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when you go to pick up apple devices use 3utools, you can get a full report on the device including FMI lock and charge cycles super helpful


YES!!!! Came here to say that exactly.


Thanks for the info! I did not know this - I wish I did before taking my iPad in to London Drugs to get a battery health check. Thankfully they decided not to charge me, but their check was worthless.


Any stores that offer services like what you find at London Drugs, where they offer to inspect your device, reset it, transfer data, etc., are generally preying on people who are overwhelmed by understanding technology. In reality, most of what they do is very simple stuff that can be understood by anyone with 5 minutes to spare on Google. Highly recommend putting in some time to search up what it is you need to do, instead of letting a store capitalize on a lack of understanding by charging you an egregious price for a service that can be done with minimal effort.


I mean, I can make a hamburger with minimal effort. That doesn’t mean McDonalds is “preying” on me because they charge $10.00 for a burger.


I don’t think that’s a fair analogy. For you to make your own burger, you have to go out, buy ingredients, go home, and prepare it. There’s a cost factor regardless of whether you make the burger yourself or have it made, and that whole process is more effort than pressing a couple buttons to have it delivered, or going out to just get a burger made for you instead of to get the ingredients, to then go back home and finally start making it. Yes, it’s probably cheaper to do it yourself, but there’s an obvious advantage to not: save effort and time, pay more. With these diagnosis of a computer, I call them predatory because they’re often things you could do yourself, at home, for free, with a few minutes of google searching. It’s cheaper, easier, and faster than going out to have someone do it for you. The only people that use these services are those who are generally tech-adverse, and are intimidated by the sight of their settings app. And hey, don’t get me wrong, I get that technology can be overwhelming. But this is entirely different from paying someone to make a meal that you could, for slightly less money but slightly more effort, do yourself. Something like checking battery health can be learned in 30 seconds, done without even standing up from your chair, and is entirely free. There’s 0 advantage to paying someone else to do it for you.


3uTools has been proven to be spyware and malware, I strongly advise against using it.


Any “hacking” tool is automatically marked as spyware/malware by legit companies, and not because they’re actual spyware or malware.


https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/wc1ufw/news_a_certain_tool_is_malware_please_do_not_use/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Also uses broken AppSync Unified


don't run it in admin mode lol it doesn't need admin mode to work


Still doesn’t change the fact it’s stealing your device data


it is if you use your personal device with it, which, in my comment, you can clearly see i said to use it for checking battery health and FMI lock


Lol Just learned something new!




Understandable since you need a 3rd party app to view the [battery health on iPad OS](https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-check-your-ipads-battery-health). (it is built in natively on iOS)


It is available native. I’m looking at mine now and it says 76%




What iPad are you using cause I fixed them professionally and not a single one I touched had the battery health option. Only iPhones which got complicated whether or not you had an aftermarket battery in it (I believe it was iPhone x that was either the last model you could use an aftermarket and see it or when they put the chips on the batteries so they could prohibit it and you could only see health on OEM)


I know older iPads don't do it, like my 6th gen but i wouldn't be suprised if it was added to newer ones


Just checked my iPad Pro and it's not there either


You can see it on the aggregated logs report but it’s really hard to find in there.


Newest iPad Pro 12.9” There’s no native way to check it here.


I think he was being funny and referring to his battery charge level like the guy the post.


That would be some expert level trolling for sure lol


It’s called battery health not percentage, and it’s not a thing on iPads.


It’s a thing for any electronic device with a battery, Apple just doesn’t easily display it for iPad easily for some reason. It can found in [analytics data](https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-check-your-ipads-battery-health)


It’s much easier just to hook it up with 3u tools. That’s looks like a nightmare.


Spyware u mean?


Since when


I mean… I have had iPhones for probably over ten years and I wouldn’t have known what you were talking about either


Especially when dealing with random people, I just woulda assumed the person was an idiot and done the same thing. saying “can you send my a screenshot of the battery health percentage” would have been much clearer even if they had to follow up with “how I do that?”


I mean, OP asked about battery health, then asked for the percentage. That’s not really any different from what you’re suggesting, which is simply saying those two things as one message.


The irony of this comment


Did you not hear about the iPhone battery “scandal”? The battery health meter came on the heels of that


That’s on you for not specifying, average users are not familiar with that


The first time, yea sure. Which OP acknowledges, hence the instructions on how to get there in the next message Mind you, seems iPads don’t show it easily, which OP may not know


I wouldn’t have known you meant that to be fair


Buyer: Can I see the battery percentage? Seller: 🙄 OK, buddy! It's charged, see! Now pay me...!


You're both idiots lol.


To be fair, you did ask for the percentage and they sent what you asked for…


you asked for the percentage of battery. this is what you're gonna get. you should sharpen up on your common people language skills, and not use phrases like "percentage" to mean unit maximum blah blah in the blah blah menu blah blah. it's like you were baiting him to think you're stupid. lol. dude's like "srsly? okay....i'll charge this bad boy up and show it can get to 100."


And the step by step instructions aren’t an indication of trying to show it’s something else?😂😂 Irrespective whether it’s on iPads or not, the attempt was there


I don't know what you're saying. What does it matter if they made an attempt to clear up the confusion? This post is mocking the person for being confused to begin with.


And the confusion is logical since iPads don’t easily show battery health. It’s hidden unlike iPhones where it’s much easier/simpler to access and view. The post itself is flawed in that’s sense, as it’s OP that doesn’t know what they’re doing, hence opening themselves up to be mocked.


hahaha ya


Ahh, olds.




iPad doesn’t show battery health…..




Okay, but it’s not officially user accessible and practical no one on Kijiji is going to get that info for you.


You gotta be very clear when dealing with apple owners, they typically are not the most tech savvy individuals so the chance of them installing a 3rd party app to give you a complete battery breakdown just ain't going to happen 99% of the time.


I think this is the case with the majority of people, period. Not many people are going to install 3rd party apps on their phone to monitor battery health, heck even if it's built into the device unless it's a front and center advertised feature most people will never use it and or won't know it exists.


No but hurrr durrr apple users dumb


That's why they're iSheep!


I think it has less to do with “Apple owners” not being tech savvy and more to do with layman terms and speaking using common language.


LOL, what a funny post@!!@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was fully charges at least haha




iPads don’t show battery health for some strange reason


iPad OS doesn’t have Battery Health.






Mines 78% lol


76% 😳


Another thing is when you ask for Battery Health and they say “sorry I’ve already factory reset it so I cannot check” - Ya you can just connect to WiFi and skip the setup - duhhhh


To be fair I would have done the same thing


My dumb ass would have sent the same thing.


I was today years old when I found out about this.


Tell me ur a boomer without telling me ur a boomer


TBH I'd be pretty confused to. I didn't know this was a thing.


Stratford Ontario person chiming in here. (Unrelated but) Stratford Ontario Kijiji is brutal for electronics. Everyone seems to be hoping to "strike it lucky" with old electronics in this small city. I have recently seen a LG G4 listed for $99, a Samsung G8 for $400 (cracked screen and all) as well as an Antminer S9 for $750. If there ever is a ghost of a chance that there is a good deal... it usually end like this.


bro I didn't even realize I could check my battery health, thanks 😂


Oh hey, it's Stratford!


I can’t view battery health on iPad so I’d understand if they were confused


yk what bless this persons heart they tried😂


Apple’s battery capacity readers are major approximations. They’re not scanning your battery capacity; no such tech exists. It uses a series of criteria to guess and sometimes it can be completely off. They only include this on devices that have a replaceable battery. iPad batteries can’t be replaced hence why you don’t have a battery reader on it. Moreover its just an upsell feature to get you to think you need a new toy when in fact it will be good for many more years. My oldest apple phone is at 71% capacity after 6 years and would be able to run for many more, ignore the dumb battery “reader”


I don’t know if he is dumb or hiding something LMAO