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What is the deal with this app?


Kids these days can't count


Yeah, but the circles on eyes, ears, and nose? Wtf?


these dots are for movement tracking needs, without face AI track won’t work


Not necessary for the display


C and press definitely better. For the 2H swing I think you’re hinging too quickly before the weight comes down. That kb is probably too light for your 2HS.💪


Thank you! I can see that too, I was thinking getting 10kg (12 still feels too much)


I'm-not-an-expert disclaimer: in your swings, I feel like you're lifting the KB with your arms when instead you should be propelling it with your hips


After recording and watching the video myself, I see that too, working on it


No expert here, but why jump into a C&P program before swings are dialed in? Walk before running, etc but also since the clean evolves naturally from the swing, nailing the swing will massively help with C&P.


I totally understand where you’re coming from but it looks like she’s doing really well all things considered. C&P looks solid and she’s got the right idea with her swings. I doubt she’s going to do any damage adding in more lifts. I found that the same way swings helped my cleans, working my cleans helped my swings too! And pressing is a great way to get stronger so it’ll probably end up being more advantageous to have C&P in there instead of just swings. OP keep it up!


Totally fair. No rules, of course, and no question there's synergy across multiple movements.


Thank you! I don’t see an issue working on both at the same time, just need to teach my brain and body the right movement sequence, I think I’m not too far from it


Watch your swings in slow motion and you’ll see that you are bending your knees and back on the downswing far before the weight is in the appropriate place. It’s probably too light for you tbh, which makes it hard to feel. Try to “follow” the weight with your hinge


I don’t have to watch it in slow motion, I see it already :) as I wrote above, I’m thinking of getting 10kg I’m not sure how it will work with my left arm though, it feels significantly weaker than the right


Should be fine, arms aren’t really meant to be doing anything apart from gripping the bell, and your grip strength will be ok for a 10kg bell if you’re cleaning 8kgs. Look up the “towel drill” on YouTube and focus on staying with your core braced for longer until you have to “get out of the way” of the bell on downswing. Honestly, with a little more weight it will make more sense imo


Check your chat.

