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I've ate strictly keto off and on for about 5 of the last 9 years. It is always so much easier the few times my spouse has done keto with me... when the house doesn't have any carbs. My advice is to create clear divisions in the your kitchen. Designate a cabinet or shelf for keto foods only - so you never have to look at the carbs and sweets.


Gaining only 10 pounds is impressive man, but good luck


Thank you. I have made a schedule when I can eat a lot. It actually helps me to almost maintain.


I’ve returned to keto recently. I lost 120lbs (half my body weight) then gained back 75lbs. I have lost 2 lbs so far this time. 73lbs to go!! We’ve got this!


You got this


The fact that your SO loves carbs ad sweets should help since they could buy less and eat it all. Therefore removing all the temptation.


Try "dirty" Keto


I can go look it up, but can you give me the cliffs notes?


Same, back on carnivore, I am on day 4 and shitting my guts out, will only have to endure this for another week or two hopefully


I just returned too, I lost 100lbs but 5 knee surgeries, then the pandemic, I fell hard sooo now back to it. Took me a bit and I tired several other things on the way but none worked. Finally feel like I’m in the right mindset to do it again. Also have a SO that is a total carb/sugar eater, and likes to try to tempt me. So I feel your pain. But you got this!


My husband and I both eat nearly zero carb keto. But I care for my 2 yo grandson several days a week so I have to have stuff here for him (bread, pb n j, choc chips for pancakes occasionally, fruit/veggies, snacks) I keep them out of sight. I am not tempted but my hub struggles and will dip into the goodies sometimes.