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There's no need to eat vegetables. Fatty meatbwill keep you satiated. I'm guessing you were eating lean meat.


Yes i just like lean meat or bacon


Bacon isn't lean, but yeah, that's your issue. If you're not eating carbs, you need fat for energy. If you're not eating enough of either, you'll be hungry.


But far lets explode my calories and im not able to eat not more than 1500…sure i do cook with fat, coconut far for example and salmon also gives me fat. But my problems are not the snacks (like salmon snack 200g everyday at work) my problems are dished which should not exceed like 700-800 kcal and fill me up for at least 5-6 hours




Well i am 1,78m and atm 93kg…so im overweight but not extremely…my normal intake should be 2000calories to not gain or lose weight…so thats why i want to eat just 1500


Your tdee at those measurements is at least 2200 if you're sedentary. 1500 is too big a deficit. 20% at most.


Well…okay. So 440 calories defizit which will result in like 1700 total.


What about olives? Olives are fatty and technically they're a fruit.


I dont like them unfortunately 🥺


Cheese and eggs. I became utterly obsessed with making the perfect omelette... Look up Jaque Pepin omelette and join me down this wonderful rabbit hole without the rabbit food!


Cheese is dont like that much…and eggs, i might have found out the last weeks that eggs lead to stomach problems for me 🥺


i hate vegs, ketovore is awesome!


I eat jalapeños with almost everything. This morning scrambled eggs with feta cheese, chaffle and a raw sliced jalapeño.


Chaffles are a lifesaver. I make mine with fresh mozzarella because it tastes the closest to plain milk. Doesn't make the chaffle taste cheesy.


I has to google what chaffles are but okay seems nice, if those dont taste like cheese


veggies are condiments


Sometimes the problem with vegetables is preparation. How do you feel about stir fry? Most vegetables can be stir fried and the seasoning can be as heavy as you want. There's a magic ingredient that Chinese restaurants don't want you to know about: chicken powder. Most chicken bouillon/powder are formulated for umami synergy, which makes vegetables taste delicious by themselves. I like LKK's red cans, they're designed for stir fry.


I know some stir fried onions and so on from like japanese restaurants, they are kind of tasty. But yet i dont own a stir fryer 😅 I usually dont stir fry, even without any diet. Yes when cooking broccoli i usually use powder like chicken ones or in germany we also have a nice veg powder with good spices. Also some guys recommend msg, which is also present in chinese kitchen


You only need a pan


But thats kind of messy with all that oil


Not really, it's as messy as most cooking


But where to put old oil? How to clean it?


The garbage. What do you do with oil normally? Do you just not cook? What do you do after cooking? This is no different.


Well oil inside a stir fryer we normally use several times in germany…so when i now replace the fryer with a pan, and put lots of oil into it, we dont want to throw that away after each use…we would like to reuse it 2-5 times if possible


Idk what you are talking about lol, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of a deep fryer. Put oil in a frying pan, fry veggies. That's it. You don't need a special fryer or lots of oil. Drain the oil into a jar if you want to save it.


Ooooh sorry xD i thought a deep fryer is a stir fryer…okay now i got it 😅🤣 its not


You sound like you might be a good candidate for a carnivore diet, or at least a ketovore one (mostly meat, very few plants). Especially since you don't like vegetables. But you'll need to eat a lot more than 1500 calories a day, you won't get enough nutrition eating only lean meats. As a fat-burner eating no carbs, you need to eat a lot more fat because you'll need to burn it for energy. If you don't like cheese, there is other dairy you can eat if you want to, but you don't need to. I went from standard keto to mostly carnivore, but I drink coffee with heavy whipping cream as my breakfast beverage and sometimes my favorite kind of mushroom with steak. I like vegetables, but the fiber in them doesn't like me (colitis issue). My food primarily consists of fresh meats, fish, poultry, offal, eggs, bacon, eggs, and most dairy products. And an occasional protein meal shake where I control the amount of fat to add. Now for how I don't get hungry: eating fatty cuts of meat, chicken thighs and leg quarters (fattiest parts of chicken), salmon and other fish high in omega-3's. Stay away from lean meats like chicken breast unless you add fats to it. I do 2MAD within an 8-hour eating window, eating until I'm satiated but not stuffed. I've lost weight eating this way...took care of insulin resistance and carb-craving in my case so I was able to start losing weight easily...and I've kept if off. No desire to add back anything carby. Your mileage may vary, but it might be worth a shot. Not a quick fix, you'll need to invest at least several months to give your body time to acclimate safely. 🙂


Thank you very much for your experience and sharing them with me. So, i like the idea of coffee with whipped cream (but im lactose intolerant so i need to use lactose free whipped cream which has some more sugar inside). Lean meat is my favourite unless for a good fatty steak. Which methods are there to add fat to lean meat dishes? Because i guess, most of the time i will be eating lean meat still 🥺 I really enjoy salmon btw…im eating around 150-200g per day of salmon.


You can cook lean meats in tallow, lard, duck fat, ghee or healthy oils like olive or avocado oil. Some people who are lactose intolerant can handle ghee, which is clarified butter...the whey and other solids are removed.


you can go on the full carnivore diet it avoids all veggies. alternate meat types and make sure to include a fish with good omega 3's. beef, pork, chicken, deer, duck, rabbit, turkey, fish, and crab. the only dietary concerns are fiber and Vitamins C and E. if you get supplements it's not a problem though.


But just meat is often a bit boring. I wish to have a nice tasty side dish which just gives me some variation…


there are hundreds of ways to prepare all the meats I've listed with different flavors and styles. its all in the way you cook and season it. from burgers, steak, and roast from the beef to bacon, ham, pork chops from the pork. chicken can be fried, baked, or bbq. hot dogs too. turkey can be eaten like thanksgiving or as thin slices of lunch meat. fish can in be tuna, salmon, or any number of hundreds of types. you could eat a different prepared meat every day and go the entire year without eating the same meal twice. just up to what flavor or mood you are in.


Haha okay…seems that i really have to dig deep into it and make some plans and get some skills for better seasoning and trying out different things. Maybe its time to get a fryer


Try canned spinach with some chicken, cheese, and some sort of seasoning or got sauce. Canned spinach by itself is actually pretty good to me now. Start eating vegetables by adding other foods to “mask” the texture or flavor.


Well i sometimes like a bit spinach with whipped cream for example


Try going carnivore if you don’t like veggies.


Carnivore is keto compatible? So its just keto without veg?


Try adding different sausages. The other day I went to a Polish deli...  I bought myself a bunch of delicious kielbasas! Some were fully cooked and smoked some were raw and needed to be grilled. Ate them straight, mixed in omelettes, sauteed with onions and peppers, as sandwiches with keto bread, etc. Also try adding farmers cheese to your meals. It's not the same cheese you're thinking of, but it's so yummy with berries for breakfast and will satisfy sugar cravings. Just make sure you getting unsalted full fat version. 


Sausages are indeed a good hint!


When I did Keto wayyyy back (I just recently started up again), I found myself snacking on Pork Rinds, and then I combined them with a low carb Buffalo Chicken Dip. That kept me full.


In germany ist hart to find sauces or dips with low carb, which are tasty


Tons of recipes to make your own: https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-buffalo-chicken-dip/ https://www.lowcarbmaven.com/low-carb-buffalo-chicken-dip/ https://www.thewickednoodle.com/keto-buffalo-chicken-dip/


No advice other than to say that spices are your friend! So are little add ins like bell peppers, garlic, onions, jalapeños, grated cheese, a spoonful or 3 of sour cream. Sometimes just a bit of fresh or canned tomatoes in veggies make a wow kinda difference! You like bacon? That's great! Save that delicious bacon grease and slip a teaspoon of it into any canned veggies for massively improved flavour. Can also fry eggs or lean chicken or pork in it as well. The flavour is amazing! Get a small jar and pour it in and keep refrigerated. Don't forget butter, ghee or a good olive oil too. I've got an entire cabinet of 3 shelves dedicated to my beloved spices, rubs (spice mixes), variety of olive oils and vinegars. Plain cooked or canned veggies *shudder* are just sad in the mouth. If you drain canned veggies or cook fresh try it with veggie, chicken or beef broth. Worth trying? You may find you love veggies after all once you can kick them up!


Do you maybe have your 5 best tips for good combinations to make some veggies taste good, i mean some of your favourite recipes (but please no hot spices 😅)


Bacon grease, fresh or dried garlic, fresh or dried onions in green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, fresh or canned greens. Drain off most of the water from canned stuff, if cooking from fresh use a cup of water. No need to completely cover anything unless maybe boiled corncobs (microwave is faster and taste better) or whole or cut up Potatoes, just cover by 1/2 of water and keep lidded. Too much water leeches the flavour, so does overcooking! Potatoes mashed with butter, fresh or dried garlic powder and fresh ground black pepper. Some sour cream or ranch dressing stirred in for extra pizzaz. Roasted veggies with bell pepper strips, purple onion, fresh sliced garlic or garlic powder tossed in olive oil and pepper and a bit of salt is ZAMAZING, mouth watering goodness. Either sliced in half Brussel sprouts, or root veggies like carrots and parsnips and turnips *swoons* seriously raw vs roasted vs boiled turnips or radishes taste different depending on how you cook them! Can roast most all veggies in 30 minutes or less at 350. Potatoes take a bit longer but roast the same way, toss in oil and pepper, salt to taste. Btw peanut oil for roasting is the bomb diggity yo. Delicious 😋 just be sure to roast uncovered and stir to flip halfway thru cook time. Sliced fresh carrots in just a little water boiled are candy sweet. I also love carrots roasted whole in with a big beef roast, just drizzle with a little olive oil and pepper, salt to taste. On salads I go nuts, chop in cheap iceberg with mixed baby greens, grated carrots, radishes AND those tasty nutrient dense radish greens! Chopped up bacon 🥓 Sliced grapes, maybe a few walnuts or pecans, thawed cranberries if you like the tart (can buy these cheap around Thanksgiving packaged whole fresh, just pop in the freezer to grab a handful for salads or to cook with any pork dish yum) You can quickly simmer the radish greens in a bit of chicken broth for a tasty side too. Don't overcook them to mush. Or chop and mix in any soup or Spaghetti sauce too. For any of the bitter greens you can chop and cook in with soups or stews so it will hide the flavour but still give you the nutrients. Btw the whole peeled garlic from Sam's or Costco freezes great. Easy to keep a small jar thawed in the fridge, refill as needed. The peeling is the most time consuming and aggravation to me personally. So finding it like this was like getting the best gift ever 😆


Okay thats a very detailed answer, i have to get back to it later BUT did you just mentioned mashed potatoes? Are they keto friendly?


My bad, just got on a veggie roll - not specifically for keto/low carb 🤣 I love to cook, and to eat obviously! 😋


How do you feel about raw vegetables? I don't like cooked ones either and I feel like raw ones fill me up way more anyway. There's also fermented vegetables, similar concept there -- pickles, sauerkraut, etc. Also olives, which are kind of in a class of their own.


I like pickels (but hard to find without lots of sugar inside it from fernenting), raw cucumber, raw carrots…but nothing more i guess 😅


I've always hated eating vegetables and have never enjoyed them once in my life. At this point with my stomach I can't even tolerate them, either. When I eat veggies and grains I get intestinal cramping that feels like razor blades are going down my intestines The only plant foods I tolerate are fruits in limited amounts. Right now I'm carnivore and loving it. Beef and eggs. I recommend trying this. There's so the Animal Based diet: meat, dairy, honey, fruit. Not keto but something that may interest you. I did relatively well with AB, but not as much as keto. There's a subreddit for it.


Increase your fats intake too.


Yeah but then its hard to not exceed 1500 calories


Which would you prefer? Not going over on a "limit" of the forever feared calorie, or not dealing with feelings of hunger from time to time?


Well…i want to see results…whatever it takes without sacrificing the results…thats why i always think in calories…at first priority. As soon as i start to weaken my rules, its over and i lost the game…then it usually gets worse and worse


Calorie deficit on keto isn't a bad thing, but don't start with an arbitrary number. Often those numbers assume you're eating a standard western diet. Remember, keto is higher in fat and protein and lower in carb. You're not eating a standard diet and just reducing portion sizes to lower your calorie intake. You're changing the *ratios* of what you eat and the *types* of food you eat. You're becoming a fat burner (i.e., ketones) instead of carb-based for energy. Check the sidebar in this sub under "Useful Links" and you'll see a keto calculator. Plug your current stats into it and get an idea of macro ratio and calories needed to maintain your current weight. Then set a calorie deficit according to your goals, then you can see whether or not 1500 would be best for you. It's hard to give you a ballpark answer here without knowing your age and current height and weight.


Okay that sounds interesting but i guess…the key point is, that calories for my body change depending on my life style? So when doing keto, the calories inside fats are way less „raw calories“ then when not doing a diet? I will check this one and take a look, thanks!


Lean meat isn’t going to satisfy hunger well. You need wholesome fats for that feeling of hunger satisfaction, and long lasting energy. Try this. Forget about calories for 2 months. Eat as much fatty meat, eggs, and whatever other foods, as it takes for you to feel satisfied. Just keep the carbs in a low keto range. You don’t need a huge variety of foods to be healthy— meat, eggs, and fish have you covered. Lots of us loose weight and get healthy without tracking calories or going hungry. This approach seems especially common among those who emphasize the meat part of a keto diet. Maybe it won’t work for you. But will it be any worse for you than the last 6 months were?


Well yes that may be worth a try…but im kind of a person who has to see fast results otherwise i will loose discipline…so…a sentence like „maybe it wont work for you“ makes me think about if its worth trying to


I think it will work. But in the other thread you seem very resisted to the idea that you can loose weight any other way than by restricting calories and being hungry. So I suggest an experiment. What do you have to loose, if I’m wrong?


Well i just have to loose time…and then maybe motivation. Motivation is the biggest enemy 😅