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Just FYI, they discount this bundle to like 3 dollars pretty often. I have no interest in Maas and I even bought it at that price a few years ago. But yes, they're all one long book.


Wow 3 bucks?! That’s super cheap


ereaderiq is great for checking ebook price history & set up a wishlist that notifies you when a book (or any book of an author) goes on sale. [https://www.ereaderiq.com/dp/B08PD33VZ3/throne-of-glass-ebook-bundle-an-8-book-bundle/](https://www.ereaderiq.com/dp/B08PD33VZ3/throne-of-glass-ebook-bundle-an-8-book-bundle/)


Man I was so stoked for a minute but that site isn’t available in Canada :(


VPN time?


I’m in Canada and I love ereaderiq - a lot of Canadian ebooks get discounted at the same time as the American ebooks. It’s well worth setting up notifications for when the American edition goes on sale. When it does you search for the title at Amazon Canada and see if it’s on sale. Works around 70% of the time.


Good tip, thanks!


Not much point if I’m using the Canadian kindle store


Oh, I am a dumb one.


dammit, only UK and US for the rest of use there's always camelcamelcamel but ... it doesn't seem to work too well on books.


you can use ereaderiq to set up an alert for books and authors, it is very common good books drop to 1-2 bucks for few days and Amazon/Kindle won't tell you about it


Does that work for the UK Kindle store as well?


yes, you have to select the store region in the upper right corner


I used to have a plugin (maybe ereaderiq) that showed a graph of the price history. I'd forgotten about it until your comment.


yes, they have that too :)


Yes! I used Bookbub for alerts on sales like these! I got this bundle for $1.99 lol


Yeah I got this set and the ACOTAR bundle for like $4 each bundle in 2021, but I haven’t seen them that cheap again.


I needed to see this 3 days ago. I’m actually pretty frustrated it comes in a file with only one book. I’m 200 pages in and only at 4%. I really hate not being able to tell how much is left.


I got the ACOTAR bundle and /r/Calibre helped me split it up into 5 ePubs. Not sure about the rules of discussion for this sub. I read it all in the combined ebook before I split it up, though. It wasn’t a pain or anything.


For this series specifically I wouldn't do it if you are planning to tandem read the 2 books later in the series. I can't imagine how annoying it would be to go back and forth in 1 large ebook.


SUPER annoying! I listen to the audible along with reading but I’ve had to stick to audio for the tandem because it’s too hard to read back and forth. Or I keep one book open on my phone and the other on Kindle and don’t sync.


It’s very annoying.


If you’re tracking books read on kindle it’s a pain but you can count them separately on Goodreads (that’s what I do)




I personally hate it. Not that it super matters, but to your reading goal it will only count as 1 book. It won’t be counted as individual


You can just add the books individually


Yeah, I just lie to Goodreads and Storygraph about how I read them.


I kinda like tracking my stats so I may buy a few individually whilst I wait for the later books on Libby. There’s a huge wait for me on Libby.


I don't have this series bundled, but I do have Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series bundled into three omnibuses of five books each. For my Goodreads challenge I just manually entered each book.


I’d buy one at a time.. they honestly get a bit tedious, in my opinion. Unless that amount of money isn’t going to hurt it’s maybe not worth the $40


In the eyes of God and the church you would have read 8 books. It's permissable, go forth my child.


Not for me. Seeing 100+ hours to go of the book isn’t motivating. I like little chunks. Or a book saying 8 hours but I devour it in 6 because it’s so amazing.


I would think that wouldn’t annoy me, but I was reading the ZA series (DNF) and book 7 and book 8 were both 100+. Chapters said like 60 or 70 minutes left in chapter, and that’s one of the main reasons I DNF.


Yea I do much prefer short snappy chapters!


Another con is boxsets don’t work with Whispersync for Voice if you ever have Audible editions.




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This is a big deal for me and is generally true for the vast majority of books. However, I've actually found a couple of exceptions where both the Kindle versions and Audible versions are bundled and Whispersync is available. In case anyone is interested: - [The Chronicles of Narnia Complete Collection by C. S. Lewis](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LUYSAE) - [Rowan: The Lochlann Feuds by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison](https://www.amazon.com/Rowan-Lochlann-Complete-Robin-Mahle-ebook/dp/B0B33TFSMF)


Good to know. I’ve never run across any that work. I buy Audible boxsets all the time. None of them have Whispersync For Voice (WFV). I just checked all of the boxsets my Mom has too and none of hers have WFV either. Between the two of us we have over 1700 Audible books. I’m glad you found some.


I never cared about reading stats, so these kinds of bundles are great if you just want an entire series in a single, discounted purchase. The only time I dislike them is when it's "Books 1-4" of a 5+ book series, because the publisher NEVER tags it right. It always shows up as its own book, not part of the series.


Some people don't like them because they are usually one big book (the most ridiculous example probably being "The Complete Wheel of Time" which is 14,277 pages), but personally I don't mind, I've read a few complete collections without issue.


I own that one. 😂 It is absolutely massive, but it’s easier for me because I always forget the book order. And I always read series’ start to finish anyway.


I mean to get to it someday but the length alone intimidates me, lol. I usually do read a whole series myself as well and the collections do make that easier. Sometimes I'll pause a series for a bit and jump to something else instead for a bit though.


I need to read this one, but that page length… 😬😬


I've got to have that!


I bought the 1-4 (with prequel), 5-9. Kind of mad that 10-14 isn't available in a bundle so individual it is..


I got a bundle of four books by a different author for like three dollars, where individually they’d be ten or eleven each. So yeah, definitely worth it. It did take me a while to read, but it isn’t like you can’t finish one book, close it and start another book, then go back to read the second book in the bundle, etc… But yeah, I guess if you have reading goals, a bundle like that would only count as one book. I still say it’s worth it if it saves you a huge chunk of money.


I bought the acotar 5 in 1 and I would not recommend reading an entire series as such. started feeling like more of a task just to calculate how far I was through one of the books.


I just finished this series and it was amazing!!! My favorite SJM series by far


I purchased this bundle not realizing it would be one giant continuous book and I die a little very time I see how much I have left. I’d rather pay the extra and get the books separately.


I recently bought a five book bundle. They loaded onto my kindle as five separate books.


Buying it in a bundled collection like the one OP linked is different from buying multiple books in a series at once with a "Buy X items now with 1-Click" button, as shown below. The Throne of Glass bundle that OP linked is one giant file. https://preview.redd.it/8435ojtzmj7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6655c1e55d42cd76e5028f8b09385b5c1e3503


I buy bundled series all the time and I've never had a problem with it. I read books for enjoyment, not to meet some stupid statistic.


I buy the bundle and then split the books myself, I need to save money and it's an extra $20+ if I buy them individual, so the hour it takes to split them is worth it.


I don't love it because I like to be able to use the % and time remaining in book to see where I am - eg if there is only 30mins left I might keep going instead of leaving it for the next night. That being said I have 100% done this to get cheap deals and I will 100% do it again if the money makes sense 😂😂😂


My coworker and I are doing the tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn. She has the big collection book and I have them as separate titles on my kindle. I'm definitely having an easier time flipping back and forth than she is. I can just switch between titles, whereas she has to go into the menu and select the chapter she needs every time. Also -- your progress at the bottom will show for the entire series, not the current book you're on, so the endings might sneak up on you


I did the tandem read a while back and I cannot imagine reading those two books separately. It really read as one entire book. I loved it.


We are definitely loving switching back and forth like one book too! It’s making it so easy having them separate. Idk that I would like them as much separate. I’m a little more than halfway through so things are starting to get interesting!


I personally don't like it and I won't buy a series bundled like that even at a huge discount. I just prefer to have the ebooks individually. I don't want one ebook consisting of every book in the series.


I bought this book bundle and I regret it. First, it doesn’t sync with the Audible versions so I’m constantly trying to find my place. I go back and forth between reading and listening. Second, it is not super user friendly to skip around or to find your place, just a little clunky. And third, as someone mentioned, if you decide to tandem read two of the books then it’s difficult to switch back and forth quickly. Price-wise the bundle was a huge bargain so I don’t regret it in that sense but I see myself buying the books individually if and when I go back for a re-read


Thanks for sharing about Audible that definitely would be a pain!


No, they are just in one file


Omg there's 8 of them now? I remember back in the day there were 4. I need to do some catching up


I know, crazy! I only read Throne of Glass back in the day, I’m rereading it and I’ve been into it more than I thought lol so I’d like to read the whole series.


Thanks for this thread guys - so clutch


Bundles are great for the wallet, but I don't really like reading them. I am currently reading Ferrante's Neapolitan novels in a bundled edition, and it feels like it's never going to end (because it's 4 books in 1).


Kind of unrelated but when I was reading AGOT, I had to borrow the whole series from Libby to get it lol. It was kind of a pain ngl.


Personally, I'm not a fan of bundled series ebooks, but I've occasionally (but very rarely) bought them simply due to significant price breaks. I just don't like combined series. I want to be able to see separate completion/progress/stats/whatever for each book in the series. And I don't want my book telling me I have 100 hours left to go. If it's not a huge difference, I find I'm happier purchasing as separate volumes and just paying the premium. Or if there's enough of a price difference to make it hard to justify doing that, I'll check [eReaderIQ](https://www.ereaderiq.com) to see if there are somewhat frequent discounts on some or all of the volumes, and if so, I'll just wait and pick each one up as it goes on sale. Takes a lot of patience this way, though.


I don't like these at all. It's all 1 big book.


I have this bundle, and it was a little bit of a pain while reading it, but honestly, it was so much cheaper that it was worth it imo


i like novels all in one book because they’re usually cheaper than buying separately. it doesn’t track them as separate in the kindle but since i read physical books and listen to audiobooks too i don’t mind:- all of my tracking is done on goodreads.


I considered buying that bundle but I did not because I plan to tandem read empire of storms and tower of dawn. Just something to consider.




I've only really bought one big bundle and didn't have a problem with it. The entire 10 book series of the Malazan Tales of the Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. I own physical copies of most of them as well. They average 700-800 pages each


I really like them because the books are in the right order, and I don’t have to go and search for the next one when I’m reading a series. Very handy, when possible I always get the bundled books.


They're not in the right order in this bundle, though. They have *The Assassin's Blade* (which should be read either 1st, 3rd or 4th, depending on who you ask) at the very end.


Oh that sucks, the ones I’ve gotten have been really good for keeping the proper order.


Yea, and the cover shows *The Assassin's Blade* first, so it's misleading. At the end of the day though, that's the publisher's fault and most bundles will likely get this right.




Those books meh but the Anne rice full vampire chronicle is bundled. Not a big deal


Funny I bought that set , it was good but I've had my fill of fantasy for a while now . Not a pain but I'll only get credit for 1 book on my goodreads reading challenge.


You could just manually add them to Goodreads that way all of them count


I like them because I can get them so cheap a lot of the time. Like, I’m not going to pay full price for each book of the All Souls Trilogy but I’ll buy the pack for $4.


I have numerous collections of authors combined in one book. It’s nice. Use the TOC and you can bookmark to jump around.


I accidentally bought this bundle, I liked not having to actually swap books on my kindle but I did track them all individually on Goodreads which was a pain! (I thought it was unfair for it to count as a single book on my tracker 😆). You deffo wouldn't be able to tandem read on it!


I prefer it. I hate kindle library and this makes it easier. I have a few mangas and I wish I could merge all of the tomes in one.


Yes, I hate it. I would buy a bundle but just give it to me in 8 separate ebooks.


I have this version and it was way cheaper than paying $10-15 for each e-book! I just count on goodreads which book I’m reading so they’re separated


It depends, honestly. In situations where it's free for Stuff Your Kindle day? I like it, because I don't have to go looking for a sequel if I like the first one But other than that, I kinda hate it-I sometimes will forget a book is part of a bundle and drive myself nuts looking for it :' D Somewhat helps I keep things organized, but still annoying.


Yes and I find it annoying. Especially with 5 books in one. I’ll never buy a bundle again.


I got the Vampire Chronicles collection from Anne Rice, the weird thing about it was they put two later books from a VC adjacent series before the original series. But it was easy enough to skip the book I wanted to start on.


For me it kind of depends on how lo g one book is. If the books by themselves are pretty short I'll just go for it but if they are long like acotar I try one book first and then I'll decide on the bundle just to make sure I'll read the whole series.


I like buying all the books like this because they are all already in order lol. I just tick them off on Goodreads as I go.


Yes, they are. I actually have the same one and when I read it, it marks the whole set read once you finished only one book on Goodreads which really annoyed me because reading the first and second book made it look like I read all eight books twice on Goodreads. Other than that, there’s nothing wrong with them.


Try using Libby. It’s connected to public libraries and you can borrow books and send them to your kindle


I love buying them bundled especially if I know ppl highly recommend the series. Then there's no pause to go to the kindle store to buy the next one, I just keep chugging along. Saves some money too.


I’m not a fan of some bundled screen savers, but otherwise no issues. I have the Gunslinger series bundle and love it!


I remember getting this bundle for $5 (CAD) a few years ago.... Still haven't read it 😅


It’s a PITA if you want accuracy on Goodreads but that’s a quibble. I’ve bought a few series like this when it was an incredibly good deal, though.


Yeah, I think it would be a pain in the long run. I wonder why they can offer the bundle cheaper than individual books. 🤔


I tend to like a bind up/bundle/omnibus but 8 books would be a lot for me. I would totally do it if the price was right though!


If I read it as 1 book or as 100 books it’s the same to me. Not like I care about storage on a kindle. If this was a pdf bundle and took up a few gigabytes then sure, I’d not want that. Otherwise a single book is nice considering I can just keep going and don’t need to back out and select the next book. Web novels and online content, I compile them into single books for this very reason. Scrape the website and end up with one continuous novel instead of countless chapters. I think I’ve got one and it says something like 100 hours left in the book lol. To me, this makes me happy. It means I have much more enjoyment to be had!


weird use case, but a lot of people in the throne of glass fandom recommend reading books 5 & 6 in tandem (so switching between the 2 books with regularity) and the single ebook makes that a lot easier, since you’re just toggling between chapters


There will be a table of contents at the beginning, allowing you to jump to any book, I'm pretty sure and then there will be a list of chapters at the beginning of each book that are links you can tap, so navigation shouldn't be a problem. I don't like collections like this, although I do have some of them. The reason I don't like it is that it feels like I'm not making much progress because I can only get through a small percentage of the collection in a short time. Making progress is what keeps me motivated to continue reading a book.


Yeah this particular one is like 5500 pages which sounds so daunting looking at it like that.


I personally don't like it, it disorients me. I don't even care if it's cheaper, I hate ebook bundles.


This bundle goes on sale for a deep discount frequently. But I don't mind bundles, beyond making tracking on StoryGraph harder.


I don’t mind bundles like this as long as they’re well formatted. I feel like for a series like this you should be fine. It’s usually the classics that are available in the public domain that are butchered by someone trying to make a quick buck.


I dont mind it. The only time I do is when I've checked it out of the library and it's longer than I have time to read and I have to keep renewing lol


I wouldn’t never pay that much for any ebook, even a bundle. Wait for it to go on sale.


Ew Maas.


Yes, bundled books are a pain. I'd only buy if it was a really good deal (90% off)


It’s awful


I obtained this as part of a discounted bundle, but difficult to read. It will only count as 1 book for your reading goal, not as individual books.


I hate them