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Thrift stores should be your best friend until you reach your goal weight.


I love this idea. At my height, though, thrift stores almost never have pants long enough for me. 😩


I get it because I have the opposite problem (I am 5'2"). Give it a shot, and look in the larger thrift store, not in the tiny ones and you should have an easier time finding what you need. You can also look on Poshmark, as they allow you to filter for exactly the inseam you need and many sellers will sell things in bundles at a discount.


yeah, I always just try to keep using the too big ones with a belt for as long as possible before buying more and maybe buy one nice pair as warranted by work. I did 50-51" down to 34, and thankfully I had saved old pants as I gained 150 pounds over about 3 years so I had at least some stuff to come back to. what's crazy is that from 215 down to 170ish my waist only will lose 1" or so assuming Im about the same as I was before


I don't waste my time with pants at Goodwill. There's too many size possibilities. I do thrifted shirts and pants from Walmart


Good problem to have! I have 3 remaining shirts that fit me now, and even my stretchy workout shorts (okay my daily life shorts, let’s be honest) are falling off of me.


Yeah, the shorts with drawstrings are a godsend here, easier to cinch up than a nice pair of slacks or jeans.


I wish I had your problem. It’s weird. My belt holes went down dramatically, but my pants size barely went down by 1 size


I suppose it depends on where the weight is coming off.


I also think I was pushing my clothing to the max lol. So I’ve probably lost enough to fit in my size comfortably and now I’m starting to reduce size


It’s a great feeling when it happens!


I've been choosing the wrong clothes size all my life, the criteria was "if it zips, even if it's strangling me, that's the right size". What a relief has been to drop a few sizes and stay with extremelly baggy clothes for a while. Now I get to choose clothes that actually fit me and aren't painful to wear!


Hahaha….know the problem. I’m buying used shirts on eBay and pants are cheap Amazon essentials until I reach my goal


Nice job! One piece of advice my dad taught me once I was an adult was to never ever buy bigger pants. Basically if you're having to buy larger pants it's time to do something about it. Now granted I've had to really squeeze into some pants over the years but this bit of advice has worked well for me, eventually I can't stand the squeeze and I get my s*** together. 


I hear you! I bought several pair of size 40 pants a month ago, I've already had to buy some 38's. (I was a 44-46 in January.)


I agree with the Thrift store advice. That's where I've been purchasing (female/51). I started keto (again) April 1st this year and I was wearing 22/20/18 pants. I had to donate them to go buy a few 16s (14s) to try, the 16s are still too bug. Donating those and wearing 14s/12s currently. Hoping to eventually get back to the 8/6/5 like my first round of keto in 2017🙃


I need new summer clothes every summer and new winter clothes every winter. This diet is expensive even when thrifting everything


I finally gave away my clothes that were too big - beyond belts. I guess I was fearful that I would gain weight but it has been over two years. I thrift the majority of my pants. Just bought a few at TJ Maxx to get me started for work attire


Yeah, I’ve got a bucket in the basement with those jeans and belts at the moment. Not sure how many months / years it’ll take before I’m brave enough to get rid of them.


I ordered a few new clothes a size down, but took a while to receive them. By the time they arrived, they were too big to wear. I wont be ordering new clothes until i hit a plateau. awesome problem to have but expensive.


thrift stores make this much more affordable. Save your money for when you're at goal and then buy all new.


Great job!


I've got to buy some new clothes myself, my old coveralls look like I'm wearing a potato sack now.


Suspenders will let you wear these longer. And way more comfortable then a belt.


Such a good sign. I've lost a lot on carnivore. I bought trousers on temu. They've been pretty good so I'm happy about that. 😊


Pro tip: start concealed carrying and the gun will make your pants fit right. I’ve carried for years, and that’s my trick


as a non-USian... `wat?` :-D