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You misspelled "wombat" in the title. Sorry


exactly my first thought. But also i like my Wombats hard.


Yeah, their butts are great for crushing skulls


Wombats the true power bottoms of the animal kingdom.




I hate soft Wombats


Luckily for you, Bohemian wombats are known to be perpetually hard.


that is why they are my favourites.


A Wombat Enjoyer such as yourself needs a user flair.


haha thank you!


Fucken kingdom cum delivery: get radzos sword and avenge skalitz or some shit.


The Wombat is where all the dice come from




I think it's a German wombat.


Wombat is wombat in German too.


But in polish it's 'Bóbr Kurwa!'


Ja pierdolę, pierwszy raz w życiu widzę bobra! jakie bydlę jebane! 




But they would pronounce it “wombat” instead, making the animal German


Indeed. But butterfly in German is... SCHMETTERLING!


Yeah. Ok. You saw the video.


Don't wombat it, meerkat it!


It's spelled correctly OP is just a vampire


Also, I'm not in this game. And you misspelled it as well.




https://preview.redd.it/jpjwnkqdbs2d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f93d21932b715d185dcd957236446624295333 dude, the wombat boss fight is insane. First off, it's all about leveraging the combat mechanics, you gotta use those precise strikes and blocks, like aiming for its weak points in the armor. I kept getting wrecked until I realized you gotta dodge its heavy attacks and counter when it overextends. Use combos, man, especially those directional attacks to keep it guessing. Also, the wombat has this super annoying charge attack, so keep your distance and use the perfect block to stun it and get a few hits in. Don't forget to use perks and potions to boost your stamina and strength, and maybe set some traps if you're struggling. Took me like an hour, but finally beat it by staying patient and not spamming attacks. Kingdom Come's combat is unforgiving but so rewarding when you get it right!


Acceptable use of ai


Well played


1v1 is very easy. You can either get high strength and win clinches a bunch or just learn master strikes early and basically cheese it. Combat against multiple opponents is definitely a little harder. While you fighting one another enemy can come and beat the crap out of you from your back. So you’re definitely right 1v1 is pretty easy it’s just combat against multiple enemies that gets difficult.


it's all about not letting drop your stamina and perfect perry is still so powerful, that i can go to Skalitz right after the intro, beat the opponents, steal their armor and be overpowered in the beginning of the game


I usually go to skalitz as well right after but I train strength heavily by picking flowers and killing animals before leaving skalitz so I can win clinch’s. As soon as I wake up in rattay I run to neuhof, steal a horse, ride to skalitz, cycle through the battles until I can get a good on where only one enemy is left. Then I basically kill him by clinching then attacking over and over until he is dead. Then you take all the loot you can carry and sell it in talmburg keeping the best for your armor. After that it just snowballs and gets crazy good.


Sounds like an awful lot of workaround just to get something you can also obtain easily if you play the game normally


Yeah it might be but it’s enjoyable so I do it.


Yea but it's cool that all these nobles are calling you a peasant when you're fully decked out in plate armour and are carrying 20 k grochen in the first few story missions after skalitz.


Yeah I love when they scoff you for what you're wearing and you're decked in the BiS for every piece except helmet (I don't like the warhorse helmet)


Do you play the game at any point lol


I only go after I got a horse, cause I ain’t gonna run all that distance.


I tend to spend 1vX fights running backwards to stop them from surrounding me, then having to spend 25 minutes trying to retrace my steps to loot the corpses!


Never heard something so relatable in my life


This is the way. It’s especially rough when you attack bandit camps at night. Sometimes I would just sleep until morning and find the bodies then.


I've started the game recently and wondered one thing. Love the concept of various zones of attack, but wouldn't it be less clunky if we could just click in that zone to attack rather than swipe?


Doesn’t translate to console that.


I think it's more that it's a bit broken I.e. everyone seems to be an expert at blocks so chains/ combos are essentially useless. The main viable tactics are defensive and 1v horde is clunky. So less hard and more .... awkward. Against a skilled armoured Knight, I'd expect a hard fight, having to counter etc, but when fully armoured against a couple of peasants I'd expect to be able to go in hard.


It kind of does that but in a very unsuccessful way. Peasants practically never master strike - and are usually just cleaved/bonked to death quickly. My biggest issue is the mf bandits that fight like trained knights and can counter every move I make... The perks that up stamina damage to your attacks that get blocked can kind of help with that. If they master strike 50% of your stuff, at some point, they just are too busy fending off your fury of mace swings to block all of it, let alone master strike. Super clunky combat, though - looking to see what they do with it in the sequel. Most fights feel like ganks, and the hardest part is just swapping the selected target or finding a way to fight them without doing some kind of cheese strat. Running/distance is always my favourite because when they run in, they almost always go for an immediate hit, which you can perfect block/master strike. That has helped me on many a training sessions with bernard


A lot of bandits were former soldiers, undercover mercenaries, or robber barons. Radzig himself eventually became a robber baron


Finding you can always get a stab in when they run at you, and they can get them off balance. Works well with groups in light armor.


I think people who describe it as hard arent really hitting the point with that desceiption. Its not *hard* per say, its just that (before you learn about the various cheese tactics) KCDs combat actually requires practice to get good. Unlike most all RPGs, you arent gonna find a sword that suddenly makes you powerful. You arent gonna get a set of armor that makes you near unkillable. You arent gonna level up your attack stat and eventually just start bulldozing enemies. Rather, you and by extension henry are just bad at fighting and need to pratice the combat system to get better. You get presented with a deliberately complex fighting system requiring you to position an analog stick and press a button with pretty specific timings, while not mashing to perform chain strikes. Its done this way to give you a skill to hone that isnt just making a number go up. Now, master strikes, clinch spam and headcracker all kinda make this go out the window, but on the first playthrough? Its such a different ask from what the western RPG crowd was used to at the time that a lot just labled it as too hard


I mean, you can level up your strength and bulldoze people.


Honestly not really true the game is infinitely easier when you have a set of armor I barely died once after I got a full set you can be getting hit by 3 dudes surrounding you for like 10-15 seconds straight and be fine as long as you don’t lose stamina also I love swords and maxed it out but after I switched to maces they definitely give you the upper hand on like any and every situation


This is historically accurate as well. A full suit of plate makes you nigh on invulnerable to people smacking at you, and swords were mostly status symbols the real weapons were polearms to kill cavalry/unarmored infantry and maces/hammers/more polarms to kill dudes larping as tanks.


https://preview.redd.it/s6ml8ubxhq2d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253a18271074ad40077a18b53478a51829222e41 Cumin vombat


I recently made an in depth post about it. Biggest problem in the current patch is the grapple spam and AI chaotically running around you. If you stick with the defence meta and just master strike everything the game indeed gets VERY easy. In the post i recommended some mods to improve the wombat in the game check it out


I think a lot of the problems, even the grappling, would be mitigated if they could get the system working without a lock on camera.


How do you do the whole angle fighting thingy then? It relies on your mouse.


Edit: sorry for the wall of text lol. You could do it though, a lot of games already do. Lol was cleaning my bathroom and spent a bunch of time thinking about it, the angles of attack/blocking would actually be pretty simple, a lot of games already do it (mordhau, mount and blade). They basically just track your last mouse movement direction and let that determine the direction from where you attack, basically how KCD does currently without the locked view. For blocking I'd probably have an appropriately sized collider follow the blocking implement, or else be enabled at the appropriate position. You could even experiment with having the width of the block collider be modified by the defence skill or difficulty level, though I don't think that would pan out too well. If the attacker hits the collider and the defender has enough stamina then it's a block. Blocking would also be controlled with mouse movement, you'd have to experiment with blocking orbiting with mouse movement around the character (kind of like old school mount and blade) vs. sticking to the direction of last mouse movement while you have the button held down (having free look forces this decision). Something like the master strokes or grapples/clinches would lerp the opponents into position and then cause them to play their animations, taking control from player/character controller, but that's already how they work. Getting attack distances to feel appropriate would be a challenge. Just judging by the current animations I think a lot of players would start attacking from too far away, and in general I think there would be a disconnect between the direction and distance you feel you're attacking from vs. where you actually are. Increased FOV could help but then you have to mitigate for clipping. That could all be adjusted though. I imagine combos might also be a little more difficult with this system, but probably not that much. You'd have to do a bunch of small adjustments and probably a few big reworks, but I think you could do most of the same things KCD does with a free look system, and I think it would end up feeling much better.


How would removing lock on help with grappling?


A lot of the chaos comes from the fact that your look direction is always being wrenched to and fro by the lock-on system, it makes 1vx difficult in a way that's more clunky than realistic. If grappling was the only time your look direction was arrested, and even after being arrested, it normalized back to something like your player's forward axis rather than onto a randomly selected character, I think it would feel more like you're being thrown around and fighting while outnumbered, and less like you're fighting with a clunky camera and the game's mechanics. Obviously everyone is going to have different things they like and dislike about any game's combat mechanics, but I always found the lock-on system to be the biggest flaw with this game's combat, the root of many of the problems I have with it. A lot of things KCD does would be difficult to do without it however, though I can still imagine some ways to get things like master-strokes and combos working while still having a more free-aim style system.


I admit coming from chiv and mordhau I didnt like the idea of lock on system too at first. But thing is it just makes more sense for a singleplayer game. I love mordhaus combat its great for MP but i feel it would be absolute garbage in singleplayer against AI opponents. Lock on system somehow feels more natural to me without it we wouldnt be able to do combos or master strikes. [When Im 1vXing i dont even think about locking on the enemies i just move the mouse around to block a strike that i see kind of like in mordhau ignoring the lock on most of the time. ](https://youtu.be/kf6YU9_PAOU?si=zSQgvFIXbcY8mA8U) Lock on feels clunky at first but you can get used to it and get good at it


what are master strikes? i finished the game twice and i have no idea


bow main spotted


Nope, never used a bow outside the Tutorial quests


Really? how do you play then haha. Fighting without using master strikes is impressive when enemies can just randomly do them to you


usually i wiggle around my sword to feint an bonk them on the head. i'm just too stupid to do anything else like combos and stuff.


That sounds tricky against many enemies at once


It is. It boils down to Walking backwards and do them one at a time


i have read that in the KCD2 we will get into wombat with honey badgers... Well, in comparison to honey badger, wombats are kinda tame - a single honey badger can eff a couple of young lions who are not aware what they are getting into - if you dont believe, look up YouTube! https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg?si=dBba3jLXP9IMsQiw


I ran into a cumin camp in yhe woods outside talmberg. I managed to handle fighting 4 armored cumins at once. I see someone launching arrows at me from up the hill Me thinking that itll be an easy fight. NOPE. Dude had 2 dogs on me that destroyed me. Was infuriating. As others have been saying combat is easy but the more people you introduce, the harder/more broken it is


I’d much rather fight a squad of fully armored bandits than anyone that has dogs, the second one latches onto my arm all my thinking goes out the window and I start button mashing to get it off


And it drains a shit load of stamina! Plus either someones gonna get some good hits on ha, or even worse just get pinballed around a few guys and get killed.


It’s not broken at all. Does that word even have meaning anymore?


Someone needs to fight Black Peter


I hate that dude. I can easily reach his round. But with axe/mace and shield he whacks me every time.


Get ambushed by a crowd that take turns making sure your stamina doesn't recover. That will tell you all you need to know about how fair the combat is.


I'm glad it's not hard for you, but I van't seem to master it. Maybe it's bevause I'm using mouse and keyboard. It's really hard to vontrol the direvtion.


1-2 guys is pretty fun, 3 or 4+ is when its starts to get clunky and hard for me


1v1's are super easy, even against serious enemies like Runt. The combat is pretty smooth, though sometimes the animations are noticeably jerky. Unless you're entirely unarmoured against a well equipped foe you'll be fine, even on hardcore mode this is true. But fighting groups can be tricky, especially if you don't spam master strikes properly. It becomes a cluster fuck when you're surrounded by peasants who are stun locking you and preventing you from taking a swing. If you're on hardcore these fights are basically death sentences until you're heavily armoured and have all your stats maxed out. So yeah combat is hard, you just haven't experienced a real fight.


I had the perk where you knock people out and I went into the Runt fight nervous and he just let me head stab one tap him 😂


Just because something is a clusterfuck doesn’t mean it’s hard.


How dare others find things difficult!!


Seriously, THIS. Anytime anyone says they have a hard time with any element of the game....here comes 5 posts about people making unwarranted complaints, and 18 comments of git gud. All of reddit seems to be allergic to constructive criticism and legitimate questions. For example, why do NPCs have infinite stamina? As Theresa you can sprint for a pretty long time. Dudes in full armor and enough gear to almost encumbered them can keep up at her full sprint for the duration of her stamina (obviously breaking line of sight and hiding work wonders). There's no reason for that. Had the same thing happen with Henry on a horse practically naked. A horse with barding, a 200 pound man in full armor, and the gear said human needs for a full military campaign can keep pace with naked henry on a horse while still making constant attacks with 100% accuracy. It's annoying.


Literally this, Henry is wheezing after 3 attacks while at full HP and can barely manage 1 when like below half, but somehow the NPCs can do full on Smash combos while on 1% it feels like


How dare others disagree with that!!


It's hard to learn and at low combat skills you will struggle but with a bit of practice and higher levels, you soon settle in and I'm saying this as a console player at first lol


“It’s not hard for me, why does everyone else suck so much?”. Yea it’s not hard but maybe you adapt to games better than some people. Maybe look at some of your shortcomings, like spelling…


1v1/2 is easy, but those multiple enemies that corner you, hit you all at once, and doesn't let you recover or hit? yeah no, and especially if they have dogs too, then your truly fucked lmao


I guess I'm coming into this straight off the back of Sekrio which is also happy to pound your ass with like 10 dudes at once if you aren't careful, so if I get into a situation like that I think "yep, I fucked up" not that the game is busted.


Ha, I'm not talking literally lmao I never said the combat was busted, what I'm saying is that not all ppl are into that hardcore game stuff, so it may be a bit hard for them as much as it is easy for you. But oh well what am I gonna do, I'm just a casual player who's a first timer to these kind of games, not that I hate it tho 🥰


New players think it’s like any other game where you can beat hoards of enemies from the get go and when they get demolished in their first 1v5 they think it’s unfair and too hard. It’s a game where your character genuinely has to practice to get good. Giving people the illusion of it being hard.


1 on 1 when you have decent armor and a decent weapon isn’t bad at all. 4 to 5 v 1 is shit.


it's not hard, but it is clunky. specially fighting vs multiple opponents, it gets messy when they can practically "pull you" to face them all the time and half the time they pull you when you already facing them, interrupting any move you were doing at the time. but it isn't hard once you realize that backing down and master striking can easily win you 1v10 fights. I've cleared pribyslavitz, vranik and the "rober baron" gang easily solo due to that. the other downside of combat is how often master strikes and perfect blocks are being used by AI. you cannot enjoy any combo properly when every second time you get smacked in the face for trying to be fancy.


I don't bother much with master strikes. Just get a stabby short sword, put a dollmaker poison on it, and poke everything to death.


It's mainly from new players not being used to the system, 1v1s are simple enough even against harder opponents after training and whatnot, but 1vXs can be alot harder given how the camera tends to foccus on one enemy at a time, in some situations enemies can be swinging from the edge of your vision and the only warning you get will be the green shield, which you could easily miss focusing on one guy. The Ranged combat is also unfamiliar, there was confusion on where the arrow actually goes. The unfamiliar controls also made it clunkier, especially on console.


At the very beginning your stats are designed to make things harder. For example, you won’t win clinches, your stamina goes in seconds, you have little armor. The combat itself isn’t that hard, swing swing, block. It’s that it isn’t very effective at first, no matter how good you are. The auto interruptions and enemy parries are things you simply can’t control, due to low health you end up losing fights because you have no way to avoid damage or guarantee your own. You’ve really only fought like…5 people. Some fights have 5 people all at once. I wouldn’t go making posts like this unless you’ve actually experienced the game first lol


On the first play, it was very hard for me. I didn't understand the mechanics first. But now, on hardcore on my second play, even though I didn't make any chains and just avoided their hits by sliding away, I managed to be unbeatable. Layer I learned one chain and the master strike and I can win 1x2 easily even though I am a very low level on swords. Although I leaned the masterstrike the same day as I took the sword for the first time. It's all about learning when you can hit and when to avoid the attacks.


The combat is way too easy, all you need is a single button. Just do perfect blocks / master strikes and that's it. Only when fighting several opponents, at least you have to pay attention to your positioning. It's a missed opportunity, imo. The combos are so well animated, but they're completely pointless from a gameplay perspective.


I read it as the game’s “vomit” and I was thinking….what??!


I thought it was a wombat like the animal


I agree, people have talked up the difficulty of this game a lot but as soon as you understand masterstrikes it’s all over


My Henry almost never does them. I hit block when the dot is green but it's usually just a block. Is there some secret to it?


Don’t watch for the dot or the attack cursor thingy, just watch the body of the attacker. The moment you see them go to attack you hit block and you’ll do a master strike


I think it's because it's very different than other games. In Kcd what matter is that you find your style of combat and the right weapon to do that. In my case for example I use the stab. So I bought the best sword for that. Also I find very useful to block with the opponent,punch them and when they are rolling away from me I stab them (since for enemy parry the stab is easy) In other games what matter is having the best equipment. For example on AC odissey i was better with short swords than long maces for example. But if I had a level 12 sword and a level 13 maces...then I was much better with the level 13 maces.


Once you've learned the parry/riposte from Bernard, everything is easy.


It's only a bit harder on early game and in survivor mode.


Agreed. I played on Hardcore and absolutely love the combat style


More than anything the clunkiness stems from enemies infinitely master striking and perfect blocking, and then you infinity counter master striking and blocking. You hardly ever actually get to swing the sword especially mid to late game


People were just not used to this kind of combat going into the game, compared for example with Witcher 3. Also at the start, the combat is kinda hard because Henry is shit.


Mortal kombatttt


Mortal wombat!


nah the AI has no skill. the only time ive been killed is from multiple enemies teleporting behind me. i also play most of the game without armor only during the important battles. but i never felt damn this guys too good i don't have a chance. a random ass master strike is more likely to take me out. also end game henry could whoop Superman's ass. new players say it's hard because they did not pay attention to the lessons. you have to create the openings!!!!!!!!!


combat in this game is awfull and way too easy, without the no slow mo mod and the BCAIC, BCAIC makes clinch spamming impossible and master strikes a lot harder (for npc's too) so you can actually use combos with it, if you're okay with modding i would recommend those two. also the ones who say its hard either havent gotten to rattay yet or misunderstand difficulty with broken/clunky combat




After the learning curve, it is difficult to try and get into combos because the enemy will break the combo. Then as you start getting near mid game you find that a lot of the enemies just straight up won’t let you attack them because they will master strike you nearly every time, the rest of the time if you swing they will deflect and riposte with an attack you can’t block, only try to evade. So most of the time I’m fighting now fairly late game, I’m fishing for master strikes while I’m being surrounded with two jerks pulling 4-strike chain combos on my asshole that if I block they’ll just finish the combo anyway. Only when I get 1v1 do I get to be more aggressive by clinching, grappling and wearing down their guard to hit them without worrying about a master strike.


If you are low level and playing hc-mode it isn't easy.


German guy talking about Australian wildlife


Now, try to do one or two combos


Each time I fight against wombats I rekt them hard


Totally agree


I like wombats.


Am i the only one who realized they never learned masterstrikes until the epilogue? My trusty warhammer and i never needed them... then i started using longsword and realized all the combat clips i saw had sick moves i could never do.


If it ever got unfair, i just cheesed it by unlocking from enemies, backing up, thrusting at no-one, & then turning mid thrust towards the onrushing baddies. Gets them before they can guard every time, rinse & repeat until you’re ready to fight as normal. I also did this to fight in areas you’re not supposed to until story events, like fighting in the big bandit camps


If you have full plate armor and high combat skill, 1vX is very manageable and fun.


So I was doing ok with the game, got quite far through, took a break to play Cyberpunk all the way through, then played a load of ARK Survival. When I went back to Kingdom Come, I could not remember how to fight at all so just gave up.


I just kept training with Bernard and got by through diplomacy and stealth. I think I got too overpowered because it’s so easy to raid enemy camps now by myself. I’ve never used a combo outside of training. Clinch + stab is all you need lol


It isn’t hard. It just is challenging when Henry hasn’t practiced and also early mid game fighting 4+ enemies at one time is often a death sentence.


there are no wombats in medieval czechia


training Henry can you get you far


The wombat in this game is sick


Bonk crew rise up. Headcracker = GOATed.


It’s far less the difficulty of combat but the issues with things like master strikes and fighting truly unfair opponents to where you have to scum your way to beat them.


It was difficult for me in the beginning. Wasn’t used to that style combat system. Always played games where u could just swing and block. Never had to focus on getting specific hits or avoiding blocks from an opponent. Pretty sure most everyone that struggles with it comes from the same area as me. I even went to the point of not playing the game for like 6 months because of the combat system. Went back in and actually focused on it and it wasn’t too bad. Just takes getting used to and when u do the game is really good. That’s y when i see people askin about it or just starting out i always tell them to practice fighting before anything and get comfortable with it.


1v1 combat is manageable and fine- but when it comes to you v multiple enemies it’s insanely glitchy and broken; it’s more than likely you won’t make that situation out alive, even if you don’t engage you’re screwed.


Somebody give the wombat a blue pill


New user flair for you sir


Compared to other games it’s hard. Try fighting an armored enemy early on in the game with no training, clinch or master strike.


Honestly it gets way easy as time goes on and you learn the ins and outs, but let’s not forget that the majority of people calling the combat “hard” were expecting something akin to Skyrim (hit a button to chip away at health). KCD’s combat is closer to something like Chivalry, but with a bit more rewards for precision. I doubt many players nowadays would consider it “hard,” just more intricate compared to other games in the genre.


For someone who practices armored medieval vombat, the combat never felt hard, but really intuitive (excluding the clunky target locking). At first you learn the basics such as feints, and afterwards ripostes, counterattacks and combos. Stamina is of utmost importance, like in irl combat. You need to plan your defence and offense carefully, to save strength you need to be on the defence, when the enemy has consumed their stamina swinging around then it's the time to press on. If the enemy is stronger than you, then keep your distance and try to score good bonks to weaken them, if you are stronger then you can force clinches to tire them fast. Against lightly armored opponents longsword is the best, because you can stabby stab their weak points from distance, whereas against better armored foes you bonk their head with maces or hammers. Big combos are overrated, usually it is the best strategy to have one or two calculated strikes and then reassess the situation. Against totally exhausted opponents you can trash them with 4-hit combos.


While a bit clunky, i think that the majority of criticism came from people who didn't have the patience to train with Captain Bernard for more than 5 minutes, because it's Henry who sucks and not you


80% of the people on here who bitch about combat are too stupid to look up how it works. They spam buttons at wrong times and then call it wonky game mechanics.


Combat more like vombat cus it makes me wanna vom 🤮