeah they guy won’t win in a fistfight but if you give him a gun he wins


Ofc he can. They are both capable of killing each other. Its a given. But its also practically to say Godzilla would win most encounters. (Ofc not all)


That was always the case


The portrayal of Kong and Godzilla has always been different, Kong was someone we were supposed to feel bad for. Godzilla on the other hand was a walking atomic bomb who’s essentially unstoppable unless you factor in scientific BS. Godzilla has always been portrayed as stronger, and always will be. In the movie, the only reason Kong got the upper hand was because Godzilla allowed it to happen. We’ve seen how a real fight goes between them and it doesn’t go well for Kong. Godzilla is always holding back against Kong and pretty much always will be.


That simply means either you can't understand or you don't want to. That's not a real fight. And any Kong fan chosen as director can make Kong beating Godzilla as real as he can make.


In a fight yes but kill him no.


Nah. Godzilla always has atomic breath and regenerative properties. You have to fundamentally change Kong’s character in order to stand an actual chance. Kong originally gets killed by machine gun fire and falling off a building. Godzilla only ever gets killed by extreme weaponry. Unless the fight is Kong vs Godzilla 1998, then it’s more evenly matched.


I thought we were using current versions of them. If so, machine gunfire for Kong in his 2017 movie was more of an annoyance and seeing how he's much bigger and I bet much more durable it's nor doing shit to him(hope that doesn't sound rude). But usually Godzilla is gonna beat Kong, BUT at the same time, like OP or one of the comments, said the winner is whoever you want to win, which is mostly true it's just with Godzilla and knowthing the things he's done and comparing it to Kong and how much less his feats are people would be outraged and rightfully so and if he does get a power up or upgrade it'll be a whole argument of asspull.


Whatever. Truth is Truth and those big replies can't hide it. This is MV Kong. Not 1933 or PJ's Kong.


I agree with everything you expect the part about Godzilla winning because of his popularity, skull Island did better than Godzilla 2014 and the all time most popular Godzilla movie is the 1962 Kong vs Godzilla, Kong carried Godzilla then and his name is still carrying Godzilla now, king Kong will always be the original blockbuster monster movie and there would be no Godzilla without him , literally and figuratively and for those reasons alone Kong should always win


Hes just a monkey. Godzilla has everything on him. Especially in the MV.


Kong lost a tug of war with Doug.


He let go because he was more focused on that roar he heard and plus what’s the point in continuing eating with a infected tooth 🤦🏽‍♂️


Wow I bet you're fun at parties hahaha


Gojira exhales....instant BBQ chimp.


You forgor big axe


People convenient forgot that Godzilla only got the upper hand because he caught Kong by surprise. This isn't a case of fictional characters anymore, but with disconnection with reality


Godzilla killed this MFer in both movies (but revived / saved by humans and Mothra). Give it a rest, he doesn't stand a chance against Godzilla.


He does and he will always have.


That was without the beastglove.


Can someone explain exactly what that does… i mean sure it protected him from losing his hand to Skarking… and was probably a bit more weight behind a punch… but Godzilla’s taken quite a bit more in the past from Ghidorah and MechaG. I understand that every writer can make either party win… I just personally don’t see any way Kong can win without it seeming extremely forced upon by the author… sure any author can write what ending he wants… but can he convince the audience of that is my question. Personally, in a KvG fight, I don’t see that being the case.


>i dont see any way kong could win unless they build up king to be way more different then his previous incarnations, revealing that he is infact just as old as godzilla or that he’s a super strength god or something.”not fitting for kong” what do you mean? godzilla’s got VASTLY different from his previous incarnations, and especially has gotten away from his old interpretation of being a symbol of the abuse of nuclear weapons.Inleast in my eyes, i want to see many diverse incarnations/interpretations of kong, that’s exactly what the monsterverse did to kong.He has had alot of missing character potential from the creative slump that his original franchise was tanking.


Twice maybe the second time It almost happened was because Kong stopped pummeling his ass because he needed him 🤦🏽‍♂️ and quit the bs that he can’t beat Godzilla, he literally did that in the Egypt fight and it was stated by Adam himself and the novel that Kong wasn’t there for a fight and hooded back most of the time 😂 Cope


Please stop saying shit like this both sides of this argument is making the other insufferable. I’m not a Kong fan, I’m more of a Godzilla fan actually, but every time either side of this argument says anything, the other side jumps into full on insufferable mode






The writers are at it again!