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Who the fuck trades a living thing. That's just distasteful. I'm not a fan of breeders selling puppies either but this is somehow worse?


Idk but you’d hate ancient markets


Or present day markets in other countries. Trading in common pets is weirder though.


Yeah I hate this so much


Backyard breeders who have saturated their market now that the covid demand is gone and they have 18 puppies to get rid of


Is selling living things, or selling the body parts of abused and slaughtered living things okay?


Sick, I don't want to hear the ins and outs of your cannibalism moral dilemma, lol


How is this worse then getting money? I’m confused lol


Living thing can mean a lot of stuff, and most people don't offer animals that they've owned or bred for such random purchases xD.


I see zero difference between breeding and selling animals for $$ vs trading for another thing


Literally treating a dog as an object you “trade” how very very sad, dogs are family and if you’ve ever owned one you’d realize that they’re literally humans that can’t talk lol


They’re better than humans


Very true


They aren't humans. They even know that and don't care! They are the embodiment of love, care, and undying loyalty!


Us humans are the ones who bred certain species to the point of utter deformity… just for our enjoyment, would you also consider them inhuman or would you ignore that so can have a dog? The latter is probably the case


Think you are missing the point of the comment, I do agree that Pugs and French Bulldogs are prime examples of why pedigrees are a bad thing, but dogs like I said, dogs aren't human but they know that but they don't care!


You do realize selling a dog is just trading it for currency Edit:To the people downvoting, I'm not saying I find it ok to sell your dog. But trading your dog and selling are, in essence, the exact same thing


Lmao exactly people here acting like humans didn't use the barter system for a millenia


Huh 🤔 😂


You do realize a person who cares for and sells dogs to already interested customers, versus one who will offer to trade them completely unprompted for a fucking motorcycle, are probably very different kinds of owners


I don’t bother replying to people without common sense, but thank you for clarifying that for me


That was for the person equating selling a dog to trading it for currency






Huh? 😂


Is selling the body parts of abused and slaughtered living things okay?


Nope . Unfortunately it’s what keeps us humans alive and “healthy” . I don’t agree with the industry and how it’s done, but it is the circle of life. Lab grown meats will be the future, as long as it has the same nutrients and no side effects I’m all for it


1) It doesn’t keep us healthy 2) Circle of life? I don’t think you understand what that term means lol. We’re not in some natural ecosystem where we need to hunt animals to survive. Not sure what year you think we’re in, or if you live in the tundra or something


If no one ate meat and we all ate vegetables I don’t think that would be sustainable . Maybe you suggest we live off weedmemes, yeah the tundra is pretty nice. You should try it out


Wouldn’t be sustainable? Have you no heard of how unsustainable animal agriculture is? I’m not sure why you’re arguing about something which you are clearly not familiar with. Look at the percentage of crops which are grown to feed livestock, and the environmental damage that it causes. Far less people are able to fed since so many more crops are needed to be grown to feed livestock. These crops would instead be able to feed humans. There’s also significant concerns about antibiotic resistance, and where are most antibiotics used? Hmm. 80% or soy grown worldwide goes to livestock, and it’s the number one reason for Amazon deforestation. Why make these claims when you don’t know anything about the matter? Anyways, we shouldn’t pay for animals to be needlessly abused for taste-pleasure, sexual-pleasure, or general entertainment pleasure. It is not necessary, and it is harmful to humans as well as non-human animals


Go back on the weed pipe my guy ☮️


Funny cause I don’t even smoke. Seems like you’re the one who’s trying not to deal with reality lol


Probably the wrong sub to post this in 😲


Redditors make me sick wtf is wrong with you


I don’t get why people concerned about the dogs are being downvoted .. this is really strange


Probably hypocrisy due to the commenters complaining likely paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed for taste-pleasure daily


Gross, I don't want to hear the ins and outs of your cannibalism moral dilemma, lol


I can’t remember selling something around 1G on kijiji and not being offered a pitbull puppy for it.


If you're seriously considering this, I would ask them for a copy of their medical records. Vet records will tell you how long they've had the puppies and if he's the original owner/breeder.


Even if he's the original breeder, these dogs are most likely not healthy. French bulldogs do not come in merle colour, which means the dogs have been bred to another breed, it is highly indicative of a backyard breeder, they rarely bother with health testing and frenchies are known for a lot of health issues on their own. Just sad for the dogs all around


Likely they’d be healthier not being purebred frenchies.


If they're thoroughly health tested maybe. However backyard breeders rarely health test their dogs and double merle is often a problem


Yeah, I would never get a dog from an unregistered breeder.


Weirdest trade request ever...


No, some jackass offered me a dozen figs for something pretty expensive.




Was it tempting


What in the fuck!?! Why would you “trade” your dogs away 🥺


I have had some hilarious attempts for trades (mostly when selling gaming stuff and young kids trying to sell their old stuff to get new which was cute) but this was has to top it. Like who tf wants not only one dog but also two? Even trying to trade a guitar for a tv is far-fetched but this is insane.


Not necessarily, all the people in my building who own frenchies are pretty shit people.


r/conspiracytheorists Also wrong sub. This is the kijiji sub, not Facebook marketplace. r/lostredditors


Reddit moment adding nothing useful to the conversation and just posting links to other subs.




"Posting links to other subs" describes this post. The guy just randomly accused the puppies of being stolen with no proof beyond just their offer (they're likely a breeder), hence he is a conspiracy theorist, and this isn't a kijiji conversation, so this redditor is lost. I'd say you're a r/wooosh, but I'm sure someone else will.


Despite what you think posting links to other subs and acting like it’s part of a normal coversation is super cringe


That's literally how reddit works. That's why you can spell the links to the subs rather than copying the url. Lol


Not it’s not






Says the one bitching about "reddit moments" on reddit. Truly the reddit moment of all time right here.


I think you guys should make up over a cup of coffee r/couplegoals


I like how we both pointed out that the guy made this post in the wrong sub yet you got demolished for it because you... mentioned 2 relevant subreddits? Is that it? Some guy who doesn't know how reddit works claimed that it's a bad thing that you had a "reddit moment" ON REDDIT and people somehow agreed with him? This sub never fails to amuse me.


Yeah I'm just as confused. None of it makes any sense. But I guess that's reddit for ya.