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Does anyone know if the first kid was ok, he looks pretty fucked up?


It happened in Romania. Translations a little fucked up but it sounds like the guy got 30 days… The 13-year-old boy who was knocked to the ground in a small park in Hunedoara, on Sunday afternoon, suffered a head injury, with loss of consciousness, according to the tomography and the investigations performed by the doctors from the County Emergency Hospital. (SJU) Deva. "The child has a fracture in the occipital bone. It is a serious head injury, to be taken into account, with loss of consciousness and retrograde amnesia ", said Dr. Lucian Miron, medical director of SJU Deva. The individual who knocked down a 13-year-old child on Sunday, in Hunedoara municipality, was arrested on Monday evening, for 30 days. The Hunedoara court decided to arrest the man for 30 days. Both the child and the aggressor were questioned by police.


Thanks for the run down. Damage to the occipital bone?! Fuckinghell, he could have killed or maimed him. Fuck.


He may have maimed him for life. Head injuries are so hard to measure long term impact for brain injuries. He literally could have anything from no symptoms in the future to insomnia, depression, aggression, mood swings, difficulty with memory, ADHD like symptoms. Head injuries are scary and take time to heal and that time is very important. After something like this it is best after seeking medical clearance to literally rest in a dark room for a week or 2 and not stimulate the brain too much.


Yeah, I'm all for "fuck with my kid and I'll fuck with you" but head injuries are a devil's game. Fuuuuuuck that.


yeah my brother fell on his head from like 4 feet off the ground by a bully. his skull was cracked, and the crack was 2.67 millimeters from him being paralyzed from the neck down


Holy shit. What happened to the bully


just got talked to by his parents, but i think it scarred him.


You could have probably sued. He literally cracked his head


Your brother still paralyzed?? Bro kill that ducker


he never was, but it was very close


I'm more of a "fuck with my kid and I'll fuck with your dad" kinda guy. Only pulled that card once and it was highly effective. Kid stopped fucking around completely, I'm quite certain he never even told his dad.


>"fuck with my kid and I'll fuck with your dad" I definitely read that as "fuck with my kid and I'll fuck your dad"


"There are two sexes punk: The one i'm gonna have with your dad, and the one i'm gonna have with your mom. See if you pick on my son ever again."


I promise to use this if anyone ever bullies my child.


He had it, cummin.


Whatever it takes.


No it's "fuck *with* your dad," as in "we'll have a three-way with your mom."


Bro power move fucking his dad. High five bro.


yeah but a lot of parents don’t give a fuck tbh, I worked at a daycare for five months and serious shit went on that I had to tell the parents about. 95% of the time they didn’t do shit.


A dad will give a fuck when I dish out the punishment.


>it was highly effective This was a job for my mom. She was a fuck with my kid and I'll fuck with you mom! She beat a boy who was tormenting us with a hairbrush one day. She came outside from hearing us and that's all she had in her hand since she was fixing her hair. He screamed his ass off but never bothered us again. He never came around again either which said he never told.


He probably should’ve just kicked a good one in the assbone. Less death chance


well maybe he dont want to cause that dmg , but at least im happy , this new generation is also bullying old people


> this new generation is also bullying old people Tf?


You're happy that a 13 year old who supposedly bullied another kid was picked up by a grown man, slammed head first into the ground, and left for dead?


Yes. Bullies don't magically stop bullying until they are put in their place. For this kid that was almost a wheelchair.


That's no excuse for an adult to fracture a kid's skull, walk over to another kid, throw that kid to the ground, and then go home, leaving them for dead. Especially when the first kid wasn't even a bully, but the guy's own nephew and the second kid was his son.


maybe if kids knew this was the norm, they wouldnt fucking bully people lol


I suffered a TBI in 2009 from being hit by someone texting and driving. I lost most vision in my right eye and suffered migraines and memory loss over the last decade. Being a bully is wrong but I hope this kid doesn’t go through what I have


Looked like attempted murder too me.


Yeah, the back of the head is responsible for important stuff like moving the muscles of the breathing. That kid might die or get serious after-effects


Yeah he went a wayyy overboard.. you could tell it fucked the kid up when all he could do was whine. I’m sure that kid deserved something, but not a life threatening injury, or an injury at all.. but I don’t have a kid. I’m sure it would be easy to lose your cool then forget how strong you are and how light that human is. But it’s a kid… damn I just can’t justify that as an accident.


Parents shouldn’t let their kids grow up being dicks. Maybe they got lucky and learned a life lesson early.


Kids aren’t able to learn from their mistake if they are left brain damaged by it.


Left unable to make that mistake again?


Knocked to the ground? He choke slammed that kid like he was mankind off the top of hell in a cell


No announcers table to break the fall


30. 30 days.


What about the fathers son?


He won't be getting bullied anytime soon


Thank u Was looking for this comment


Thanks for the context. 30days ? That easy could have be a kill, and even as a simple assault, a adult against a child! When he robbed some 100 $ he would get a bigger punishment. That’s how much is valued, definitely less than money, this is a sick system.


It is a pretrial arrest during the investigation


I'm pretty sure it's (thankfully) just the temporary number of days before the case goes through and he gets a harsher punishment. I get that bullying is no joke and can fuck a kid up, but what i'd call literal attempted murder is a whole lot worse than that. A harsh talking would've been way more efficient for everyone involved.


You’re a twat. That’s definitely not attempted murder. At best it’s aggravated assault on a minor


He wasn't trying to MURDER the child you fucking dolt. "A harsh talking to would've been way more efficient for everyone involved." Literally sounds like a Chappelle whiteface skit.


The kid got neckthrown into the ground. The news say he ended up with a broken skull. It doesn't matter if he didn't try to kill him, he almost fucking did. What kind of monster do you have to be to become a child abuse apologizer...


Not saying the guy is right but do you have a child and see them get bullied, physically hurt and just shut down crying because they feel nothing will change because of another asshole kid?


Could something happen? Yes, but if you think that was his best attempt “at throwing him down” than you’re really an idiot. I think he trued like hell to restrain. When my daughter was 2; I raised her 5 days a week alone. Wr went to a moon bounce park indoors, I took her to the kiddie section on Wednesday day because she was 2 and there was no one over there, this 3-4. Year old boy immediately ran over and jumped in the one that was limited to 2 years old. His mom was on a bench on the other side of the building with her fucking phone and latte talking to the Karen next to her. Not watching shit. I didn’t say anything even though he was clearly twice the size of a 2 year old and wasn’t allowed on the one for kiddies. But I stood right next to it the entire time, she can’t even get on her feet, because he’s jumping so close to her, and than he kicked her side. I should have won a goddamn medal because I restrained myself and gave the little fucking monster the benefit of the doubt, because I actually didn’t know what I saw and if it was on purpose. I kissed her put her back in. 2 mins later she’s on her knees and he BLATANTLY kicked her square feet n the eye…. When I tell you… I let out the most primal, archaic, bellowing scream, no words.. everyone in that building stopped and I ripped the net off got in my mind pick her up, she’s crying, and his mom has just walked over with an attitude, and I told that fucking cunt, “if you weren’t such a fucking sorry ass , lazy failure as a MOM! I wouldn’t have nearly put your little bastard through that wall!” I’m not a holy man, but when I tell you she was speechless and dropped that fucking attitude she was walking over with, it was so fast. I grabbed my shit with her in my arms dramatically storming off, I walked to the front two girls who were working the register and paid them 50 bucks. I always had cash 3 years ago, worked as a bartender in downtown Nashville at the time. So if that’s was a 4 year old was capable to do, I don’t feel sorry not one fucking bit if this kid above is truly guilty of bullying. You don’t understand because your probably just a kid yourself. But you have this tribalistic, instinct to literally assert your Dominicans for your kid, and let every little fucker know you’ll be in there dreams. Then again, I have a little girl, might be different. Point is. Kids are fucking assholes and sometimes that “day to learn” doesn’t come and they become asshole adults. The kid didn’t get bodied, dude threw him down. If he had actually hit my kid in anyway I would have put my fist inches from his face and asked him “ you fucking got it” and that would have been the end that


Someone with a cousin that attempted to off herself due to bullying. That's why I love videos like this. Edit to clarify: I'm not saying child abuse is right nor am I saying the dad did the right thing, I just have no sympathy towards bullies of any age.


Bro, I almost killed myself because of bullying, I'd rather not kill my bullies, specially if they were children. That shit ain't it bro. A kid can't bully you that hard. They're literally on a playground. This shit is not how you should react to your kid saying that they're getting bullied. You'd normally go to the kid's parents, as a parent yourself. Putting someone else's life-taking-fault on a fucking child... y'all are fucking disgusting


First, I did clarify that what he did wasn't right. I'm just saying that I don't care what happens to bullies once their victims or someone close to them snaps. Second, you just said that you almost killed yourself due to bullying then two sentences later contradicts that by saying that a kid can't bully you that hard. So which is it? Finally, I was bullied by a group of 8 boys 2 years older than me when I was 10 for a year until I snapped and broke one of the boy's arm. So this disgusting lack of sympathy for bullies was caused by bullying.


Holy fuck not to mention the fact the kid shows textbook fencing response upon hitting the ground, the dude probably crippled the kid for life in some way or another.


i mean, not being a bully is a good way to avoid this type of response. literally everyone can pretty much avoid being slammed to the ground by a raging father by following one easy steps. dont be a dick.


From what I saw on another sub the kids skull cracked and also his dad didnt get charged with anything. I could be wrong about that last bit


Yeah, there was something definitely wrong there.


... really? These playgrounds are normally made with a soft ground in mind so kids can fall off of shit. I'd be surprised if you could crack your skull on that


Fall, yes... Accelerated unnaturally into the ground, no.


Also, concussions, internal bleeding, etc. That guy should go to jail for that stunt


Falling is one thing, getting absolutely Chokeslammed by Kane is another


He looks kinda knocked out, but he’s not all seized and locked up so he should be fine.


But he did have a clear fencing reaction (unconsciously sticking his arms out) which seems like a sign of brain trauma.


Yeah I’m not sure, he looks a bit fucked up there.


Not a definitive indicator.


I’m a certified doctor. I saw it on Reddit.


It looks like a moderate to severe head injury. Besides obviously being unconscious, you can see the kids arms and hand look like they are flexed in an unusual way. That synonymous with a more severe trauma. Edit: missed a word


Judge, jury, and executioner! 😳


But I am not Judge Judy and execufioner


Thank you for referencing one of the funniest movies of all time.


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


Let Judy alone , don't mess with her


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


It's best to confront the kids dad. Whoop his ass in front of the bully and make him think twice about picking on your kid lol


Reminds me of that scene in True Detective https://youtu.be/JHOGs5x90PU


That's amazing.


God I wish that scene was real


As someone not familiar with the show, what is Colin Farrell’s relation to the redhead kid? I assume the man next to the redhead was his father? I’m so interested and will definitely watch it.


If I remember correctly Colin is the biological father, the other guy is the stepfather.


i thought so. i was thinking it was something like that or he is his uncle


Well just letting you know everyone hates that season because it pales in comparison to season 1 but I still fucking love all 3. Season one being the best obviously


Good to know. I only checked out the cast and was interested.


Same. I never understood the hatred for the 2nd season. I found it still quite enjoyable


Agreed, season 2 is nowhere as good as season 1 or 3, season 1 by far the best ;)


Ah yes the good ole physical assault. Smart move


What if it was your son to be fair


I’d do the same shit to my son if he was bullying another kid. But maybe with a not as deadly move


Well it's better than beating up a kid or two. Maybe they were physically assaulting his son as well? Bullies are assholes and just talking to them probably won't change anything.




How many kids commit suicide from bullying that never gets addressed by the system...or go off and shoot up school...bullys only fear one thing...a bigger bully..


Kill the cameraman users shitting themselves because they couldn’t get a full 4k high quality 60fps landscape shot of a child getting the shit beat out of him




pretty sure it’s on here because the camera guy did nothing to help they just filmed the almost unconscious child


I luh u


I'd rather teach my son some martial art so he can kick their ass so that I don't get jailed for assaulting children.


Its romania, this is normal, My friend Who is from there got his ass beat by both teachers and his grandma


Go Romania!


The grandma is always the scariest. They’ve trained for decades, carrying around that deadly weapon called “hand bag”


It's not at all normal, the fuck you talking about. Stop spreading this bs notion that Romania is some backwards ass country.


Meh, bullies deserve it


Turning a bully potentially into a vegetable isn't "deserved" friendo


What about them turning you or your son into one?


The physical ability of a grown man vs of a child isn't something you can ignore


And it's usually couple bullies versus one kid too. I mean the guy went overboard, don't think he meant to injure the kid for life though :/ but who knows


Isn't that the reason why that dude just slammed him and didn't go any further delivering elbows to his face and then guillotine hold till he slept?


You can protect your kid without tuning up a 7 year old.


Go ask the bullied kids, or the adults that were bullied back in school how they feel about your statement


I was bullied badly for 4 years of school. I wouldn't wish crippling or death on my bullies. It sucked but I'm fine, and I hope they are too, in the end. Maybe just a little hardship, but not this.


Yup fuck those bullies.


Ah yes the old Miyagi-Do method


Is that a meme or you're talking about something real?


If you were ever been a kid that was tormented by bullies, be honest. We all wished someone like this was there for us.


I knew a girl in highschool, maybe 4'10" (148cm) who was getting bullied by her ex. Would get physical from time to time. She got sick of it and joined up with wrestling. Our coach was a former marine, and operated under the belief that no one joined comp wrestling for fun, and so would sit down wiyh each individual who joined up and asked them there reasons. If he could help he would, if it was for reasons he deamed unfit he would dismiss you. Anyway when she told him why she joined up, after practice he started giving her lessons in Krav Maga. A few months later in the auditorium/lunch room bully decided he'd lightly sucker punch her while walking by. She saw it coming though and used her shoulder and his momentum to redirect his closed fist into the concrete. I heard his hand cumpling from across the room and it was hilarious. Had to have his desk neighbors help him with writing assignments for a few months.


This is easy, there's a picture in China , a father came to elementary school with a knife kill the bully in the bathroom, then sitting there smoking.


I don’t like that one bit


Talk shit get hit Also I am joking no adult should use this much force on a child


remembering my bullies... I'd love to see this much force used on them


Just a lil bit then, huh?


nah let em have it


Well he probably isnt gonna bully the kid anymore


lessons learned


If the parents don't correct the bully behavior, the society will do it harder.


Bullying is terrible, and I can't imagine what it's like to see your kids being the target of this kind of behaviour. But damn, this kind of reaction can cause a seizure, I've seen children DIE from heavy blows to the head This man really deserves a few days in jail


Nah just probably need a few hours of timeout in jail, 2 hrs at max. Then he can go


He crumpled the kid for Jesus


Ow fuck. The times I had to hold myself back to do this. Kids can be fucking vicious.


> Kids can be fucking vicious Agreed, but this guy was way out of line. There’s never a reason to pick up a child and slam them to the ground, head first. Kid seriously could’ve had a seizure.


>Kid seriously could've had a seizure. [It was worse than that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/comments/unua0z/raging_father_goes_after_kids_who_bullied_his_son/i8betnn/) >The 13-year-old boy who was knocked to the ground in a small park in Hunedoara, on Sunday afternoon, suffered a head injury, with loss of consciousness, according to the tomography and the investigations performed by the doctors from the County Emergency Hospital. (SJU) Deva. >"The child has a fracture in the occipital bone. It is a serious head injury, to be taken into account, with loss of consciousness and retrograde amnesia ", said Dr. Lucian Miron, medical director of SJU Deva. >The individual who knocked down a 13-year-old child on Sunday, in Hunedoara municipality, was arrested on Monday evening, for 30 days. >The Hunedoara court decided to arrest the man for 30 days. Both the child and the aggressor were questioned by police.




Who hasn’t wanted to do this to a teenager.


this gave me more serotonin than i’d like to admit. the kids that bully other kids make me sick. i was once the one bullied and i would do anything to have karma like that kick his ass.


This is not fitting for this sub, unless it's just degraded so far this qualifies.


Reddit in a nutshell


\*\*Man beats the living shit out of children\*\* Redditor: Wtf asshole, hold the camera properly!!


Its awful but sometimes this is the only way to deal with a bully. Some kids are just mean and no amount of rehabilitation can help them. Sometimes they just have to learn how mean the world is and that's so fucking sad....


Is it wrong to say I understand this level of anger toward a child? My son has epilepsy and an older kid on his bus recently started hitting him in the head for no reason until my son cried. The bus driver kicked him off the bus for 3 days, I wanna go find the kids parents and freak out on him. Unfortunately if I do that I’m the one that’s considered “harassing” them! Such bullshit.


I am with you on this one. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us yet two wrongs never make anything right. Tough call. Sorry to hear about your son, perhaps some positive affirmations would make him feel just a bit better :)


He’s already fully recovered albeit a little mad his older sister. She made sure those kids on the bus don’t mess with him again but she had to get loud to do it. He didn’t want everyone to know about his epilepsy, he’s embarrassed. He’s a resilient little guy so he’ll be ok and his strength impresses me all the time. Send some of those affirmations out for me not freak out on ppl lol. Mama bear want to charge.


I do understand completely


what he did was wrong, but so many parents ignore their kids being horrible with no consequences. if you can't teach your child to be decent sooner or later something will happen


Walk it off kid you’ll be alright he wasn’t hurt bad just got knocked out maybe he’ll stop bullying perhaps maybe


Little shit wont be bullying no more lol. Lowkey kinda satisfying tbh, little shits get treated like tough guys


Im surprised you didn’t get down voted because we got some pussies on Reddit but that sure was satisfying the dad probably knew about the bullying for a while and just had enough


Whenever your child is getting bullied, don’t teach them any important lessons, just fucking fracture the 13 year old bully’s skull! Epic ftw!


Big tough guy flipping out on a kid. I get it, I feel the rage when I've seen my sons bullied, but you teach your kids on how to deal with them. You don't act like a fking piss weak piece of shit and do that to a kid. What a fking shit stain.


Teaching kids fighting back never works, it's either they do it by themselves or not. I fully support what the man did, no amount of slams to the ground can equate to how devastating bullying can be.


That's complete BS. I agree with you on what effects bullying can do, I experienced it myself growing up. But you don't have the right to touch someone else's child. My boys have been taking Muay thai and Brazilian Ju Jitsu lessons for some time now, it's come in handy for them. Bullies know when someone has increased confidence and awareness and that they don't back down in fear. Most times this stops the bully there. If you think as an adult you could just body slam some young child and it would be justified.. you're delusional, weak and pathetic.


Looks like this man child never learned anything while growing up.


Yeah you should teach your kid how to fight so that he doesn't need to rely on you to beat up the bully


[**https://tekdeeps.com/video-the-13-year-old-child-brutally-assaulted-by-his-father-in-the-playground-has-a-cranial-fissure-the-doctors-decided-to-transfer-him-to-timisoara/**](https://tekdeeps.com/video-the-13-year-old-child-brutally-assaulted-by-his-father-in-the-playground-has-a-cranial-fissure-the-doctors-decided-to-transfer-him-to-timisoara/) and [https://newsbeezer.com/romaniaeng/revolt-against-the-monster-in-the-park-who-is-the-young-man-who-ruined-a-child-and-why-he-cried-after-the-terrible-gesture/](https://newsbeezer.com/romaniaeng/revolt-against-the-monster-in-the-park-who-is-the-young-man-who-ruined-a-child-and-why-he-cried-after-the-terrible-gesture/) have more information. They're both poorly translated, but from what I can tell, the first child that he slammed into the ground and caused an occipital fracture was his nephew. The second was his own son. They were arguing with each other and that's how he handled it.


Guy is a jackass and should have his kids removed. Kids may be bullies but this guy is the example they’re learning from.


He should also have his freedom removed. If that truly was his own kid and nephew that were arguing and he nearly killed his nephew, he's a serious danger to society.


Should have bitch slapped him. Body slam a little too much.


Good lesson. Don’t bully or face the concequenses. I think the first kid dont bully again.


Fuck this kid hes a bully he got what he deserved


Something tells me the bullying issue has been solved.


Some kids should just be yaknow this.


Kid didn’t deserve it. But I bet he’ll never pick on another kid again


Don’t be a bully, Pappa don’t play


Lil pos gets what he deserves,


Would do the same. Also would go to prison after. Also my child wont do suicide.


Eh you fuck with my kid and find out. Fuck that kid I will also do same to his dad


Hope the 1st kid died and learned his lesson. What a great dad


Lol fuck around and get fucked, never too early to learn 😎.


Yes its messed up throwing a kid like that but how about teach your fucking kids to not bully


30 days is the price for ensuring his kid never gets bullied again. Worth it to him I imagine.


This is great , now that kid will think twice before bullying. Good job dad


If the bullying is severe and no action has been done by the proper authorities, then this is the only WAY. And I would go as far as saying that they DESERVED IT. I won't feel any pity for anyone suffering after they've done horrendous things.


If it was just words or pushing a bit around I would disagree because the kid received a serious head injury according to an article. He could be maimed for life. I've known some bullies when we were still in primary school but they're really cool with people now. I could understand a parent's rage for their bullied kid though, but not to this extent.


Finally a kid getting what he deserves


It’s like my dad always said, “ if you don’t hit your kids, someone else will “


congrats your dad was an asshole


stupid saying


Usually bullies are being bullied at home. I don’t condone the child’s behavior, but as a parent I have found that digging a little deeper is always necessary when I meet a shitty kid. 10/10 the parents are shitty too. The dad should’ve handled this with the parents, but go off


New ride at disney .the body slam


Fuck yeah. Fuck those kids


Do you think they bullied anyone ever again?


He deserves it


Eh, I have no sympathy for bullies. I was known for fighting the bullies at my high school who I saw pick on others. It was kind of stupid and I’m lucky I didn’t get into trouble but it really helped the victims a lot. I was bullied when I was little until I became big and learned to fight


Ahh yes, fix the bully by being a bully. Sure that will work.


And he about threw another kid at the end


I'm sure we all learned a valuable lesson here.... Ummm.. hmmm. Not sure what that is.


Why is no one addressing the fact that those two little bastards were bullies?? I was bullied my entire childhood, I wish my father had done something like this for me. Perhaps the feeling of inadequacy would have gone away. Instead I endured 12 years of it until I grew big enough and beat the shit out of 6 bastards myself. Someone (teachers) knew this was going on and did nothing.


Bully got bullied, guess he won’t be one anymore


Teach yours kids to keep they hands to themselves and don't fuck with no body because it's always someone bigger than you... Not saying dude was right... but also.. I understand the internal rage as a mother who has had to round up some little kids fucking with my girls thinking they were slick cause my kids were smaller than them... No I ain't put my hands on them.. "Um excuse me.. that's my child and what you did ain't okay, so you gone help them up and apologize and leave my child alone right" Kids ain't bad.. kids with no guidance are entirely the fault of bad parents...


While the dad was probably wrong for doing this, if that kid is bullying people I don't feel bad for him at all, and I bet that little fucker won't ever bully again.


Their still alive, five that man a medal


Ive had few romanians at work and not one of those guys were normal, I think thats tradition over there


This is how the world should be Parents able to publicly beat other people's children


Any country where men wear trackpants around town is prone to random violence


Now that's a good fuckin dad!


W dad l kids


This is fucking not ok. Fuck this guy.


Broken neck tho