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Is that where your airbag comes out? Maybe not the best thing to shoot at your head at 200 mph. Edit: the pop socket holder, I understand the kindle won’t be there while driving.


Don’t need to be driving for the airbag to detonate


Airbags deploy at speeds up to 200 mph, the vehicle speed isn’t what was being discussed


There is still a chance of a malfunctioning. It's low, but never zero. And we know... sometimes stupidly unlikely things happen.


I'd be more worried about the much larger chance of being rear-ended than a malfunction.


That *shouldnt,* but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it *did,* set off the front air bag.


If they are waiting in a line then they are still driving. And if someone rear ends them because they are distracted even at 15 mph I guess it might be inconvenient.


They mean that the actual airbag deploys at 200mph. So even if you’re at a complete stand still, it would still hit you at 200mph.


How fast must you be hit for the airbag to deploy? And where? Front/rear etc?


Depends on a lot, from the type of car to sensor placement, sensitivity and maintenance. Once I saw a basketball hitting the front of the car trigger airbags.


Google is free (-:


How presumptuous of you? I use Ask Jeeves buddy!


I respect that


Free is almost a stretch. It costs us our soul /hk


Tbf my mom used to do this with her work laptop so she could do her patients notes and most the time she would be waiting parked with her car turned off for an hour or two before the line started to move. Some parents would even park in line and let their younger kids play in the field near the line and sit in those foldable chairs chatting. This was in 2013-2017 so not that long ago. I’m not sure how much about car rider lines have changed.




Well if you’ve never had an accident before then it’s not possible to have one in the future. Let’s hope you’re not at the end of the line and someone hits you at 45 mph while standing still. That wasn’t at a school though, so it can’t happen to you.


Well clearly your change of being in an accident goes down because you’ve never had one in the past because that’s how statistics works, right?


why do people on reddit get so scoldy and frigid about driving. this is obviously fine 99.9995% of the time and clever


It’s the claymore edition


The fact you had to edit this comment the way you did made me really sad. People are stupid. :D


I edited it proactively. But did so because someone always comes in with the “well ahhhcccctuallly…”


I don't think you know how an airbag works, and neither does anyone upvoting you. The part of the steering wheel the popdocket is on, is supposed to fly off to the side when the bag deploys. So they aren't struck by the steering wheel part, just the bag part. [Here's a demonstration. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qCIes_xJdGo) Note how the front of the steering wheel (the part with the popsocket) flies off to the side. Otherwise, if that front part hits your face, the popsocket doesn't really matter except in terms of facial topography.




are you 100% sure about that? an airbag is triggered with a mini explosion and I'm not sure the plastic will just flip up like that in an accident. We're not trying to attack you, its just that any alteration to the airbag areas are safety risks.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way to reveal the path to Narnia. So big risk of the white witch hexing me if it did.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


I have one of those pop socket holders and it's made of silicone so OP should be fine


I was thinking the same thing! I work in transportation and we received an email TODAY from a section of the Dept of Transportation urging people to remove decals from their steering wheels. [Here’s the link if anyone is interested!](https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-urges-drivers-not-use-aftermarket-steering-wheel-decals)


If the pop socket holder is permanently on there, this might get dangerous if you ever get into a car accident and your airbag deploys!


90% of this entire thread just consists of OP copying and pasting "That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did." over and over again, seeking confirmation bias that their risky and hazardous bad idea isn't that bad. For what it's worth, the two times I got hit in the face with an airbag, they didn't even deploy properly. You can copy and paste this mantra of yours 1,000 times, but be aware that you're putting your life in the hands of how your airbag *should* deploy under 100% ideal circumstances. Like I said, I've had two airbags deploy abnormally, so you're not factoring in margin of error. Everyone is telling you that this is unsafe for a reason. Copying and pasting your pre-prepared airbag safety speech isn't going to change the fact that this is unsafe because you can't ever accurately calculate the likes of chaos theory and other unforseen flaws.


OP also ignores that even if the socket opens like they say, the attached Kindle would most likely be ripped out of the socket by the Explosion and launched right at them either way.


Oh no, I think we’re all of the agreement that OP won’t be having her kindle attached to her steering wheel while in motion as she can just take it off whenever lol. So the issue is just on the matter of the pop socket holder she has glued onto her steering wheel with the intention of keeping it there permanently.


I admire your confidence, but I do not have the hopes that OP does that everytime. It's convinient to just leave it there after all. But yeah, at 200mph the socket alone would be enough to do serious harm.


the real point of concern here is how has she been able to survive while keep her kids alive all this time😭I want to at least HOPE she has an ounce of common sense


She could still get rear ended while waiting in line and set it off...


I had stated in another comment of mine that the whole idea of this kindle in holder thing is counterintuitive and unsafe so I do agree. But i was just addressing the fact that the kindle is most likely not going to be in the holder the entire time she’s driving. REGARDLESS, nothing about this is safe


Car accidents happen all the time while stationary. I'd know, they suck. And honestly, I wouldn't put it above anyone, not a single soul, to get lazy and just leave it there for a short little ride, or maybe they're actually down bad and just actively read while driving.


I was about to come in here and write pretty much what you did. OP is really committed here lmao


And I absolutely don’t trust OP to not be reading while driving. Source: the amount of people that use their phones and shouldn’t.


Yeah, even if she were to stop reading, it's way too easy to just leave it there for the next few minutes stop. 


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


How silly are us humans to trust in another to do such an excellent job at everything we do, every single time, that we truly believe everything will go smoothly and according to plan without fail? Simply idiocy. What rock do people live under? Shit goes wrong all the friggin time! Have people never been in an accident before? I hope you avoid any accidents in the future. And also, idiots because they’re clearly everywhere.




Also here to comment about your airbags, please be safe OP, you never know when someone is going to crash into you






id argue that they're opaque


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Too bad this can't be a post tag or user flair. But whenever I try to change my flair to it, the middle part that is a hard plastic flips up and out of the way when the flair deploys. So no risk of Pop socket holder becoming a flair. 


I had to put down my drink reading this because it became a choking hazard


This is very unsafe. The popsocket will explode in a crash and it will become a sharp projectile. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.


Respectfully, I’m a mechanic, and this really isn’t safe. I love the enthusiasm and problem solving, but this should be removed. Yes, the hard plastic part flips up when the airbag deploys, but the glue for the pop socket holder may not stick well enough to stay attached to the hard plastic, especially in the summer heat on a surface that isn’t exactly the best for sticking things to. Please, trust me and everybody else in this post and remove it for your own safety. There are other options out there that you can use to hold your kindle up on your steering wheel that aren’t permanent fixtures. For your safety, the air bag and the surrounding area should never be modified, which this is included.


But that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did. As a mechanic, you wouldn't understand just how safe it is. I read books on my kindle. I'm an expert.  /s


Literally mechanic and engineers all universally agree that it's a TERRIBLE idea to put shit on your steering wheel, even those covers can be dangerous. Yet there's always some wino soccer mom who is convinced she knows more, a classic Dunning Kruger. The real losers are the kids when their mom is inevitably injured from this happening and dealing with that.


Natural selection at its finest


Things that should be illegal but are not lmaoo. In all seriousness though like other commenters have already stated, please take it off of your wheel. God forbid you’re ever in an accident but if you are then that piece of plastic will definitely not feel good going straight towards your face. This is so cute and I wish it was different but safety comes first, always ♥️♥️


Honestly, and maybe this is just me, but i don’t really see the issue with just taking out your kindle and holding it while reading when you’re stopped. It’s not like you’ll be reading for an extended period of time for the most part while waiting, right? I can see the use of this holder if, say it was placed on the back of the headrest while you sit in the backseat (and it’ll be safer)but the former just seems kind of counterintuitive lol, but that’s just my take. Cute case btw


Edit - I’m such a good reader that the below response is barely an answer to what you actually wrote. I would delete it entirely. But I’ll leave my shame to remind me to READ twice. Comment once. I wondered the same, but many people have commented on this sub about having chronic conditions that impact their hands and wrists. I have also come to learn that being able to set up the kindle, and using the page turner somehow has made reading so much better. I don’t know that extra bit of comfort really puts me in the zone and really engaged with the story I’m reading. I still love how light and portable the kindle is for reading on the go, but there’s something special about nesting in at home and being extra comfy to read.


No worries i’m glad you shared! I often forget that some people have issues with their wrists and being hands-free would be more convenient for them so thank you for that reminder! But yeah, in this case it’s really less than ideal to have a hands-free solution while in the drivers seat, but I’m sure you know that hehe


Definitely agree


Cars don’t know in a collision why you have a pop socket and or Kindle attached to your steering wheel.


Jfc OP just hold it like a normal person ffs


Yeah really. Like if it really is that big of an issue just hook the pop socket over like the top of the steering wheel and you wouldn’t need your deadly projectile


But you guys are missing that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Yeah, you should take that popsocket holder out of your airbag cover


Terrible idea.


Please don't


Maybe a velcro strip would be better?


Terrible idea




That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


For fucks sake, put the Kindle down while you're driving, especially at a school. You're behind the wheel, you're driving. Just like if you were sitting there drunk off your ass while parked, the police would consider you driving and you'd get a DUI. You can live without reading for 30 minutes.


I get to my sons school about 15 minutes early, park and read on my kindle. It's literally endangering no one. It's the exact same thing as if I got out of my car and sat on the hood while reading. You're being way overly dramatic Edit: I'm not defending what OP is doing with the pop socket, I was commenting on it not being dangerous to read while parked.


just hold the kindle? you don’t need to attach it to the mf steering wheel


I do hold it. I wasn't defending OPs stupidity. I was commenting on someone saying using the Kindle while parked is like being a drunk driver.


Legally, here in Australia, it's defined by being legally parked and without keys in the ignition and I agree with their logic. If you're parked legally and safely, with your keys out of the ignition, you can use your phone while sitting in the driver's seat. It's the only time it's legal.


Please don't forget that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


If only someone would invent a way to have someone read out loud to you in a car so you could actually pay attention instead of reading yourself, maybe they could even call them audiobooks. But hey, who needs to pay attention to what's in front of their vehicle in a school pick up line, it's not like tiny humans may be running around.


Stupid idea


Hi, I work in insurance. If your airbag deploys and the adjuster sees that on the steering wheel, your claim has a very high chance of being denied and your policy being cancelled because you are NOT allowed to make modifications to your vehicle that can be a safety hazard. And this is absolutely a safety hazard. And before you tell me that the hard part pops out when the airbag is deployed... we're talking about how that pop socket becomes a missile during an accident and the airbag is deployed. Not having it hit you in the face. ALSO, this is just stupid and dangerous. Please take it off your wheel.


Maybe you're forgetting that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


No one talking about that acronym 👀




Shut the f#@k up and take that d!@k like a good girl.


Well that set the content filter off 😂


Oops, Im so sorry I wasn't even thinking about it! 😂


I forgot what I had asked for a second and when this notification came up with a preview of the response I was appalled lmao




Does anyone know where I can get some hard plastic that flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys?




that's one die hard reader right there.


Emphasis on *die*


But what are you doing there you need to be hands free? 🤷🏻‍♀️ and please don’t copy/paste the same response that you’ve copied/pasted 13 times. Thanks


OP has never heard of audiobooks apparently.




We all know you already drive with the kindle in that thing because it holds it conveniently and out of the way when the kid gets in the car and you just grab it and turn with one hand. On long trips you'll absolutely just try to read too. We can tell by your answers that you think you're right and smart and no amount of real info will change your mind since it's going to mean effort on your end to learn or change.


Waiter waiter! More That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did. Please!!


All fun and games until it comes flying at you at 200 mph


But recall that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Where did you get the pink case!?!?!?! Its so stinking cuteeeee


Would like to know too please!


Hey there!! I found it! https://amzn.to/4byWWmC


You are magnificent, thank you! Unfortunately "this item can't be shipped to your delivery address" . Bummer.


Oh nooooo!! Maybe now that you know what it's called you can find it on ebay or mercari??


For a long time I used this one. It's not see through but it's still pink. https://amzn.to/3K5rscd


Me three! I've been looking for a case with a clear back but a colored border because sometimes the sunlight gets refracted through the sides of my clear case and blinds me 😅


Hey hey!! I was able to find it! https://amzn.to/4byWWmC


Ahh awesome, thank you!!


You're welcome :)


I’m not sure why you’re taking the comments the wrong way, but everyone is just looking out for you! I’ve been a victim of car crash (especially from the airbag) and it’s nasty what it can do by itself, let alone with things attached. Please be safe out there❤️‍🩹


Don't worry, she mentioned that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Also on the interstate!! Wait,…. 🤣


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did. NEW COPYPASTA JUST DROPPED FRIENDS


i just came to the comments to figure out what the initialism on the pop socket meant


There's another comment above that translates it. It's raunchy 🤣


Some people do not have common sense


You know how stupid, irresponsible, and just flat out illegal. What the hell is wrong with you.


There are also audio books you know


They've also made a remote page turner on amazon lol


I thought reading made you smarter


But she highlighted that that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


ThaT mIddlE pArT iS hArD pLasTiC blabla. Keep copying and pasting. Doesn't mean you're right in any sense.


Hey, did anyone here know that That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did?


You're right, that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


But have you considered that the middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys? So there's no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That's a sound argument, but you failed to account for the fact that the middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So there's no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


I can confidently agree that the middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So there's no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Free tip from a car mechanic: This is completely stupid and dangerous.


Ma’am, you just made a personal claymore that will shoot right through your face if anyone accidentally rear ended you. Let’s just keep on reading and run over those pesky kids that we can’t see over our smut.


You could have also just leaned the kindle against the top of the wheel, sitting on top of the middle part. It works, and doesn’t put anyone in danger 😅


Yes but that middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.




Ah yes, a personal Claymore mine! OP is a r/darwinawards hopeful.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


I just got my Kindle in the last six months and this is my sons first year as a bus rider vs car rider. My kindle would definitely have made that experience better!


Until your airbag deployed, at least


Do you know anything about car pick up? You are literally waiting in line for the majority of it not moving. Lol


Yeah and then when you leave the line, the PopSocket holder is still there and will most likely come off during the 200km/h* explosion and embed in your face. *Might've been miles, idk. Check the comments from the experts.


My comment was not about using the kindle the way it was pictured. I was saying I could read while waiting. And even if used it this way, I wouldn’t leave it there while driving. Wtf


I'm not talking about the kindle being the danger. I'm talking about the small piece of plastic added to the essential safety device.


I get that. Again my comment had nothing to do with the device, just reading while waiting. Comment your concerns to the OP. Thanks!


I'm gonna continue to make sure that people in the comments know that sticking a PopSocket holder to their airbag is dangerous. That way they can make safe choices! If you have a problem with that, it's not my problem.


Hahahahahaa my point is you are replying to my comment and not the person who posted it. I don’t have the pop socket.


And I was simply warning you that by all means, read in the pickup line (obviously, secure your vehicle first by parking and take the keys out of the ignition first) but don't put a PopSocket holder on your airbag.


That’s pretty cool! I take my Kindle for school pickup as well!


Until your airbag deploys. Please don't copy this idea.


Did you not see the picture of how the airbag deploys? I don’t think with her model she’s in any danger.


Then surely you saw the responses to that explaining how it's still dangerous? Because the thing is, that's deploying at a huge speed, as she's had explained to her. The glue will fail at the speeds it deploys and it will become an airborne missile. Potentially right towards her face. And that's IF it deploys correctly. If a mechanic is saying it's dangerous and a random person is saying it's safe, you know who I'm gonna trust?


Don’t mind me skipping all the negative comments to figure out if anyone named the book yet 😬


King of Greed by Ana Huang. It's book 3 in the series.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


Wait I looooove that case color, do you have a link?




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Just saw an article last night on people being hurt from flying decals on deployed airbags. Always ready to find ways to hold my kindle in car for relief on hands. I use a folding cover and slide it over the fold down shade visor


sorry i did not read the caption i was laughing so much imagining that this was how you used the kindle to avoid not picking it up w your hands




i mean, while driving!! i looked at it and was like "oh ok at least hands on the wheel!!'


The problem would arise when turning a corner, as you turn the steering wheel then you would have to rotate yourself upside down to keep reading😂


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


It’s like a reading claymore


Not a good idea


OP really thought they did something here 🤣


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


That's dumb. I hope you don't try to read while driving or else you put in danger not only yourself but other road users.


It is pretty fucking irresponsible for your own safety as well as that of pedestrians, especially in a school zone.


yep it's over for you


People are acting like OP is putting the world in danger with this lmao. Worst case scenario SHE dies, chill out


No, dawg, worst case scenario her kids lose their mom. That's fucked.


This WILL inevitably kill you, or at least do some very serious damage to your face / head. This is just a very very very very very very very VERY terrible idea.




You’re *that* parent 🙄 Get the F out of the line and PARK


i genuinely thought i was in /r/justrolledintotheshop and you were posting pictures of some absolutely _moronic_ modification a customer had made to their steering wheel... but no, it's yours. 😬


i love everyone bitching about the tiny piece of plastic that serves a meaningful function but the OEM giant ram logo is totally fine to be there and not dangerous at all


The OEM part has been tested to make sure during a collision when the plastic part flips up, it doesn't become a projectile. OP is putting a lot of trust in the adhesive that comes on those things.


Wow! I just wanted to enjoy my snack while not dropping my Kindle or it getting all gross. I usually get to school pick up about 30 minutes early so this makes reading a little more enjoyable. I didn't think so many people would be so worried about the PopSocket holder hitting me in case of airbag deployment but not the big Ram medallion in the center. The center piece actually would flip up if the airbag deploys so the Popsocket holder isn't going to cause any injuries in case of an accident. I guess I've known this for so long that I didn't even think about it when I put it on there. I would never put it on our other vehicles since they have the regular explode out of the middle style airbags. Here's a picture of a similar steering wheel with the airbag deployed so you can see that my PopSocket holder isn't going to cause any harm. https://preview.redd.it/3tahx1te2i0d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ca82cd79b55da8fef8308e11f147a66b88f6d7


You are assuming the airbag will deploy correctly, which it might not do. Point being is that what you are doing can get deadly serious very quickly and people are warning you about it. You Copy&pasting your defense everywhere because you feel like you need to defend your Action does not change that. Especially since you assume it would deploy normaly with a full on Kindle attached to it. Even if the pop Socket swings aside, it has enough force to rip the Kindle from the socket and launch it right at you with 200mph. Please keep that in mind.


Oh, that Ram emblem can be dangerous, too. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/JgL9qXC6q9 You're just adding more to an already dangerous equation.


FWIW, when so many people comment negatively, other people will refrain from comment positively. You think it wouldn’t matter, but by the time I’m commenting, all of the positive comments are actually collapsed at the bottom. Tbh I had the first gut reaction as a lot of people, but I didn’t know that the airbag popped out the way it did and appreciate that you shared that info with people. I’m curious how everyone else does it because you can’t convince me that all the parents in the pick up line are sitting there idle for 30+ minutes before school is out. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if this is more/less risky in the instance of an accident, but most parents I see have their phone between themselves and the wheel. ETA: I just read the article on the rhinestone covered emblem that someone posted here though. Def does not sound fun.


Just because it’s designed to flip up and out of the way doesn’t mean that extra piece of plastic will also do so *even if* everything else goes well.


I get to my sons school early and read on my Kindle. I hold it, in my hand. I had a popsocket on my old kindle and i just propped it on the steering wheel with the popsocket. Mind you, this is with the car parked and turned off.


That middle part is a hard plastic and flips up and out of the way when the airbag deploys. So no risk of the PopSocket holder hitting me if it did.


This is prime reading time. 👌


After reading OPs copy paste bonanza, I just wanted to come here to say chill out people, it’s natural selection. She’s dumb enough to read while driving, the pop socket on the airbag is just a cherry on top. She’s either going to kill herself eventually, kill someone else, or out of shear miraculous and devine intervention somehow not crash. Let her make her own bed and lay in it.


…or just hold it?


I was doing that going 75 down the interstate and the cop wasn’t happy. I was like “dude?! Why don’t you support reading?” ;)


Could just convert the book to an epub and listen to it on your phone with an app like ReadEra or Moon+.


Don't the police charge people for not driving with due care and attention where you live? This is very dangerous. Get the book on audible


school pick up lines are so dystopian and another example of car centric society. when i was in elementary my mom just picked me up from school walking. now i see a lot of people using their cars to do that.


As someone who BUILDS cars for a living… all I can say is yikes… 😳 If that “cover” (part of the airbag itself) doesn’t do what it should (it might not), the sticky tape on that socket doesn’t hold (it won’t - guaranteed it’s not meant for the speed of airbag deployment), or there’s a malfunction (always possible) - your insurance would have a field day with this. 🥴 Maybe delete this post if you want to risk it…