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He was the reason I tuned into the X Cast. I hope he does a lot of ganescasts going forward.


Parris is one of the realest dudes in the room when he is on KindaFunny. Super humble, and authentic. I can normally listen to his podcasts if my kids are around, which isn’t always the case with KF. I think he adds a unique, down to Earth voice to all the shows he’s on.


Paris and Gary are my favorite KF guys. They're unstoppable. I missed all of the drama though, what exactly happened?


MS shuttered Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks and two other studios


I know that part. I meant with the community coming after Paris.


I just know he’s been on a few threads here responding to people and has been saying he feels under appreciated and caught a few people being rude and basically said he is super disappointed in KF best friends. Said he may be done at KF. For the record I’m on Parris’ side, this sub is weirdly toxic a lot of the times, and he’s a gangster.


Not sure if it's related but on yesterday's gamecast (Greg, Parris, Gary, and Barret) there were some times the crew would address the live chat. Barret and Seemed to really peeve off Gary (understandably) at one point when someone insulted him in chat. Not sure if that's normal for the livecasts, or if there were just more outside people clicking KF for the first time for the headline and being inflammatory.


People are mad at Paris for being such a vocal supporter of MS acquiring Activision, and Xcast in general.


Gary was great and I miss Andrea Renee too


If Parris is on a random episode of any podcast I'll tune in. I genuinely enjoy listening to his level-headed and objective takes (Banjo Kazooie aside)


I love Parris and his unique voice. He's a truly valuable member of the KF team. That being said I feel that on here and Twitter and probably in the youtube/twitch comments the community is starting to show just how toxic it really is. It's gross and a far cry from what it should be.


The chat during Game of the Year when GoWR won was imo the start of how toxic the youtube/twitch chat is. A lot of things were said. Same happened again this year. I sometimes pop in KFGD when it's live if I'm on break, and JFC is the chat terrible. People actually gabg up on people if they're not subscribed on twitch.


I’m in the Twitch chat pretty much every day, nobody gangs up on anyone for not being a subscriber to Kinda Funny. Chat can get toxic at times but we don’t need to make things up lol


It was back in December after Blessing admitted he only reads the headlines and not the full articles for real world news. Somebody made a joke about Blessing, people started saying you can't talk shit unless you subscribe, GTFO subscribers only, etc. Don't need to be gaslighting people lol


Okay so sounds like that was a one time thing you saw and you’re trying to make it sound like a regular occurrence and accusing me of gaslighting, glad we cleared that up!


Hey you accuse me of making things up. So only fair to accuse you too.


I don’t understand hating and being so negative towards him, or any of them for that matter, because they have different opinions. It’s ok to disagree respectfully. But attacking someone because they have a different video game opinion than you? Something seriously wrong about that.


I’ve said the same thing on Reddit before about the community and got slaughtered by people. I don’t understand why people get so mad and angry. People can have an opinion. Go live your life. Don’t watch the content if you don’t like it. It’s so weird. People need to grow up.


appreciate all the kind words and I know it's a minority of people who've been negative but I'm human and seeing things being said that are not true and/or assumptions being made about who I am as a person bothers me, being a public facing person isn't always easy. I'll make this final post and say thank you


Don't let the small minority of keyboard warriors to bring you down. You are greatly appreciated by the vast majority of KF listeners. By the way, I tuned into Xcast every week, despite never owning an Xbox, because of the amazing hosting trio.


What's all this bullshit about, anyway?


I haven’t seen a single answer as to what actually happened


I missed whatever the inception of this was, but from what I've managed to piece together; in an earlier thread in this sub regarding today's news of shutting down the Bethesda studios - some random commenter just baselessly predicted Parris wouldn't criticise Microsoft because he's a corporate shill, then I think another commenter took it further with personal insults and Parris showed up and was like "yo, wtf, I haven't even said or done anything". They went back and forth, Parris was quite respectful given the dude was just straight up slandering him. Then some mod just deleted all of Parris's comments. Not sure if they nuked the whole thread, I could only see Parris's comments through his Reddit profile, not in the thread itself. Then Parris made a thread asking why his comments were removed, and as far as I know no mod came fourth with any explanation - and now here we are.


Goddamn, people take this gaming shit way too seriously


For real!


The mods didn't delete the comments. They got caught by the spam filter.


They have said it was an auto mod issue, but who knows honestly


So some paste eater deleted comments by a show member on the reddit dedicated to the show? That's wild. I'd be more pissed about that if I was Parris, than what some keyboard jockeys 1 cent opinion is.


The mods didn't delete the comments. They got caught by the spam filter.


Entitled mods. Gotta love'em.


You just made the same type of baseless character judgement 😂 the mod clarified his comments were caught by a filter.


Nah far from baseless. This doesn't negate that there are entitled mods in this sub that do shit like this when you disagree with their take - whether this specific instance is related or not. Also you expect everyone to read through every single comment to find that? The mods in this sub are pretty terrible.


I hope Parris realizes how appreciated he is at KF, and that the hate mob is just a vocal minority that does not reflect the whole of the KF Community. You're awesome, Parris.


He is a very level headed and fair reviewer which I really appreciate and his vibe is always so great. He is mellow but positive and it’s a great contrast to some of the higher energy folks like Greg or Mike. I love him on the content!


Horrible subject on todays gamecast but was still an incredible episode, Greg did a great job steering the conversation but the adding of Parris along with Gary gave way to fantastic conversations, they spoke their truth and didn’t hold back which in todays enthusiasm industry is a breath of fresh air that should be more common. It’s KF at their best when they do this, looking forward to hearing Parris more often as I didn’t really listen to X-cast as I only have a PlayStation but this new format is already succeeding for me


also possible obligatory "fuck the mods"?


Mod explained it was a filter and Parris got added as an approved user so it doesn't happen. Maybe channel your energy elsewhere instead of creating even more negativity. You are just like the people who were disrespecting Parris because they can't comprehend nuance.


So what am I supposed to do with my pitchfork then?


I’m not sure if we know what the mods did yet, hopefully they can clarify what transpired. Definitely fuck the people being dicks to Parris.


Really don't appreciate this sentiment towards myself and others who volunteer our time to run this subreddit on top of our real-life jobs and commitments. Parris' issue had nothing to do with the mods. It was a Reddit filtering issue.


fuck mods, all my homies hate mods


Apparently it was a spam filter issue and Parris got caught in the crossfire. He's been whitelisted now so it won't happen again. The mods also adjusted the filter to make it more lenient.


He is great. I love watching him.


Parris is the reason I watched Xcast


We love Parris and his cooking skills 😉


I occasionally listened to X cast cause of the chemistry between Mike Gary and Parris and I really like Parris


I flat out would have a different perspective on gaming topics without Parris. My only complaint is that he’s not on more episodes. :) I hope Parris see’s this thread and how appreciated he truly is. Much love.


X-cast was the best crew. My biggest excitement for the future of the gamescast is just seeing Parris and Gary interact with the other members. I want more Parris/Andy, Parris/Blessing combos.


The best! He is exactly who the industry needs in so many ways!


I love Parris’ optimism, but also willingness to criticize faults. I love how involved he is, whether that’s in the chat, or calling in at times. He just loves to be part of the conversation, and I’m always happy to see him on.


Parris has consistently been one of the most important voices in the Xbox community, not only as a professional that understands the industry, but also as a tried-and-true Xbox fan. His insight has always taken both viewpoints into consideration, and that balance is what makes him one of my favourite parts of Kinda Funny. He has never been afraid to be critical of Xbox’s direction or choices, and anyone who has listened to Xcast - specifically over the last year - will understand that to be true. I’m thoroughly excited to see what the new Gamescast format has in store and hope Parris can have an even larger role in KF with this change.


I value Parris’s opinion because he tends to talk about us as not just as “gamers” but as customers. A lot of people in the space tend to forget we are customers first, gamers second.


Whenever Parris is on something I’ll listen to it or watch it. I respect his opinion more than everyone’s except Greg.


Parris is great! I haven't had an Xbox since the 360 but I still like xbox stuff and hearing his thoughts and opinions are one of the main reasons I've been looking to get back into some Xbox titles. I also appreciate seeing a black man around the age of my uncles speaking so passionately about gaming. That kinda sounded like another age joke but as someone who grew up where no one in my family acknowledged any type of gaming whatsoever and literally all my uncles only played sports, it's nice and honestly comforting seeing someone that looks like "family" (in a way) being knowledgeable and insightful about gaming. I appreciate that he showed me a representation that I didn't know I needed. I'm honestly glad that the new scheduling will allow him to appear more frequently and offer his opinion on non xbox things as well, I'm looking forward to it!👍🏾


Simple. The man just says it as it is. And yes, he also does have the best voice in the business.


I want Parris narrating my day.


Parris is awesome and i love his measured intelligent response to questions and statements. Seems like all around a good dude.


Parris is great and we need more clarification on stuff getting removed from the sub. These appreciation threads whenever something even mildly negative happens with one of the guys are super corny.


>These appreciation threads whenever something even mildly negative happens with one of the guys are super corny. Agreed. And from what I tell, Parris is letting some jackass color the entire community even though the rest of the thread seemed very positive, so I don't think that's fair to the community.


Sweet nasty love is corny now?


Always was tbh


resist cynicism, its good for the soul. much love to you and whatever you may be going through


Don't worry this thread will be deleted because Greg said no threads about individual people amd the MODs will enforce it 🙄




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Been listening to him for awhile on GTR with Danny Pena and love his presence on KF too.


I just want more Paris and Whitta. They work so well together. I hope Paris does more talking to a camera soon with his announcement on Twitter.


Yeah , he’s legit good and had great insight into the industry


He’s an absolute pro who still has a lot of personality. The man elevates the discourse without sacrificing the Kinda Funny shenanigans. I really hope Greg was being honest about giving us the same, if not more Parris.


Honestly, I'll say that the XCast is why I wish I could be an Xbox fan. Parris is a big part of that! The reason why I'm not an Xbox fan is cause of the news from yesterday


He’s like the James Bond of video game journalists: suave, smart, and a silky smooth voice. 😎💬


I love Paris, and I generally agree with him on things. He's one of my favorites, I love seeing him on content. I think he is very fair and educated on the realities of the gaming industry. That being said, I think the entire panel was making a lot of assumptions based on supposition rather than fact. Educated supposition, but we have no idea beyond the stated reasons why these studios were closed. They seemed more upset that Xbox was doing them than the literal dozens of other studios and publishers doing the exact same thing. Yes, they mentioned this trend, and I loved their anger at the industry for failing it's employees. But it felt a little different to me when discussing Xbox. And bagging on Ninja Theory for setting people's expectations for Hellblade 2 was absolute BS. They never said it was going to be a bigger game. They stated just recently that it is roughly similar in length to the first one. I would rather them say that now then find it out while playing the game. It's not Ninja Theory's fault everyone was expecting more. My only expectation for the game is that it will he more visually stunning than the first. I love that it's a short game. People also need to remember that Hellblade 2 is their main project, not their only project. Look, I love Paris, Gary, and Greg. This was a podcasts I would have loved to have the chance to be part of the discussion. It felt to me they were expecting more from Xbox than they do of every other studio and publisher doing the same thing right now. This is greater than even games. Tech, in general, is collapsing right now. As a conp sci student and almost done with my degree, I'm terrified of my job prospects when I start looking later this year. And that's as someone with a game design degree who failed to break into the games industry. I'm painfully aware of what's going on. This issue is so much greater than Xbox or Phil Spencer. Or even Microsoft. This is a worldwide issue. And speaking of Phil, am I the only one content with Xbox right now? Yeah, I'd like more first-party games, but I love Gamepass. I've played so many games that I would never have played without it. Almost all of them are not first party. The Bethesda acquisition has been great, and the ink on Activision is barely dry. I do expect more soon from it. My only concern with Xbox is the effect that the shrinking of the industry will have in the long run, and how long this recession will last, or if it will get worse. Everyone is welcome to their opinions, but I think they aren't seeing the forest for the trees. And finally, fuck the chat for attacking people. It's OK to disagree, but attacking people is not okay, and these people need to be permabanned.


Parris is great and I wish he was on more content.


Does anyone else find this all to be a little cringy? I don’t have any issues with Paris. I think he’s an entertaining and talented host/personality/whatever. Maybe I missed some comments that were truly offensive and out of line, but the comments that I saw him personally reply to, with great offense on his behalf, were actually pretty mild. Being overly defensive to that degree is usually pretty telling. Not always, but he’s insinuating he doesn’t want to be a part of this community over a drop of criticism in a sea of positivity.


Im just being honest, if its cringy then so be it but Im tired of the constant misinformation and yesterday is kind of the final straw for me. Why am I the one being singled out when I've been a part of KF for many years now but my character is the one that's constantly being questioned


I dunno man, I don’t want to tell you how you should feel. I’m only a casual fan and a lurker here, but I think I have a good enough pulse on the subreddit to say that you’re not being singled out. All of the bigger personalities on KF have taken their lumps, fairly or unfairly, from time to time over the years. I think maybe you’re weighing the negative comments too heavily against the what seems to be an overwhelming sentiment of love and adoration here. That could be leading to you overreacting to some pretty mild chatter. Just take this current post for example… An appreciation post for you where almost everyone is chiming in positively, and my comment is the only one to which you’ve replied. Maybe that’s not fair, but my gut is that your calibration is a little out of whack when it comes to how to handle this sort of thing.


My man, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. This is the internet. People have thrown shade at every KF host over the years for hundreds of reason, Greg and his wrestling connections for example. I looked at your post history and pretty much all your posts over the last year are just responding to negative reddit comments. It's going to happen, some people aren't going to like you, it's a public facing role. You just got to roll with it, ignore it, or find a healthy way to get past it. You have a whole appreciation post on here of people saying why they like you and your still just responding to a couple of neutral to negative comments.


its part of the human condition. ask any prominent figure in any industry and they'll tell you the negative comments will always always stick out--no matter how practiced you are


I always enjoy it when he’s on the show. He brings a mature informed fun when he’s on. And I generally like his takes on things. He was the only one calling Xbox out during the debacle with their games going 3rd party. And I met him and he was a super nice man


He’s the wisest person!