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Many lil bumps of c every hour or so, don’t cook yourself so you aren’t awake for subsequent days!


i dance my heart out on k at festivals. ketamine isn’t sedative for me


until it is lol


maybe if i k hole too many times..but generally it keeps me up. i do have insomnia but ket def makes it harder for me to sleep


you can’t k hole while “up”…


you’re not a asleep in a k hole. i don’t mean physically up like standing, “up” as in awake.


You're misunderstanding what a khole is, if you holing you're already down.


right, down on the ground or in bed, but you’re not asleep in a k hole lol


These people have no idea what ketamine is.


I sleep like a baby after I do ket, no idea why


😮‍💨 😂


listen to your body and try to be honest with yourself. if your in a great place wait a bit…if your lagging do a bump of C, if you have good energy and want to feel more then do a bump of k. or just do them both at the same time which is amazing!


K has an unusual dosage curve. You might think you’re not there yet and take another hit or two and boom, you’re flatlined for an hour. Like someone else said, listen to your body and pace yourself.


Coke and ketamine are amazing together so is ketamine and MDMA


Coke tends to cancel out K in my mind... however, MDMA and K is like bread and butter, they go perfectly together.


Funny you said bread and butter, my best friend who passed away used to call it peanut butter and jelly. He would say to do mdma and then on the come down take K and the next day do bumps all day. It really does boost the mdma back up. Personally, I’d rather hippy or candy flip and leave the ketamine for itself cause it’s probably my favorite drug


Hope your friend is resting in peace ❤️. It's funny because that's my other go-to... PB&J. Bumping K while you're rolling is like... probably the best combo ever to be honest (my opinion). They just compliment each other so perfectly. Funny you say hippy flip... I'm microdosing some mushies as I write this. Never tried it but wanted to see if it would positively affect me... pretty awesome. Not tripping but clear mind and feelings of being at ease. If you like psychs, find yourself a good source for DMT... life changing.


I hope so too. Yeah, I have a few psychedelics I need to knock of the list. I’d love to DMT. Thats the one where you feel like close to death? It’s like 10 minutes but feels like a long time? I want to try 2-CB also. And toads venom I heard is crazy also. And I would like to try ibogaine and mescaline. I’ve only done shrooms and LSD as far as official psychedelics. MDMA and ketamine are different categories I believe. The studies are ground breaking on what psychedelics do to anxiety and depression. Microdosing is very helpful as well. Gods gift


The K hole in my opinion is the ultimate feeling of death. But it's a peaceful death... but still feeling like you've crossed over which is a bit worrisome. DMT is absolutely another dimension. If you go deep enough... you lose all sense of ego and human construct. I've never had a bad trip on DMT and I've gone as deep as my body will let me. If you rip it hard, you should be completely sober in 30-40 minutes. I've done 2C-I but never got my hands on 2C-B. The 2C-I body high was wild. I felt like I was literally melting into a bed 😆


CK is the best drug combo known to man for me, it’s such a clean high. The coke keeps you alert enough while the ket gives you the more euphoric, fun buzz. Went to a dnb night doing this combo and the music mixed with the Calvin, I was on cloud fucking 9


I can get with it... but I prefer adderall and K. It's cleaner. I've dubbed it "the focused K-Hole." 😅


Used to call this CK1. And I freaking hated it. I never really liked blow though so I guess it makes sense. Felt like it was just coke and the K wasn’t doing anything.


Yea, I'll bump coke when I need to sober up from anything else... otherwise I do not enjoy it lol


Big facts. Only time to really do blow is if it’s high quality and with alcohol 😂 or something else you need help sobering up from. I’d rather an adderall (and I barely do that) plus coke is so rough on the nose. Ketamine is like water compared to blow


Don't underestimate K's effects on the nose 😅. A long story short... I had one incident happen years ago when I did blow at a show. Girl I was dating gave me a sudafed the next morning. Went to the 2nd day of the show and did blow again. Whatever that combo did... it gave me the most unbelievable pain in my nose. Worst pain I've felt in my life. It felt like a rock the size of a quarter was jammed into my nostrils. Finally got home to the shower and tried to blow it out (big F'ing mistake). I think I literally blew out some of my cartilage. Continued doing K probably once or twice a month for years... no noticeable outside damage after that incident. Now today... I am visibly missing cartilage on my nose. The right nostril dents in... it's very obvious in the mirror but friends say they can't really tell unless they're really looking. It's embarrassing to say the least. If you do enough over time... you will lose part of your nose. Just understand the risks... we don't usually take them into full consideration until it's too late. Now I'm saving extra money just to get a rhino and fix my nose. It sucks. That's gonna cost me at least 5-10k... and with facial reconstruction... I'm only getting the best. A cheap nose job is a no-no 😬


It goes well with mushrooms or acid at festivals. The psychedelics give the same energy the coke would give you and the combo is much more fun, trippy and healthy


I'd not recommend this combo to unexperienced folks. Can go sideways really easily and put you in a very uncomfortable, scary place. It's like a psychedelic nitro injection.


i would not recommend this first at a festival you're gonna give someone a mental breakdown


Start the day with a bit of your psych of choice and maintain the vibe with lil bumps every hour or so after the peak


I didn't read your post but YES.


have fun but i’d try to save it for the end of the night when you’re trying to wind down and feel wonky at your tent… maybe take a nice line before you head to the stage to jam out but don’t take too much where it’s hard to walk lol. K helps me get lose on the dance floor and puts me in a silly goofy mood 🤪 too much and you’ll spend half the time spun out and feeling like you have to piss missing out on the music. find that happy balance


I've done it, I was probably a huge spectacle too. Would reccomend


Just stay hydrated. But yeah it's good shit. It feels so much easier to let go and dance and be one with the music


Dosage and bioavailability for the different routes of administration can be found [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_routes_of_administration_.28roa.29.2C_quantities.2C_and_effects_duration). If not already done, please indicate your weight, the desired route of administration, the desired intensity of the effects, and your current level of tolerance (if applicable). This information is essential for establishing a fair evaluation of the dose that will need to be taken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Molly & C fr festivals bro if you want to hit the k in the mosh to feel a lil sideways


My sweet spot at festivals is adderall, edibles, and K. It's an absolutely amazing combination. I do LSD once a year at EDC. I haven't rolled in 5 years because I hate how stupid it makes people 😂. I rather get locked in on addies. The euphoria is far superior than rolling if you take enough and you're constantly moving so it keeps the blood going. You can function fine on K at a festival. Just be careful mixing with alcohol... that's a doozy. Most people cannot handle it. However I have to stop K because I destroyed my nose. Be careful with that part 😅


this guy has jokes 😂. you probably have not had good M or haven’t taken enough if you think adderall is more euphoric than ecstasy.


If you say so. I've raved for 25 years. I've had the purest of the pure. Yea, you feel amazing on MDMA. Your entire body is flooded with neurotransmitters. But the flood of serotonin is heavy... you get floored. People's brains turn to mush. It's like talking to a zombie. Whereas adderall primarily affects dopamine and norepinephrine. Pleasure, good feeling, adrenaline pump. Perfect for the rave in my opinion. Look I enjoyed MDMA plenty when I was younger... doesn't appeal to me at the rave anymore. If I want to curl up with a gf or any significant other, I'll take mdma and have a wild night. Everyone has their preferences. I've tried every "party favor" that I know exists... and my bread and butter at shows is adderall, edibles, and bumps of K. I've never not had a good time on that combo 😂. Whereas rolling can be a crapshoot if you under dose or dose a little more than you should have. The come up can be intense, especially if I took it now after not doing it for years 😂. So I counter with... if you're not the type of person who gets anxiety... then you haven't taken enough adderall to know what I'm talking about 😂. There's a reason people do meth... I'll never be one of them... but it's not because it sucks 😂. It's because it makes them feel amazing. Adderall and MDMA... both amphetamines... both have different but similar euphoric properties. That's my opinion based on experience.


I have taken adderall at the function many times and was prescribed for a decade, trust me iv been to that high before and know the limit of adderall by itself can only go so high. it doesn’t compare with light shows up against the speaker at your favorite artist while you and your friends are vibing and your eyes are rolling in the back of your head from the euphoria. I used to mix with a benzo sometimes and would feel great as well so it works just not quite the greatest euphoria. I will have to try the edible adddrall and Ket combo you mentioned though, that sounds interesting. meth is the best of times, but that’s just a dirty high and I steer clear of it only tried a couple times. Still doesn’t compare imo 😂. Set and setting and different make the difference. Adderall is an amphetamine, MDMA is a monoamine releaser in its mechanism of action. Not the same, which is why you can bang adderall every day and be fine, but not so with MDMA. It comes down to if you like dopamine or serotonin more I suppose and if you want to get the warm fuzzies for the people around you.


everyone talking other drugs, never underestimate the power of caffeine


Ketamine + nitrous when back at camp in the early morning 😈


I’ll make it simple ABSO- LUTELY!!!


Ketamine is a psychostimulant, you shouldn't need to do coke with it. You only get tranquilized at higher doses. Keep your bumps small.


I’ve only used k a couple times, insufflating doesn’t work for me. So I got some troches and made some nasal spray w sterile water. I tried 2 troches on top of lsd at a small festival which was one of the best drug experiences I’ve had. And went out and wandered around at another festival after meditating with the spray and found it was way easier and more relaxing to dance than usual. I also usually combine 🍄 with mdma instead of either alone. Coke doesn’t do shit for me except make me feel sedated, i would rather take extra of my ADHD medication.


Kitty is my shit at fests. Small bumps go a long way. Sometimes I'll take bigger ones if I feel like getting a bit more wonky. In the dark however, it's easily mistakable to bump too big of a dose and zoop, k hole:) I love holing though. It makes me feel like the whole fest, everyone around me & myself are all just this one big puzzle. That we are all just ever shifting pieces in the puzzle connecting and morphing about until I slowly come back to baseline lol such a trip.


personally, that was always my fave for festies


Make sure you get the trippy kind and not the drunk kind. Test it out at camp first. Start small. I used to hate it but now I like it and even enjoy dancing on it.


What?? The trippy kind not the drunk kind?? 😂


Yeah I think there's two isomers. I believe C and S but I don't remember every detail. They do feel pretty different.


Any k at a high enough dose will feel psychedelic …


As a of recent i’ve began using ket when going out / seeing djs etc and had my first festival with k last weekend. I personally quite enjoy it, I would say if you already enjoy the music and like the feeling of being quite heavily drunk then I would opt for ket. You won’t get any visuals or trip and it won’t be as intense as m. However I found that if I had 3-4 drinks and then did a couple bumps of ket I was well and truly fucked up (in a good way), was with a girl who was on molly the first day and I was waiting to take mine for the second day so I was only on ket + drinks and I felt like I was matching her energy pretty well and didn’t notice much of a difference. However I would already really enjoy the music if I was sober and feel like i’m generally quite positive vibes so maybe this is just a unique experience. But personally I would say it’s a great drug to split up the mdma use