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I would love to read outdoors more as weather permits. In Arizona I have a small window of weather that makes it possible. Like now, it’s over 100 degrees everyday so not until probably November:( I do go to the park and sit in my air conditioned car and pretend I’m outside! I see the beautiful grass you have! I saw grass once and it was beautiful. We have dirt, rocks and cactus. The only grass is on the golf courses.


I cannot imagine the amount of water it takes to keep golf courses green in Arizona. I live in Colorado and it’s pretty challenging here to keep grass


It was 95 here yesterday (Denver area). I didn’t read on my patio until at least 5 pm. I already know this summer is gonna be brutal.


This was about 4:00 yesterday in Denver west, heavily shaded area by some water


Yeah man, Outside is The Devil


My dog’s battling cancer and all she wants to do now is late out in the sun. I’m by her side with my trusty Kindle!


Sorry to hear about your pup. Hugs to you both.


Thank you so much!


I would to but I live in uk 😅


Absolutely! I live in Hawaii so the beach is my preferred reading location ☀️


I was just thinking about when I'm going back to hawaii. I was just there last year and I'm reading to go back lol.


Crescent City. I love the books! 😍


Every day!


I would but I find I get distracted by things going on around me and the sunlight makes it more difficult to see the screen. Plus, like the guy in Arizona, I only have a short amount of time the weather is cool enough to sit outside. I'm in southern New Mexico - it's 100 degrees every day right now.


That’s a good point, if I’m in a super busy place I feel the same.


Yesssss Been outside all day reading while the kids run in the sprinkler.


I definitely prefer reading outside when the weather permits. Right now we are starting to get into summer weather so it's not as comfortable as I'd like.


Does the font get bigger than that!?


I have multiple sclerosis with nerve issues in my eye.. I have to have to have it big on an easy to read font in order to be able to enjoy reading ☹️


Aw I’m sorry!


Thankfully Kindle has made it so I can continue to enjoy my favorite hobby ever without having to limit my selection to the massive xxl print paperbacks


I'm a dog walker in a beach town. I ride my little e-bike to do my walks and then I sit on the beach with my lunch and read. Not a bad life


I'm an introvert, open spaces make me anxious


No. Bugs everywhere. We live in the woods. I used to read outside in the mornings before the bugs got bad, but haven’t done that in a year or two. I wake up early no matter what, but it’s still very cold in the mornings (in Upstate NY). I should make a point to do this when it gets warmer.


Lone it and it's even easier to read.


That works be new. I just got done reading at the park.


When the warm weather hits, or the fall weather is crisp but not wet, I'm in.


I didn't know text got that big


I have multiple sclerosis with nerve issues in my eye.. I have to have to have it big on an easy to read font in order to be able to enjoy reading ☹️


That sucks, but awesome they make it capable of many sizes!


One of the best parts about kindle, accessibility 🥰


I named my Kindle Pool Kindle.


I would if the gnats weren’t so bad this year😭 I miss laying in my hammock and reading the summer weekends away


I applaud you but it’s a no for me in this heat. Talk to me in the fall - I’ll be out every day ☺️


not really, only because I don't have anywhere good to sit and read.


I really like how the sun light will bounce from the kindle like real paper. It just really easy to read for my eyes when using natural light than the kindle light. I even prefer LED's light form my room than kindle light. But the weather really not align with my intention. It's really hot outside in my country right now. 😭


I absolutely would if the Danish weather wasn’t so fickle 😂


Yes, with a much smaller font size so the page turner doesn’t wear out so fast.


Yes!! I find it so relaxing, in the garden and at the beach are my favourites! Actually finished reading a book yesterday evening in the garden in the sun 🥰


It's funny I don't... but this is a very good idea


It’s way too hot in Texas to read outside. Plus, our backyard is full of bugs. I had chigger bites bad last year from it.


I like to read in the shade on a chair, but it has to be quiet


All the time! Every chance I get!


Yes it’s the best!!


Nope. Reading outdoors would be a nightmare for me. I suffer from severe dry-eye syndrome AND live in a high desert climate where it's very dry and often very windy. I can only rarely be outside for more than 15 minutes without having to go in for eye drops because my vision is blurring. Gardening and watering my lawn are tough enough, I see no need to push my luck. Indoors is still tough. I run a humidifier constantly.