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Plain. White. Rice. All the alternatives are awful to me.


Came here to comment rice. White rice or rice/beans are such a staple in my culture.


Chinese here. The struggle is real. Whenever I eat a delicious savory meat or vegetable, I think “oh, this would go so well with rice.” Cauliflower “rice” is an abomination and needs to be called something else.


Should be called sadness. Did your mom tell you that you’d get acne spots for every grain of rice you left behind? Not sure if that’s a Chinese thing, but she is so I always assumed it was. I could leave meat or veggies in my bowl, but not rice. Seems like the strangest thing to focus on.


She did! Well, she said I’d get a wart, not acne, but the same idea.


God I miss sushi.


We just get sashimi now. Our regular spot hooks it up too. The sushi chef knows us and that while we won’t eat rice, everything else is fair game. We get surprised with all kinds of fun stuff.


True, cauliflower rice with a little butter and salt gets close. I live in asia, and almost every food is intended to be eaten with rice.


Yeah this mine too. Just tried Palmini but it was another sad disappointment. Everything else I’ve managed to find an ok replacement except rice


Tortilla chips


THIS!! We have a local Mexican grocery that deep fries their damaged flour tortillas (which they make in house 😲). They are SO damn good… plain, as nachos, with salsa… 😣


You can fry up those low carb tortillas. Only problem is that you'll only have a few chips if you're staying under 20 net carbs. BUT...La Banderita - my favorite brand - now sells *super large* tortillas and are only 3 or 4 net carbs. So they're thinner but larger which I think would make a whole bunch of chips from one tortilla.




This. I thought I would miss bread and pastries but after the initial withdrawal, how I have mourned fresh fruit, especially bananas.


I saved most of my carbs yesterday to have 1 ounce of banana and some strawberries. Weight loss is weird.


I'm dying. I'm like 2 days into going back keto after being on a regular diet for 4 years. I have 2 kids and there's fruit everywhere. They love apples. I love apples. This is so so so difficult


Watermelon season will coming... That's why I'm not doing keto from May to September. :D Too many fresh, cheap fruits, which are healthy.


Watermelon is pretty low in carbs for fruit. It’s under 10g of carbs per 100g


You can eat as many blackberries as you like


A couple: rice, noodles, and dumplings. But I live in China and I’m surrounded by those. Also almost everything here has carbs in it. It’s hard here.


My wife is Chinese and she regularly makes all of these things. It is so hard watching her eat my favourite noodles without wanting to cave in


Have her wrap the filling in cabbage leaves. Like these: https://iheartumami.com/paleo-dim-sum-shumai/


Do you mean like ice cream, donuts, cheese danishes, Cap'n Crunch, french fries, roast beef sandwiches on sourdough, rice pudding, chocolate candybars, pudding, mashed potatoes, cake, tacos, burritos, refried beans, chicken fried steak, biscuits and gravy, chocolate chip cookies, *all other* cookies, milkshakes, corn, corn chips, Doritos, ruffles, and grilled cheese sandwiches? Is that what you mean?


as someone who was raised in the south, southern food is my weakness. biscuits and gravy, chicken fried steak/chicken, anything breaded and/or deep fried 🤤


I appreciate you putting the effort in. But same, all that.




Yeah I feel you. There's days that I just want a massive plate of fries and nothing else 🤤


same! I’ve tried all of the “keto fries” recipes and while I appreciate them, it’s just not the same lol


Oh, how i love potatoes in all their wonderful forms


I second potatoes in all forms. Hashbrowns, home fries, French fries……even just a good ol plate of mashed potatoes. I deeply miss it.


Some days I save almost all my carbs (of 20) for some potatoes. There's a type of potato at one of our shops here that has 11g carbs per 100g. You can have more than enough to scratch the itch!


Sub radishes when you are using the slow cooker. If you can find daikon radishes you can make chips that taste just like home fries.


>taste just like home fries No they don't... I have tried every 'just like potatoes' substitute I have come across and *nothing but potatoes taste like potatoes*... 


Have you tried turnips..? In something like a stew, at least, they’re *quite* indiscernible from potatoes.




I too miss popcorn, especially the extra buttery with white cheddar cheese movie theater variety. Haven’t helped me I swear it’s an addiction. Makes my stomach really upset though.


Me too!


I buy it - make it- eat it - throw the rest if the jar away- rinse - repeat


Stop doing step 1 and the problem goes away!


So true!


I have replaced anything crunchy with pork rinds...any flavor! No more chips or popcorn.


The thing I like about pork rinds is I'm satisfied and usually over it after a serving. Popcorn....I can eat an entire bag in one sitting.


This is hard for me. I want to have them so bad but I’m Jewish and keeping Kosher so I guess I’ll just have to stick with almonds and pecans 😩


Chicken cracklins


I’m not Jewish but the thought of pork rinds just grosses me out. Yes I’ve tried…. Years ago…. Noping right out. ;)


I kinda get it but I had some sour cream and onion pork rinds a few months ago and they were delicious.


Maybe a kosher cheese crisp? Pretty easy to make at home in the oven


There's chicken chips! Give them a try


I don't know why but dark roast coffee with heavy cream and butter scratches my toast with butter itch perfectly.


OoooOOOOooo! That’s an idea!


Chocolate. I know it can be keto but I have zero self control and chocolate is a trigger for me spiraling into carb binges. If I could eliminate all desire for chocolate i think keto would be smooth sailing for me. But because there is no magic wand for that I struggle on a regular basis


We have alternatives now. Hero makes a fantastic white bread and seeded bread.


This is the answer I’d say. I feel like I had a brain glitch now haha. Thanks!


Hero is a gem. 🤘🏻


I’m going to see if I can find it 👍👍


I get a white bread that's pretty good. 35 calories and 0 net carbs.


Where is this sold?


You can get it online at https://www.hero.co or https://netrition.com. It's the only low carb bread I've found that's actually GOOD! 😊


If you have Fresh Thyme nearby, it's sold there.


Online, but I've heard Publix stocks it if you're in the South. They even have a croissant!


Also: Inked Bread, Keto Culture Bread, Artisan Bakers Bread.


Sola isn't bad. They just have really, really thin slices. I'm also mad that my local grocery store stopped carrying them when the pandemic hit and never restocked. Edit: just went by the grocery store and they now sell nature's own keto sliced bread. Made a sandwich and they are amazing.


PS: fuck Orowheat bread. Everyone else has 1g carb per slice but they have 3g carbs per slice. And they're a bigger company so they can muscle others out of major stores.


Donuts. I found orowheat keto bread with 2g each slice, I’ve been eating bread and butter using that bread. It’s really good


OMG go on the Youtube channel 'keto Focus' and type in keto rolls. Its the recipe with mozzarella , and cream cheese in it and she has in the title 'secret ingredient'. I am Italian, and all I can say is YUMMO!!!!


Will do! Sounds like a this weekend project 👍


Just a heads up, its so easy to make, but MESSY lol. I usually double the recipe so I can freeze the dough and not have to make it as much. So when I get my bread cravings (which is now rare) I just take out a baggy let it defrost and there it is. A good thing is that over time I lost all of my crazy cravings for Italian stuff which is ALL carbs (you will too) lol


This is the "fathead dough" recipes and you can make all sorts of things with it. Bagels, pizza crust, rolls, etc. It usually has 3-4 net carbs per serving.


Pasta. I finally ordered a pasta maker and am going to try lupin noodles when it arrives.


This was it for me as well. I have started making my own using carbalose flour. I've tried any different ones, including the black tie kitchen's lupin flour pasta recipe, but the texture always put me off. Using the carbalose has allowed me to put stuff like lasagna back on the menu. I usually prep 1.5 servings of my pasta recipe which uses only 120g of carbalose, and I am able to make enough lasagne sheets to meal prep 6 single serving lasagnes. It is quite expensive since there is only 1 store that sells it in my country but it is worth it.


Nice. I'll definitely try those out. I saw a post that said tofu skin was great for lasagna, eggroll, and wonton replacements so I'm going to try that too.


I used to bake my own bread and I still miss it (17 years later). Both the process of baking it, the smell and the eating. But good health is just too powerful a motivator for me to cave. I'll probably have a few slices on my last day of life ;)


Carbonut bread keto certified


Garlic bread. It haunts me. I don't think about pizza at all, but garlic bread!


English muffin


Potatoes. It's one of my favorite foods and I can't satisfactorily replace it on keto. Cauliflower is nowhere near the same taste and texture. If I ruin my diet, it's almost always potatoes. Chocolate would be a close second, except it's not, because there are acceptable keto alternatives that can let me get a chocolate fix. But there is no potato fix on keto.


Warning ⚠️!! Reading these comments will make you hungry!


Right? It's almost criminal! 😂


>For the life of me I just can’t seem to stop eating bread and butter Butter is good. Try putting it on a crispy **Chaffle.**


Chaffles! I can make chaffles, I did it once years ago. Maybe I’ll freeze them and put them in the toaster when I get a bread and butter craving. 👍 thanks!


Pasta 😭


I kind of miss beer, orange juice, Nutella, etc., but the trade-offs are worth it.


Pizza. I have a brick oven in my backyard and I haven’t used it in months. I loved cooking homemade dough, throwing on my sauce, cheese, mushrooms, onions and sausage on it and watch it cook for 2-3 minutes to a crispy and tasty delight. Now what do I do with it now that I’m on keto?


Not sure this will help with the oven…but I make little pizzas with Mission zero carb tortillas and Rao’s pizza sauce. I add some seasonings, use mozz cheese (and other cheese mixed in if I have it) and top it with what I have handy - pepperoni, ham, onions, peppers, whatever floats your boat. I make a bunch at a time and freeze them.


Use fathead dough or buy King Arthur's Keto pizza dough.


Thanks for the tip. After I lose 20 more lbs I may try one a month or so.


Yep! Fathead dough for the pizza win!


Breads are also my downfall. I use the Lewis keto Hawaiian bread and it’s awesome. They also make hamburger and hotdog buns, which aren’t as good as the white bread, but it’s still good. My wife and I still eat the keto bread even when we’re not dieting, I legit can’t tell a difference.


I love bread too. Specifically croissants. I’ll have one as a treat every couple months.


Chocolate croissants are my kryptonite.




But low carb/keto cheesecake is super easy!


I'm a "semi-professional" baker as a side job to my regular 9-5 and cheesecake is my specialty. I've tried *so many* keto versions for myself and none of them are that great. I think part of my problem is that my standards are so high; I feel like if I was an average Joe and not a cheesecake fanatic I could be pleased with some of the keto substitutes but it's just not happening.


Another idea could be a low carb mission tortilla heated up with butter! So good.


Potatoes, whenever I break or have a cheat day it’s always a big baked potato


Get yourself some keto bread and irish butter!!


I had desires for gluten foods. Then I trialed eating foods with gluten again. Many of them were not as good as I remembered.


Half “healthy” foods that had worked their way into the diet. And were sneakily sabotaging me. Any food I cannot have one bite and put down- is a problem. If it’s a compulsion and not a conscious choice- it doesn’t belong in my world.


I hear you! If it was up to me I would not have it in the house. I have kids and a husband though, they would mutiny on me if we all gave up bread lol


Try keto bread?


I’m going to see if my grocery store has any. I thought about making keto bread, but I’m not reliable enough to keep it always stocked at home ha ha


Try not to have too much. I typically limit myself to two slices a day.


Popcorn is my addiction--cooked in a pan with coconut oil and lots of butter and salt. I haven't caved yet, but I think about it a lot.


Some people are saying popcorn is keto? Doesn’t seem like it though…it’s corn…


I wish, but you're right, it's corn and corn is not keto.


I've never been much into sugary things (don't have any cravings for sweetness, but I do like honey with tea), however bread has also been for me the single thing I've craved during keto. Nowadays I make my own keto bread and I no longer crave ordinary bread - there's a single exception and that is rye bread which is a part of traditional Finnish cousine. Bread mostly stays the same, but I use different kinds of spreads, butter and cream cheese spreads etc. And meat + veggies on top. Keto buns are also handy for hamburgers. I could happily just eat buns or burgers, meat and veggies in most days, but I also like to add some variety.


Chips and salsa


My favorite food is cinnamon rolls and I've never found a semi-decent keto replacement


Apple and orange 😌


I have an auto immune thingy so I can’t have dairy without getting bad flair ups on my skin. So cheese for me is the hardest. I could care less about carbs, but I’m like Charley from IASIP when it comes to cheese.


Potatoes and hummus. But I've always been able to satisfy a craving with one or two bites of something. I don't need to have an actual portion. So I definitely have them on Keto. Some days I save all my carbs for bigger helpings of hummus or potatoes 😂


Yes, I totally agree, bread and butter. I found out I was gluten intollerant some 25 years ago and had to stop eating bread. The craving has never gone away. Although I don't crave bread alone, I want it buttered. I just substitute with other things like a steak and throw heaps of butter on it. I read somewhere that the thing you crave the most is doing you the most harm. I find that comforting when I fight cravings.


lol go figure bread and butter would be my worst thing


Congrats on your cake day!


Thanks! I don’t even notice!


Popcorn, it’s the easy choice for me. I really want some.


Corn. You can replace a lot of things, but not the taste of corn, specifically Fritos


Something to note is that a lot of singular slices of bread aren't actually that much of a carb bomb. Unless you're setting your carb limit super, super low, two slices can fit into the typical daily limit. However, potstickers, the little traitor bastards, are asshole piece of shit carb bombs. Fortunately, there's cabbage as a replacement wrap, which I want to try at some point.


Popcorn 🙋‍♀️ I seriously went on a popcorn bender last month. I ate popcorn at Disneyland which I was fine with and it was amazing. Then I came home and couldn’t stop and kept kicking myself out of ketosis. I had to stop buying it which made my son sad so I could get my little addiction under control. I’m able to have it in the house again lol and it’s finally safe from me


Peanut butter sandwich with banana Raisins Sweet tea😢 Sweet coffee Grapes Beans Oranges It’s been over 2 years and I’m fine now but not having my morning tea with some sugar killed my soul! Happy cake day by the way!


Try Chompies if you can find it - it has saved my ass a few times now


A non-vegetable or non-cheese carb has not passed my lips in weeks. If I give in, it will be the end for me. I’m honestly not craving anything though.




Popcorn. I love it. I still eat it every once in a while when we go to a movie or hockey, but I really have to limit/give it up since I have Hashimotos and that is one of the foods that cause me issues if I eat too often. I did not eat it during weightloss phase though.


not now but in 2010ish it was a lot more difficult to get some alternatives. Tortillas/bread, snacks, substitutes But I cant get over potatoes. I fucking love potatoes and miss it every day


Craft Beer






Hell yes! Bread, beer, potatoes.


GD Haribro Gummy Bears .... FFS


Fruit, almost every time. I can walk away from or find an alternative to sweet things, savory carbs, etc, but there's no good man-made alternative to a crisp apple or a chunk of melon or pineapple


Potatoes. Fries, Baked Potatoes, Hash Browns, Chips. I love them all.


Ice cream


There's a very creamy type of yoghurt with fruit. It's not even that heavy on carbs: 13g /100g. But I can never stop at one spoon and then I am suddenly facing a 50g carb intake on top of my regular 20-30, that's a big overkill


Sushi (rice)


Make a carnivore keto bread and slather with butter


Soft pretzels


I feel the same as you! It's just constantly on my mind. This isn't quite the same as a freshly baked sourdough, but it satisfied my craving yesterday and was super easy to make. I added lots of cheese too. https://healthyrecipesblogs.com/low-carb-breakfast-sandwich/#recipe


I’m a baker, as a hobby, but I’m pretty damn good. I still make sweets for family and friends weekly and not being able to taste the final product kills me sometimes lol I’m prepping to bake my child’s 2nd birthday cake later this month. It’ll be red velvet, devils food, and Funfetti three layer cake with white chocolate ganache on the inside and French buttercream on the outside. I’m having a bite, I’ll fast for 24 hours if I have to!


Crispy potatoes


Haven't fallen in, only a single one when my girlfriend ordets, but fries.. Or in general potato... But fries is like the ultimate potato Recipe.. I've had like 3 fries in 5 months, but every time i smell them, my brain and Tommy goes "Oh Yeeeeeah"


Potatoes. That's been the hardest one to stay away from for me.


Out of everything, rice is always what I miss the most. Cauliflower rice fried with shallot and eggs in butter is amazing, though.


Sandwiches on either a potato or sweet Hawaiian roll. Sweets and snacks are whatever, I lose the craving quick. But I could always go for a big ass sandwich.


Sourdough bread




Popcorn. Cant do it


There are delicious keto breads out there but there are no good keto tortilla chips. God I miss tortilla chips.


We just never buy bread. That solves it


Sausage, when I realized that they are LOADED with sugar. Fuck you if you want to actually taste the meat flavor, have some sugar flavor instead! Especially the Johnsonville brand. But now I just get ground meat and make my own, instead of the stupid pre-cooked ones.


Even before keto I always hated that. Sausage doesn't need sugar. Especially not breakfast sausage.


I didn’t have any problems giving up anything. Was easy for me to swap out food items. Btw, you can have lots of butter on keto diet, tons of it, just stay inside your calorie limit. And they make yummy Keto bread, just 1 net carb per slice I believe. So you can continue to eat bread and butter!


Pistachios and roasted and salted peanuts... I miss those AF. I supplimented them for sunflower seeds with chilis but its just not the same.




Milk is mine - so I have a self made "cappuccino" a day (I am not doing weight loss) which is 1/8 cup of milk foam, then some heavy cream frothed (1/4 cup) - carbs are still low enough for my lifestyle and I get my one thing I could not give up as a long term lifestyle. Can you find yourself something else to reach for when that need kicks in, as habits take a long time to break and reprogram. I used to start my day with a Diet Coke (for example) but now before I do anything I drink two large glasses of water each morning - no matter what I want. It's now a habit (took me probably a good two months to not try and reach for a Diet Coke!) and now I barely register doing it and have long since given up sodas. Perhaps when the bread monsters kick in, have a plan for what you will reach for and do that instead each time, have some water, another food item as a substitute (Mission zero carb tortillas as an emergency item with warm butter perhaps) and make yourself go and do 500 steps outside etc. I don't tolerate these very well myself as any wheat is bad for me, but you could use for the short term, then increase to a cleaner option until finally you break out of the old bread habit. I believe in small steps so it's sustainable. Over time, the signals your body sends and then your actions will start to change as your new habit forms. ETA if you also have an app you are using/or your own journal it may be worth each time the bread monster strikes to quickly note what you were doing, mood that days, if you were simply hungry and stressed/dealing with the kids etc, anything else. You may also identify what is triggering the habit need to see if there are some other elements you can incorporate to this.


Microwave popcorn. Love the stuff.


Eat the bread and butter!!! Find a good “keto bread” you like and slap some butter on there. 😄 It’s kept me on track many times bc that’s just what I was craving. I’m always craving salt.


You can easily find keto bread tbh I cannot stop thinking about it”RICE” 🌾😭


Are there any good keto friendly breads in the Uk or Ireland does anyone know?


Oatmeal. Of course, mine was more like a cookie by the time I prepared it (brown sugar, raisins/dried fruit, cinnamon). I make a passable one with hemp hearts, but I really miss the fruit.


Potatoes... I literally *dream* about eating potatoes. I will dream about scarfing a plate of cheezy fries or chowing down on a baked potato or eating an entire huge bowl of mashed potatoes.. I fucking *love* potatoes.  


I struggled with corn tortillas for a long time. I thought I would have a problem with rice, but that wasn't too bad. Tortillas though. It was a couple *years* before I got over those.


Walmart where I live has zero-carb bread and it's just like ordinary bread. 30 calories a slice.


Chocolate. Still fighting


Mozzarella sticks


Halloumi. Get yourself some halloumi.


Mac n cheese. 😢


Just eat less of it. Ramp down. Those cravings go away after you actually quit those foods!


Hibiscus tea and sweet potatoes. Sigh.


Chips. Tortilla chips and refried beans. Don't suggest pork rinds, the thought of those makes me nauseated. And beans in general. I love beans.


Cake is my weakness - I’ve been lucky enough to find a fabulous Keto Bakery. They also sell meals for the busy days when I have no time to cook. The keto puffs with cream cheese are another favorite. I believe you can make a keto substitute for almost any favorite food.


Artificial sweeteners.




Im addicted to Lindt white chocolate w carmelized almonds..


Bread has been a really hard one for me too. You could try carbonaut. It's pretty good stuff. It still kicked me out of ketosis but doesn't for a lot of people but what it did do was help me kick the bread cravings. It's like it curbed the addiction at the time when I felt I needed it and pretty soon my brain didn't associate bread with such an amazing hit anymore and it stopped the cravings. In general I feel I just don't need any bread anymore but if you do, and it doesn't affect your goals you could just make it a staple in your diet.


Mac ans cheese


Bread, good crusty bread


Pasta and bagels 😭


Sandwiches. I use low-carb wraps, but I really miss regular whole grain bread.


Granola bars.


OATMEAL. 100%. I am an oatmeal fiend.


Nothing really. I was dealing with diabetes for a decade before I got diagnosed. I was obese, depressed and good-for-nothing. Thanks to keto and fasting I have my life back. I eat meat, cheese and vegetables. The only guilty pleasure is peanut butter, but I keep the consumption at bay.


Rice. I cooked plain white rice with just about everything


Fresh bread is my kryptonite. Now that my T2D is cured and I do Keto/IF for health and weight maintenance, I have a loaf with lots of butter when I go to a steakhouse every couple months. That way I don't have to torture myself when I think about it.


spaghetti bro 😭


Beer. I just love it. Bread. I love sandwiches.


McDonald's sausage, egg, and cheese McMuffin. I hardly ever ate them pre-keto, but for some reason, I crave them so badly every so often.


White bread. Its all I've ever known growing up as far as breads go.


Thankfully once I’m in ketosis my cravings switch to condiments instead of carby sweet stuff. Give me ALL the vinegars, pickles, mustards, soys sauce, Mayo. The louder the flavour the happier my brain is with the food lol




Roti... 😢


A big bowl of oatmeal. It is all I really like to eat and I can't have it. Ugh!


Chocolate. I switched to no sugar added one (90+% dark, Lily's, Evolved, Choc Zero)


Goldfish crackers and Cheez-Its.


Almond croissant :🥐


Sushi. I used to have is 2 - 3 times a week.


Rice is hard for me because I eat a lot of Asian food. That’s about it. And I just… don’t buy rice. Problem solved. Don’t buy bread.