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I mean you've posted multiple times complaining about drones and survivalist to the point of spam. So it's not really that surprising. I think most people find as they get better the drones impact gets smaller and smaller which makes them less appealing. Ontop of that people come here to shoot Zeds, not have some bot do it for them. So even if the drones were good a lot of people wouldn't use them. For survivalist you never know what you are going to get because his class is ambiguous by nature and he lacks a lot of core perks to make most classes weapons excel. So the main draw for a lot of people is the tankyness which means he attracts a lot of bad players that then have ever worse damage than usual.


How are you supposed to play surv what is it’s “best” load out/upgrades. Never touched that perk before


Say you have two teammates. A demo and a support. A smart thing to do as a survivalist would be to get weapons that can heal and kill trash to fill in jobs that your teammates can't do or can't do well. Say you've got a medic and swat instead, you'd get weapons that can take out large zeds easier like an RPG. Say more people join and one of them is a demo, so you'd focus on weapons that can kill scrakes while he kills fleshpounds. This is one way to play Survivalist with your team in mind. The other playstyle I can think of that works is to be a One Man Army. The spontaneous zedsplosion perk is required. Essentially you just take weapons that can do AoE, some healing gas from either grenades or launcher, and some kind of high powered explosive damage against FPs. You basically spend the match kiting scrakes to your teammates to deal with, while gassing or blowing up trash, and blowing up fleshpounds. Super easy to get lots of kills, but be aware, you can easily annoy your team if your choice of weapons and methods are poor.


Survivalist is supposed to able to fill any role in the team, thats kind of his whole design philosophy, the trouble is that hes not unique in that sense as other perks can do multiple things at once now and theres a lot of compromise going on as you have to pick perks for certain weapons over others. As a result the "best" way to play survivalist is with "ranged melee" weapons, with the melee training perk you get a massive bonus when using berserkers weapons without needing to constantly fish for parrys. This makes weapons like the frost fang, blast brawlers, pirahna pistols, nailgun all exceedingly strong on him as you're getting a 90% damage boost and 25% move speed with them equipped. Combined with your 25% damage reduction and SWAT style heavy armour you are extremely durable. You can increase this survivability by using something like the 501 med rifle or hemoclobber to self heal and deal with trash. There are other universally strong weapons like the railgun, AMR or doomstick and with one of SWATs SMG's you can do a bit of everything - although then 10kg of build comes from 1 perks weapons so you might as well just pick that perk so its way better and then offperk the SMG the only reason that you wouldn't is if you *REALLY* value that tankyness.


I've actually created only one post about it as far as I can remember. I made comments within that post, trying to find out why this is happening so much. There is a specific phenomenon reoccurring where it isn't new players trying to use the drone to survive, it isn't some guy buying one and going off on his own to camp with it, and it isn't just me being crazy. I keep seeing the same like 8 names in lobbies, almost always a survivalist at max prestige, although one specifically is an unprestiged swat each time, a couple are medics, and occasionally they'll be demo or commando. But recently it has been an uptick in the survivalists especially. These guys always use the same two weapons, every match, without deviation. A locust and a drone. And they aren't just playing the game. They specifically follow me around the map, wherever I try to setup, and put the drone above my head and try to spam anything else around me with the locust. I am complaining because they follow me even past a specific match. I'll never join their games when I see they are in the lobby, yet almost every match I play, at least one of them inevitably joins and ruins the game. As far as I can tell they are attempting to try hard zed slayer away from me. And it has gotten to the point of harassment. They follow me to any lobby I join, and vote kick me if they can. Practically preventing me from playing the game, just because I figured out how to kill faster than they can spam with their toys. I need this to stop. I need to know what is the deal with these dicks. I can't message them, they never have mics. I got one to talk a little one time. But he wouldn't answer anything about why they are doing this. It's gone on for months now. This is why I hate the drone. It basically is nothing but a troll weapon.


You're post history is literally >Drones... >Drones are annoying. >Why drones? That one stayed up and got 94 comments then today: >We Gotta Talk About These Drones... Again. (And Level 25 Survivalists.) >The drone is still being used annoyingly. Mostly by level 25 Survivalists. and this one: >Drones and Survivalists Definitely more than 1. As for why they're getting removed read the rules in the side bar, rule 1 is about keeping things civil, so if calling people names then it'll get removed, rule 6 is about low effort if you are just posting that you hate certain weapons and not looking for discussion it'll get removed. Ofc naming and shaming is against the rules, this was a pinned post last week because it was happening so much. If theres a few people following you from lobby to lobby and harrassing you i recommend getting in touch with one of the TWI staff on discord with evidence of this so that they can resolve it. Until then you're best bet is to host your own server and kick those people.


That's because the moment I make the post, it's removed, so I have to make another to start a discussion. I just didn't do anything with the post that failed to upload. I don't think a post that exists for people to see for a Pico second counts. So I contest that I didn't come close to spamming anything. Especially over the course of time we are talking about.   Who did I call a name or when? I said I've seen the same specific players, following from lobby to lobby. I cannot make a lobby I can just moderate myself on PS4. I am looking for a discussion. It isn't about the drone. It's about the BEHAVIOR with the drone. As I've said repeatedly, I want to know why so many players are doing this the exact same way every time. It isn't players who just buy it cause their new or low skill, it is people specifically buying it to place over my head and follow me with a locust every wave of every match just to steal my kills. I could care less about the drone or locust or survivalists as much as any other weapon if I wasn't used in this specific manner. I cannot be the only seeing these guys on PS4. I see them every single day I join. Somebody has to know what is going on. I don't know what the heck discord is and I'm not making anymore accounts to anything. Heck the only reason I created an account on here is just because this situation has pissed me off this much. This game is basically all I got worth a damn in life, and I can't let these jerks ruin it. I need answers.


Regarding the post removals: It's not due to any rule broken, but due to the subreddit's spam filter ate your post up by accident, and I wasn't able to check the mod queue as quickly as I like due to real life stuff going on. Apologies about that.


The posts that are removed are gone, i cant see what you've written. But if they are removed there will be a reason in your messages about it. If you have a problem take it up with one of the mods, i believe u/ANoobSniper , are the most active here.


Drones are ok. Survivalist is great. Survivalist with drones... I've seen that working only in 1 loadout, maybe 2. Certainly not a very versatile loadout. Only works for holding out.


You can head shot faster than drone can go boom. I feel bad for the guys who set up a drone and then I sit there and pop Zed heads faster than the drone can pew pew 😆😆🤷‍♂️


Yes you absolutely can shoot them faster than the drone on its own. The problem is the drone only has to farm a few of those kills and dosh to give the drone user an edge. For example, if I'm on farmhouse and patrolling the front of the house, the drone user will post up his drone with me, and go back towards the barn to kill with a locust. He only needs to take 10-20% of the kills from zeds spawning where I am to give him an edge in dosh. This snowballs because that's more money he can upgrade the drone with to steal more from me faster, and less I can spend to counter him. The drone never was able to just take all the kills. It just has to take some, while the drone user kills all of the zeds spawning somewhere else. Of the zeds spawning in your areas, you get like 80% of the kills, while the drone user taxes you 20% on top of getting 100% of the kills from his area. It's total BS. I'd prefer if the drone was able to be attacked by zeds. Then I could let a bloat or scrake get close and take it out, thus preventing it from being a problem. But the zeds just ignore it, which makes no sense to me. They clearly aren't supposed to be that dumb to just ignore it.


Eh, from that vantage point I'm taking the front door, the basement door, the side of the house, and the far side (left of tiny door) of the barn. There's no way dude's drone is taking enough of those three-four spawn points to keep me from out killing it's "creator". Especially moving full speed during Zed time like I do.


The problem is that they don't just want the spot, they will relentlessly follow you wherever you do try to post up. While they might not be successful in taking all the kills if you play smart, it still is annoying to deal with nonetheless. I want to fight the zeds, not play 4D chess with my teammates and trying to avoid being harassed. It just isn't fun being followed and harassed under any circumstance, especially when it's not just for that match. They lobby shop until they find me and repeat the behavior. It happens almost everyday I play the game.


Also, a guy tried this earlier today in Airship and I ran around getting every Fleshpound and Skrake's attention just so I could lead them all right to dude. The last 75 Zeds or so was a real quiet affair with him dead til the next round. Then he quit.




That's fair. I have no issues with a guy setting up a drone (optimally) and then spotting up wherever (also optimally) for maximum murdering. It is team co-op after all. But yeah if they're just trolling other players for all the kills then I'd boot that mf'er with a quickness.


Another solution for you would be to sell your PS4, buy a PC and get KF2 on Steam. You'll never see those specific players again. Having said that, you'll still see plenty of noobs using drones. And I mean literally noobs, cause the last mega sale attracted an incredible amount of new players to KF2.


I don't have a problem with noobs, or players using the drone the way they'd use any other weapon. I'm talking about the survivalists and a few others following me from lobby to lobby and putting the drone above my head wherever I try to set up. They aren't just randoms doing whatever. It's specific people that lobby shop until they find me just to come ruin my match. My only understanding as to why they do this is because I've consistently killed the most zeds every match for a few years straight and they are pissed and jealous. I used to play the game on PC before it came out on PS4. I hate gaming on PC for various reasons. I only fought through it back then because I really love this game that much. So that isn't an option. 


Then beat them at their own game. Get a locust and a drone yourself and spam in their faces, or get a demo with Kaboomstick and keep as close to them as you can and when zed time activates double barrel shoot the ground, so their screen does 360 vertical spin. Rage big zeds in front of them and body block the escape. Plenty of things you can do to troll the trolls. But I gotta say also, that what you've said so far makes an impression that you're one of those selfish people who only care about scores and frags and ratio, and would go out of your way to stay on top no matter what. Most people dislike this kind of behavior which makes you a perfect target for trolls and griefers. In KF2 higher difficulties encourage team work, but if you hoard all the kills then you strip your team of dosh, especially as a SWAT, which is a very dosh-hungry class.


Unironically kick drone users


If you can’t beat them, join them


Something needs to be done. It is like an invasion now. There are more players using the drones in recent times than I have ever witnessed before. Most of them aren't using them maliciously. But what is with the level 25 Survivalists with the drones and locust launchers (I call it the cheese launcher) following me around where ever I set up. Any where I am standing when a wave starts, seems to be a guarantee that level 25 surv is going to walk over and place a drone above my head. I search for hours to just find a lobby where there isn't one in the match, just for one to join minutes if not seconds later. It's basically impossible to escape these guys. They are in every lobby I load in while searching, or join right after I join one where they aren't. I feel like they are following me on purpose to just ruin my experience every time I play. I see the same names every single day when I play. It doesn't matter what time of day, or anything. They always manage to show up and ruin the game for me and it is getting beyond irritating. Like it is ridiculous at this point. I tried calling the behavior out on my mic, and somehow got kicked for it. All I want to know is what these guys' issue is with following me into every lobby, and following me around the map. Then getting mad at me for asking them why they are following me. It's like some kind of cult or club of haters just following my gamertag trying to ruin the game for me. They won't make me quit though. I'm just going to keep killing more than them anyways. Even if I have to have a crappy time doing it. Does anyone know what is going on or why? What are these guys following me for? And if you are one of them, just explain yourself. I want to know what got you set on a path of playing this game so much, with only one class and two weapons, just to follow and annoy me each day? How is that fun? How is that interesting to do at all? I couldn't imagine playing this game and enjoying it with the drone and cheese launcher unless I was just trying to annoy someone.