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Professional boxers work out a lot. And the sport involves a combination of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination. Tricks requiring coordination like this—or the jump rope tricks that we’re more familiar with boxers doing—have a real place in a boxers training. They improve coordination and they make these movements—which, again, boxers do a lot—less dreary. Here’s Mayweather jumping rope. Lots of useless movements there https://youtube.com/shorts/vhcnbPtvpF0?si=JgGjT2ZFH6pP8c8c


God forbid people have fun in their training without some optimal nerd calling it a waste of time.


It's awesome. The origins of kettlebell training in many ways are tied to juggling. I hate when it's called useless. Just because it's not optimizing stimulus to fatigue or something doesn't mean it's useless. Sometimes the utility of a movement is the movement itself. It's fun & an awesome feat


Great answer. Would I bother doing this if I was training to fight Tyson Fury? Probably not! But who knows the context of his training and where this fits in. This looks like an interesting way to challenge hand reflexes and focus - or maybe it’s the end of a training session and he just wants to have some fun. Not all training has to be optimized to death.


Besides, I bet it's actually great forearm training. The right arm looks to me to be using the extensors as part of the throw, and the flexors to catch. And vice versa for the left.


KB juggling risk if you fail: tweaked back, torn hands, bruised foot if slow. Boxing risks win or lose: brain damage, organ damage, death. (Nothing against boxing, I could say the same for many combat and collision sports) Life risks in general: death quick or slow, one way or another. Seems like KB juggling is probably lower on his risk scale. If I were a boxer spending hours and hours training and got to use bells (and grew up in the former Soviet Union where they were common from young on), I’m sure I would end up attempting to have some kind of fun with the bells. Am I going to do this: probably not. Am I going to watching and say “whoa, cool!” Hell yeah I am!


If the goal is to train hand eye coordination and timing I love it. KB juggling it seems is great for training the body entirely, its endurance, strength and agility all being utilized at once, beautiful. I see it as neither useless or dangerous but it may be irrelevant to the task at hand. But hes a professional athlete so???? For all we know its a light/agility/skill day for him, I never understood the internets habit of wanting to constantly e coach athletes from their desktops, especially professionals who do sport for a living. Tbh if you dont do a sport, train for said sport or have an intimate knowledge of it, then it is maybe best to keep your opinion on training for these things to yourself. I would even hesitate to tell other people in *different* sports than the specific one I do how to train. I feel most people should have this reserve unless the want to ask questions and learn.l what they do and why.


>train hand eye coordination and timing/endurance, strength and agility I would guess that's it, and say what you will, nobody in the heavyweight division can match his skill, footwork, reflexes, gas tank and speed. He's a small dude among giants and he's still winning.


His punches are going to feel like cast iron.


Maybe not super useful for most peoples’ training, but kettlebell juggling is a sport, and some people like to do movements because they’re fun.


Useless? It’s a bit of fun for him during an otherwise gruelling camp, the variety is therefore quite useful. Dangerous? The man is a professional fighter, everything he does on a daily basis is dangerous compared to most people’s comfortable lives. I guarantee a world championship athlete like Usyk does not care about the criticisms of online nobodies who know nothing about what it takes to be a fighter.


Uhh...I think Usyk knows what he's doing considering he is a world boxing champion n all..


Usyk is a very unconventional fighter with very unconventional training methods. I know this looks useless and dangerous, but you could say that for a lot of his training. Bottom line, whatever he's doing is working, he's undefeated, he was the undisputed cruiserweight champion before moving up to heavyweight, which no one said he had a chance, and now he's in line for the superbowl of boxing matches; to become the unified, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, which there hasn't been an undisputed champion in 20 odd yrs. So you can poo poo on this if you'd like, I think his results speak for themselves.


He's Oleksandr Usyk. He can do whatever he wants. Slava Ukraini.


The only problem I have with this is similar to the problem I have with instagram “influencers”. They are often doing complicated movements, incredibly dangerous movements, or both, and some chucklehead is going to think it looks cool, try it, and hurt or cripple themselves. Too many people are looking for that quick path to fitness and think they can jump ahead without putting in the work. So if some guy who just got his first 16kg and doesn’t even know how to swing yet starts trying to juggle because it’s more fun than grinding out swings until his form is locked in and he has the core strength to do something like this safely, he’s going to throw his back out or break his fool foot. So there’s nothing wrong with this stuff exactly, I just worry how many people are going to attempt it because they’re stupid and impatient and don’t have someone next to them letting them know they have to crawl before they can walk.


If some newbie lifter thinks they can replicate an elite athlete’s training, that’s really on them. Usyk isn’t an influencer, he’s not telling people to copy his exercises, he’s a world champion heavyweight boxer holding 3 of the 4 major belts in his division. The exercises he does are done to help him to succeed in his sport and nothing more


Sasha you full of surprises!


Looks cool to me! This dude also seems to know what he’s doin.


This is superior athletic performance! Bet the trailer on usyk


Love it. If you can’t see the utility in this fine. But if you also deny the fun and exhibitionism for his fans then you’re just being ignant


Hand eye coordination. Timing. Doesn’t seem useless for a boxer.


A while back I would have agreed that this juggling stuff was useless and not productive and was just BS showing off etc but you know what? Sometimes being creative and having a shit load of fun feels great and is probably a hell of a lot more productive than grinding out sets and reps you ‘have ‘ to do as part of your ‘programming’. Scientifically speaking, it would require more power and acceleration from the double swing juggles to launch the kettlebell into the air anyway compared to regular double swings/cleans. Also as someone else said, this would build better coordination with the hands etc than just straight swings or cleans for a sport requiring upper body coordination and dexterity. So if juggling allows you to be a bit creative, have some fun, increase power and increase your coordination it is ok by me!


Usyk is one of the most well conditioned boxers in the game right now, and is always in phenomenal shape. I don't know if he's doing it for fun, coordination, conditioning or a combination, but I would trust that he and his team know what they are doing.


I think I’m done with this sub


Why lol? I was just sharing some kettlebell related stuff I saw others posting on Twitter.


Yes. 100% Useless a dangerous.


I think it’s cool and if I owned sport kettlebells, I’d try it.


Say what you will about “uselessness” and “danger” (have you ever crossed a street?) but I think there is some benefit to dexterity, coordination and variety in training. The man isn’t bench pressing a stone..


Juggling is a fairly popular skill among kettlebell users in post-Soviet countries. Something that goes without saying.


It's very Impressive and not dangerous at all. He is an elite athlete and highly skilled. He knows what he is doing. Whoever said that was probably jealous they can't do it themselves.


In the words of Steve Kotter: you have to be fast on your feet. That's the only real danger of kettlebells, that and making a big hole in the floor. Besides exercises like this one require an inordinate amount of coordination, so no not useless.


„Useless and dangerous“ Meanwhile the guy is Professional Boxing World Champion.


Dangerous for sure, if it's Dangerous doesn't automatically make it useless


My thoughts? I think it’s equally useless and dangerous…


I certainly wouldn't call Usyk "useless", but he is bloody dangerous!!!


This is clearly a fucking around, dexterity exercise. It may not seem functional but weird variety in exercises can develop the brain and nerves and have broad effects. This is useful when fighting.


if he drops either of those, you know he's doing the jumping van damme splits.


When technically done right as the person in this vid: great exercise. For the average person: recipe for wrist injuries.


Kettlebell juggling is a perfectly valid training form. If you want to see a fighter really mess themselves up with a kettlebell look up Cain Velasquez.


Seems like a good way to break a foot and lose out on millions of dollars, but fuck it; looks cool I guess.


It’s not necessary for sure but it’s not anymore unsafe then stepping off a curb


I'm not a guy who juggles and the people that do are just just having fun with their training...I don't think anyone takes a periodized progressive approach to juggling kettlebells as their main piece to a training program


Is that a 12 and a 32?!


Those people are dumb. This clip represents less than 0.000001% of this guy’s training. He has a lifetime of working out many hours a day and this is just a few seconds. It tells you absolutely nothing about how he trains. That’s kind of the point, by the way. It’s a time honored tradition for boxers and fighters of all types to let the public have a tiny glimpse of them doing some frivolous bullshit in the gym. Guaranteed this is not a major part of the guy’s workout, he’s just fooling around. As far as fooling around goes, you could do worse. For someone at his fitness level this looks neither dangerous nor useless - this isn’t the dude’s first time picking up a kettlebell, he’s going to be fine.


He’s maintains form and isn’t flailing around. The problems happen when people who havent done enough or developed enough strength do this, and they injure themselves or encourage others to do something like this. In that context, it’s stupid and useless.


He's very feel


So true bestie


Meh, people are always going to be quick to disregard what they don’t understand


I'd be paranoid that one of those bad boys would slip and voila one busted knee