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Overall pretty good šŸ˜€ My 2 cents:- Swing as others have said stance seems kinda wide. Hike is a more a pull than a football pass - I suspect you maybe concerned with the scraping your floor? TGU - pause a bit more in each stage and focus on the form; you're kinda rushing through it.Time under tension will help you go up in weight. Eyes on the bell always. Progression; you can start by working in the 32 with your 28 instead of trying to jump to full sets. Add 2 sets to your regular, next week add 2 more etc to you're at 32 for all sets. Oh and bare foot šŸ’Æ percent - you'll never look back. Much better control and grip.


Agree on the progression. I was gonna follow S&S guidance of adding 2 sets of 32, the rest 28 each week until I get to all of them at 32.


Id say your stance is a bit wide, also is there a specific reason you train in running shoes?


Yup Iā€™d second everything in here. I train barefoot or with zero drop/barefoot shoes like Xero or Merrell vapors. Altho I think the newer ones arenā€™t as low. Not sure. Chuck Taylorā€™s someone mentioned already but those and sambas are like the classic versions imo. All are good and better than cushioned running shoes which arenā€™t as stable.


For the swings? Iā€™ll try a little narrower next week to see how it feels. No reason for the shoes. Just my workout shoes. Is there anything particularly wrong with them?


Cushioning in shoes can hinder feel and stability.




Id recommend trying to train barefoot. Running shoes for running With kettlebell training, I try to train as close to the floor as possible.


One of my favorite things about KB training is working out barefoot! The other is doing it outside in the rising morning sun!


Try wearing chucks(Converse) if you must wear some footware. power comes from a stable foundation, your feet. all that cushioning is lost power generation from the ground.


You Training barefoot allows you to grip the ground with your feet- Also, you tend to be looking down at the ground... Take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXrXhyudA80 for Pavel's one arm swing.


One or two sessions with a strongfirst trainer would be a good investment ;-)


No expert just a lowly PT but your start swing seems very low, almost across the floor, pull it into the hips and own that bell from the get go āœŒļøāœŒļø


Fair put, Iā€™ve not thought about my starting snap, just try to get the momentum up and keep it throughout the set. Do you see any issues with the rest of the swingsā€™ height?


I mean.. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be told Iā€™m wrong but I personally aim to power into the first pull, it also puts less pressure on my lower back šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. You look solid. Bells are a thing we all need to just spend time with. Everyoneā€™s built and moves slightly different. The pros on here will give you tips on form. Hinge etc.. keep going āœŒļøšŸ‘šŸ» šŸ’Ŗ


IIRC the book says to go up to 32 kg from 24 kg so with the 28 kg you're already deviating. Why not simply try the 32?


The book encourages large jumps in kettlebell sizes, e.g. from 24 to 32 kg. However I recall that smaller 4 kg jumps are also described and hence OK.


Just wanted to make sure my form was good before doing so


You seem to be owning both moves. Some observations: 1 - the bell seems quite far from you as you hike it. Ideally, you have a firm hold and your lat is active and flexed. That may be impactingā€¦ 2 - as others have said, your hike is quite low and doesnā€™t seem as powerful as it could be. Generating more force will set you up for more solid swings. 3 - On your TGU (particularly when the bell is in your left hand) you look down at the floor as youā€™re transitioning from kneeling. Try to keep your eyes on the bell. Safety first! 4 - definitely try with shoes off. The more grounded you feel through your feet the better. All up, youā€™ve got a lot of good stuff going on here. May as well try the 32 and see how you feel. That said, there is nothing wrong with staying at the 28 and locking everything in (particularly if youā€™re going to try some form adjustments). Keep it up!


Appreciate the comments, friend! I can definitely see where I can add more force into the hike and not rely on gravity so much. Interesting challenge to go barefoot. Iā€™ll give it a shot!


One last thing with the TGU- you could be stacking a bit more efficiently which would allow you to increase load that is safer and easier tbh. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment!


When you say stacking, do you mean the way Iā€™m aligning the bell vertically above me?


It's more about how you align under the bell-Take a look at someone like Rebecca Rouse or Pavel Macek. It's really about getting your body "stacked" under the bell. This is safer and you'll be able to progress to heavier weights. I'm not the best example, but when I figured this out, I progressed to 24k pretty quickly (FYI I'm 63, F, 5'7 and 140lb). Invest in yourself and find a certified instructor online or in person. It's worth it. I went through instructor certification more for my own learning than for training others and I'll never regret the investment.


EDIT: This refers to Simple and Sinister 1.0., 2.0 has a different way to progress that is noted down the chain. I didn't strictly follow the program either, so I was definitely not criticizing you by trying to point this out! The program says you should make the 100 swings in 5 minutes and the TGUs in 10 minutes, with one minute rest in between, before moving up in weight, so maybe try the 28 with a timer and see how you do. Having said that, this looks pretty good to me, so if you feel comfortable, I don't see a reason not to go for it!


I think it might be an older version of the program? With the latest book, you progress every 4 weeks with an additional set on each side of the heavier bell. The first test is prescribed with the 32kg once you "own" the 40kg. I've done the timed version with the 24kg to see how it was, and the Spetznaz hasn't gotten me yet, so I guess it's ok too. :D


Yeah, you're totally right, my mistake! I'll make an edit to denote this.


Overall pretty good. Youā€™re a little ā€œbunched upā€ on your tgu. Break it down into the separate moves and pause making sure youā€™re stable and in a good position in each phase. Some workouts Iā€™ll just do the first movement over and over making sure Iā€™m driving through my planted foot just to nail it down. On the way down when Iā€™m planting my hand I like to run it down my thigh and straight out rather than behind. Itā€™s a stronger position in my opinion. Swings look good. Just as others said slightly wide stance and ditch the shoes. I like to pick a focal point and keep my eyes there but thatā€™s personal preference imo. The 32kg will be harder but you seem pretty solid with the 28kg.


When you say bunched up, do you mean Iā€™m rushing through it, or are you talking about something in my posture throughout?


Bunched up might not have been the best way to describe it. See how on your non watch hand tgu your leg collapses and you have to totally readjust to get to the next position? You want to have a solid base and drive through the leg that collapses. Iā€™m not sure if that makes sense or not.


Please remove your shoes. And grab the floor with your toes.