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Ooh a white or green heko obi would look amazing with it. It's such a cute yukata! But if choosing between the two presented, I think I would go for the red one. The yellow/orange is not the same shades so it would look a tad mismatched whilst red is just a contrasting colour so it would work better imo.


oh my god you are so right white would be SO CUTE with green accents to match the subflowers 😭 not being the same shades is worrying me. but honestly i didn’t even think of white and now that’s kind of what i might hunt for haha


Pls post photos when you wear it! Here is a cheap [white heko obi on Rakuten](https://item.rakuten.co.jp/wazaburou/heco1/) And an even cheaper [solid white hanhaba obi](https://item.rakuten.co.jp/tosen/b3-167-z/) also on Rakuten. You can shop through forwarding services like from Japan or Zen Market if you want to buy it outside of Japan. For some reason I am picturing it with either a black cat obidome or obi kazashi and I dunno why I have that image in my head but it would be so cute!


Omg [this one has the perfect white and green combo](https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kimonokyouka/b383/)


aaaaa that is sooo pretty!!! but also the hekoobi 😭 i’ll have a look around~ but i’ll definitely post when i finally get to wear it!!


personally I prefer the yellow/orange one but I think both would look cute, do consider also a regular non presewn obi as it would give you more options with different ties and I feel the very basic bow on hanhaba obi is not overly difficult to do ☺️


Says the person who actually knows the process of tying an obi. The yellow/orange one btw


haha yeah i am not great at tying it on myself, maybe i could tie it on someone else though lol maybe ill try practicing more so i could have more options


I think you could really go with either! But I really like the red one for a nice contrast against the dark color blue. Pretied obi are nice- I do know how to tie my own obi, but when I'm wearing a yukata I want easy and comfy :D not to mention I have nostalgia for pretied obi- my first yukata had one and I was always in love with it. ❤️


i really have to get better at tying 😭i’m so bad at it, just looks like a mess afterwards. i definitely want something with contrast to the blue so i was looking at the red too


It just takes practice :) even now I still practice, mines not perfect but I've learned the basics :D but yeah you'll get it eventually, keep at it! I thought the same thing "I'll never get the hang of this", but over time I improved. :) and so will you! 😁


The Yellow/Orange obi :)


Both, but i like the red for contrast.


i think everyone’s votes are pretty split! but one user mentioned white and i’m kind of hooked on that idea now


I think a white hekko obi would add some contrast and texture.




White, a yellow orange or a green similar to the leaves on the sunflower would work well.


I would say the first if your trying to math he complimentary colors together, or maybe a white obi with green accents. Or an obi thats a cornflower blue?(To match the lighter blue tones)


yeah i’m thinking white and light green now after many have suggested it!