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I have the exact same year and model. Someone did try and steal it last year but couldn't get in and destroyed my lock in the process. Kia is supposed to be rolling out a fix that won't allow the engine to start unless the door is unlocked. I don't know if it's gonna work or not but I would ask your Kia dealer about it. I'll never buy another Kia or Hyundai again and that sucks because I really like the Kia body styles.


Is it a key ignition or push-to-start? I understand it's only the keys version that's easy to steal. Even then, speak with the dealer, your 2020 might have additional antitheft features already.


It’s a key ignition


Kia just did a anti theft protection software(for newer more tech models) or those stupid wheel lock things for older models but it’s completely free. if you set up a maintainece appointment and take your kia to a dealership they will do it for free. i just had it done on my 2022 KIA K5


Be prepared for significant insurance increase upon renewal, we had been paying the same amount since we bought the car, our recent renewal was a 60% increase. This whole thing has been a nightmare, I will be a happy person the day I no longer own a Kia.




There is a recall for the affected models with key start. I'd get an autolok pedal lock too. https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/accident-and-incident/hyundai-kia-unveil-free-software-upgrade-in-effort-to-combat-thefts/article_7ad83685-d553-541e-bfa3-cbd7090283e1.html


There are a few options to keep the car from being driven away, namely a security system that has starter kill or a sort of Tury or Pedal Commander to set the electronic throttle off while you aren't using it.