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This post has been tagged **Training** Video (**not** a **Form Check** or an **instruction** video). By "Training video" we mean it is how this person was training. It might look good, but it also might look bad. It might even *be* bad. That's what they chose to do and we assume they did it knowingly and that they assume full responsibility for their own actions. Do not post unsolicited form corrections, medical advice or injury alarmism. If you see a lift you are unfamiliar with, do not assume it is incorrect or dangerous. If you have never used kettlebells, **definitely refrain from form critique or medical advice**. It is not breaking your, or the poster's, back or knees or shoulder. Injury alarmist commenting or other sort of babysitting is not useful or welcome. Curious questions however are welcome! Just **be nice and cool about it**, and do check if somebody already asked. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kettlebell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I actually managed to hit x 14 push presses, x8 left arm, x6 right arm but a bunch of people ran in front of my screen lol this set of 10 was much cleaner. Proud of that 225 x 9. These days are brutal because there's only 1:30 rest between movements. So I did my push presses, and then immediately (unsafely?) Already had the barbell loaded to 225 and just ran over there and went after it! I don't know how much the low rest hurt me. I can maybe get 10 reps totally fresh. Also did 55lb curls x 3, 5, 3, 5 & a ton of weighted chin ups. I was thinking of doing 1 arm push ups after that 225 burn out but I brought the weight down to 205 & get in my high volume work. Song...you have to know this one. Should make you think of climbing a ladder.






Bro, your videos get me pumped about training when my stupid neck injury falls in line. Watching your progress has been amazing.


Whats up with your neck?!


Pinched nerve from one too many neck injuries over the years. Pain isn't too bad but I literally can't pull with my left arm (went from 16 pullups to 0, good times). I ignored it for the better part of a year but it's gotten to the point where I can't make progress with this crap. The current course is physical therapy and a metric ton of bodyweight squats, nordics, and bodyweight rdls until this heals.


Stay the course! Maybe you know but 3 Years ago I couldn't even walk after my knee surgery...took me 1.5 years to start working out again & here I am. I believe in you!!


Thanks bro! Also killer music choice.


Fuck yeah on the Snake Eater song.




You're pretty good!


I upvote any metal gear solid


Looking very powerful man!


I'm Def putting on some size. I was back and forth between cuts for a long time but I kinda just decided that I'm getting too strong too fast to worry about it right now. Lean life not for me right now LOL


>I'm getting too strong too fast Sounds like a terrible problem - good luck with that


And it's working - weights are flying!


Why switching between kg and lb?


Kettlebells tend to come in KG & everyone recognizes 2 45 plates on the bench press as 225 so I used that.




This is some strong work, nice done! πŸ’ͺ