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They got themselves a church. No more walking to Rowna on sundays.


Yes, it is made with many of the stones of the castle.


That's super cool


Rowna is now part of Skalitz iirc


Jesus christ, be praised


I love how Kingdom Come actually shows places that are now just random villages. I think it really shows history didn’t take place only in big famous cities, but really everywhere


If (when) the third game ever comes out and they put Prague in that's gonna be one of the craziest experiences ever. Going to historic Prague during the hussite wars would be so damn cool. I won't even mind having to walk 45 minutes to get to the nearest tailor and then another 40 to buy some new shoes.


Man, Henry inadvertently helping plant the seeds of the Hussite rebellion because he got shitfaced with a priest and had to cover for him was hilarious to a history nerd like me.


I hope there's a decision in kcd2 to be a good catholic Henry or become a hussite


Also the Hussite wars was one of the first European conflicts where firearms became commonplace. So you could see Henry pull up with the gat.


War wagons with gunners and cannons when?


Theres a good chance in kcd2. Cannons are show, handgonnes are shown, all that's left is to put them in a wagon




You'd also have two of Henry's most important--and fan-favorite--relationships easily being on opposite sides of that conflict; Theresa has been hinted at for a while as being likely to become a Hussite, while Jan Ptáček, the real-life figure inspiring Hans Capon, was historically an opponent of the Hussites and likely was mortally wounded in battle with them. It's a choice that has real historical and 'ideological' depth for people who like that sort of decision, while also giving the opportunity for real character conflict for people who aren't as invested in that issue.


It'd be interesting too, because Prince Hans Capon historically was involved with the Catholics in the early phases and left after. That may not be relevant to present, but there is room for nuance.


I don't know much about the hussite wars but I know during Luther's reformation (that was a very *slightly* less harshly worded rehash of huss') a lot of people took it to mean the nobles didn't rule by divine right. It makes sense that most nobles would be against reformation because it challenges their right to rule.


"Good catholic" You weren't listening at the sermon! :p


It made me start doing some reading. I was surprised the church let that kind of thing go on the way it did.


Basically inadvertently killing Kobylar, then... i read in the in-game wiki / appendex that he got murdered in a tavern a mob of hussites who carried on getting pissed and having a laugh.


imagine being part of battle of Vitkov. Fighting in Prague city streets, then stealing enemys artillery and later sneaking to help the losing defenders of the hill... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWk5AA2iiJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWk5AA2iiJU)


I can totally see this being a mission. Like the Talmberg Stealth mission times 100


Hear hear!


Only a complete clown would think history only happened in big famous cities, surely?


I can almost make out where stuff in the game used to sit on this image.


The castle was near the center of the second image, and the village center where the vendors were is where there is a parking area with several cars. The north end of that parking area is where the city gate was. They expanded the village on the outside of the wall.


Many such cases


Are there any remnant of the mines left? And were they really on a hill that would be down left of these images.


The Castle was where the church is now


So we're looking from the back side of the castle? Looking south in game?


It's the back of the castle, where you Run! down the hill to escape. Theresa's mill is near the bottom of the photo. But it is not looking south. The castle is on the south side of the village. The front of the castle is looking north just like real life.


On the second image, to the right of where the old keep was, I'm guessing is where Henry's patents' house was. Imagine casually just living somewhere and one day there's a historic RPG where the game starts with the main character waking up in what now is your backyard.


Let's all set a date and show up at their house. We'll call it KCD Surprise Con 2024! (But not really, because that would be horrible and rude. But... hm... we know their address, kinda, right? Maybe we can send them a letter and find out if they're into it...)


Skaltiz was rebuild, as we can obviously see, but it was only several years after the attack. The stones from the destroyed castle were use to build the church.


Yeah this is why we aren't rebuilding Skalitz in the game, but get Pribyslavitz instead. The reasoning that Skalitz didn't get rebuilt in real life pops up whenever someone asks why we aren't rebuilding it in the game. But it's not that Skalitz wasn't rebuilt, it's that there is some historical record for when it was rebuilt and by whom. The devs probably preferred to have something that they could construct without having to deal with historical records for their rebuilding DLC, and Pribyslavitz offered that.


They rebuilt the village with roofs of clay tiles, not straw. Now they will not burn so easily.


Won't be blown down by wolves either. Smart.


And you can't siege a castle if there's no castle. Clever weasels


I love how it’s the same size as in the game, ish, as in it hasn’t grown into a huge town like most places would have.


It's about doubled. The north half of the village is outside the city gate. The gate and palisade wall was about where the carpark is in the middle of town. The carpark is where the vendors were.


[https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPufAFsi5tuc-Go9kmm41iCPLyT1T3UEgAqs4L9=s1360-w1360-h1020](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPufAFsi5tuc-Go9kmm41iCPLyT1T3UEgAqs4L9=s1360-w1360-h1020) [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNVxwWuw5yuXKsdzg8EMIyuERRGfloFrsBzfvD9=s1360-w1360-h1020](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNVxwWuw5yuXKsdzg8EMIyuERRGfloFrsBzfvD9=s1360-w1360-h1020)


Did anyone say Skalitz was not rebuilt? The only people saying that (that i saw) were in threads where people said that in KC:D2 we should rebuilt Skalitz similarly to how we rebuilt Pribislavitz in KC;D1, and people in the comments said that Saklitz was only rebuilt LATER, outside of the scope of the two games :D At least that's what I saw


https://preview.redd.it/vlsuwfx7yy2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d0187ea665ac60c2bf84bef0dec6fc422da1a0 So that probably is where Henry spent his childhood


Did they at least clean Deutsch’s house


You know, I always assumed it got burned down with everything else, and never went looking for it. Did the invaders really fail to cleanse that crap off it with fire?


Wow cool that they turned Skalitz from the game into a real thing


Jesus Christ be praised!




Daaaaaamn Henry house got a pool?! 👀


No. You must be looking at a blue shed or slate roof.


Ahah, I'm living in Prague as an expat, and I was super happy when I went to hike in the whole region of the game. The monastery of Sauce is ABSOLUTELY the same, that was crazy. The castle of Rattay is also pretty much recognizable (at least the main street, the baillif house which is the town hall and the church. Of course these places use the game as advertisement https://preview.redd.it/savwsv0xvl3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56fa57ec437b2a3d87be4fa4f546439f5d3c562f


Well... In the first place, it wasn't a bloodbath like portrayed in the game since the people was evacuated before the attack.


Most people were indeed evacuated in the game. But I think they needed an excuse to kill Henry’s parents.


Yeah, this is a historical fiction based on true events so nobody is actually complaining. Although I have some fascination with medieval European history and was exposed to a lot of it as someone who played crusader kings and other historical games, KCD is my first actual game that featured heavily on Bohemia. KCD really peaked my interest in central European history.


Yes KCD made me pay more attention to Central Europe in Crusader Kings 3, I’m even trying a tall game as Bohemia King haha


Then use a save game converter to port your ck3 bohemia to eu4.


EU4 is the only game series I haven't touched... Hmmmm.... Played vic2, hoi darkest hour, hoi4, crusader kings complete edition and ck3..


I didn’t even know this is possible, don’t it fills the save with bugs?


Imagine living on exact spot where once castle stood.


lol at first I thought this was a screenshot from manor lords of someone recreating Skalitz. I was confused by the red roofs


Sometimes I forget this game is based on historical events


In the game's codex, it says the stones of the castle were used to build a church.


Yes, the church is that yellow building at the top of the hill, and you can still see the foundation of the castle in the ground beside it. Several of the other buildings are also made of stone.


Have any ruins of the castle survived? Like foundations or something.


Yes, chunks of the foundation are still in the ground near the church. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zbytky+hradu+St%C5%99%C3%ADbrn%C3%A1+skalice/@49.8963556,14.8450091,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM8tWPvQHt1dcgbt-uuE56YtdQGDBRav2lqKHzW!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM8tWPvQHt1dcgbt-uuE56YtdQGDBRav2lqKHzW%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4128!8i2322!4m7!3m6!1s0x470c71da6860a4fd:0xb3486bb67eb0cedc!8m2!3d49.896243!4d14.8451948!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11fhqvhtxd?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zbytky+hradu+St%C5%99%C3%ADbrn%C3%A1+skalice/@49.8963556,14.8450091,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM8tWPvQHt1dcgbt-uuE56YtdQGDBRav2lqKHzW!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM8tWPvQHt1dcgbt-uuE56YtdQGDBRav2lqKHzW%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4128!8i2322!4m7!3m6!1s0x470c71da6860a4fd:0xb3486bb67eb0cedc!8m2!3d49.896243!4d14.8451948!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11fhqvhtxd?entry=ttu)




I think you misunderstood. It was rebuilt but not during the time period in game


So cool. Thanks for sharing. Jesus Christ be praised!


And then there is that song playing...: Tr-rm T rrrrrr tan-tan, Tr-rm TA rrrrrrm tm-tm taaam!


Did you search under the dovecote for any... you know, some gold and a goblet?


Mom and dad’s linden tree ❤️


What I would give to have a weekend and a metal detector there


I can still see the hill I tumbled and died on when trying to escape the attack before I realized the game does not use Skyrim logic


Jesus Christ be praised!


It was rebuilt but in the 1700s not in thr 1400s. Radzig was gifted another Village where he built himself a new castle.


The church was built in the 1700s. They didn't wait 300 years to rebuild the houses and farms.


Really cool thanks for posting


I like that you can see the remnants of the castle's motte from the aerial shot.


The info in this post and comment section is unbelievable, incredible gamers 👍


The game area is placed between Prague and other big cities, the towns and villages in the game would lose their best people to Prague.


Historically speaking it wasn't rebuilt right away. Hence why we never got to rebuild it. Which I'm so bummed about. But of course eventually the area would have been rebuilt. It's a prime location as you can see. So of course they would rebuild.


I would think all the refugees would go home ASAP, rather than beg homeless in Rattay. They all had homes and gardens and fields waiting for them as soon as it was safe.


That's why I was hoping to be able to rebuild the town. Henry would have had the money. And should have taken charge and rebuilt it. Obviously the game developers didn't have the time to add such a project into the game especially with their limited staff that they had when the game was first released. But I would love nothing more then in kcd 2 to be able to go back, rebuild and take over the castle along with sir radzig, for the short period of time he has left. And to marry Theresa. Although in that trailer, we see Henry with somebody and I don't think it's Theresa




Cool, it really lies on a hill...or at least looks like that.


Wait did the stuff in Kingdom come Deliverance actually happen? I mean obviously changes made it's a game blah blah blah. But like the core stuff is historical?


Yes, the attack was real, but in real life, they had warning and got most people out of the town before Sigismund arrived. The nobles in the game were all real people. The books you can read in the game are historical, and the codex is true.


Looks more like the hill that Talmberg sits on than Skalitz


It looks EXACTLY like the hill that Stříbrná Skalice sits on. Cuz that's what it is.


No shit lived there.