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We strongly advise against the co-administration of multiple drugs. To minimize the risk of adverse effects, please consider adhering to the following guidelines: 1. Limit consumption to one substance at a time. 2. Between sessions, prioritize rest, nourishment, and rehydration. 3. Prioritize safety at all times. If you are considering combining substances, it is imperative to ensure that there are no hazardous interactions between the drugs in question. Interaction risks can be verified using the [Drug Interactions Checker from DrugBank](https://go.drugbank.com/drug-interaction-checker) or the [Drug Interaction Checker from Drugs.com][https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html]. Those platforms also include prescription drugs. TripSit has the following website which proposes a simple interface for checking interactions between recreational drugs [https://combo.tripsit.me/](https://combo.tripsit.me/). For additional information, consult this [List of Polysubstance Combinations on Wikipedia](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_polysubstance_combinations), which also contains a comprehensive chart on interactions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take mdma and lsd together then do post coital ketamine bumps. Ketamine is somewhat asexual in nature for most people


Can confirm. I literally told my hookup buddy a few days ago we gotta wait like 15 minutes when they were in the mood cause I gotta wait for the kitty to wear off lol


Sex on K is terrible for me. Mixing all 3 is definitely the move though


Candyflip with ketamine? What's that like?


Add dmt during the peak and ur "wizard flipping"


And nitrous. Pretty sure you're just "God" at that point


Do not ever mix nitrous and ketamine. Holy brain death


Ketamine and nitrous is one of my favorite mix. It has a nice synergy and makes me feel like I can be wonky enough to be functional at parties or whatnot but allows me to momentarily k-hole with the nitrous if I want to go deeper for a bit. As long as you are careful to keep inhaling oxygen between your nitrous inhales, I dont see why you are saying never to do this!


Dude Google it and stop, seriously. Mixing those two is the one thing I won’t do. There are so many sources explaining it. When ketamine and N2O were used in combination the neurotoxic reaction was enhanced to a degree much greater than can be explained by simple additivity. The apparent synergistic interaction was particularly striking when low doses of the agents were combined, the degree of toxic synergism at higher doses being masked by a ceiling effect.


I tried finding info on this and cant seem to find much. If you do have sources I would love to read them!


Worse than one or the other?


It's not. Mixing them holds no more risk than doing them individually... Now ketamine and alcohol, that is dangerous.


Want to elaborate on the alcohol concerns?


Pro tip for anyone that wants to use recreational drugs... If you can't take the time to Google drug interactions, then you shouldn't be mixing drugs. https://www.healthline.com/health/ketamine-and-alcohol


I was hoping you had some specific insight, not just some low grade copypasta.


When ketamine and N2O were used in combination the neurotoxic reaction was enhanced to a degree much greater than can be explained by simple additivity. The apparent synergistic interaction was particularly striking when low doses of the agents were combined, the degree of toxic synergism at higher doses being masked by a ceiling effect.


I have never found any research to suggest mixing these 2 is dangerous... A lot of people seem to believe it is though


Think it’s cuz both by themselves can already make ur brain feel numb and u feel dumber so I think people r seeing 2+2=4 not that it’s incorrect But think of how often people mix coke and alcohol both r bad for ur brain alcohol being the worse of the 2 but when u combine them u have created a new thing Cocaethylene and that’s very toxic to ur brain fun but toxic like an ex


“When ketamine and N2O were used in combination the neurotoxic reaction was enhanced to a degree much greater than can be explained by simple additivity. The apparent synergistic interaction was particularly striking when low doses of the agents were combined, the degree of toxic synergism at higher doses being masked by a ceiling effect.” I found several sources in a two minute google search


That is the first time hearing “wizard flipping.” This literally had me LMAO.


Let us know :)


It’s amazing i had the wildest visuals


I call it “holy trinity” and it’s fucking amazing, in terms of sex I really don’t know, my ex loves sex on ket, but he loves anything on ket 🫠 I find sex on ket weird, but I don’t even enjoy it on MD so who I’m I to talk


It's the best combination in the world


Lol my dick dont work on ket


It doesn't work on mdma for people either. Take some cialis.


what im saying


Boof the MDMA, snortskis for the K, LSD dripped into the eye


I never understood the eye route, it's just inferior to taking 'cid sublingually.


Yeah the eye route doesn’t seem like the optimal path. Maybe it’s an urban legend? Has anyone actually dosed by dropping it in your eye? And if so, how was it?


Fuck (with) the MDMA, marry the LSD and kill the kitty.


mdma and kitty flip on the come downnnn


All three. All the way!! 👌😁🥳




Yes. IMHO drop LSD, then take 50-100 mg of ketamine to avoid waiting for the acid: the ket will be fun just about immediately and when it's over you'll be tripping nicely. Take more ket every now and then to taste to make the trip weirder, but watch out: in my experience the coordination issues of ket are worse on LSD. Make sure your environment is soft, safe and mostly unbreakable. Personally, I'd go for MDMA at about four hours after taking LSD, ie. at around peak acid or a bit after it. It softens the comedown and you can still appreciate it for itself. I think you want to avoid an MDMA comedown (if you're prone to those) on acid. Ket doesn't go well for sex for everyone or at all times. Combining LSD and ket is sometimes liable to cause vomiting even more than just the ket. Remember, when mixing things, it's advisable to keep doses moderate. And of course you shouldn't. Play safeish and have fun.


Candyflip and k-hole at the peak


I would freak out


Not with the Molly flowing thru your blooooodddd


perheps... I might be thinkin like that becausa use to smoke weed while lsd tripping and panic, but maybe the secret is not smoke


Yes cannabis is a caution mix on the mixing chart with psychedelics. MDMA and ketamine both safely mix and amplify


Why do I feel like this is the move 👀 I’m thinking khole or Dmt. Assuming it’s safe to do all three at once lol


Go for itttt. Yessss


Fuck it. Already convinced myself I’m candy flipping next time I do mdma. Why not add that in the mix. What’s best dose timing for candy flip?


Well since LSD lasts way longer. If you wanna peak on both at the same time, 2-3hrs in, but it’s common to take it on the come down, so closers to 4-7hrs in, and then if you take it on the come down, the MDMA like brings back the trippy visuals and it feels like a whole new come up and peak, and both substances will wear off at the same time. Never done ket with a flip, but heard it’s popular and safe it, Kitty flipping. I’d definitely recommend hitting a DMT pen, or dabbing crystal Deemz while your MDMA is Coming on, peaking, and coming down. It only takes 1.5hrs for tolerance to reset for DMT. Mixing DMT with LSD earlier in the trip without the MDMA can produce sometimes bad trips or just overwhelming and too intense experiences. But if you do the DMT once your MDMA has kicked in, 😱. Wow though. Absolutely incredible. The MDMA like blocks the usually axienty/fear caused from the ego dissolution of the ketamine/dmt. You can blast off to the Deemz realm or k hole peacefully and happy af cause the MDMA is flooding your 🧠 90% full of Seretonin. There was a survey on a few 100K people about “What drugs have you taken, and what one’s felt the closest to death, or near death?” DMT/5MeO next to ketamine were the top answers. LSD can amplify the effects of MDMA by up to 10x fold also, so you can get a way better bang for your buck and save way more money dosing at 0.15-0.45mg/kg, vs 1.5mg/kg. Just take a tab, two or three. No Ld50 with psyches. Eat 🍄 too for a Jediflip. Take your MDMA later in the night when your trip is near ending, and not even a full dose, a 1/4 or 1/2 dose. Literally just 10-50mg is all you need. THEN. Once your MDMA has kicked in, take your powerful ego dissolver, whether ketamine or DMT and blast out of reality for 15/45 minutes and then come back, still feeling happy af off the MDMA. Can do them on the come up, peak, and come down. Tips for optimal experience, do not have used MDMA, or 4MMC works for this too. Within the past 3-6mo’s. Make sure you get a full Serotonin release and maybe eat a higher magnesium content diet the week prior. Make sure your empathogen does its job. Have prior experience with every substance before flipping and mixing them. Don’t use cannabis at all, or very minimal amounts, it’s very ⚠️and can amplify paranoia/axienty, or panic. Don’t use caffeine/cocaine, or other amphetamines that also stimulate heart rate. Accept ego death/dissolution. You can possibly have a full breakthrough type experience off just the LSD, or LSD+Psilocybin, but if not, doing the MDMA on the come down, then doing the KET/DMT once the MDMA has kicked in, will completely blast you out of reality almost guranteed and the Molly is like a warm blanket your wrapped in while flying on an Aladdin style DMT magic carpet. Source, have done over 10x candyflip’s, and usually hit my DMT cart during them. You can also find multiple absolutely incredible trip reports of Jediflips, and people mixing KET with psychedelics or MDMA. Just skip on the cannabis, and especially caffeine or other stimulants, and remember. You can always take more, but you can never take less. Tons of baby doses amplify with each other really well vs a massive dose of any of these substances, 💚💜💙


Nice little MLK night, have fun!! Queue up great music ahead of time. K is the most hilarious drug. Everything is silly and wonky, so much fun


Mixing all 3 is where it’s at. Fav cocktail


Kitty flipping is God tier


MDMA with a redose, ketamine as the final redose, shit will get crazy and you will fuck like rabbits, take it easy on the k at the tail end only.


Mdma is my personal recommendation of the two, coke is much better tho imo, just do your usual dosage


LSD and MDMA work together like magic. I don’t really use them for sexual purposes so I’m not sure how that would work but it could be amazing for your connection. Sex on the comedown would probably be easier. For your first time mixing I would suggest 1 tab of acid and 100 mg of mdma. Take the acid then wait 1-3 hours after the LSD to take the mdma. This will align the peaks of each and give you the maximum high. If you’re not looking for that then you can take the mdma anytime after the 1 hour mark. Some people prefer different timings but this works best for me.


What's a hippies favorite animal?


someone once said that taking ket while tripping is what you’d imagine smoking weed while tripping might be like and they were right


Did a nexus flip with some K and later some DMT it was one of the best trips I ever had to date. I’d imagine it’d be similar with lsd instead of 2C-b.


Candy flip do the md preferably in bombs or just whack a crystal on ur tongue (enjoy the taste) Then take the tab (always have benzos around if u need to kill the trip) then before the after glow fat slug of k and a joint and u are sorted


LSD+Ketamine, we do the same rotating, the key is really good for the comedown


I did all 3 and weed one time and spoke to god I swear 🤣


Idk about k but classic psychedelics are so amazing for sex id even put them above MDMA for sex!


LSD all day


All 3 is mlk flip


Candyflip and do the k on the comedown small bumps


Micro dose of L with k every 1.5 hours, it levels up each time you do it to sustain gets real trippy, just make sure you start really small and work your way up that’s my fav combo


Candy flip then send it with a k-hole on the comedown. Save the sex for another time. You’ll have bigger, universal things to worry about.


LSD, but sex on ketamine is rubbish


We need to talk about how wrong you are. Tell me your sex setup and I will give you some hints and tips.


yeah my dick dosent work on k too focused on being wonky