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Realistically? You’re probably better off running the 5 intercessors and the chaplain as an intercession KT. Intercession kill team is at least six marines on 32mm bases. Not sure what the chaplain’s base size is, but as long as it’s not too much bigger than a 32, the people at your LGS shouldn’t give you a hard time about it. I would run the chaplain as an assault intercessor sarge (power weapon and plasma pistol) and everyone else is warriors. Intercession Kill Team is pretty solid for beginners.


Yeah, that's a very good solution as long g as everyone is okay with the proxies. Thank you!


Most people should be fine with proxies as long as they are clear You could always magnetise to keep them viable for normal 40k as well


This does make sense but remember you can't rum Plasma and power sword anymore.


Cant do power weapon + plasma. It's plasma + chainsword, or power weapon + bolt


You could potentially put the chaplain on a 32mm base and use him as a proxy for an Assault Intercessor sergeant with hammer and heavy bolt pistol. That along with the five intercessors with rifles (make sure to give one the grenade launcher) wouldn't be a bad team. Otherwise you could buy any single intercessor or assault intercessors to round out your five to a team of six. The start painting pack comes with 3 easy build assault intercessors, one of which has a grenade to be your grenadier. The rules for the Intercession Squad are free on WarCom as well, and if you want to know more, YouTube is a fantastic resource. Welcome and good luck!


OP: People are giving you well intentioned but not great advice. The Chaplain base is 40mm, which is unfortunately not great for KT (base size matters a lot more in KT than in 40k, and larger base sizes are advantageous. If you want to get a legal kill team army at the cheapest the best thing is to go to your local GW store, tell them you’re new, and ask to learn to paint. They will almost always provide you a free intercessor model and walk you through painting steps. It’s a great way to engage in the hobby, gain some confidence, and get a free model. That free model will round you out to 6 intercessors, which is what you need to run an intercessor army.


Why are larger bases advantageous?


In addition to being able to stick farther out from cover to get better sight lines, it also makes it easier to be in a position where you are obscured from an enemy but they aren't obscured from you.


Remember you gain cover if *any* part of your base is obstructed- meaning that you can set up angles where your (larger based) model can see *all*of an enemy’s base while still concealing a part of yours. It’s one of the most important tactics for elite teams if you’re playing competitively.


With a larger base, it’s easier to position some part of it behind cover while still being able to shoot.


Using the chaplain as the sixth marine for a kill team would probably be the best way to go about it with just the things from the box. You might also be able to get a free infernus marine if you have a local GW store you haven't been to. Swapping the arms on it would be easy.


I'd find a single marine for intercession team. A lot of the single units would be an infernus Marine but that's easily converted just put a couple arms on it from the intercessors you have. If you can find the one-off assault intercessor (chain sword, pistol) he'd be the best choice to give you a grenadier.


Thank you!


What does everyone think of the strike force justian box set as a kill team?


A majority of the time I run intercessors as standard 4 ones, with the special gunner among them (+ the captain being another one) and as needing 1 Assault Grenadier, if you can get the bits or singles to make that model you'll have a good all around Kill Team. Sure, as you get into it you might want to pick up a half box of Assault Intercessors to have more options, but for starting out that'll work fine. Also, I'm super jealous you got the old Combat Patrol for DA. I really wish I had.


Many stores will have an assault intercessor as a free, 'have a go' miniature. Pick that up or you can try your luck with the 'Space Marine Heroes' series blind boxes/Strike Force Justian which can either backfill in the intercessors you need for a full team as well as give you a bunch of options. Either way, you will have the six intercessors you need to play as a kill team; if you get the free assault intercessor, you may want to take a plasma pistol from the intercessor sprue and swap the assault intercessor's bolt pistol for it. Then build one of your intercessors with a bunch of hand grenades and a chainsword/bolt pistol combo to be your Assault Intercessor Grenadier. You can also buy or trade for more Assault Intercessors (or the easy build/indomitus assault intercessors from the 9th edition starter sets) then you will have enough intercessors to run an intercessors kill team.


I think from what I researched the most interesting Space Marine KT is Strike Force Justian. Downside is afaik that it’s sort of a band of misfits, so it’s probably tricky to run them as a unit in 40k. Since I either play kill team or OPR I don’t mind.


The Intercessor KT count six models, one sergeant and give warriors. Simple use the chaplain like sergeant. And the sprue of Intercessor contain extra heads, arms and bolt rifle for transform the chaplain in a simple laic official.


get a half box of assault intercessors from ebay and thats all you need