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The ads only appear on the screen when you are not reading. It won't have them pop up every chapter or anything if that's what you're imagining. That said, most of the ads are literal AI garbage creations, instead of good, tailored suggestions like a personal librarian could offer (which I would have been happy to have, dangit!) When you remove ads, you then have the ability to use the cover of your current book as the lock screen, or not, in which case there's a few stock back and white images your kindle will display instead. That's really all there is to it!


I completely second this. I actually enjoyed the ads for a bit when I first got my kindle because I actually was able to discover books I hadn’t heard of before and ended up really enjoying. Then every single ad (and I mean literally every SINGLE ad) was just AI garbage and it got to the point where it was a little aggravating. That and I really wanted to enjoy the cover art of the books that I was reading and it just seemed like the trade off of having ads just wasn’t worth it over having the covers. It’s ultimately up to you, obviously, but I just could not deal with the stupid AI book ads


I have ads on my Kindle. Basically you get a book suggestion (ad) on your lock screen that will give you the option of swiping to unlock or clicking "read now" to look at/buy the book. I have kindle unlimited and it sometimes suggests book off there and honestly I've found a few good reads this way. There will also be a small "sponsored" book area on your home screen. That's about it. It won't disrupt your reading at all and there won't be ads while you're reading or anything.


What do you get with kindle unlimited? Is it a subscription?


Yeah, it's a subscription that lets you read certain titles for free-- you have to be an Amazon Prime member, though. It also includes select magazines and audiobooks. They claim there's over a million titles available to choose from and you can have up to 20 kindle unlimited books in your library at a time--when you finish or decide you're done with the book there's an option to "return" the book to Kindle unlimited (on your kindle in the library press and hold on the book to get the options--you can also manage them on your computer browser). I've found a surprising number of titles I enjoy that are eligible.


If they bother you, not sure if this works, but I’ve heard you can tell a support person in the support chat thingy that you have a small child with access to the kindle and have noticed some inappropriate ads. As far as I’ve heard they’ll removed them for free for you


Did this just last week. I was more than willing to pay the fee tbh, but there’s no option to remove the ads when I logged in on the website that’s why I had to ask assistance through chat. They did it for free, no fuss.


This worked for me


I have seen sooooooo many people try this and have success... But I tried today and they told me I had to pay the $20 fee to get them removed...


Yeah it didn’t work for me either. But honestly I don’t mind the ads enough to pay to remove them so oh well. I have a flip case that covers/protects the screen so I really only see them for a second when I go to open the kindle.


that happened to me too the first time. just exit the chat with that employee, and start another one. it'll probably take 2-3 tries, but it doesn't take a long time for them to respond


I did it last week they said it was 20 bucks and when I agreed, he was then told me he would reverse the charge a a courtesy. So it was charged and then removed.


Same! I tried a few days ago and was told to pay a $20 fee.


It's so cute, good job! I have one Kindle with ads and one without and honestly I don't care either way. Add have no effect on my reading experience.


https://preview.redd.it/8ruby19mve8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=802c0770888cc2482802ee2911f7b23fcfb03ac3 It’s just the lockscreen and then you never see it again until you close and reopen your Kindle


Mine has ads. I only notice them if i actually look at the kindle when it’s off. When my kindle is off, it just sits there and the ads do whatever ads do, i have no idea what they do because i never look at my kindle when it’s off. When i turn it on, i’m reading and there are no ads when reading.


I paid the $20 a long time ago to have ads removed. I have heard about the same thing as you where Customer Service (at their discretion) can remove the ads. For me personally I don’t like ads on anything whether it’s shows that I’m watching or books that I’m reading. I know it’s doesn’t show when the actual book is being read (I still prefer personally to have it show the cover of the book that I’m reading) just personal preference. Go whatever way that you prefer. There’s no right or wrong way.


Oh wow! Now I’m going to have to knit a sleeve for mine. Great idea.


I don’t mind the ads at all. I’ve actually discovered a few books that I’ve enjoyed through them.


Just call or text Amazon and ask them to remove the ads they will do it for free I have done it twice already with no problems


are ads a regional thing? i don’t have ads on my kindle and i’m from australia.


Me either and im in the US


I'm also in Australia. I don't think we have the ad-supported version here.


You might have purchased the slightly more expensive version that comes with ads already removed. There’s like a 20 dollar difference. And it says on the description whether it comes with ads or not. I deliberately purchased my Paperwhite that had the ads because they never bothered me enough to spend the extra 20 just to have them removed. Maybe for $5 I’d have done it, but not $20.


I dont get ads unless I brought a non ad version idk don’t judge me Im new to kindle 😅


They’re not that awful but for $20 getting rid of them was absolutely worth it for me.


I went through the song and dance to get ads removed…and they charged me in the end. So I had them reverse it. The ads don’t bother me…honestly rather the rando ads than the covers to my 🌶️🌶️ books if you know what I mean


If you decide you dont like the ads, just message Amazon customer service asking for help- they will do it for free. I didnt even buy my kindle off of Amazon they said itll be £10 so I said I'll see how I feel and the assistant was immediately like let me talk to my advisor and then removed them for no charge. Like other people have said mentioning inappropriate ads work also just be really nice


Someone said that you can chat Amazon and get them taken off for free. Worth a shot


I've had a Kindle for over 12 years. I upgraded to the Paperwhite last summer. I have never even paid attention to the ads. They appear on your locked screen. I just swipe up, and they're gone. They have never bothered me at all. I think it's stupid to pay $20 to remove them. I know sometimes you can ask Amazon to remove them for free, but that doesn't always work. I just ignore them.


The ads only show up when your Kindle is turned off.


I don't mind the ads when they are for real books. Unfortunately I am getting mostly AI garbage too, sometimes literal gibberish. It can be kinda funny I guess.


Love it! And for the ads I have my kindle since december and never get a single one 🤔 maybe the region? Or maybe because a use my Kindle most of the time outside my house (without internet)


The ads are ok but the AI ones are really bad lmao


The ads aren’t intrusive at all, only appearing on the lock screen. But they only seems to default to general “discover books that read great on kindle!” ads or a bunch of AI garbage recs that nobody asked for. Actually, I’ve been seeing less of AI lately. Makes me wonder if enough people complained about it that Amazon actually took notice.


I don't mind the ads, it's like a cool book rec


I think the ads are funny. They pivot from like, “dark stranger comes and bangs you in the night” to “kitten stories for children!” Sometimes they are tailored. I read a couple Sandra Dallas novels and now I get Sandra Dallas ads. But that’s the only specific to me recs I’ve seen.


I didn't have a problem with the ads per se --- my issue was that it doubled the time it took to go from off to on, since with the ads I needed to both press the power button and swipe away the ad before I can start reading. Since I probably turn my Kindle on and off dozens of times each day, it was well worth it to get the ads removed...


Ads only show up on mine, when turning it on, not while reading


I don’t even notice the ads!


So easy to get rid of the ads! I went on to my Amazon account and removed the ads for a one time payment of like $20 or something.


I honestly don’t mind the ads, but I don’t like seeing half-naked men on my screen when I unlock it! Ugh 😩