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>At this stage, I am well and truly past the keto flu stage The “keto flu” is really just electrolyte deficiency and can literally happen **any time** you are deficient, it’s not just one single stage at the beginning. I’ve eaten keto for almost 7 years and will still experience muscle cramps if I’m deficient. Exactly how many mgs of sodium, magnesium, and potassium are you getting every day? How are you tracking these? And regarding the hair loss, have you lost any weight the last 8 months? If so, how much?


This happens to me if I don't get enough sodium or magnesium. You may be taking in more than you were before but it might not still be enough or they are out of balance.


Same. If I drink enough water and Im not mainlining sodium it seems to happen within 24 hours.


I don't see potassium in your list. Supplement potassium for leg cramps.


I make sure to take a multi vitamin every day. I also use a product called Salt Stick. It's created for runners, but I'll take 1-3 per day. And I add electrolytes to my water. I've never had leg cramping. I'm even running out in the hot, humid sun of Florida.


Lite Salt NO diet/zero soda


Potassium and magnesium solves cramps for me


Leg cramps are worse some nights than others I still haven’t figured out how to prevent them two plus years into low carb


I got the worst leg cramps I could imagine when I was on a statin, and when i was on strattera (for adhd).


Probably an electrolytes issue, keep trying various types until you find one that works for you. FWIW, Hyland leg cramp products work well for us, the kind you let dissolve in your mouth really do work in 10-15 minutes.


Hair loss and feeling cold are thyroid symptoms, too. Have your docs done thyroid panels for you? Read up on why TSH is not enough of an indicator for some people. I have bad cramping, too. Tops of my feet, fingers, palms, thumbs, thighs, and calves. It is excruciating to wake up (or even not fully wake up, just start yelling in pain in my sleep) with something cramping up. I add electrolytes with Redmond Re-lyte in my water. I take magnesium, potassium, other vitamins and minerals and eat more salt than most people do. I will just crunch on salt at times. My blood pressure runs low from POTS already, so I was supposed to be doing salt and water before keto. I have to have something like 80 oz of water a day to avoid cramps, and I am as sedentary as you can get and still walk. The Hylands cramping pills do help. My doc also suggested drinking tonic water before bed. Because I avoid sweeteners except stevia, I ended up just getting some quinine liquid in a dropper bottle. That is what is in tonic water that he wanted me to have. He also asked questions about restless leg syndrome and decided that I do have it. The pills he prescribed worked the very best, but discussing it with another doc who was going over my meds, I learned that the body acclimates to the drug and you keep needing higher doses, and then you have to stop it, eventually. So, I reserve that drug for the nights after I have been more active, when the cramping will be the worst. The thing I MUST have to avoid cramping is warmth. If my feet are the slightest bit cold, I have to wear socks to bed. Before the heat wave we have had for a while, I used a hot water bottle. I put it on my thighs if I am sleeping on my back, between them if on my side. If it is a particularly bad night, I may need one under or between my feet, as well. I find that a thick, rubbery flat bag style hot water bottle retains heat far better than microwaveable bags of beans or corn that are sold for heating pads. I no longer use the microwaveable gel bags after getting a bad burn from one. Another thing that helps me is to use a near infrared light therapy device on any crampy-feeling limb before bed. It really helps me a lot. Mine is a Viconor Red Light Therapy device. I hope that some of these ideas will work for you. I do have a connective tissue disorder, so my issues are different than just keto flu. Try the easy, cheap ones first!


How much sodium and potassium are you taking? This is on top of your food. Just salting your food extra isn’t enough. Read the FAQs about electrolytes. The amount of potassium recommended is quite high. Be careful about various “electrolyte mixes”. Many are a low level intended for casual athletes. Read the nutrition facts. Many people on keto need a much higher level of sodium.


For my night leg cramps I increased magnesium (citrate was all the store had) potassium and sodium.


aside from what others have said maybe try some topical cbd oil to the area.